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    King of the coupons!
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    This is almost 12 pages of what people claimed happened. Lies, truth...who knows? Do not ask me about anything on this list, for I do not know. My advice to you is to copy and paste to a disc, and add hits as they appear. This is to give you something to work with, or to give you ideas. There are a lot more older hits that are not listed...SORRY. Find a typo...fix it yourself!!!! So many little funds [sad] Good luck, Merry Christmas, and Good Night!!!

    AE has been my mainstay. I\'d say I\'ve had my best overall hits using this...and it has been the most consistent for me in letting me see obvious signs of arousal in women around me. It may have just been a matter of just being what I happened to be wearing at the right time, but regardless, it has worked great for me. It contains -none, -nol, and -rone.

    AE While wearing AE, and right after having some flirtatious interaction with me, one of the female employees there came back shortly thereafter and was so visibly aroused in her nipples that I could see it from 30 feet away. I was almost embarrassed for her because it was so obvious.

    AE One infallible use of AE is painting a horizontal line with a large dab just below the belt. Whether I\'m using one phero product, or five, this is one thing that does not vary! AE COMMENTS: (1) I always use four dabs... on pulse points and side of neck it works better around people who have been drinking……but I like it mostly because it doesn\'t smell, yet still gets the hits. (2) I\'ve gotten good positive responses with 2 - 4 dabs. I\'ve never tried more than 4, and I\'ve tried one, but didn\'t get any noticeable results.

    AE Just a little story about AE...put about 4 drops on and went to the mall shopping..when I brought my purchases up to the cashier she just looked at me with DIHL and smiled and rang up the sale..well she couldn\'t get something to scan right and said \"there I think I got it cutie\" then I was shocked hearing this from a much younger girl...I smiled back and said thanks you\'re pretty cute yourself..later when I got home I noticed something missing so back I went..I walked in and she smiled big and held up the missing article..I went over and she said I knew you would be back..I\'m really sorry I don\'t know what I was thinking..I said its alright..but if you really feel bad about making me come back across town then the least you can do is have dinner with me tonight..she smiled and said sure I get off work at 5 and she scribbled down her cell phone #..well I picked her up and off went to my favorite Italian restaurant over looking the ocean..we talked ..walked on the beach for awhile and I even got a kiss at the end of the looks like I got myself another pretty friend all because of a trip to the mall and some AE...I\'m taking her to a sold out concert next week she seemed very is good!! (MAJORSOB Age unknown)

    AE:SOE To make her go wild use 3 drops AE on the inside of your forarms, covered with enough SOE to cover the scent (usually 7\"), 1 drop AE on neck with 1 and a 1/2\" SOE, then 3 dabs of NPA spread across your chin and jaw-line, cover with enough APC to cover the scent (usually about 5-6 dabs, remember to rub it onto the NPA well).

    AE:PCC An update as far as my experiments with pheros go - if you haven’’t tried this one yet give it a shot. 1 drop of (new) AE and a roll of PCC. Before this one I was mainly using PI/w which was good too. Sometimes I use it with AE and PCC I think those are the 3 products which have proven to be the most effective for me. One or two minor though amusing incidents have occurred.

    AE:PCC Used AE yesterday evening - used 4 dabs smeared on cheeks and neck with some PCC. Felt like a movie star - got so many possible looks/vibs, DIHL, sneaky looks from gorgeous fems, and from fems with their bodyfriends/hubbies too!! One lady, very sexy brunette with her bf, almost snapped her neck as she walked by me. So I like this AE, it smells super with PCC - really liked my own scent dudes and think this is going to make life very interesting from what I can tell from reactions from the ladies!! I did not mix them directly in a bottle. I simply took the PCC roll-on bottle, smeared over each cheek then rubbed in like with aftershave. Then I applied a drop of AE over each cheek, smeared that in, and one drop of AE on each side of my neck and smeared that in. I found the scent really excellent -very subtly seductive and the looks I was getting - these direct, longing, mesmerized looks - one particular gal who was with her BF, turned around a number of times with him right there, looks over at me and smiles this really sweet smile (gorgeous gal too) - kept doing this and even her bf noticed it - this was one of many really visible hits with this combo. (Proteus 31)

    AE:PPA I had on four drops of AE (one behind each ear, under my neck and one on my chest.), and two splashes of PPA. Anyway, by the end of the night I ended up getting lap dances from a couple girls (one time all three at once) and a song \"I Touch Myself\" dedicated to me by a very willing young lady (she just put \"natural redhead\" next to her number, so I don\'t know her name). My friend said, \"holy [censored], this place is crawling with horny girls out of nowhere, it\'s never been like this.\" I had two girls dancing up on each other in front of me for most of the songs and occasionally they would give me a little lap dance. Two girls gave me their numbers without me even asking, and the one girl who was giving me a lap dance unbuckled her jeans and allowed me to place a one dollar bill in the front of her thong. I\'m sure these girls are bastions of civility and paragons of virtue but you know what, it felt good to feel like a piece of meat for a while :-) I had huge eye contact from six or seven girls, women just completing DIHLing me, but most of them were not even in my range.

    AE:PPA:PCC Well I tried AE yesterday evening as I ran some errands, went to the mall, etc. Used the following: 4 dabs AE (2 dabs behind ear, along side of neck, and 2 dabs smeared over cheeks), 2 dabs PPA on side of neck, and PCC smeared over each cheek. My results: Outstanding!! I kid you not, the responses were amazing. I\'ve used NPA, JB#1 and had excellent, consistent hits - but this is on a whole different level. And the interesting thing was it didn\'t matter whether the ladies were younger or older - it was exactly the same response. I stopped by at a small cafe to get some dinner after completing errands before heading home, and almost every lady who walks in comes in sits as close to me as possible. Literally from all sides I had 99% of the women looking at me constantly, and the ones who had their backs to me, constantly turning and looking over their shoulder at me. Usually I\'m the one trying to make eye contact - this time they are initiating eye contact, holding it, smiling, touching themselves - one blond who is sitting in the table just in front of mine seemed so flustered by my presence - she is sitting their drinking some coffee and having a bun, and then almost rips off her coat, begins shifting around on her seat, is straightening her jeans, pulling at them, ruffling her hair, stretches out her legs, sits up, sits back down, ruffles her hair, and almost seems to be having a fit! lol These other three guys who are in the cafe together are watching her and are laughing big time wondering what\'s up with her, and finally I think because she noticed that they are laughing at the way she is acting, she stands up and gets her stuff and leaves fast. The problem I have right now is I can\'t make a \"move\" on any of these women right now since I\'m kinda getting to know this other lady, and want to see where this goes, otherwise my usual self would have done something about this as I\'m 100% positive that I could have slept with any of these women, and could have had that blonde right then and there if I so chose. AE gets a five star (*****) rating from me!! It\'s like after all the experimentation, I\'ve found the magic mix for me, and this time PPA seems to have been exactly the right level, as prior to this I had OD, or no response but at 2 dabs of PPA, and 4 dabs of AE, this seems to be perfect for me. Anyway, I need to do the ultimate test of this mix (which means closing), before it can unseat JB#1 as my phero mix of choice since JB#1 has passed the ultimate test, that is getting a lady to sleep with me. (Proteus 31)

    AE:TE One dab AE between the wrists, and one spray TE to chest (+ cologne). Plenty of None for the horny girls to find you. Enough Rone to help you stand out in a crowd. Nol to keep everybody happy. And a secret ingredient that rocks whenever girls have had a few drinks.

    ANDRO 4.2 I\'ve got one in mind that started rubbing her tits on me the first day she walked into my classroom. I was using only Andro 4.2 at that time. She\'d be a good one to ask since that was definitely a sexual hit. (MadMax 32)

    ANDRO 4.2 My bottle of Andro 4.2, which smells noticeably different than Stone\'s none, really seems to give me better results - often aggressively sexual like NPA. The results from Ando 4.2 have been really clear in my experience. Hits with Andro 4.2 were from a single spray (rarely 2 sprays) to upper chest or to back of the head. Covered with a good cologne like CW, Romance, Hugo. One hit I recall was sitting next to a casual acquaintance - she is married and late twenties. After about 15 min she began to openly flirt by touching on my arm and compliments toward me. When I didn\'t respond (she\'s married! off limits in my world) she intensified things to the point of hanging continuously on my arm and making blatant suggestions. Her husband showed up and she continued touching me - he noticed and I shot him a helpless look like \'it\'s not my fault bud\'. I saw her a few weeks later and she apologized and said she didn\'t know what came over her. Another hit I remember was sitting at a bar - after a while young women began to stand behind me holding their drinks - eventually there were five of them. The giggled, brushed up against me - one of them was thrusting her butt against my leg repeatedly and staring me in the eye - another went DIHL whenever I glanced at her. After about an hour of this I introduced myself to the shyest of the bunch and arranged a coffee date for the next day. Nothing came of that but it was fun. I get similar reactions from NPA/TE, and early on I combined Andro 4.2 with NPA and got some really wild scenes going in bars where women were in abundance. (Irish 30)

    ANDRO 4.2 I\'ve never worn Andro 4.2 alone, but a couple of sprays to the crotch of my pants makes the hits a _lot_ more sexual - it\'s like it draws female\'s attentions there. NPA or Edge has gotten me hits from older females. A couple of times it\'s gotten me sexual hits that were harder than I was comfortable with. (BassMan 51)

    APC 3-4 dabs APC. Keeps you smelling nice. The workout releases pheros quicker (higher body heat) so you don’’t want a very high concentration. None gives off a virile image and is a mild stimulant, to keep you focused.

    APC I do notice that I start to get hair flips from people when have at the very least 10 drops of APC on me. I definitely get hair flips and lots of them when I use PI/m and RM at the recommended dosage of 2 drops. In fact I do notice that the massive amounts of hair flips that I get tend to be within the first hour of putting PI/m and RM on.

    EW 1 drop of EW and 15 ml water (or 2 drops EW : 30 ml water). The author is Madmaxx (hello Madmaxx !), and it\'s really ok. Cover it with some nice and fresh cologne (not one of those sickening scents like vanilla or patchuli... - a real nice, fresh and tonic one). This mix is nice to wear, and it\'s not only because I\'m french so I don\'t mind the smell of cheese or dont take 5 showers a day...) It makes me feel good, cool, and the others appreciate it. No special effect so far except that people around me are really nice and talkative. But the rest is up to you... (Madmaxx/male & Frenchie/female)

    JB#1 I put on 2 drops of JB#1 (one drop on each hand). When I started looking at cards I was only one in aisle. After a few minutes 4 women were in the aisle all looking at B-day cards. I started reaching for cards just a little to far for my reach, just to get my hand moving thru the air. A blonde (34), a little chubby, nice face, started to move closer. I kept pretending to look at cards at this point, watching her from the corner of my eye. We made eye contact, she gazed about 5 seconds. I said \"hi\" and \"its hard finding the right B-day card\". To make a long story short, she says out of the blue \"All I have on is this sun-dress and a pair of panties, and my panties are getting wet\". We chatted some more, I told her I had to get back to work, and that I was married. She said that was ok, and gave me her phone # and AIM chat id.

    JB#1:PCC You\'re a brave man wearing JB#1 to work Jambat!!! I will not use it at work whatsoever as I don\'t need the aggravation of trying to fend of women there based on past experiences. I used it once about 4 weeks ago when I had to go this other office to meet with some folks about work stuff and was wearing JB#1 and PCC - I had the receptionist lady who showed me in following after me coming to check if everything was fine, making small talk etc and then one of the ladies (sexy mid-forties blonde lady) I had to meet with was unfortunately for her wearing a white top that was fairly thin and so within a few minutes of us talking she has these very erect nipples and even more unfortunate for her they are very large nipples so we are standing there my eyes on these nipples and she is saying I don\'t know what and is giving me her card telling me to make sure to call her (didn\'t really need to and never did call her) and keep in touch. (Proteus 31)

    NPA USAGE: The manufacturer suggests mixing cologne with NPA at ratios of either 4:1, or 5:1. The ratio of 7:3 is just slightly more than 2:1. At this ratio NPA accounts for 30% of the mix. In a mix of 4:1, NPA amounts to 20% of the total. In a mix of 5:1, NPA represents only 16.6% of the content. Those employing the supposedly magical ratio of 7:3 are using NPA at nearly twice the strength of a 5:1 solution. Add to this the fact that SOE, according to its creator Jim Kohl, contains as many as 80 synthetic musk fragrance components. These \"musks\", like their organic counterparts, are commonly used in the fragrance industry as fixatives to accentuate particular notes of a scent. NPA has a distinct musty cat piss-like odor that I have found is amplified by the musk components of SOE. If, as you said, you like the fragrance of SOE, don\'t screw it up by polluting it with too much of NPA\'s nasty stink. Don\'t get me wrong. I believe NPA is the best additive there is for sexual hits. You\'ve just got to use it judiciously. A 10% NPA mix might be a good starting point for you. (OSCAR 48)

    NPA I have found the one thing that brings me a lot of hits with NPA, and its Jovan Musk....that’s right, the orange stuff that is so loud of smell...for some reason, brings me tons and tons of hits....was in a strip bar last week with my buddies and I found that mixing some with the NPA in an atomizer and maybe ODing a little really brought the women to us...seriously, I had one pretty stripper come to my table and whisper in my ear not to leave!!

    NPA During lovemaking I was wearing NPA alone and nothing out-of-the-ordinary happened (ordinary means increased sex drive from both of us and wilder lovemaking). After the fireworks and a shower we got some sleep, then when she woke up she said \"WOW, I had a wonderful and incredibly long dirty dream\" and went on telling me the details. She then said that it seldom happens to her, and that the only other time she could remember was a week ago... The same time I was there wearing a lot of JB#2.

    NPA:PPA Okay everyone, I present to you a combo that is so effective that it should be outlawed... please allow me to introduce....NPA/PPA combo, \"PAN\" for short....passion and new phero additive...PAN is dangerous guys..adding these two ingredients makes the APC dynamic duo look like it belongs in the Jurassic part doesn’’t matter if you have the new PPA or the old, they both work equally well..what makes it good is the 1.5% none that stone makes along with clean it has alcohol base that is ideal for mixing w/ don’’t get no better than this , try it, you’’ll see...mix in standard 5:1 ratio mixed 5 parts PPA, 1 part NPA .... this can be mixed either in roll on bottle or dabbed on, however, I haven’’t tried spraying it yet, but since both are alcohol based, it may be damn way to disperse it...the magic of pan is that it seems to disperse the NPA very well, much better than the oil of APC...and the clean none along with the NPA makes the kitty start purring. The old PPA smelled like suntan oil, the new stuff smells like a high end mens\' cologne, but god does it draw the women in....I love the new stuff, very similar to the smell of rogue male\" I didn\'t come up with it..I just went and bought it...Phil Stone came up with it, lol..You should be thanking him. I REALLY think 0.015% and 3 bases are the key, I mean, everyone\'s been using all their stuff, at different ratios, and, 0.015% has seemed to yield the BEST results, and yet, their products have ONE base...Maybe not even a good smell...And they have more than one thing in there. PPA, the new stuff, smells heavenly, and the 1.5% none per application seems to be just the right dose to get the girls without getting anyone turned off from too much none...its hard to OD on PPA and its hard to apply too little..seems amazingly right..I apply it kind of heavy, like a dab on my finger every hour on my neck or face, but that’’s just turning the bottle over quick on my finger...if you add the prepared for fireworks, which is why I called this concoction PAN...(PPA And NPA), JBX is great, don’t get me wrong, but the only problem is that the 5 mg of none seems to make an addition of NPA dangerously close to OD can’’t apply too much without a backlash..however, you can do some seriously applying with PPA and you just seem to go into better and better, I know that everyone out there is like thinking that im being over zealous...okay, have your way...I have tried all of them and I know what works for me...there will always be whiners or nay sayers who say nothing works, you cant win them all...and a lot of the guys on this forum are losers, plane and simple and no amount of mones will ever help them..however, a lot of the guys here are kick ass individuals who want to honestly know what works for other people, to those people, I share PAN with you..... some guys on here swear by doesn’’t do a damn thing for everyone can have different don’’t freak out..but I know that SOE works for a lot of folks so I don’’t knock it.... anyway, Jambat, I know you are a none believer like me, and as a senior member on this forum, I would probably take your advice on anything having to do with mones, so I would appreciate you maybe trying this PAN and letting us know how it works... but I don’’t want any recognition or anything, hell, im too busy getting laid to give a [censored] about that, but I seriously don’’t want any of you to knock this [censored] without trying it...please, let me know, far, I have had hits that would blow you guys away, but remember, you got to do a dab on the face every hour as the alcohol stuff evaporates it seems..but it works magic, especially in bars...phil stone knew what he was doing with the PPA, that’’s for sure ... now, as far as the base of APC being better, you’’re probably right...but the APC doesn’’t have the super clean regent of PPA, nor does it have anywhere close to the 1.5 of none, which gives you more of a kick, and cheaper base, than the APC...however, I disagree with your assertion that oil is better of get stronger and faster and more powerful hits with NPA in an alcohol base as it was made for cologne, not oils..not to say JB#1 doesn’’t kick butt, it does, and I would say its almost as good as PAN, but the new PPA scent, with NPA...dude, its almost unfair, just my opinion and certainly no disrespect intended to anyone...the old PPA smelled like suntan oil, the new stuff smells like a high end mens\' cologne, but god does it draw the women in...I love the new stuff, very similar to the smell of rogue male\" (Jamboot )

    PCC That\'s the amazing thing about mones...just putting them on makes me soaking wet - in the absence of stimulation or any sexual thought whatsoever. Reply: Another use for mones: put in on you, and the woman will get wet? Wow! which mones get you wet, FTR? Answer: PCC. I wrote about it in the women\'s forum if you\'d like to go look. It\'s quite amazing, really. (FTR female)

    PCC But even I have off days when all it does is makes people negative or has absolutely no effect, one thing I have found that makes up for that and gets responses on those days is a small amount say 1 or 2 swipes of PCC (copulins) that seems to get things going again. No idea why must increase female competitiveness. (WATCHER 22)

    PCC Got a fair chance to use PCC (copulins) as a sexual enhancement and, boy, does that stuff ever work!

    PI First I put two drops behind the ears of PI/m and some Cool Water cologne then headed off to work. she comes out from behind her register cubicle and gives me this great hug with her face pressed to mine saying \"Awwww my baby.\" This girl has never been THAT friendly before. Coincidence? Anybody else there, I would\'ve said yes, but not her. One thing I said to myself was exactly that. If this girl comes over and gives me a hug out of the blue then something’s going on with this stuff, and sure enough she did. Throughout the day she just kept getting friendlier and friendlier. Trying to tickle me while I talked on the phone to one of my friends. Asking me if I had a nickname that I liked to be called besides my name. It was so awesome because I really enjoy her company and this just seemed to bring out her playfulness. My friend asked one of the girls who was leaving for the day to give him a hug because he wasn\'t going to see her in a day. So she does and then out of nowhere, comes over to where me and my friend were standing, about 8 feet away, and says \"You guys too\" Then grabs me so hard (It felt as if Royce Gracie was trying to snap my neck) and gives me a great big hug and kiss and off she goes, lol.

    PI I went to Barnes and Noble last night with only one drop of PI on, and walked sllooowwwllly around, and then did get major DIHL from just about every woman i walked past in the 16-40 year old range...

    PI works!!! There is a woman aged 37 who I just met..she is a dance instructor and has a body like a brick you know what...she was never anymore than just polite to me until I wore the PI around her...we have a date for Saturday and I talked to her on the phone last night for an hour...she keeps saying that she cant seem to get me out of her mind, and all this happened after two swipes of PI, its funny, when a woman is interested, she will make it very very easy for you to get with her.

    PI/m is a great product. I think I get consistent hits off of it, but it\'s close to JB-1. (thanks Jambat). I have done a lot of field testing with other products (my first order was $500) AE, RM, Andro 4.2, old PPA, new PPA, APC, SOE, scented PI, unscented PI, NPA. So far my top three mixes/products (that I\'ve gotten the best hits off) PI/m, JB-1, and PAN with the new PPA.

    PI:AE 1 drop PI/m - 3 drops AE about 30 mins ago - I went to one of my favorite restaurants later to eat something. It was 10pm but it was really crowded there and no table was free. I\'ve seen a cute brunette at a corner table and she was the only person that seemed to be alone in the restaurant. I asked her if there\'s a seat free and she let me sit down. She smiled at me, but I sensed there\'s something wrong. I asked her what\'s up right away. She looked up and started to tell me, what seemed half of her life story including her bf cheated on her. She was a 22yo psychologist student and just found her bf banging a chick in their livingroom while having classes ended early. We sat until 11pm (at this time the restaurant closes) and left together afterwards. We drove to my place and chatted some more ending up laying on the couch, kissing and cuddling around. I think I could have pushed it farther .. but I thought this wouldn\'t a good Idea right at the moment at her situation. I drove her home around 2 and she thanked me for the evening. We\'ll see how this will develop.

    PI/APC/RM (Not a combo) The hair flips that Whitehall has described are pretty much what I see when wearing -none products like PI/m, APC, and RM. In fact I seem to get whole sections of women on the bus flipping their hair (especially with RM), hell sometimes even in unison.

    PPA Using NEW PPA the past week I have been getting a lot of DIHLA from women and smiles from women walking down the street. A shop attendant in a bookstore asks me if I needed any help, I was talking to my mate so I didn’t really hear her properly so I just kept on talking to my mate. Then she came from behind the counter and came up to me and asked me again with a big smile with those DIHL eyes, I feel like a celebrity. Saturday night in a club, getting asked to dance a few times in 1 club and a lot of DIHLS and smiles. went to another club started dancing and this fit girl comes up to me and starts feeling my member, I was a bit embarrassed as there were lot of people about staring so I just left. I used 2 dabs, rubbing it on my earlobe and then just going downwards to my chin on both sides, seem to be getting best results from this. (khan 27)

    RM Yes, I do have some RM, and I\'ve had some good results from it as well. I always seem to find myself around younger women, and so I\'ve tried to keep the dosage down for that reason. Also, I had read previous posts where people say that less is more..and that the optimum dosage of -none that seemed to get the best results seemed to be around .015 mg at one application. What you described is a little higher than this. The reactions with the nipples I\'ve described earlier was with a much lower dosage even, and on a younger girl.

    RM You can take a quick peek at their breasts to see if their nipples are poking through their shirts and bra. There was this one target that I noticed this on so when I danced with her I pulled her in tight to make certain that she got a good whiff of the RM on my neck. After we were through I thanked her then she said, \"No, thank you.\" The dazed DIOSL (Deer In Outer Space Look) on her face with a huge grin pretty much told me that the RM definitely did it\'s job.

    RM I had a very interesting encounter today. I didn\'t have any pheros on (although I did have one and a half dabs of RM on last night, perhaps some was still on me). At my college, I was just walking along in the afternoon, I walked past this blonde girl (she was cute) and out of no where she turns around and gives me a little slap on the ass! And she was a total stranger. Maybe at a bar, or a club or party you could expect this, but it caught me by suprise. It wasn\'t a busy area, maybe only 2 or 3 other people saw it. (CaliGuy23)

    RM has worked pretty well for me as well. I wore it in a restaurant last week mixed with NPA (JBX)...and used just one drop, but got my very young hot blond waitress doing KINO with me within a very short time of meeting me. I was wearing no -nol at this time either...just the straight JBX with a little bit of PCC on the neck.

    RM/APC (Not a combo) I\'ve noticed erect nipples when I wear RM and APC. Now just this alone may or may not be a sign, but this in addition to flirting, pupil dilation, hair flipping, etc. . .I usually watch for one of these signs then hang around nearby to see if any others show up. (SwingerMD 27)

    SOE I tend to wear SOE if I’’m meeting someone for coffee, going to a movie, going out for dinner/dessert, and etc...Typical dosage is 6\". Typical reactions are: easy conversations, lots of touching, friendliness, jokes (AKA 44)

    SOE I get great hits using SOE with a hint, and I mean a hint of NONE.

    SOE:APC Well this combination i\'ve tried for a month or so in every kind of setting. Two
    dabs of SOE and two dabs of APC. Yes that\'s it. This is the ultimate female attention getter and relaxer.

    SOE:NPA I got HITS as soon as I tried it! I used 1/2 of an SOE gel packet and a dab of NPA on each side of my neck, and went out to get a hair cut. The woman that washes your hair kept staring and smiling at me (She normally just washes your hair with no expression at all), and the guy cutting my hair kept asking about my job, and how\'s this and that, yada yada. As I was leaving, a young female about 20-22 years old, smiled at me, and said \"I know you, you were in my psychology class, how are you?\" I never saw this girl in my life, and we both go to 2 different colleges, and they\'re in different boroughs. lol And I was running out of time so I had to rush home and get my stuff ready for work. I said to her \"I\'m very sorry, but I\'m going to be late for work.\" She said \"No problem, here\'s my home phone number, call me when you get a chance.

    7\" SOE (I do 3\" on either side of my neck and 1\" between my wrists). You stand out. Everybody likes you. Women WANT to talk to you. If you’’re trying to meet someone, she’’s not nervous or offended that you’’ve just walked up and started a conversation with her. If you’’re with someone, she’’s agreeable to almost anything, she LOVES being close to you.

    SOE is great too. It should be in everyone\'s arsenal. I have used it in conjunction with -none based products as well, and it is very effective.

    SOE:NPA I have been getting some amazing hits with SOE! There is a little pizza place near where I work, we order from there a lot, and just pick up take-out. Anyway, I am a pretty young guy, but there is this really beautiful woman about 30-something who works there, and I go in there wearing 2 swipes SOE (a couple of times 2 drops NPA as well) and every damn time I go in there she wants to talk! It\'s seriously like she hangs on every word I say, and we only talk about the weather! She just leans over the counter staring into my eyes, it\'s like DIHL every time!

    SOE:NPA I used the DD1 mix (SOE/NPA) before my wife and I went to visit some friends. Normally I\'m the quiet one of the group and hide out in the background but when I used this combo, the redhead who can be most bossy and intimidating to most folks, was extremely friendly and directed most of the conversation to me, probably to get me to chat but everyone asked if she was taking happy pills.

    SOE:NPA I found a way to get the most hits from SOE gel and NPA/m. Apply the gel the normal way as you would apply cologne (Wrists, and neck.) Then put 2 dabs of NPA/m on your jaw (base of your ears to chin.) I applied it that way last night, and I kept getting hits like crazy. I was at my best friend\'s house and you\'re with his livingroom girlfriend, he\'s in the bathroom taking a shower. Normally when I\'m with them, and I\'m using normal cologne, she\'s all over him like stink on sh*t. Wearing the mix last night in the livingroom, when she would pass me, she would brush her legs against mine, run her ass against my shoulder (I was sitting on a couch.) She would lick her lips while looking at me, and use a deep seductive voice while talking to me.

    SOE:RM A group of us at work (6 of us, 4 guys and 2 women) went out to lunch on Tuesday. Before we left I put ½ SOE gel pack on the back of my hands and forearms and 1 dab of RM behind each ear. During Lunch, the one women sitting next to me was showing me lots of attention. She is married, 36, brunette, about 5\'5\", maybe 135 lbs. She kept looking into my eyes, and she kept touching my hand, shoulder, and leg all through the meal. Well, its time to go back to work and she asks if she can ride back with me. I say ok. As I get ready to start the car, she just kept looking into my eyes. I move myself closer to her and she grabs me and starts kissing me. We had a heavy petting make out session for about 10 mins. Driving back to work. she says that famous line \"I have never done anything like that before, I don’’t know what came over me.\" (Track0714) in his 40\'s)

    7 SOE:1 TE!!! I used four dabs from a dram bottle, and I applied the mix to my neck and wrists. I’’ve been tinkering with various ratios of SOE:TE/NPA for several weeks. For the longest time I thought SOE and NPA were simply too polar in their effects to make a good combo. (One makes women sexually submissive the other makes them sexually aggressive.) But this week I’’ve been playing around with 1 TE:7 SOE and have been getting GREAT results: Long, lingering eye contact, and lots of flirty smiles. A noncommittal relationship of mine, that’’s extremely sensitive to mones, literally humped my leg while snorting the stuff off my neck. The clincher was when I wore it to work today...lots of flirty looks and smiles, but the body language was unreal. I’ve always said that SOE erases personal space and makes girls love to be touched. Well...imagine that with the aggressive flintiness of TE/NPA. Women were patting me on the back, touching my hand, forearm, shoulder, leaning into me, rubbing up against me all day, and there was no alcohol involved. Granted they’’ve all known me for a while. Some have been fairly open with their attraction, but this was VERY out of character. A married woman said we should go out and do the town. A secretary followed me around asking about my plans for the weekend. A cute young intern I’’ve been orienting kept leaning into me and backing me into corners. While gazing into my eyes with a big, toothy grin. I’’m talking lewd, wanton and licentious behavior in the workplace. (a.k.a. 44)

    SOE:NPA MAJOR HITS AT A CLUB LAST NIGHT (SATURDAY)!! 3 dabs of NPA/m on my neck (one on each side of my neck pulse points, and 1 on my \'Adam\'s apple\'.) With SOE gel on my neck over the spots where the NPA/m was applied, and on each wrist. Numerous DIHL\'s. Females coming up to me from all sides, and every guy in the place asking what my \"Skills were.\" lol I danced with approximately 8 girls though out the night and I asked each of them the same question \"Out of all the other guys here, what made you come to me?\" one girl said \"Your cologne, just does something to me, it\'s really turning me on.\" another said \"I can\'t explain...I just have to be by you.\" the another one said \"When I walked past you before, something in my mind just clicked, it felt like I lost all of my self control, actually it felt like your body was a magnet that was dragging me towards you.\" Later on, after we were done dancing, she came up to me again, and said \"Let\'s get out of here, I need to be with you.\" Well, what happened then is for me to know, and for you to figure out! (JaegerNYC Early 20s)

    SOE:PI PI and SOE together will get you what you need in sexual hits but it also depends on your attitude and personality.

    SOE:PI/m I have to say I\'ve got my blend right (PI/m and SOE), last night friggin rocked. plus my confidence with the ladies has gone through the roof since using this stuff, and I\'ve been using for not that long. Came back to England bout 3 days ago, don\'t know anyone where I\'m at, except this one girl, she didn\'t call back (no surprise been away 3-4 months). so I went out by myself, had this tall, skinny blond girl following me around, boyfriend in tow, funniest moment being up at the bar, she comes up to the bar opposite me, so I\'m watching her DIHL as she tries to get closer to me and it packed at the bar so she can\'t get through, her face: disappointed, her boyfriends face: angry. Ended up talking with these three girls, they were wondering what I was doing myself (SOE hit for sure). got invited to the next bar, got free drinks (actually just thinking, I always get free drinks). I was expecting the girls to decide between themselves who was gonna have me (all very nice girls), but they didn\'t. so I\'m flirting with them all, then one breaks away to talk with other friends, I\'m left with two. So I increase the intensity of flirting, and now I\'m friggin happy, my hands are busy, snogging, etc. life was good last night. it would be nice if they could increase the number of days in the week I\'m running out of time which I need for more women. I love blowing my own trumpet, because I can! and my success is awesome. Last night, Pi/m one drop, Fragonard\'s \"Eau De Hongrie\" (only buy in France, maybe internet?) then about 9\" of SOE on arrival to the bar. (DAZZA 25)

    SOE:PI/m Had a date last night with a girl I\'d met a few times earlier, we both eventually found some free time. Anyway, I ended up staying at her place last night, and looks like I\'ll be staying there till Sunday, then she goes to Germany and I go to northern England. I used PI/m (1 drop) about 6\" SOE. (Dazza 25)

    SOE:TE I’ve found that all the mones work all month long. This includes Androstenone. The caveat is that I ALWAYS wear small amounts. As far as SOE goes... The stuff works great alone. It also works well with 1part TE: 7 parts SOE (= DDLite). I disagree with all the guys that say it’’s some sort of a-sexual friendliness potion. I seduced a woman that was just a casual acquaintance —— while she was at work. Yes, she was very friendly, but she was also incredibly turned on. I’’ve used SOE as a sexual aid on several occasions and can testify that it really turns women on. It even makes me horny. The difference IMO is that Androstenone makes women more sexually aggressive whereas Androsterone makes them more sexually submissive. In other words, wear whatever best reflects your mood (in minimal to moderate quantities) and she’ll feel fine. (A.K.A. 44)

    SPMO I put 2 drops SPMO on wrists, and 1 drop behind each ear (total 4 drops). I was at the store and a guy and his girlfriend were in front of me in line. About 1 or 2 seconds after I got in line behind them the girl (21-25 about a 7) turned around and looked at me then the hair flipping started, my god what was she trying to do? She was going mad with the hair flipping; I mean she flipped it constantly for 30 seconds then walked about 10 feet away (???). While she was away from me there was little or no hair flipping. Then she returned and so did the constant flipping. She then repeated the whole walk away, return, flip thing again. Maybe she\'s just one of those girls that is subconscious about her hair...I\'ve seen it before. Who knows but it was interesting.

    SPMO:JB#1 I had on two sprays of the edge a couple drops of the SPMO and just a tiny tiny dab of JB1. I am kinda quiet with the occasional smart-ass remark. I am not trying to pimp it just listen to this one hot girl talk and talk its like she couldn\'t shut her mouth. Well as the night goes on I am pretty \"high on life.\" My friends and I are getting frustrated with all this talking just left. Well my friend and I cannot sleep so go back to this little gathering. The hot girl asked if any body had alcohol or something. Then out of nowhere I was just like I do but its 10 minutes away at my house. She said lets go, once I got her in my car it was just me her and the pheromones and by the time we got to my house she was all over me on the way in. She wanted a shower so of course I let her, she needed a place to stay so being the gentleman I am, Ii let her \"sleep\" in my bed.

    THE KILLER EW SEX TEST MIX #1 3 drops love scent NPA/w, 1 eye dropper full of AFA, 3 drops of EW, then the cover scents were...2 to 3 eye droppers full of each, musk, vanilla, amber oil then some L\'air Du Temps (woman’’s perfume, men should use something else) to fill the small bottle that I had. Eye droppers were 0.9ml that I used. Then you shake it real well each time and use only a drop and put on another cover scent on top of it all. It worked for me on getting gay and bi ladies. I\'d really would like to see how it would work on another woman wanting to pick up chicks. I tried it 1st night. I put a drop of this mix of mine on and covered up the smell with more perfume. I went out with my husband to eat. The waitress even before she took our order reached out and touched my leg and made a comment on how she loved my pants. Then she keep\'s coming over through out dinner to talk to me. Didn\'t even notice my husband. Took my orders and forgot his. Even forgot his coffee and said, \"oh did you want some too?\" when he asked where it was. It was like this woman was totally in to me. Then on Friday. I went to a girls only party. All the girls were Bi. And I knew most of them. Well when I walked in I was almost attacked! These girls were all over me! A cat fight even broke out over me that night! WOW! I went to a local bar later with a couple of the woman. They kept telling me how horny I was making them. In the bar no men came on to me. It was like I wasn’t even there! But women, it\'s like they can\'t keep their hands off of me. I put this mix I made on and gay and bi women can\'t leave me alone! Men don\'t even see me! And women who are not gay or bi want to talk to me and be my friend. I put some of my mix on my husband and he went to work bartending and claimed he made the most tips ever that night but didn\'t notice anything special about the way any women were acting towards him, or men for that matter. I think I hit on something that only affects women on women. So if you’’re a gay woman or bi I think this might work. Try the mix the way I made it then only use 1 drop and cover with more perfume and see what happens. This is crazy! I wanted to make something to drive men crazy, but I\'m driving women crazy instead. Go figure. Bottle of NPA was the one for women only, 3 drops. I also used a full dropper full of AFA. The bottle that I used to put my test mix in was a .14 fl oz/4 ml roll top bottle. I just put all the mones in the bottle with the scented oils that I got from love scent, then I toped it off with my own perfume of L\'air Du Temps.It still had a very strong scent. So I only used a swipe of the roll top on my neck and covered it with more perfume, and then rubbed it all over. The glass dropper I used for mixing was a 0.9mil size dropper. Also remember I used 3 drops of the EW. That\'s a LOT! I didn\'t know any better, but the stuff is a killer every time I put it on. No men, but LOTS of women. Remember, I also tried it on the husband just once and he didn\'t notice any reaction from women or men, but he did make a lot of tips while bartending that night. We don\'t know if it was due to the mix or if it was just busy that night. All I can say is try it and see if it works, and let us know what happens. But Be Careful! Ok first off a dropper is a small [this one being 0.9ml glass suction device with rubber top. Bruce tells you to get them in a drug store or you can get them in a health food store. Try to get the kind that shows the ML on the glass. The test bottle that I used to put all the mones in and to fill with scented oil and perfume was a roll top .14 FL.OZ/4 ML size bottle. Also see post below. I used NPA for women in the mix. There was a ? about which one I used. And yes the reaction was very quick. Also after a short while it even made some women dizzy! (Coyoterose female )

    SOMEBODY\'S VOODOO MIX (They wouldn’t say what the results were. It probably attracts aliens.) Alright, I\'ve got a good mix, with a very interesting side-effect that was so weird I won\'t describe it. One other forum member knows what side-effect I\'m talking about, and I want to see if any other users experience the same. The mix, called 1234 for obvious reasons, goes like this: 1...Part P10, 2...Parts NPA, 3...Parts Attraction, 4...Parts APC. This yields out to .249 mg/ml mones, about 40% stronger than JB#1, with a little bit less -none and a little more -nol. I think 2 sprays is okay, 3 would be flirting with overdose. Let me know what you think, if anyone has all the components to make a batch.
    LUST PROMOTION: (For burning e-oils) You will need: 3 drops of sandalwood essential oil, 2 drops of patchouli essential oil, 1 drop of cardamon essential oil. Use this mixture to promote lustful desires. The corresponding color for this potion is red, so you may prefer to use a candle or towel of this color.

    WHITEHALL’s MOJO Cocktail mix: Here\'s a cocktail recipe for the most effective female lubrication enhancer I\'ve ever had the privilege of enjoying. Yes, I\'ve always wanted to be a bartender.


    - Damiana Liquor

    - Nexcite Soft Drink (contains damiana too, available on eBay; formerly Niagra)

    - Maraschino Cherries in juice

    - Crushed Ice

    - Big, tall clear glass (crystal prettiest)

    In the bottom of the glass, place a little crushed ice and add two or three cherries and a little of the red juice to make a red layer at the bottom. Fill the glass half full with more crushed ice taking care not to disturb the bottom layer. Slowly pour the bright blue Nexcite into the crushed ice to make a blue layer. Fill the glass with more crushed ice and add the yellow damiana liquor. Add another cherry to garnish. The result is a tall cool glass with bright red on the bottom, a layer of bright blue topped with a layer yellow - very pretty! The effects were astonishing - my female friend, mid-forties, was gushing so the bed was wet and usually she needs some extra lubricant.

  2. #2
    Doctor of Scentology DrSmellThis's Avatar
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    Default Re: HERE IT IS!!! 12 LONG PAGES OF HITS...OR LIES?

    Good work, Mobes! This could be added to and made into a link for newbies. There\'s no subtitute for a good story.

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    Default Re: HERE IT IS!!! 12 LONG PAGES OF HITS...OR LIES?

    Thanks Doc! So are you going to share the info on the cocktail mix? Pleeeeeeeeeeeease!!

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    I\'ve haven\'t used a RM/APC combo, but I do remember this hit:
    <blockquote><font class=\"small\">In reply to:</font><hr>

    RM You can take a quick peek at their breasts to see if their nipples are poking through their shirts and bra. There was this one target that I noticed this on so when I danced with her I pulled her in tight to make certain that she got a good whiff of the RM on my neck. After we were through I thanked her then she said, \"No, thank you.\" The dazed DIOSL (Deer In Outer Space Look) on her face with a huge grin pretty much told me that the RM definitely did it\'s job.


    Got this rxn with about 1-1.5 inches total of a RM:Aloe Vera mix at 50:50 rubbed into the pulse points on my neck. I also had about 4\" of this mix on when I had my biggest hit with RM on the dance floor, about three hours after application.

    Great job on the conpliation of hits Mobley! [img]/ubbthreads/images/icons/laugh.gif[/img]

  5. #5
    Doctor of Scentology DrSmellThis's Avatar
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    What cocktail mix?

  6. #6

    Default Re: HERE IT IS!!! 12 LONG PAGES OF HITS...OR LIES?

    Mobley, you done good!! im impressed!! i really enjoyed reading this, and i think it should be placed in the Phero Cookbook for newbies to read as well

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    Default Re: HERE IT IS!!! 12 LONG PAGES OF HITS...OR LIES?

    Thanks Boot!! [img]/ubbthreads/images/icons/smile.gif[/img]

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    Hiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii all!! Buon giorno! Come stai? Spero che tutto `e bene! Buona giornato!!! Ciao!

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    Default Re: HERE IT IS!!! 12 LONG PAGES OF HITS...OR LIES?

    All I have to say is, [censored] you have a lot of pheromones.

  10. #10
    Doctor of Scentology DrSmellThis's Avatar
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    Default Re: HERE IT IS!!! 12 LONG PAGES OF HITS...OR LIES?

    I wish the censored signs were clickable... [img]/ubbthreads/images/icons/smile.gif[/img]

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    Default Re: HERE IT IS!!! 12 LONG PAGES OF HITS...OR LIES?

    WHO ME? No my friend, the list is a list of other people that have posted, telling of their hits. Their names are at the end of the hits, but there are some that I copied earlier, before there was a discussion on the type of mone to use according to age, if it really makes a difference. But still...Grazie!! Ciao!!

  12. #12

    Default Re: HERE IT IS!!! 12 LONG PAGES OF HITS...OR LIES?

    We all owe you! OK, so you aren\'t the \"author\", but you put it all in one place so God bless you with many more hits yourself. Peace out, Cuddlebear

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    No one owes me a thing Bear!! I only collected the so called hits to see if it all came together in a certain mix. I just wanted to share the mixes, ideas, and stories with my Forum family. Thanks for the blessing!!! [img]/ubbthreads/images/icons/smile.gif[/img] [img]/ubbthreads/images/icons/smile.gif[/img] [img]/ubbthreads/images/icons/smile.gif[/img] Can\'t get enough of blessings [img]/ubbthreads/images/icons/wink.gif[/img] Tater!!

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    Default Re: HERE IT IS!!! 12 LONG PAGES OF HITS...OR LIES?

    Looks like lots of effort....

  15. #15
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    Effort is what you put into something when you want something...I\'d love to have that magic bullet that brings them in. Hope I\'m around to witness it. Some people (males and females) can\'t seem to settle with just one partner, but I\'ve been able to do that for more than 15 years\'s all mental!! They\'re either closing their eyes pretending it\'s someone else they\'re making love to, or seeing them in their thouhgts. Instead of learning how to make their mate the most beautiful, or most handsome partner on earth. Me...all I\'ll ever need is ONE woman, and the magic bullet that she couldn\'t resist. Can you imagine...being able to have one woman that doesn\'t get bored with you, and wanting you at least 4 to 5 times a week when you apply your magic bullet!!!? BINGO!!!!! [img]/ubbthreads/images/icons/smile.gif[/img] [img]/ubbthreads/images/icons/wink.gif[/img] [img]/ubbthreads/images/icons/smile.gif[/img] I\'d cream just from the thought! [img]/ubbthreads/images/icons/smile.gif[/img]

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    Good night world!!! My pillows calleth my name, and the Dolphins just beat the Broncos! May the force of mones be with you, and your hunting experiments tomorrow, bring you warmth from another source....because body heat beats antifreeze!!! [img]/ubbthreads/images/icons/wink.gif[/img] Tater!!!

  17. #17

    Default Re: HERE IT IS!!! 12 LONG PAGES OF HITS...OR LIES?

    Mob: interestnig point. I also use it not to get laid by every women I could but mainly to get more attention from the one I`ve been with for some years. There`s a lot of competition out there and after 4 years, I don`t have the novelty edge anymore... If I go in a bar, most of the time I`ll get hits *without* phero so when I use it in such place, it`s really just for the pleasure of experimentation and nothing else.

    You know what ? Up to now, APC and mostly AE have been extremely effective in bars but with the gf, I`m really not sure. Not at all. So far the only woman I would like to see very affected is the one that seems the less affected. Is it Murphy or is it just normal ? I can`t tell. I still have to try those SOE packets...

  18. #18
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    Default Re: HERE IT IS!!! 12 LONG PAGES OF HITS...OR LIES?

    Instead on cookbooks, I think the best place is in the phero reference.
    beside the table, abbr, links, cookbooks, etc.

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    Bumping it up!!! Good night world...San Francisco 20 - San Diego Chargers 14 (3rd Qtr) Luv YA!!! Tater!!

  20. #20
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    Default Re: HERE IT IS!!! 12 LONG PAGES OF HITS...OR LIES?

    That was Seattle, San Diego went 5-1 on Sunday to the top!!

  21. #21
    Carpal Tunnel Whitehall's Avatar
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    Default Re: HERE IT IS!!! 12 LONG PAGES OF HITS...OR LIES?

    Baseball is very off-topic - we have a special place for it.

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    Pay attention Mtnjim!! [img]/ubbthreads/images/icons/smile.gif[/img] You tell\'em Whitehall...I was talking about football when I bumped up the post, and said good night world [img]/ubbthreads/images/icons/wink.gif[/img]

  23. #23
    Carpal Tunnel Whitehall's Avatar
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    OK, so I didn\'t read closely enough to get the baseball/football thing correct - the conclusion is the same

  24. #24
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    Oh no Sir! You got it right!! He got it wrong!! Tater!!

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    Default Re: HERE IT IS!!! 12 LONG PAGES OF HITS...OR LIES?

    Good morning world!!! Hey! If anyone tries any of these mixes, and get would be nice if you posted the mix you used, its results, and your story.\'s such a good thing! Tater!

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    JUST BUMPING THE POST UP, SORRY! [img]/ubbthreads/images/icons/smile.gif[/img] .....T\'was the night before Xmas, and everyone was out of their mones. Waiting and hoping, Santa would soon come to their homes. There was Bruce, Mobley, and the rest of the gang....... Tater! [img]/ubbthreads/images/icons/smile.gif[/img]

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    BUUUUUUUURP!!! EXCUUUUUUSE ME! [img]/ubbthreads/images/icons/smile.gif[/img] GOOD NIIIIIIGHT!!!

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    Default my experiences so far

    Hee Hee [img]/ubbthreads/images/icons/smile.gif[/img] I like that \'Twas the night version ! That was cool !

    ok, I\'ll share. Don\'t get too excited. It\'s nothing interesting.

    Lately, I\'ve been playing with PI/w and PI/m. First time I tried it (3 days ago), I used 1 drop of PI/m on the front of my neck and 2 drops of PI/w; one for my wrists and one for the sides of my neck. No cover scent. I hate the smell of cologne/perfume. And too much of it gives me sneeze attacks. Incidentally, 10\" of SOE gives me sneeze attacks also.

    So anyway, I got my first subtle, yet visible reactions with this. I waited an hour after applying and went to Border\'s and hung around. I was checking out a magazine and stood rather close to this woman who looked like she was in her mid 20\'s. A few seconds later, she had put the magazine she was reading down and walked away. As she walked away, I noticed her wrinkling her nose as if something smelled bad.

    Then, I walked from the 2nd floor of the book store down to the basement. There was a woman (mid 20\'s also) walking down the stairs right behind me, so I walked down the stairs rather slowly. She couldn\'t get around me because there were people walking up the stairs. She was walking down to the 1st floor, and as I was walking down to the basement, I glanced back and noticed her walking away from the stairs rather quickly and had put her finger to her nose as if something smelled bad.

    Next day, I wore just one drop of each. Had lunch with a guy friend of mine. He came to pick me up. A little bit after I got into the car, he rolled down the window and put his finger to his nose. Didn\'t get any reactions from the waitress or anyone else. Visible reactions, I mean.

    I\'m going to try dabbing instead and start using a cover scent. Some EO\'s, perhaps. I\'m assuming its the PI/m that smells bad to people. Maybe one drop is OD for my body chemistry. Who knows.

    Also, PI/w smells REALLY strong to me. I know its supposed to be almost odorless and that most people can\'t really smell it. 24 hours later, the smell is almost gone, but is definitely still there. I don\'t know how to describe the smell. To ME, it\'s like borderline BO and boderline babypowder at the same time.

    And lastly, I should first say that I do subscribe to the tip of the iceberg theory. I was just getting frustrated because it seemed like other people were getting blatant visible reactions and I wasn\'t.

    But, looking back at my trials with NPA, I was perhaps getting \"visible\" reactions after all. Actually, they were more \"odor\" reactions. A post about \"phuck me\" smell reminded me of it.

    I had 3 dabs of NPA on and no cover scent both times this happened. The first time, I was over at a friend\'s place having dinner with him, his gf, and his 15 yr. old niece. I was sent out of the kitchen while my friend and his gf did the dishes. So I sat in the living room watching tv. The niece went into the bathroom and when she came back out a couple minutes later, I noticed a really strong odor. The bathroom was maybe 15\' away from where I was sitting. I just assumed she was having a heavy period or something.

    ok, its been almost 5 yrs. since I last \"made it\". So, embarassingly enough, I don\'t really remember how pussy smells. Be interesting if I get lucky again. Might be like losing my virginity all over again. hee hee

    So, the 2nd time I think I had an odor reaction, I again had 3 dabs of NPA on. Went to another friend\'s place for dinner. Toward the end of the night, the bf and I were playing a video game, and the gf decided to go to bed. She changed into shorts and a t-shirt. When she came out of the bedroom to say goodnight, which was a good 20\' from where we were sitting, I smelt that smell again. Again, I don\'t know why, but I thought maybe she was having a really heavy period or something.

    I don\'t see these people very often. But next time, I think I\'ll try 3 dabs of NPA again to see what happens.

    wow, a long post of boring-ness.

    Well, those have been the visible reactions I\'ve had so far. Very subtle. Maybe its something, maybe its nothing. Who knows.

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    Default Re: my experiences so far

    GEEEEZ!! You definitely need a cover scent. Try putting a small drop of PI/m and a small drop of PI/w in a spoon together. Dip your pinky in and put a dab behing both ears, a dab on your throat, and a dab on top of both hands. The cover scent is only to trick their noses...some people detect BO easily and quickly. You definitely need a cover scent with NPA!!! Wheeew!!! And you know like I know, American\'s don\'t like a musty smell, but Europeans take it as something natural and o.k. Hope this helps. The key word is...experiment! Tater!!

  30. #30
    Phero Pro jose's Avatar
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    Default Re: my experiences so far

    Hey Mobley, I haven\'t heard any hits stories from you? What products or mixes do you use, time to contribute to the forum.

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