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  1. #1

    Default Mones for Strip Club :)

    Well What do you think would be the best Mones to wear at the strip club. Cause if the Stripper gets sexually attracted to you. She might do something special for you. Cause if she gives you a nice dance she gets up all on you. There is no way she would not smell the mones. My roommate went to the Strip Club tonight and I let him spray some JB1 on himself.

    If anyone else has some experiece in this. Some Feed back would be great.

  2. #2

    Default Re: Mones for Strip Club :)

    she can give you aids...but you can wear a condom...hey
    if you get lucky you\'ll end up with bucal herpes and a friccion dance

  3. #3

    Default Re: Mones for Strip Club :)

    Why do you want a stripper? There are plenty of women out there. What\'s so special about a stripper?

  4. #4
    Banned User Elana's Avatar
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    Default Re: Mones for Strip Club :)

    The ONLY thing that strippers want from you, or any customer for that matter is your $$$$

  5. #5
    Carpal Tunnel Whitehall's Avatar
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    Default Re: Mones for Strip Club :)

    It is THEATRE because it requires the deliberate suspension of disbelief. It is a business and you have the bucks and they want them. It is a vice, like gambling.

    That said, some of the \"sex workers\" do enjoy their work to various degrees, at least at first, and will connect with certain select clients. My best friend (sometimes gf) in high school worked her way to a Ph.D in mathmatics as a stripper.

    I have found in the past that something like Andron and NPA gets their attention. This approach relies on animal scents. Since Andron is no longer in production, a reasonable substitute might be Animale with NPA although I haven\'t tried that (it\'s been years since I\'ve visited such a place. YEARS.)

    One might also try adding extra \'nol to increase her comfort level and/or EW to help with the girl bounding.

    You could spend a lot of money experimenting. Dead presidents remain the fastest, surest way to get their attention.

  6. #6
    Banned User Elana's Avatar
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    Default Re: Mones for Strip Club :)

    Well, I was in the business and I can tell you that I (as well as my friends) never connected with clients. I am sure it happens but it is not the norm.

  7. #7

    Default Re: Mones for Strip Club :)

    Ok.. I can see someone took this wrong way. I live in a College Town. Most of the Strippers are College Girls. These arent the best strippers in the world. I was just thinking in the line that maybe a girl will really work you good. I normally go the strip maybe Once a year but My roommate went yesterday and I gave him some of Mones to see how they would work? I tell you later if it was anygood or not?

  8. #8
    Banned User EXIT63's Avatar
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    Default Re: Mones for Strip Club :)

    Npa or TE covered with RM or Apc on the front of your jeans. 2 to 3 sprays of attraction on arms neck and face.
    I\'ve gotten 4 free lap dances with variations on this combo.

    FREE meaning NO CHARGE Elana.

    Where I live, NY Metro area. A large percentage of the go go girls are Russian and Eastern European immigrants. The main reason they dance is because they can make the most amount of money in the shortest possible time. Some can deal with it better than others. Some will do it longer than others. Some just don\'t have a chioice. Many dance and attend college. They all have degrees from Universities in their home countries. Unfortunately, those degrees are virtually worthless here. They have to do it all over again. This time in English. It is rare that they date the customers but not unheard of.

  9. #9

    Default Re: Mones for Strip Club :)

    It is not the norm but it happens.

    It happened to me 5-6 years ago when I ws still going to those places with a friend of mine.

    A very nice and beautifull lady...with very bad friends, you know, people I didn`t wish to be related in any ways to me. I had a bad feeling and prefered to keep things as they where so I never used the home phone number she gave me.

    But I did got special treatements on many occasion ---> for free (french kisses and the like, little twinkle in her eyes...). She even had some troubles with her boss because she was talking to me without dancing and without asking for cash (damn I was already paying big money for his cheap beer so I don\'t know what was his problem).

    Anyway, it happens... And my recommendation to those who wish to connect with a stripper is not to OD on the \'none and be very friendly. What I was doing at the time is I was trying to make them feal like they where on a break, not on the job... But that only works if you always go to the same place and *talk* always to the same 2-3 girls. It also only work if the boss is not an [censored]. Of course, rule #1 is to stand out of the crowd of horny loosers. In fact, I find it very easy (even if I had only one real actual hit, there was some other girls who where talking for free just for fun). This friendlyness was the reason why I kept coming back, I could care less about the \"dances\".

  10. #10

    Default Re: Mones for Strip Club :)

    I must also add that at the time, I was in the same age range as the strippers, that helps ;-).

  11. #11

    Default Re: Mones for Strip Club :)

    Hey dude, last night, me and my buddy wnet out to a strip club, and i was wearing the TE, and my buddy declined a squirt of it before we went in...poor bastard....i got more attention than if David Lee Roth had walked in...seriously, my friend had all the bucks, and was feeding me money to tip, and i explained this to the girls that i was dead broke when he went to the bathroom and i wasnt able to tip since he had all the money...well, that only seemed to endear me more to the ladies...i literally had to shake them off with a stick, and my freind unfortunatley, wasnt as friend is same as me, rather short, looks the same but without the mones, even with the bucks, sorry to say, became invisisble...take it for what you will, but wearing TE in a strip club is probably the best damn thing a man could do...not doing it will be your downfall!!

  12. #12
    Carpal Tunnel Whitehall's Avatar
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    Default Re: Mones for Strip Club :)

    \"...but wearing TE in a strip club is probably the best damn thing a man could do\"

    Except not going!

    But you\'re right, TE may well be the potion of choice.

  13. #13
    Phero Pharaoh
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    Default Re: Mones for Strip Club :)

    Did you use a cover scent or did you go unscented?

    - Krish

  14. #14

    Default Re: Mones for Strip Club :)

    It was the scented TE, but i used like two sprays of cool water about 1 hour before going...with all teh smoke and [censored] in there, i sprayed it, the next night, we went back, and i had sprayed one spray of andro 4.2 in my hair like 3 hours before, my usual amount of TE didnt seem to work as well, could have been an OD, so i wouldnt mix those two products, but ended up having fun anyway, lots of older strippers were getting plenty excited, but not so sure about the results of that night..

  15. #15
    Banned User EXIT63's Avatar
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    Default Re: Mones for Strip Club :)

    No free lapdances today. Just a free lunch and a free beer from the really cute early twentiesh barmaid. Throw in a couple of nice massages from the pretty Russian ladies and overall I\'d say it was a good day. Gotta love that TE.

  16. #16
    Phero Pharaoh
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    Default Re: Mones for Strip Club :)

    And your using scented TE right? Have you tried using NPA to the club? I\'d imagine you would get better results? I\'d like to know your experience.

    - Krish

  17. #17
    Banned User EXIT63's Avatar
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    Default Re: Mones for Strip Club :)

    My TE is unscented. I usually use a little RM orAPC to cover. But not today. I did notice the smell today but there are so many different smells in the club, (smoke, beer, 10 different perfumes), I don\'t believe it repelled anyone. One of my Ukraine babies offered me 2 free dances if I paid for one. I asked her if I could just have the 2 free ones. She didn\'t go for it. Oh well, all in all it was a good day.

  18. #18

    Default Re: Mones for Strip Club :)

    Exit, you\'re joking, right? It\'s her job, yo ... she should get paid like everybody else.

  19. #19
    Banned User EXIT63's Avatar
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    Default Re: Mones for Strip Club :)

    ...Exit, you\'re joking, right? It\'s her job, yo ... she should get paid like everybody else...

    She does quite well for herself actually. She told me she\'s investing 35 K in a tanning business. She\'s 25 years old. Not bad for 3 years in the country...huh.


  20. #20

    Default Re: Mones for Strip Club :)

    The few strippers who don\'t waste themselves on drug get rich very fast if they are beautiful and charming. They better be wise and invest this money because someone can\'t stay long in this business, usually 10 years at best.

    Your reply to her generous offer was, with all due respect, not the kind of reply that will get you her respect. It is the typical drunk jock answer.

  21. #21
    Banned User EXIT63's Avatar
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    Default Re: Mones for Strip Club :)

    I\'m not worried.

    If there is 1 thing I\'m not. It\'s a drunk jock. Far from it.

    I\'ve known this girl since last Christmas. She\'s always good to me. Always takes care of me. I\'ve tried to take it to the next level a couple of times to no avail. I\'ve driven her home a few times. Couldn\'t close the deal. I\'m stuck in the zone but that\'s okay. We\'re good friends. Almost.

  22. #22
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    Default Re: Mones for Strip Club :)

    A friend and I are heading to the local club tonight. I figure I\'ll try some AE and see what happens. Or what do you think about SOE?

  23. #23
    Banned User EXIT63's Avatar
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    Default Re: Mones for Strip Club :)

    Go for the hard stuff. Just my opinion.

  24. #24
    Banned User EXIT63's Avatar
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    Default Re: Mones for Strip Club :)

    Got any TE? If not, use AE.

  25. #25
    Phero Pharaoh
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    Default Re: Mones for Strip Club :)

    Stick with AE tonight. You are going to a club, and *none is almost an essential for going to one.

    - Krish

  26. #26
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    Default Re: Mones for Strip Club :)

    I don\'t have any TE (yet) [img]/ubbthreads/images/icons/wink.gif[/img] It looks like it\'ll be AE for tonight. I\'m still experimenting, trying to figure out the optimum dosage for myself. I know it\'s been asked a hundred times before, but how long does AE last once applied?

    Now I\'m going to go have some fun!

  27. #27
    Banned User EXIT63's Avatar
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    Default Re: Mones for Strip Club :)

    Haven\'t tried AE but mones in general last several hours. Unless your hot and sweaty.

  28. #28

    Default Re: Mones for Strip Club :)

    I use AE. I think it varies from person, to person, as to how much to use. 6 drops works the best for me. Many have said that 3 to 4 drops is the best. In a club enviroment, I would go with 4 and add later if needed. AE really works well for the first 3 hours or so. It starts to lose its effect after that..

  29. #29
    Enlightened One
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    Default Re: Mones for Strip Club :)

    Reapply after 8-10 hours this will keep up the effect all day. If you have a hairy body then the mones tend to last longer for some reason. ?

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