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  1. #1

    Default Got my nones today...first test _FAILED_

    yes...because after reading a great deal on this forum I got so excited that I wore 4 dabs 2 at ears 2 at arms...OF NPC ALONE!!!.


    Anyway...I got a CK bottle, that atomizer \"BE\", and I put 7 drops of APC and 3 drops of NPC in the perfume mixture...Question that the correct 7:3 ratio?

    Please help me...I dont want to scare away more people around me!!

    I am...

  2. #2

    Default Re: Got my nones today...first test _FAILED_

    GRRRRR...besides...if I OD...should I shower and start over???

  3. #3
    Phero Pro
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    Default Re: Got my nones today...first test _FAILED_


    The ratio of 7:3 is the ratio for JB#1 which is APC:NPA. I believe that LeCroy recomends a ratio of either 5:1 or 4:1 Cologne:NPA.

    You can shower or just hang out outside (esp. if you have a decent breeze going) for about an hour then see if you get better rxns.

  4. #4

    Default Re: Got my nones today...first test _FAILED_

    At least you got a reaction right away. For many people, including myself, it took a lot of testing different mixtures and different phero\'s before getting any reation at all. I just got NPA today, haven\'t tried it yet. Since I already have APC, I think the JB#1 mix is the first thing I\'m going try. Good Luck with your phero use.

  5. #5

    Default Re: Got my nones today...first test _FAILED_

    guys...i am the king of the world!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    today was my brothers bday, turning 18, I tried a mixture and I even think I OD a bit...dunno
    All i know is that my neighbor was all over me...regardless of her daughter hanging by her and givin her a bad time...I asked her daring questions...sexual things...she was delighted!
    when I went to pick up the cake and the lil sandwiches there\'s this lady in late 30s (I am 33) she OFFERED to help me with the self esteem was blown out to the sky!!!
    but wait, theres more!
    I inmediately hop in the same shopping center to the grocery store for some mushrooms (and test the hits)...lesser hits...but at least 5 or 6 good joke!
    I come home and thers this gorgeus 18 y/o latin girl friends of my brother...see...the first time she came to our house, like 5 months ago she even told my brothers gfriend that I was unatractive and too old for her...whatever...I was married at that toime anyway...
    BUT TONIGHT!!!!!!!!!
    She wanted ONLY me to prepare her drinks, she would dance and move her hips just for me...everything I did was pleasing to her...there was a certain complicity in our eyes even when her bfriend was there and really jealous the guy!

    I wish I can tell you more...I can barely go to sleep thinking how I am gonna try it at the gym...hahahahaha

    I know it stinks a bit...but:

    catch ya later!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  6. #6
    King of the coupons!
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    Default Re: Got my nones today...first test _FAILED_

    Gym!!? You\'re not going to work out smelling like a French male whore are you? [img]/ubbthreads/images/icons/smile.gif[/img] Stay in the light!!! [img]/ubbthreads/images/icons/wink.gif[/img] Animal!!!

  7. #7
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    Default Re: Got my nones today...first test _FAILED_


    try it out & tell us ur Gym testing results..

    Best of Luck & hits!! =)

  8. #8
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    Default Re: Got my nones today...first test _FAILED_

    Here\'s the thing, \"kind of the world\", unless you are a nun, it\'s almost what\'s the word, imminent..It\'s GOING to happen that you get laid, I mean, it\'s going to happen sometime...I mean, sex, pretty much, is just, something you do for fun now really...

    Anyway...Like I said, think about this, how do you know she WOULDN\'T say that?

    From what I have noticed, I don\'t think that people would SAY anything, or DO anything different, but feel different ABOUT doing it...I don\'t think anyone is going to like you all the sudden, but, it is going to increase what they already feel I suppose. I do not know how that will change what they will ACTUALLY say though.

    And, I wouldn\'t consider that a triumph, if you were to \"get head\" from this lady, that would be a triumph..Everyone flirts man, I flirt with hot girls too, never f*cked with one of them though, it\'s not that hard, but, I wouldn\'t consider that a triumph of anything (old and younger girls...)...


  9. #9
    Enlightened One
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    Default Re: Got my nones today...first test _FAILED_

    97% of males that make it to adult hood will get laid that are the simple facts. 3% die virgins, usually through accidents and disease so therefore get laid as soon as possible otherwise you could die a virgin.

    Ok now for the flak about how people should wait bla bla bla.

    Heck personal decisions everyone throw crap at me now ive been a bad bad aggressive mouth off first watcher person. Right now im watching the matrix given its my first time watching it - good movie so far by the way.

  10. #10
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    Default Re: Got my nones today...first test _FAILED_

    I too, enjoyed the WHOLE THING ABOUT the movie, but the theme kind of sucks, I mean, the story line, but, the stuff they do, and the coolness of it is AWESOME though, just needs a better story I think...Is Matrix 2 out or anyting?

    Man, my favorite moves are stuff like the karate ones, not so much old Bruce Lee but stuff like Kickboxer, and Bloodsport, etc....And, stuff like the Matrix, and sci-fi stuff like that...It\'s better than F*Cking a girl, I mean, it REALLY is...I wouldn\'t know, I haven\'t \"f**\" anyone, but, I\'m just saying, you know.

    And, I\'ve said it to some other people though, but, it\'s really interesting. I find that, it\'s more fun, just flirting, and having FUN anyway...Oh, and read about Casanova, this is WHAT he did, he says to savor it...Anyway, and, in the end, just flirting, and having fun will get you laid faster than saying, come on, let\'s f*ck....

    This is why too....Guy that a girl WOULD screw with, but, doesn\'t REALLY know, and he rapes her, she doesn\'t want it..

    However, if that SAME guy, was, to come up to her, start flirting with her, ease her into it, get some alchol, party a little and end up screwing, it\'s ok...

    Rape, I think, too, is, a matter of control, and, you want to choose the right person to pass your genes onto etc..However, girls want someoen aggressive, so you need to BALANCE it out. Also, it\'s a PERSONAL thing, I mean, like I said, some girls care MORE about mones...Some about if you are like their dad (when they are NOT ovulating is when they want the dad character, but when they ARE ovulating they want diversion, or, what\'s it called, different people..Which, wouldn\'t WORK to welll in the pheormonal conditioning theory, unless it\'s orgasm/pheromonally conditioning also...And, some care more about looks, some about what you wear, or, your teeth, it\'s really a combination of differen things, but, just, think, I mean, if a girl likes you, I mean, likes YOU, it\'s going to be better ANYWAY, so, what I\'m doing, is just chilling, flirting, you know, a girl likes you, that\'s cool...


  11. #11
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    Default Re: Got my nones today...first test _FAILED_

    Actually, even then, if you have a disease, girls will screw you, because they have the urge to let your genes pass on before you die? I don\'t know, but, you see the girl who screws the guy with one arm, or, in the wheelchair, or, who is dying, so, you\'re going to get laid...So, I think, you should just...You know, make sure it\'s with someone that is your type, and looks good rather than having a first time bad experience, because, I think, it\'s almost like a first impression, it\'s something you have never done before, even thoguh it\'s not special it is to you, because you have never done it before.

    I remember, when we first got a computer, and video games, they were SOOO cool, lol for example.


  12. #12
    Banned User Elana's Avatar
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    Default Re: Got my nones today...first test _FAILED_

    [img]/ubbthreads/images/icons/crazy.gif[/img][img]/ubbthreads/images/icons/crazy.gif[/img][img]/ubbthreads/images/icons/crazy.gif[/img][img]/ubbthreads/images/icons/crazy.gif[/img][img]/ubbthreads/images/icons/crazy.gif[/img] What???

  13. #13

    Default Re: Got my nones today...first test _FAILED_

    Waaaa-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha.... ha ha ha ha ha ...

    Not exactly the dialogues of Plato, is it? roflmao

  14. #14
    Enlightened One
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    Default Re: Got my nones today...first test _FAILED_

    997 bottles of mones on the wall
    997 bottles of mones
    Take one down spray it around
    996 bottles of mones on the wall.

  15. #15
    Banned User Elana's Avatar
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    Default Re: Got my nones today...first test _FAILED_


  16. #16
    Banned User
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    Default Re: Got my nones today...first test _FAILED_

    \"Not exactly the dialogues of Plato, is it? roflmao\"

    LOL ... [img]/ubbthreads/images/icons/tongue.gif[/img]

  17. #17

    Default Re: Got my nones today...first test _FAILED_

    996 bottles of mones on the wall
    996 bottles of mones
    take one down
    od all around
    995 bottles of mones on the wall

    What are you talking about, Franki? It\'s pure poetry.

    sob hiccup

  18. #18
    Banned User
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    Default Re: Got my nones today...first test _FAILED_

    \"What are you talking about, Franki? It\'s pure poetry.\"

    It´s getting a bit boring like that.

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