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  1. #1

    Default What pheromones should be used by men aged 16-18?

    I am 16 and a 1/2 and stumbled upon this site dealing with pheromones. i am interested in them and was wondering what types shoud be recommended for men form 16-18 years of age?

  2. #2
    Phero Pharaoh
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    Default Re: What pheromones should be used by men aged 16-18?


    I just turned 17, but I also stumbled on here when I was 16. I\'m going to save you a LOT of time & money, buy yourself Alter Ego for men (the new version). Maybe once you get the hang of it, get yourself some NPA to boost the *none (As in my case, I obviously don\'t naturally produce any androstenone at all, I can wear the recommended dosage intended fora 40 yr older and won\'t get OD reactions.). But yeah, wear Alter Ego. Don\'t wear a *none only product because that won\'t cut it for us young ones. lol. AE/m has 3 pheros: Androstenone, Androstenol, and Androsterone, and lots of folks here get nice reports from it! I recently placed an order for mine, along with NPA and APC (Because I am going to test out JB#1, which is *none + secrets to determine if *none only is truly a waste of time for us teens!)

    Well anyways, I think most of the folks here would agree, Alter Ego is the best way to go if you want friendly and sexual type hits.

    - Krish

  3. #3
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    Default Re: What pheromones should be used by men aged 16-18?

    Attractant and SoE are supposed to work well with young males as well, because of the high -nol content.

  4. #4
    Enlightened One
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    Default Re: What pheromones should be used by men aged 16-18?

    IT should be attraction, when i was 17 i started with pheors (now 22) best products at that age and even 19 would be in the following order.

    1 Attraction or alter ego mens
    2 SOE
    3 NPA

    If you want to be able to spread it around spray style like clothing wide spread coverage then go with attraction unscented, if you want to concentrate the stuff go with alter ego (ie on youre neck pulse points or under your nose etc.)

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