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Thread: which product ?

  1. #1
    Phero Enthusiast
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    Default which product ?

    hi all,
    here I am, the poor french woman who wants to attract women... I haven\'t found the right product yet !
    I have tried several women products (AEw, PIw, Edgew, APCw, PPAw, EW and NPAw). No result except more chattiness and nice people around me... am I so blind or stupid or what ?
    I\'m wondering if it has to do with a phero signature and how long it takes to get it - how long must we try a product before it gives us a signature ?
    Maybe I\'m not in the right mood to wear pheros (I have noticed they work better if you\'re in a good mood than if you feel sad or something, and I\'m actually lost in the fog)...

    Anyway... I asked Stone Labs, and they answered me I had to balance pheros : 1 none + 1 nol, and talked about AFA. They told me to avoid rone

    So I ask you the question, guys... which product do you find is the best ? how long have you been wearing it before you noticed results ?
    I\'m not looking for one night stands not any sexual performance... I\'m looking for an improvement in my relations with some people - one of them I\'m in love with...

    It will help for my next order, but I can\'t afford to spend so much money without having your opinions... I\'m also thinking about the chemset.

    Thanks a lot for your help !


  2. #2
    Phero Pro jose's Avatar
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    Default Re: which product ?

    Some people report of using products once and getting hits and others after about a month or two. I used PI for about two weeks before getting a hit,AE was the product that got me a sexual hit the first time I used it. It\'s really a tricky situation when you\'re dealing with Pheromones. I suggest not purchasing any more products and keep continuing to use the ones you have now. Try different products in different locations on your body like 2 drops AE on neck and 1 dab of APCw behind each hand or chest. Keep a log on how much you use so that you know on paper what works for you. Attitude is very important in my opinion, smiling and acting like you\'re having a good time draws people to you and will give the Pheromones some exposure to do their job.

  3. #3
    Banned User Elana's Avatar
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    Default Re: which product ?

    In your reply from Stone Labs, did it happen to say why you should avoid rone?

  4. #4
    Phero Enthusiast
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    Default avoid rone ?

    They told me to avoid rone because rone is supposed to attract men, which is not my goal actually.
    Unfortunately, I\'m no good at trying to seduce women... I\'m a nice girl, I can make them laugh, say nice things - but I\'m just a nice girl ! Any magic potion for self confidence ?


  5. #5
    Phero Pharaoh BassMan's Avatar
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    Default Re: avoid rone ?

    Which of the women\'s products has been the most attractive?

  6. #6
    Administrator Bruce's Avatar
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    Default Re: which product ?

    I would put aside all the products that have a fragrance for now. Then experiment with fragrances that are popular there in Paris. There must be hundreds of great perfumes there to choose from. Probably some are more popular in the lesbian community. Just keep trying and experiment with different amounts of PI/W and EW. Make sure to read all the information on the forum here about how to dilute EW. Just keep at it. I am sure you will get results. You certainly have the will and \"where there is a will, there is a way.\"
    Good luck,

  7. #7
    Phero Guru
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    Default Re: which product ?

    try putting the pheromones on your outer clothing instead of on your skin - this always works better for me.

  8. #8
    Phero Enthusiast
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    Default Re: which product ?

    hi Bruce,
    so there are two opposite directions :
    - Stone Lab told about none+nol @1:1 (and to avoid rone)
    - you tell me about PIw and EW

    I have tried EW (Coyoterose\'s and Madmaxx mixes) : they\'re ok for chattiness and for making me feel good.
    As to none+nol 1:1, I have tried PIm + PIw but not on the same occasion so I can\'t compare. the results. I noticed that I felt less \"feminine\" with this mix, though there were some reactions (giggling, some touching me - none effect ?), and I prefer to appear softer and more sensible.

    On this point of view, I prefer EW. But I haven\'t tested it that much. Has anyone mixed EW and PIw already ?

    Perfumes are almost useless in bars or clubs : there\'s too much tobacco smell and too much heat, so even the nicest perfume (I personnally prefer Kenzo for men) is killed before anyone can smell it !

    BTW, Stone Labs told me they had a product for gay people, some years ago, but they had to discontinue it (not enough sells ?). Is there a way to know what it was made of ?

    Have a nice day

  9. #9

    Default Re: which product ?

    Go for the chem set and experiment on small batch.

  10. #10
    Phero Enthusiast
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    Default Re: which product ?

    yes, I was thinking about the ChemSet. I don\'t know about the concentration of \'mones in the set, versus PI(m+w) which I already have. Same remark when it comes to the price. And it seems I don\'t need rone.

    Bassman :
    The women product I prefer so far is AE : smells really nice, and I had nice reactions from people around me.

    Everybody have a nice day

  11. #11

    Default Re: which product ?

    Hi, Frenchie - I\'m wondering what it would feel like for you to wear some rone. I know you like a softer aura, but it might be interesting to experiment with something with a harder edge, maybe with a softer cologne cover, and see what would happen, even just for yourself, if it would produce a result in you that would have any beneficial effect.

  12. #12
    Phero Dude
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    Default Re: avoid rone ?

    <<<Frenchie wrote: They told me to avoid rone because rone is supposed to attract men, which is not my goal actually. >>>

    This seems rather contradictory for Stone Labs to say this. If rone is supposed to attract men it would stand to reason that this would be elimininated from phero products for men trying to attract women such as AE. I have been using AE now for about 3 weeks and to me it seems the best standalone phero for attracting women and it contains rone. Also, I used the SOE gel pack that came with my last order and was very intrigued by the effect it had on women - I mentioned in another post that this woman I work with now has a crush on me ever since I wore SOE to work that day (with AE), and SOE also contains rone as you well know I\'m sure so perhaps this was probably not the best advice you were getting from Stone labs. What do the phero pros think about this?? Anyway, I was pleased enough with the results that I decided to order some SOE as well.

  13. #13
    PheroWizard oscar's Avatar
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    Default Re: avoid rone ?


    I was going to say basically the same thing.
    Why, IF Rone attracts men, does it constitute 22% of AE/m\'s phero content?
    Why did Stone change the formula for mens P10 last year from 7mg of None and 3mg of Nol, to 6 None, 3 Nol, 1 Rone?

    If Rone DOES attract men, it would explain why the formula for women\'s AE is .020% Nol, .015% Rone, .010% None, where Rone amounts to 33% of total phero content, but then, where lies the reasoning for incorporating it into the men\'s products? Are they subscribing to Erox\'s \"logic\" of mood enhancement for the wearer?

    I\'m confused.

    Oscar [img]/ubbthreads/images/icons/smile.gif[/img]

  14. #14
    Doctor of Scentology DrSmellThis's Avatar
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    Default Re: avoid rone ?

    It is confusing. Stone says men and women produce equal amounts or -rone. I think JVK might disagree.

  15. #15
    Phero Pharaoh BassMan's Avatar
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    Default Re: which product ?

    <blockquote><font class=\"small\">In reply to:</font><hr>

    Bassman :
    The women product I prefer so far is AE : smells really nice, and I had nice reactions from people around me.

    <hr></blockquote>I had a feeling it was AE.

    I find myself agreeing with Stone Labs...

    If you are looking for self-confidence, try adding a little none to the AE to bring the level up to 1:1.

    One way to do that is with the chem set none. 10 parts AE to 1 part chem set none would do it.

    \'Nother way would be to wear a couple of very small dabs of PI/m under the AE.

    None projects confidence and dominance. Wear it for yourself and see how it affects you before wearing it public, of course [img]/ubbthreads/images/icons/smile.gif[/img]

    Let us know if you try this and it works - my best friend is bi and always interested in getting more sexual attention from females.

  16. #16
    Phero Pro jose's Avatar
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    Default Re: avoid rone ?

    I don\'t get it either, I thought Rone was to enhance the effects of None and Nol in AE and that\'s it...

  17. #17

    Default Re: avoid rone ?

    I think adding rone to a mix just make it \'\'smell\'\' more natural. It also eventually degrade into none and nol after X hours...

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