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  1. #1
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    Default update...more new findings on my EW sex test mix#1

    Husband acts competitive and argues with me when I have this stuff on.Men act more sexually agressive and competitive in bed with me.I go out to walk my dog and the woman next door to me who never talks to me act\'s like I\'m her best friend and buddy.Woman at dunkin donuts spaces out,forgets order,trips and spills coffee all over then forgets again how much I owe her and has glazed look in eyes.I feel like I am haveing my period on the stuff,leg cramps,stomach cramps etc, but I\'m not due yet.I wash it off and a couple of hours later I feel fine.Gas station guy who is always nice to me acts nasty to me like he\'s haveing a bad day. Guy who works on my computer acts nasty to me for no reason at all.Girls and guys be careful.This stuff I came up with by mistake is powerful! Let me know how it works on you.I need to know if any men have used it yet.

  2. #2
    Phero Pharaoh BassMan's Avatar
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    Default Re: update...more new findings on my EW sex test mix#1

    From the fact that you are getting really nice positive hits and really nasty negative hits all bunched up together, I\'d guess you are right on the edge of overdose. You could try 1/2 to 1/3 of what you have on...

  3. #3
    Banned User EXIT63's Avatar
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    Default Re: update...more new findings on my EW sex test mix#1

    .....Husband acts competitive and argues with me when I have this stuff on. Men act more sexually agressive and competitive in bed with me....

    How many men are you sleeping with?

  4. #4
    Phero Dude
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    Default Re: update...more new findings on my EW sex test m

    Coyote, your stories are totally believable. They don\'t surprise me at all. The only thing I can\'t believe is that you continue to use that mix of yours with such a high concentration of EW. That stuff is wickedly dangerous. I can\'t even begin to imagine how much more you have on yourself than I do, and I have a serious effect on some peoples brains. Especially men will get f#cked right up. I have had guys near me stare at a blank wall for an endless amount of time until someone beats them on the side of the head; I\'ve had guys get so groggy that they almost fall off their chair and almost start slurring their speech and talking real slow; and I\'ve had guys just plain spaced out, and then after 5 minutes say to me, \"What are we doing here?\". I had one guy in a classroom beside me just get totally glazed over and he stayed that way for the whole class and then promplty passed out on the desk as soon as the class had a break. After the break we had trouble getting him conscious,then he was given an assignment but he just glazed over again(and no, he doesn\'t use drugs!).
    You really got to cut down the EW. That sh#t is dangerous. I don\'t even think it\'s right to be messing with peoples\' brains that seriously. This is how I feel about it and I am probably not wearing a concentration like you are.

  5. #5
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    Default Re: update...more new findings on my EW sex test m

    Wow, you are already sounding like Triall. Are you really sure it is the EW? Till now I would say you are credible, but you are on the edge. [img]/ubbthreads/images/icons/wink.gif[/img]

  6. #6
    Phero Dude
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    Default Re: update...more new findings on my EW sex test m

    Well, MadMaxx (despite his handle lol) always seems to be pretty sane in his posts and what he\'s saying about EW is starting to really worry me about actually testing the EW I just got in the mail. If it really does have this strong effect on others I wouldn\'t use it. Anyway, in the interests of phero research I will test is regardless and will try to get down to it this weekend and make MadMaxx\'s mix exactly as he described and then test it and see what happens.

  7. #7
    Phero Pharaoh BassMan's Avatar
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    Default Re: update...more new findings on my EW sex test m

    <blockquote><font class=\"small\">In reply to:</font><hr>

    Wow, you are already sounding like Triall. Are you really sure it is the EW? Till now I would say you are credible, but you are on the edge.

    <hr></blockquote>It\'s the EW. Trust me. I\'m playing with it, too, and getting similar whacked-out responses from people. If you get the concentration right, this stuff is dangerous. I\'m not posting stories precisely \'cause I don\'t want to sound like Triall. But it\'s truly wicked stuff...

  8. #8
    Phero Pharaoh BassMan's Avatar
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    Default Re: update...more new findings on my EW sex test m

    <blockquote><font class=\"small\">In reply to:</font><hr>

    I will test is regardless and will try to get down to it this weekend and make MadMaxx\'s mix exactly as he described and then test it and see what happens.

    <hr></blockquote>Add some scent to MadMaxx\'s mix before you use it. I\'m using healing garden\'s tangerinetherapy, but anything unisex should work.

  9. #9
    Phero Dude
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    Default Re: update...more new findings on my EW sex test m

    THANK YOU BASSMAN! I know I am sounding a bit like Trial. I have mentioned that a few times myself in my posts; however, I am a pioneer so I take the risk of sounding like a lunatic for the benefit of others. So, to all, Bassman concurs with me that this stuff is evil sh#t(but useful if used wisely and in moderation). While I certainly cannot prove conclusively that it is the EW, there are just way too many cases of people behaving in a certain way, and these occurences are way to frequent, and they have too much similarity. I feel fairly sure it is the EW. AND do not forget that I am keeping in mind the way it is affecting MY body, mood, and mind. I can turn myself into a zombie with the stuff, so it is not hard to believe that some guy sitting beside me is going to get zombified as well, is it now???

  10. #10
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    Default Re: update...more new findings on my EW sex test m

    \"I am a pioneer so I take the risk of sounding like a lunatic for the benefit of others\"

    I know what you mean. People think I am crazy when I tell them about pheromones and what they can do for you.

    So I didn´t mean to say you are crazy, my problem is I cannot believe some stories that sound a little unbelievable.

  11. #11
    Phero Dude
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    Default Re: update...more new findings on my EW sex test m

    Yeah, I can understand. Some of the hit stories such as NYC\'s recent nightclub adventure are hard for me to related to because I don\'t get massive sexual hits in that realm. Anyway, I can handle it if non EW users find some of this stuff unbelievable. Hell, some of these experiences I mention blow me away. Almost scares me a bit. This guy I mentioned that I was in a classroom with was just yesterday. This guy was GLAZED over! This guy was FRIED! I actually started laughing it was so unbelievable. He was definitely not stoned, but I have never seen a person in that state other than someone who was stoned.

  12. #12
    Phero Pharaoh BassMan's Avatar
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    Default Re: update...more new findings on my EW sex test m

    <blockquote><font class=\"small\">In reply to:</font><hr>

    So I didn´t mean to say you are crazy, my problem is I cannot believe some stories that sound a little unbelievable.

    <hr></blockquote>You\'re in for a treat. Mix some up, go to a mall with a couple of sprays on you, and watch what happens. It seems to mostly affect males. They go brain dead. I finally understand Hooters\' motto (Our Breasts Make You Stupid).

    Ok. I have done some calculations. I\'ve come up with a range of application for EW. Actually, it\'s pretty broad, but I\'ll break it down.

    My mix:
    0.018 ml (4 drops from the teensy little needle of a 0.5 ml syringe) in 30 ml of healing garden tangerinetherapy body spray. The lemon balm, citrus, peppermint scent covers EW quite nicely. Dosage: 1 to 2 sprays from one of Bruce\'s atomizers. I\'ll spare you the math. Dosage is 0.09 to 0.18 mg EW (expressed as concentrate, and yes, I\'m glossing the fact that ml EW &lt;&gt; gms EW).

    Womans mix:
    Two drops (I gotta assume what that means, I\'ll go with 30 drops per ml) in one ounce cologne. Dosage: 4 drops (again, I\'ll assume 30 to the mil). Works out to 0.29 mg EW. Makes sense to me. I\'ll bet Woman is more comfortable smelling like pussy than I am [img]/ubbthreads/images/icons/smile.gif[/img] She\'s using a smaller fluid amount of a more concentrated mix - her cologne provides better coverage than my body spray. Yup. Yup.

    2 - 3 drops into an ounce of fluid. Dosage: 4 to 20 drops. Quite a range. At the low end, it\'s the same as Womans, 2 drops in, 4 drops worn, 0.29 mg EW. At the high end, 3 drops in, 20 drops worn, we have a whopping 2.2 mg of EW. MadMaxx, boldly going where no one has gone before... No wonder you\'re getting such intense responses, MadMaxx!

    As a point of reference, I made my Lucky Pants [tm] with 2 sprays of a 1:100 (10 mg/ml) dilution. That would be about 0.3 ml, or 3.0 mg EW. But that was applied to cotton fibre, and I\'ll bet the rate of disbursal was relatively low. Interesting...

  13. #13
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    Default Re: update...more new findings on my EW sex test mix#1

    Yes you are right.I just made up a totally new mix today, and I will post it on the board.I have not tried it yet,but will soon.

  14. #14
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    Default Re: update...more new findings on my EW sex test mix#1

    I\'ll never tell...LOL!

  15. #15
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    Default Re: update...more new findings on my EW sex test m

    I just made up yet a nother all new test mix and I will post it on the board.This should be better.I haven\'t tried it yet,but when I do I will post my findings.

  16. #16

    Default Re: update...more new findings on my EW sex test m

    Coyoterose, I\'m diggin\' you so much. Thanks for the experimentation and for the reporting. So hey - I\'ve been using PCC and PI/w. The first time, I only used PCC - worked extremely well. The second and third times, I\'ve used PCC and PI/w. TALK ABOUT COMPETITIVE AND AGGRESSIVE. I\'m think I\'m backing off the PI/w or maybe won\'t use it at all with this partner. He\'s aggressive anyway, I mean, I like that about him, but this seems to put him over the top, and I od\'d today. He po\'ed me to the point I gave somebody new my phone number. Then I read your post again and realized, it could be the \'mones.

    Anybody, any evidence that copulins make men overly aggressive?

  17. #17

    Default Re: update...more new findings on my EW sex test m

    Yup, let\'s be carefull with pheros and regular partners...

    It hve an effect one everybody, including the wearer.

  18. #18

    Default Re: update...more new findings on my EW sex test m

    You mean \"yup\" you have evidence that copulins make men aggressive, or \"yup\" it could be the \'mones?

  19. #19

    Default Re: update...more new findings on my EW sex test m

    could be the mones.

  20. #20
    Phero Dude
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    Default Re: update...more new findings on my EW sex test m

    BASSMAN, thanks a million for the calculations. NO WONDER I\'m blowing people away. I have cut back though. I never wear 20 drops anymore. I can\'t do it. I have trouble maintaining consciousness. I was just so tired all the time, and every night I slept like I was using sleeping pills. I could mistake myself for a stone when I\'m sleeping. I use about 10-12 drops now, which is definitely saner than 20 drops. This level is working beautifully on the women, and most men seem to be functional enough. Service guys are not too bad anyway; just maybe minorly affected. Guys that have to sit near me for a while though can get quite overwhelmed.

    By the way, my mix is mostly water, but it does have a small amount of cologne in it, and a tiny amount of baby powder oil. That makes it really nice!

  21. #21
    Phero Guru
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    Default Re: update...more new findings on my EW sex test m

    Myself, I do believe CoyoteRose\'s findings.

  22. #22
    King of the coupons!
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    Default Re: update...more new findings on my EW sex test mix#1

    Rose - How much are you applying? Where are you applying it? And are you spraying your cover scent directly over the spots where you\'ve applied it? Thanks!

  23. #23
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    Default Re: update...more new findings on my EW sex test m

    You wrote:
    It\'s the EW. Trust me. I\'m playing with it, too, and getting similar whacked-out responses from people. If you get the concentration right,
    Have you got a good mix on EW yet? if so do you mind sending it or posting it? [img]/ubbthreads/images/icons/smile.gif[/img]

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