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  1. #1

    Default Ok, I\'m In - the Great EW test

    Got my bottle today. I have read all the opening the bottle precautions.

    I don\'t have the mind for drops of this and dabs of that. If I turn the bottle over into a gallon of distilled water, will that do for a start?

  2. #2
    Bodhi Satva CptKipling's Avatar
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    Default Re: Ok, I\'m In - the Great EW test

    I wouldnt, you would be stuck with that then.

  3. #3

    Default Re: Ok, I\'m In - the Great EW test

    Well, now I\'m stuck with a bottle of EW. [img]/ubbthreads/images/icons/laugh.gif[/img]

    Haven\'t other people diluted it in plain water with good results?

  4. #4
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    Default Re: Ok, I\'m In - the Great EW test

    I have taken a tiny drop from the EW bottle, mixed it in 3 ml bottle with water, threw half of it away and filled it up with water up again.

    That doesn´t sound very scientific, but I feel I have now got something that doesn´t smell too bad (combined with a cologne and SOE it even smells good to me), so that I can work with that. [img]/ubbthreads/images/icons/smile.gif[/img]

  5. #5
    Carpal Tunnel Whitehall's Avatar
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    Default Re: Ok, I\'m In - the Great EW test

    Didn\'t Woman use ONE drop in a gallon of water?

    Surely you can count to one! That way, if its too weak, add another and so on.

    Another approach is \"a few drops\" of the concentrate in your bathwater. Woman also used and approved that approach.

  6. #6

    Default Re: Ok, I\'m In - the Great EW test

    Yes, Monsieur Le Grand Smartass, I can count to one. lol

    Jesus, though, really? ONE drop in a gallon of water.

    And then she used that mix to blend with her cologne, right? or did she blend EW straight out of the bottle with cologne?

  7. #7
    Carpal Tunnel Whitehall's Avatar
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    Default Re: Ok, I\'m In - the Great EW test

    OK, I deserve that (but I just couldn\'t resist!)

    I think the one drop per gallon mix was for direct anointing. I suspect - but don\'t explicitly remember - that one drop of EW in cologne makes more sense. That still might be too much.

    I\'d go with the few drops in the tub idea - I can see (and smell) it now.......

  8. #8

    Default Re: Ok, I\'m In - the Great EW test

    Is EW really that strong. 1 drop to a gallon of water. Sh*t, I\'d be afraid to try something that strong....

  9. #9
    Carpal Tunnel Whitehall's Avatar
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    Default Re: Ok, I\'m In - the Great EW test

    Frankly, I\'d be afraid to SHIP it without special hazardous cargo treatment.

    When you do handle the stuff, do so outdoors with good ventilation, use disposable paper under your work area, wear eye protection and rubber gloves.

  10. #10
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    Default Re: Ok, I\'m In - the Great EW test

    \"When you do handle the stuff, do so outdoors with good ventilation, use disposable paper under your work area, wear eye protection and rubber gloves. \"

    A few weeks ago I´d have agreed with you on that, but now that my EW has aged and has become way less stinky I personally feel that would be a bit overcautious. I recently worked with it and I have gotten a bit of diluted stuff on my fingers and I didn´t think the smell was too bad or stayed for too long.

    My €0,02, [img]/ubbthreads/images/icons/smile.gif[/img]

  11. #11
    Carpal Tunnel Whitehall's Avatar
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    Default Re: Ok, I\'m In - the Great EW test

    The stink is one thing - probably largely due to indole.

    Even if the worst stench dissipates, what\'s left is still pretty aggressive chemically - maybe not glacial acetic acid but up there. I\'d still recommend very good ventilation and eye protection - I know I won\'t mix the stuff without it. Maybe to add a few drops to the bath - that would be pretty safe.

  12. #12

    Default Re: Ok, I\'m In - the Great EW test

    Are you serious? This sh*t sounds more like hazardous waste, rather than a pheromone product... If I have to do all that, I\'ll pass. The fact that you have to wear gloves and goggles and mix it outdoors would make me afraid to put this on my skin. Aren\'t you Whitehall? Or are you pulling my chain? This stuff sounds like it\'s not fit to be used as a topical product.

  13. #13
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    Default Re: Ok, I\'m In - the Great EW test

    A lot of people here have put this stuff (diluted) on their skin (including me), and nobody has reported any injuries as of yet. So it is probably not that dangerous as it seems.

  14. #14

    Default Re: Ok, I\'m In - the Great EW test


    It just seems like a lot to have to do, just use the stuff. Seems to me, that you should be able to use it as is, or mixed with a cologne.

  15. #15
    Carpal Tunnel Whitehall's Avatar
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    Default Re: Ok, I\'m In - the Great EW test

    I would NOT put it undiluted on my unprotected skin. At 300:1 dilution, people literally swoon from the scent.

    I am critical of this product as shipped for safety reasons.

    I think I\'ve sounded enough warnings about this stuff - Bruce and Stone have the responsiblity for this - not me.

  16. #16
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    Default Re: Ok, I\'m In - the Great EW test

    \"It just seems like a lot to have to do, just use the stuff. Seems to me, that you should be able to use it as is, or mixed with a cologne. \"

    You seem to recognize that this stuff is not for everyone. [img]/ubbthreads/images/icons/wink.gif[/img] It is a Beta Test for forum members only and not a commercial pheromone product.

  17. #17

    Default Re: Ok, I\'m In - the Great EW test

    Ok. I stopped by the drug store, bought a gallon of spring water and and an eye dropper, came home, took the stuff out to the balcony, gloved up, took a deep breath, and while holding my breath, took the plastic thing out of the bottle so I could get the eye dropper in, sucked some into the eye dropper, and put three drops into the gallon of water, closed the water, closed the EW bottle, wrapped it back up in bubble wrap and put it in a baggie. I put the EW thus wrapped in a canister that seals like a mason jar and put the gallon of water away in a cupboard.It stinks to high, high heaven, my eyes are burning, I have a headache, and a nasty godawful taste in my mouth, metallic, and like my tongue feels numb.We\'ll see what the water smells like tomorrow. I\'ve fooled with it all I want to for one session.Oh, here\'s the thing - don\'t rinse the dropper in hot water under the kitchen faucet like I did. You\'ll \"perfume\" the kitchen, not in a good way. That dropper went into the canister with the EW. It\'ll never be good for anything else. [img]/ubbthreads/images/icons/smile.gif[/img]

  18. #18
    Phero Pharaoh BassMan's Avatar
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    Default Re: Ok, I\'m In - the Great EW test

    <blockquote><font class=\"small\">In reply to:</font><hr>

    I would NOT put it undiluted on my unprotected skin. At 300:1 dilution, people literally swoon from the scent.

    I am critical of this product as shipped for safety reasons.

    I think I\'ve sounded enough warnings about this stuff - Bruce and Stone have the responsiblity for this - not me.

    <hr></blockquote>With all due respect... (and Whitehall, this rant is not aimed at you personally...)

    This is just getting absurd.

    Bruce said right from the beginning - this is NOT a consumer product. This is a sample of a raw, potentially hazardous, manufacturing strength chemical mixture, released cautiously as a \"proof of principal\" experiment.

    If the idea of handling \"glacial acetic acid\" bothers you, or, more probably, if you don\'t completely understand why _it_should_, DON\'T TOUCH EW. Wait until it is offered as a commercial product!

    What part of that is so hard to understand? Since we are sitting here claiming to be pheromone scientists... The first thing a scientist who lives long enough to write about it learns is which things s/he is or is not qualified to mess with.

    There\'s nothing wrong with EW. Use proper ventilation. Wear skin and eye protection. Keep it away from your kids. If you don\'t know what these things mean, buy PCC and be done with it.

    I know how to handle these sort of things, I was trained in working with hazardous chemicals as a kid. And I don\'t want my ability to explore the possibilities ruined by folks who don\'t have a clue, getting hurt by EW, when they have absolutely no business getting in the same room with the stuff.

  19. #19
    Phero Pro jose's Avatar
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    Default Re: Ok, I\'m In - the Great EW test

    Whitehall- How about mixing it with Ethanol? I just received my EW and thinking about mixing it with that. I still have the big Brown bottle from the chemical set.

  20. #20
    Phero Dude
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    Default Re: Ok, I\'m In - the Great EW test

    I\'m with Bassman. EW is serious stuff, but those who think it sounds like \"too much trouble\" or \"too much danger\", yeah, go buy PCC or PI/w with copulins. I don\'t think we need to be scarying people about the stuff and making it sound like Bruce and Stone should not even be giving us the stuff. I\'ve said it once and I\'ll say it again. It is my favorite product out of all of them hands down. If you told me I had to throw away all of my products except one, I wouldn\'t even have to think about it. EW rocks for me. It has changed my life. As Whitehall said, people can swoon from it, even when diluted 300:1. I can attest to having that happen to women that get near me. If that isn\'t cool, I don\'t know what is. The last time I heard of any women actually swooning was in the old-time literature. With all respect to the scientists, I don\'t think we should blow the hazardous thing way out of proportion. I mean, get real, nuclear/toxic waste is an amusing comparison, but seriously, if I had to choose being exposed to EW or one of those there wouldn\'t be much choice. We use all kinds of dangerous chemicals in our lives, including household cleaners, glues, etc. which definitely are dangerous. So, why don\'t we all recognize that this is powerful stuff, but stop making it sound like people are going to be bringing something into their homes that has the potential to wipe out their entire family.

  21. #21
    Phero Dude
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    Default Re: Ok, I\'m In - the Great EW test

    FTR, you must be unfortunate. I figure personally, that you should not even be using EW.You sound like you are as sensitive to it as a few women I know. I feel that it is a minority of women who are that sensitive. I mean the type that can\'t even stand up when they have to be too close to me. I also have an interesting theory. You mentioned that you are high testosterone. While I can\'t prove it, the two women I know who are powerfully affected by this stuff remind me of women who may be high testosterone. One of the things I am basing this assumption on is an earlier discussion(I think it was you), about the difference between how you usually want sex as a high T female, and how you feel when under the influence of copulins. I am basing my assumption on their sexuality as well as body build in one case.

  22. #22
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    Default Re: Ok, I\'m In - the Great EW test

    FTR and Whitehall:

    Summary of \"Woman\'s Work\" re EW:

    1: Approx. 3-5 drops in gallon of distilled water. Use as a body splash. Cover with cologne. Good way to introduce EW to your body chemistry, in my opinion.

    2: Two drops EW in 1 ounce cologne. I use two sprays per application. (One spray I mix with a dollop of unscented lotion and apply to my legs.) Other to chest and cover with cologne.

    Note: I have also done 2 drops EW into 3:1 Cologne/TE/w mix. I personally love TE/w or NPA/w. They are good in a nasty/raw/sexual way. . . this makes me think of it as an \"in heat\" mix since it is a very DEFINITE sexual signal to men. . .

    3: One ounce APC/w to 4 drops EW. I just use a dab or two usually with a little body oil to my lower body and straight APC/w on my wrists and neck. I like this mix. I know I used more drops per ounce with the APC/w than the cologne mix but it seemed to take better with the APC/w. But use sparingly. This combo smells very much like sex to me and it turns me on . . .

    4: For the bath: I have a mix of 1 ounce Casmir cologne and about 10 drops of EW and I just add a little of this to the bath water once in a while. I mixed these two since I found after I bought Casmir that it is too intense so it is a way for me to use it dilluted with the Casmir bath oil I also bought.

    5: K.E.W.S.S.
    (Keep-Essence of Woman-Simple-Sweetheart)
    One drop EW to 1 ounce distilled water. Spray it. If it stinks, you sprayed to much. So rinse it off. Spray again. Let dry. Cover with cologne, baby powder, or whatever.

    I never use it two days in a row. Always take a time out with EW. . .

    Good luck, FTR, with your testing!

  23. #23

    Default Re: Ok, I\'m In - the Great EW test

    MadMaxx, what an odd thing to say. I\'m unfortunate because full strength EW gave me some physical reactions and stunk up my kitchen? Give me a chance to dilute it properly and use it before you write me off. I had very strong reactions to PCC but I adapted after a few days. My testosterone level is at the high end of normal for a woman. So yours are much higher since you\'re male. Do you find wearing copulins makes you feel more submissive?I\'m sure it\'s nice for your ego, but I\'m not sure how much I like the idea of people growing faint around you from inhaling the chemicals you\'re wearing. It would seem to me that\'s maybe irresponsible use and you should cut back a little. What about elderly people or people who aren\'t feeling well - is it good for them to be exposed to a high enough level that they feel faint? Women used to swoon because they wore corsets and couldn\'t breathe well. Generally, being faint is not a good thing.You getting laid with this stuff or just groovin\' on how your arms smell, btw...just curious. Hey, Woman, thanks for the recipes. I\'ll try the highest dilution and see how it goes for a first step.

  24. #24
    Phero Dude
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    Default Re: Ok, I\'m In - the Great EW test

    FTR, well, maybe I was rambling a bit. By unfortunate, I guess I just meant that it is kind of unfortunate for anyone when they are really sensitive to something, because they have to be so careful, or because many things can bother them easily. For example, some people are really sensitive to perfumes and colognes; they can feel sick. I realize I am a man; but I was just thinking, my god, if I was as sensitve to EW as you, I would probably be afraid to use it at all.

    As for the other stuff you mentioned, I don\'t get off on being \"irresponsible\". I have cut back my dosage, since I noticed the brain-dead male phenomenon and the odd strongly affected woman. I feel it is a small number of women who are negatively affected, but I think it is a case of them being very sensitive. Meaning, that if I go with lower dosage I may be having no effect on others. So, to look at it objectively, what I am doing is possibly less irresponsible than what anyone else is doing who walks around with perfume or cologne quantities that disgust others, or anyone who goes around smelling so bad that they disgust people, or anyone around this forum who goes around wearing quantities of -none which either disgust people or affect them in some other negative way. I should add smokers to my list as well. Cigarette smoke makes me feel sick and irritates me a great deal emotionally. I can\'t even concentrate on having a conversation if I am subjected to cigarette smoke. I hope you see my point. I am not going through life with a complete disregard for others, but I think that aiming for zero negative effects on the whole population is not reasonable.

  25. #25
    Doctor of Scentology DrSmellThis's Avatar
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    Default Re: Ok, I\'m In - the Great EW test

    An interesting possibility is that the chlorine in the water might have enhanced the cops, as chlorine is chemically similar to estrogen, and since some female pheros smell like chlorine.

  26. #26
    Phero Pharaoh BassMan's Avatar
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    Default Re: Ok, I\'m In - the Great EW test

    <blockquote><font class=\"small\">In reply to:</font><hr>

    Summary of \"Woman\'s Work\" re EW:

    Very nice work!

  27. #27
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    Default Re: Ok, I\'m In - the Great EW test

    \"5: K.E.W.S.S.
    (Keep-Essence of Woman-Simple-Sweetheart)
    One drop EW to 1 ounce distilled water. Spray it. If it stinks, you sprayed to much. So rinse it off. Spray again. Let dry. Cover with cologne, baby powder, or whatever.\"

    That sounds like what i was going to do, keeping it simple. [img]/ubbthreads/images/icons/smile.gif[/img]

  28. #28

    Default Re: Ok, I\'m In - the Great EW test

    That\'s true about the chlorine - our water is very heavily chlorinated - higher than pool water. (I use a Brita for drinking/cooking water.) Also maybe the fact that the water was hot. The stuff went straight up into my face. Dumb move. lol

  29. #29

    Default Re: Ok, I\'m In - the Great EW test

    How do you get EW? Does it come as a freebie with a puchased product from love-scent, or is it a beta test item that you purchase?

  30. #30
    Bodhi Satva CptKipling's Avatar
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    Default Re: Ok, I\'m In - the Great EW test




    Everyone got that?

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