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  1. #1

    Default It\'s not in your head, it\'s IN YOUR BRAIN

    I thought this was kind of interesting, from

    Oncology Recapitulates Debauchery
    You\'re a forty-year-old man. You\'ve led a nice life: kids, house, wife, decent job as a schoolteacher and no skeletons in the closet. One day, you get up, put the coffee on, and realize you\'re entertaining visions of Cub Scouts thowing you a private pinewood derby. Your wife throws you out and you\'re hauled up on charges, convicted, and shipped off to Sexaholics Anonymous, only to be thrown out and jailed because you won\'t stop asking your fellow fiends for sex. What went wrong?

    According to neurologists Russell Swedlow and Jeffrey Burns, an egg-sized tumor at the back of the brain, that\'s what. The middle-aged middle-school mack in question complained of problems with his equilibrium when he was jailed, and a subsequent MRI uncovered the above-mentioned tumor. After it was removed, Chemo the Clown successfully completed the SA program and tried to put his life back together, only to find himself once again hoarding mountains of kiddie porn that would have made Gary Glitter blush. Once the remnants of his reappearing tumor were removed, he again returned to normal. Baylor College of Medicine neurologist David Rosenfield suggested that further research should be done to determine whether damage to the orbifrontal cortex can be linked to pedophilia.

  2. #2
    Phero Pharaoh a.k.a.'s Avatar
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    Default Re: It\'s not in your head, it\'s IN YOUR BRAIN

    Hope they find the cure. But until then, those guys need to be locked up.
    Short of things like death squads and concentration camps, sexual assault is the most traumatic thing that can happen to a child.

  3. #3
    Moderator belgareth's Avatar
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    Default Re: It\'s not in your head, it\'s IN YOUR BRAIN

    And one of the most reprehensible crimes known.

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