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  1. #1
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    Default Big androstenone news from!!

    Researchers trained people who couldn\'t smell -none to let them smell it---and shows it\'s due to brain wiring changes.

    Scientists follow their noses to discoveries about brain

    Thursday, October 24, 2002 Posted: 5:30 PM EDT (2130 GMT)
    Researchers training the nostril -- and the brain -- to recognize androstenone.

    BERKELEY, California (CNN) -- What could your nose have to do with treating a brain injury? Neuroscientists at the University of California, Berkeley, believe that a person\'s brain can be trained to make his nose detect new smells. They say the implication is that the brain also could be trained to recover from injuries.

    These findings are detailed in a study published in this week\'s issue of the journal Nature.

    Just like 30 percent of the population, the 12 people who participated in the study were unable to detect an odor from the steroid androstenone -- which people sensitive to the chemical call foul.

    The researchers, led by graduate student Joel Mainland and assistant professor of psychology Noam Sobel, exposed the participants to androstenone every day. The trick is that only one nostril was exposed during the experiment -- the other was completely blocked.

    After 21 days, both nostrils could detect androstenone. What makes that result surprising is that there is no neural link between the nostrils at the peripheral level -- so researchers concluded that the shared learning occurred in olfactory structures in the brain.

    \"The fact that a nostril (that) never saw this odor learned how to detect it suggests to us there must have been some sort of change in the brain,\" said Sobel.

    This leads researchers to surmise that the brain is more plastic, or capable of change, than previously thought.

    If the brain can train itself to learn new aromas, perhaps it can be trained to overcome, for example, paralysis or other nervous system damage.

    \"It\'s widely appreciated that the last 10 years have sort of been a revolution in how much we know about how the brain functions,\" Sobel said.

    More research is already planned. The team will next examine the differences between people who can learn to detect a smell through exposure and those who cannot. They\'ll also use magnetic resonance imaging to see where in the brain this learning is occurring.

  2. #2
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    Default Re: Big androstenone news from!!

    I fail to see how this is \"Big androstenone news\"


  3. #3

    Default Re: Big androstenone news from!!

    Well, read it 20 more time and eventually your brain will learn how to see the big news in this ;-)

  4. #4

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  5. #5
    Banned User jvkohl's Avatar
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    Default Re: Big androstenone news from!!

    Chuck Wysocki discovered that otherwise -none anosmic people could be conditioned to detect it. This was in the early 80\'s I think. The explanation was that plasticity in olfactory receptor development actually allowed -none to induce coding for its olfactory receptor. Or, in other words, sniffing this substance at some point allows you to develop the ability to consciously detect it. This latest study goes further by linking to something happening in the brain, rather than merely at the initial level of olfactory receptor. It is important news; Noam Sobel\'s work has always been quite admirable. He probably knows more about what\'s happening with human pheromone research than most of the other researchers, though he is younger than most.

  6. #6
    Enlightened One
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    Default Re: Big androstenone news from!!

    No mention as to the pheormonal properties of Androstenone, that was left out although it adds weight that if we use any of the pheromones our brains tend to pick up and become trained to smell it after a while - i noticed it when i started to smell other peoples emotional states it comes in quite handy at being psychic lol. Now i can smell the individual compounds on people both natural and those close friends using snythetics. Nol rone none couplins and a few other ones i cant classify.

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