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Thread: SOE or AE?

  1. #1

    Default SOE or AE?

    I was thinking about buying unscented Primal Instinct and mix it up with either the new Alter Ego or Scent of Eros. I was wondering if its better to use the Unscented PI with...

    AE or SOE!????

    I\'m 17, 170lbs, 6ft.... any suggestions???

  2. #2

    Default Re: SOE or AE?

    or should i screw over the PI and just get both SOE and AE??? but then again PI has the highest amount of pheromones....

  3. #3

    Default Re: SOE or AE?

    AE work well alone. If you want to mix PI, I would recommend to do it with SOE so you won\'t end up with too much \'none.

  4. #4

    Default Re: SOE or AE?

    is PI very affective? cuz it seems like its not too popular here.

    Well... thanks.... but i would like to read more recommendations!?

  5. #5
    Bodhi Satva CptKipling's Avatar
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    Default Re: SOE or AE?

    PI is very affective, but dont ask me, I haven\'\'t got it.

    If I was you, I would go with AE and SOE. Then, maybe a little further down the line, get NPA.

  6. #6

    Default Re: SOE or AE?

    Just because a product is strong, doesn\'t mean that it\'s better. I\'ve used PI/m, and your right it is a very powerful phero. Many people have used PI with great success. You need to know however, that PI/m can get you very strong negative reactions. I know that\'s all I got when I used it. I guess I\'m not the right chemistry type for this product. I\'d save myself $20 and go with the AE/m. Most have had great success with it. (including myself) It can, and probably should be used as a standalone product. It doesn\'t make sense to mess with something that works by itself, by mixing it. Good Luck!

  7. #7
    Enlightened One
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    Default Re: SOE or AE?

    Screw the unscneted PI and go with NPA and SOE or NPA and AE, you get the secret ingredients.

    If you order today you get the edge and SOE also and a bottle of DI herbal aphrodisiac formula if you buy. Also enter youre email address onto the pheromone ezine which sent to youre address once a month from bruce updating the latest in pheromones. Its very informative and usually has a survey with prizes drawn randomly from all responses. Also you can enter the email address in the pop-up when you get to the main love-scent page and have a chance to win a pheromone prize.

  8. #8
    Phero Pharaoh
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    Default Re: SOE or AE?

    AE all the way dude. I get a lot more and better hits with it than SoE and thats including more friendlier responses as well. I guess too much *nol doesen\'t benefit you either.

    - Krish

  9. #9

    Default Re: SOE or AE?

    So far, I think it is a good thing to have a mix of many kind of phero (like in AE), it\'s more natural, it smells more natural too (if you can smell it and if you use an unscented version, like one made out of the chem kit).

    I also begin to think wearing pheros make ME smell different even where I didn\'t put any phero. I think there\'s an interaction between the pheros and your body (at least after a few hours).

    If my girlfriend was not my guinea pig, I would ask her to be sure (who else could I ask \"does my armpit smell different ?\"!). But I prefer not to talk about it to her and pursue my experiments on her without her being biased.

  10. #10

    Default Re: SOE or AE?


    I noticed in the post\'s that people are having good success with AE. I received my bottle a little over a week ago. The first day I got it, I put six drops on and went to the mall to by some tennis shoes and some dress shoes.

    At my first stop, which is a place that sells athletic shoes, the girl that was helping me seemed way over friendly and overwhelmed by something. She was smiling and when it came time to ring me up, she couldn’t get it right. She was all flustered and even her male co-worker kept walking by and teasing her and laughing at her, asking her if she was all right and kept looking at me and smiling as if I was the cause of her behavior.

    Well. After that, I left the store and walked across the way and I looked back and the girl was standing at the entryway of the store, staring at me.

    I figured that possibly been because of the AE. I\'m not sure.

    So, after that, I went to another store in the mall to buy my dress shoes. I\'m thinking to myself, this is kinda fun getting reactions like the above so I was eager to see what else was going to transpire.

    When I got to the store where I wanted to by my dress shoes, I noticed several woman looking at some shoes on a display rack. I went and stood next to them and picked up some shoes and pretended I was looking at them.

    Well, in about thirty seconds, all of the woman scattered, left the area quickly. One even had this look on her face as if something was wrong, obviously agitated by something and was appearing as if she couldn’t figure out what was a matter.

    I viewed this as a very negative result and figured that even though I had one good response that perhaps I was od\'ing on the stuff so the rest of the week I wore three drops every day and noticed no results whatsoever.

    I would like to know from the experienced users, was the above reactions of the ladies leaving the scene quickly a sign of OD?

    Also, to anyone that has used SOE. I have the roll on stuff. I have tested it at work and in other places. At work, I was going up to female co-workers and getting them to smell it directly by telling them a friend gave me some cologne that didn’t work for him and that I was trying it and wanted to get their opinion of how it smelled on me.

    No one I asked gave a negative response. All the ladies liked the smell. LOL.. I had some on my wrist one day and I asked this one gal what she thought of it. She held my had and was smelling the stuff and got this puzzled look on her face, took two or three more whiffs and made the comment, \"this is good stuff. I feel like just jumping right down your shirt” Obviously she was joking, but who knows, maybe she was serious.. Then, this other woman I asked kept smelling it and wouldn’t let go of my hand and started rubbing her face on my hand and she has not left me alone since that day.. This lady is also married.

    Other than that, the only responses I have noticed out of people when using SOE are when I had them smell it directly and ask their opinion of it. It does not seem to work, just walking around wearing the stuff. I don’t notice anyone being any friendlier than usual.

    I would love anyone’s opinions of this stuff. My main questions are, how much AE is good amount without having to worry about O’ding and is wearing AE and SOE together a good idea? Has anyone tried that?

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