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  1. #1

    Default Y\'all wastin $$ and confusin the issue

    Why are you all test all of the differnt combos when you can buy the Pheros Additive and use it with any fragrance? It is MUCH cheaper and has a lot more Pheros than any combo on the market. At $20 you have more than enough. I buy oils for $1 to $5 for a year\'s worth of fragrance. I got 2 different Sandlewoods and Egyptian Musk, and the response was nice. Try it and see. THINK about it !!

  2. #2

    Default Re: Y\'all wastin $$ and confusin the issue

    Each product contains a varying amount of pheromones, as well as different types. By using combos you are able to join the \"best of both worlds\". That\'s great that you\'ve found a successful method for yourself, but what works best for one person wont necessarily do the same for another.

    I\'m not sure why you say Pheros Additive has more pheromones than any combo on the market. Pheromone Additive is concentrated, which just means that it has the same amount but in less amount of an oil or alcohol base. I believe Pheromone Additive and The Edge have the same pheromone contents.

    I agree that the eoils are great. I use sandalwood and patchouli myself, but for subtler scents. When i want a stronger scent for going out I\'ll use a cologne. So then it\'s important to have a variety of products to choose from.

    well I THOUGHT about it, and that\'s my response.

  3. #3

    Default Re: Y\'all wastin $$ and confusin the issue

    My NPA/APC mix works great. APC works alone but I have to use so much and it\'s not cost effective. I\'m going to try the Edge and see how it works. I\'ll see how it works by itself, with my APC/NPA mix and with other colonges. Then later I\'ll order more NPA and see how it works with an e-oil. This testing will cost me but in the long run if I can get down to just NPA and an e-oil and get the same reaction I get mixing NPA and APC then it would be worth it because it will save money. Or even if it comes down to just the edge and some colonge that\'s still a nice mix. Maybe I could fill one of those two ounce spray bottles with e-oil and the whole 5ml of NPA and have a secret weapon that will last for a pretty long time. Actually I like those tiny spray containers perfume comes in. I have one now. I emptied out the perfume and poured in my mix of APC and NPA and I carry it in my key pouch. I like to spray some one before I get on the train or bus and watch how the women reaction. Right then and there you can decide it you want to talk to them aor not. I mean when a woman just can\'t take her eyes off you, the ball\'s in your court but the testing is everything.

  4. #4
    PheroWizard oscar's Avatar
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    Default Re: Y\'all wastin $$ and confusin the issue


    When someone comes on the forum and asks a question which indicates their ignorance,most forum members,myself included,will do our best to answer that question without inferring that the person asking the question was stupid, but merely ill-informed. Outright criticism is,however,another thing.

    As I don\'t know you,I\'ll assume that you are,at the least,under-informed.

    Have you gone back as far as you can on this forum,reading every post of every thread?

    Have you gone to the links on the Love-Scent site and hit each and every one,and then gone to the links of the links etc. etc.?

    Do you know,for instance that a woman exibits varying levels of sensitivity to Pheromones depending on where she is in her menstrual cycle?

    Have you read the McClintock study? How about Dodd\'s work? Maybe you saw the Erox website and read about Dr.Berliner\'s research.

    No single resource will provide you with a comprehensive knowledge of the effects of Pheromones.

    I\'ll assume you\'ve read all of the above and maybe more.Perhaps you work at the Monell Institute,and study Pheromones,and have a long string of letters after your name.

    In that case,what about MHC? Major Histo-compatibility Complex,ALONE,provides sufficient reason for relying upon,and experimenting with a VARIETY of Pheromone products.

    I would very much enjoy a discussion of MHC or any of the topics I\'ve mentioned here.

    But maybe MY assumptions are wrong.After all,I didn\'t go back to all of your prior posts to see just how much information you\'ve shared on this forum.I don\'t KNOW that you\'re a scientist,or that you\'ve ever read a single thing about Pheromones other than what you\'ve seen here.

    It seems that I may have come in on a discussion with only SOME of the pertinent information and made a hasty,un-informed,even ignorant assumption.Forgive me.

    Oscar [img]images/icons/wink.gif[/img]

  5. #5

    Default Re: Y\'all wastin $$ and confusin the issue

    Wilde, no more coffee for you dude. [img]images/icons/smile.gif[/img]

  6. #6
    PheroWizard oscar's Avatar
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    Default Re: Y\'all wastin $$ and confusin the issue

    Must be the Absinthe! [img]images/icons/crazy.gif[/img]


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