>>>>>>Invalidide wrote: Ok maybe threads like this need seperating into guys that women \"like\" and guys that women end up \"getting laid with\"

I think further classification needs to happen and then therefore see what sort of responses, any guy can be liked and attractive to a woman (me included) but its the ones that get laid often that im interested in >>>>>END QUOTE>>>>>

Exactly. As the old saying goes, \" look at what women do, not what they say \" when it comes to the guys they date/have sex with. And you can \"make a move\" all you want and will still get nowhere if you are in the category of \"nice guy\". As for all this advice about be who you really are - does anyone really know the answer to this?? Who or what is the real you?? I believe in constantly evolving, improving myself, eliminating behaviour, attitudes, beliefs etc that do not serve me, and adding those that do and so read constantly, everything, the stuff at fastseduction, layguide, askmen, philosophy/metaphysics, etcetc. using what I find useful, discarding what I don\'t. I\'ve found that what works with women is being \"alpha\" - not being an a**hole/jerk per se, but being alpha. Sure some nice guys get laid etc. but the amount of bs they have to go through and effort they have to exert I just don\'t have time for - so I use pheros, use the stuff I learn, and be the alpha and I date/get laid as often as \" I choose \" by doing the things that women want from the guys they generally end up dating/having sex with. Now I know I\'m not being pc but I really don\'t care - this is what I have learnt from the so-called \"dating scene\". Anyway, very interesting thread and always interesting to read what the ladies have to say even though I may disagree with y\'all completely :-)