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  1. #1
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    Default 1st date with blue eyed blonde was an all nighter

    I met her about a month ago at a club - danced several times and got her email and a kiss after walking her out to her car at closing time. After a few emails, got her phone # as she wanted to \"hook up\" soon. Called her and asked her if she wanted to do something this weekend. She did and a couple of days later I made reservations at a nice restaurant and sent her an email about it that night - to get her excited and thinking about it. So the next night we met there and had some good food and some drinks and conversation. On the way out she asked what I wanted to do. I said how about if we stop and pick up some drinks and go to my place and watch a movie that I had picked up and haven\'t watched yet. She agreed and got in my car. We were watching the first movie and it started with hand holding then foot contact, then arm around her, then kissing, and escalated from there and moved upstairs after the movie was over. What a great body! Candles and music and drinks and wild sex until 2:30AM! OK - here is a great tip for guys: use a little olive oil (the first cold pressed green kind is the best) on your **** and you can last as long as you want! (You owe me for that tip!)

    I had on 1 drop new PPA on both sides of neck covered with a little sweet fennel eo, drakkar on chest (gives me geat eye contact from women), and some beaches (I know it it\'s not sold here, maybe SOE would work in its place) rolled on forehead and neck and backs of hands.

  2. #2

    Default Re: 1st date with blue eyed blonde was an all nigh

    What a great night! Good on you, and best wishes for more to come, so to speak.

  3. #3
    Phero Dude
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    Default Re: 1st date with blue eyed blonde was an all nighter

    > OK - here is a great tip for guys: use a little olive oil (the first cold pressed green kind is the best) on your **** and you can last as long as you want! (You owe me for that tip!)

    Sounds like you weren\'t using a condom.

    If not, let me ask you a few questions:

    - would you mind getting herpes, having periodic sores for the rest of your life?
    - would you mind getting AIDS and dying a slow death?
    - would you mind getting other STDs that could destroy your liver or make you sterile?
    - would you mind being a father? right now, with this girl?

    If you were using a condom, be aware that oil-based lubricants destroy the latex.

  4. #4
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    Default Re: 1st date with blue eyed blonde was an all nighter

    >- would you mind getting herpes, having periodic sores for >the rest of your life?
    >- would you mind getting AIDS and dying a slow death?

    There are ways to kill viruses and clean your blood if you need to.

    > - would you mind getting other STDs that could destroy
    > your liver or make you sterile?

    There are ways to regenerate liver tissue and detox your liver.

    >- would you mind being a father? right now, with this >girl?

    No, but she is on b.c.

    > If you were using a condom, be aware that oil-based
    > lubricants destroy the latex.

    Even if you don\'t use oil-based lube, condoms can break and viruses are small enough to go through them anyway.

    I\'m not against condom usage - use them if you want, don\'t if you don\'t want to.

  5. #5

    Default Re: 1st date with blue eyed blonde was an all nigh

    Wouldn\'t it be cool if we could all get tested inexpensively and conveinently, like, every three months or on demand, and have a card to carry...positive for herpes, negative for syphyllis, negative for AIDS or something -- one of the problems with disease transmission is that people don\'t realize what they have. VD really does seem to be one of those things that happens to other people -and it\'s like, for this one girlfriend I had who got herpes, she was still in denial about it afterward and has unprotected sex with partners she has not informed...It\'s a little scary. But if everyone at least knew what they had or that they didn\'t have anything, you could make a better decision about what degrees of protection you\'d need, etc. People don\'t seem comfortable with full disclosure, like it\'s unromantic or not sexy, and end up just having sex with no idea of who\'s got what. I sympathize because I HATE condoms --another reason to avoid promiscuity --

  6. #6
    Phero Dude
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    Default Re: 1st date with blue eyed blonde was an all nighter

    >There are ways to kill viruses and clean your blood if you need to.
    >There are ways to regenerate liver tissue and detox your liver.

    This is why HIV and other STDs continue to spread. People just don\'t understand them and don\'t take the effort to learn.

    The facts:

    - When you get herpes or HIV or many other serious STD viruses, they are for life. You don\'t get rid of them. There are no ways to eradicate them. You can keep them under control for some number of years, usually, but then you die.

    Here is a link that explains this fact for herpes:

    And here is a link that explains this fact for HIV:

    Here\'s some information on other STDs. Note that many of them \"cannot be cured\":

    >Even if you don\'t use oil-based lube, condoms can break and viruses are small enough to go through them anyway.

    Again, not true. Here are the facts about condom usage and disease prevention:

    Highlight: Using a condom is more than 10,000 times safer than not using a condom during intercourse.

  7. #7
    Enlightened One
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    Default Re: 1st date with blue eyed blonde was an all nighter

    Look people just dont use condoms, with the spread of AIDS yes people will die that is due to their own stupidity with the facts are fully known. With the way women are with alpha males in our society and pheromone driven behaviour we are at more risk as these women keep things quite.

    If to many people get aids it will act as a population control (i believe this is why governments arent allotcating to much in the way of resources to the search for a cure) Medical advancements are going forward as we speak so im sure a cure isnt far off. So many drug companies are after the holy grail but it will advance human science considerably so why not let it spread a little bit more.

  8. #8

    Default Re: 1st date with blue eyed blonde was an all nighter

    \"Look people just dont use condoms, with the spread of AIDS yes people will die that is due to their own stupidity with the facts are fully known. \"

    Darwinism at it´s finest


  9. #9
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    Default Re: 1st date with blue eyed blonde was an all nighter

    Hey xvs,

    There are no cures for anything in your world, just fear and a closed-minded brain-washed way of thinking. I am an open-minded alternative new-wave kind of person and I am not
    afraid of any disease! And I don\'t care to read your preprogrammed b.s. response to this. You need to get a full-body condom for yourself because you can get viruses through the mouth - scary monster viruses...

    There are many ways to kill viruses, bacteria, fungus, parasites, cancer cells, etc. And you can charge up your immune system, detox your organs, and even regenerate liver tissue.

    Here are just a couple of examples:

    Milk thistle: Milk thistle regenerates liver cells and protects us from chemicals and toxins to which we all are exposed. Milk thistle dramatically enhances liver health by protecting the outer membrane of liver cells and acting as a powerful antioxidant in the liver. Milk thistle acts to regenerate damaged and injured liver cells, reversing the liver damage caused by toxins and ameliorating a host of medical problems.

    Eleven years ago, Magic Johnson was diagnosed with the HIV virus. \"In my latest physical which I passed with flying colours, the virus is still undetectable in my blood.

  10. #10

    Default Re: 1st date with blue eyed blonde was an all nigh

    buddy u know any remedies who know I might need one someday.

  11. #11
    Phero Dude
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    Default Re: 1st date with blue eyed blonde was an all nighter

    A little knowledge is a dangerous thing, and unfortunately, you have only a little knowledge, and are therefore dangerous to yourself, and apparently to others (since you may very well be exposing them to diseases).

    Milk thistle does indeed have some interesting hepatoprotective properties, however it will not cure hepatitis, nor keep you from developing liver cancer from viral infection.

    Magic Johnson may have undetectable levels of HIV in his blood, but he is still infected with HIV, can still infect others, and will most likely develop AIDS at some point in the not too distant future because HIV mutates and the drugs stop working.

    In the meantime, he has to take about $20,000 worth of pills a year, probably about 12 or more a day to keep his HIV infection in check and to keep from developing AIDs, and the protease inhibitors he takes are not free of side effects.

    Here is one article about Magic and the drugs he has to take every day to stay free of the disease:

    Note this quote:

    Hattie Babbitt, executive director of AIDS Action in Washington, was effusive in her praise of Johnson. But she also said Johnson appears so healthy and has such energy it gives the mistaken impression that the drugs are a cure.

    \"They do have side effects, and they tend to lose their effectiveness. His healthy appearance may lead young people to incorrectly believe it doesn\'t matter if they get infected,\" Babbitt said.

    Here is a paper about some of the many side effects of protease inhibitors:

    One highlight... and these are very common side effects:

    Perhaps the first unusual symptoms to be seen in people taking protease inhibitors were growths of atypical fat-like tissues in the stomach (popularly called \"Crix belly,\" although other protease inhibitors may have similar effects) and upper back (\"buffalo humps\"). Other patients, such as Ellen, began to notice breast enlargement. These abnormal fat deposits can be accompanied by loss of mass and strength in the limbs and buttocks, as in the case of another participant on the Crix-List. This patient described muscle wasting in the arms, chest and legs as well as fatty growths in the upper back and neck area that increased in size after starting indinavir. The benign growths were surgically removed and diagnosed as \"lipomas\" (tumors consisting of fat cells). Other postings to the list describe the condition as \"lipodystrophy\" (an abnormality in the use of fats in the body).

  12. #12
    Banned User EXIT63's Avatar
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    Default Re: 1st date with blue eyed blonde was an all nighter

    Hey Man, Don\'t bring me down. I\'ll infect anyone I damn well please. And I won\'t get buffalo humps cause I\'ve got such good karma. Crix belly schmix belly. Nuthin that a little funk schwae couldn\'t cure.

    ! ! ! PYRAMID POWER ! ! !

  13. #13

    Default Re: 1st date with blue eyed blonde was an all nigh

    Don\'t forget the crystals! and the daily affirmations!

  14. #14
    Banned User EXIT63's Avatar
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    Default Re: 1st date with blue eyed blonde was an all nigh

    Actually....I do believe in the affirmations.

  15. #15
    Phero Pharaoh BassMan's Avatar
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    Default Re: 1st date with blue eyed blonde was an all nigh

    Actually, I believe in both the crystals and the affirmations. But not for curing AIDS.

    Thought better of posting my wishes publicly.

    NoLimits, check your PM.

  16. #16

    Default Re: 1st date with blue eyed blonde was an all nigh

    Darwinism at work.

    Why exactly would anyone go against all of the evidence that proves STDs are deadly and can only be stopped from spreading via a condom? The government doesn\'t advocate awareness campaigns for no reason. Also, with the speed that you got that woman into bed, you really should think about getting tested for STDs and being more careful in the future.

  17. #17
    Enlightened One
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    Default Re: 1st date with blue eyed blonde was an all nigh

    Darwinism at work, ok so why is there so slow progress in the cure or more effective treatment of aids. The evidence says that STDs are dangerous, the awareness campaigns have proven very effective indeed in some areas. Getting women into bed with speed i would be the first to test myself for STDs, thats why its in our interests to have one stable partner and also someone that doesnt look around, hence if i end up with a 5 in the looks department but she is faithful to me well then thats what i will do.

  18. #18

    Default Re: 1st date with blue eyed blonde was an all nigh

    I\'m of the opinion that everyone should get tested once a year, whether there\'s any reason to worry about exposure or not. Just to be on the safe side. Although, having said that, man, it\'s a pain to get the doctor to cooperate, and he always wants to know why. I just say, for my peace of mind, run an AIDS and a full VD scan. This last time, last week, I got relationship advice. \"Talk to your partner, tell him you\'re concerned about this...\" and then what? don\'t ever get tested again because I believe everything I hear? Uh-uh. I like to see things on paper...

    If you\'ve never been tested and you\'ve had unprotected sex, it wouldn\'t be a bad can pick up things that go undetected and only show up in their female partners -- you could be passing stuff along and not know it, as well as having picked up something from whatever woman you\'ve been with.

  19. #19
    Enlightened One
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    Default Re: 1st date with blue eyed blonde was an all nigh

    Good advice from FTR there, better to be safe than sorry.
    In the meantime lets contribute to the research efforts.
    Anyone got basic information on aids we can begin to apply the pheromone model to ?

  20. #20
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    Default Re: 1st date with blue eyed blonde was an all nigh

    From: BassMan
    Received: 10/08/02 03:28 PM
    >I can have no idea of whether you actually believe the >ignorance you are spewing, but your post about curing aids >with milkthistle is the most asleep, cruel, non->compassionate piece of self-serving crap I\'ve read in a >long, long while.

    I didn\'t say anything about curing aids with milk thistle, I said it regenerates liver tissue. And yes, there are ways to kill viruses, but I\'m not going to waste my time talking about that with negative close-minded people like you.

    >And believe me, I don\'t need a \"there are no cures in your >world\" out of you - I have been an initiate and a healer >longer than you have been alive.

    You must be really old then.

    >If you are just ignorant, go use the web to take a look at >what AIDS has done on the African continent, where the >males share attitudes similar to yours.

    >If you know better and are just cruel, if just one person >is harmed by the influence of your post

    The people here can make their own decisions.

    > may it return to you three times three. And may you live > long enough to learn something from the result.

    Is that a lame attempt at putting a spell on me or something. May your b.s. come back at you 9x9x9.

  21. #21

    Default Re: 1st date with blue eyed blonde was an all nigh

    Oh, no, NoLimits -- those men in Africa have it figured out. All you have to do is have sex with a virgin. That takes the AIDS right away. Everybody knows that ...


  22. #22
    Phero Pharaoh BassMan's Avatar
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    Default Re: 1st date with blue eyed blonde was an all nigh

    I can only hope that most of the readers of this post will have been following the level of my writing long enough to bear with me for just this one moment...

    <blockquote><font class=\"small\">In reply to:</font><hr>

    From: BassMan
    Received: 10/08/02 03:28 PM
    &gt;I can have no idea of whether you actually believe the &gt;ignorance you are spewing, but your post about curing aids &gt;with milkthistle is the most asleep, cruel, non-&gt;compassionate piece of self-serving crap I\'ve read in a &gt;long, long while.

    I didn\'t say anything about curing aids with milk thistle, I said it regenerates liver tissue. And yes, there are ways to kill viruses, but I\'m not going to waste my time talking about that with negative close-minded people like you.

    <hr></blockquote>You stupid little f*ck. I intentionally sent you a PM to keep from doing this in a public forum. Posting my private message to you publicly without my consent is a big no no...
    <blockquote><font class=\"small\">In reply to:</font><hr>

    &gt;And believe me, I don\'t need a \"there are no cures in your &gt;world\" out of you - I have been an initiate and a healer &gt;longer than you have been alive.
    You must be really old then.

    <hr></blockquote>Old enough, darlin\'.
    <blockquote><font class=\"small\">In reply to:</font><hr>

    &gt;If you are just ignorant, go use the web to take a look at &gt;what AIDS has done on the African continent, where the &gt;males share attitudes similar to yours.

    <hr></blockquote>I tried my best. Ignorance, arrogance, and stupidity are what the Buddha warned against. In a previous reply, you claimed to be an awakened, aware being. Fair enough. You show us where refusing to look at genocide marks you as aware and we\'ll all have us a lil\' talk...
    <blockquote><font class=\"small\">In reply to:</font><hr>

    &gt;If you know better and are just cruel, if just one person &gt;is harmed by the influence of your post

    The people here can make their own decisions.

    &gt; may it return to you three times three. And may you live &gt; long enough to learn something from the result.

    Is that a lame attempt at putting a spell on me or something. May your b.s. come back at you 9x9x9.

    <hr></blockquote>Not at all lame. Not at all. Nope, nope, nope.

    If indeed what I said was bullshitting you, 9x9x9 means I will have to learn to clarify myself many times over. I embrace that completely. My \"lame\" curse on you: that you bear the fruits of your ignorance is more than enough.

    I have no problem, either in my consciousness, nor in my power, in repeating publicly what I was attempting to say to you privately - If you indeed know better, and if you are indeed cruel enough to perpetrate this crap for the sake of your _dick_, then IF only ONE person is harmed by believing your ignorant, self-serving chant, MAY YOU FIND REASON to learn from the results of your actions. Again. And again. And AGAIN.

  23. #23
    Bodhi Satva CptKipling's Avatar
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    Default Re: 1st date with blue eyed blonde was an all nigh

    What is this mysterious method for curing AIDs then NL? You say you are awakened, so enlighten us.

  24. #24
    Doctor of Scentology DrSmellThis's Avatar
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    Default Re: 1st date with blue eyed blonde was an all nigh

    Olive leaf, vit. C, and St.John\'s Wort, as well as several essential oils, are antiviral.

  25. #25
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    Default Re: 1st date with blue eyed blonde was an all nigh

    &gt;You stupid little f*ck. I intentionally sent you a PM to keep from doing this in a public forum. Posting my private message &gt;to you publicly without my consent is a big no no...

    Not stupid, not little, go f*ck yourself. You don\'t have anything to tell me that can\'t be public.

    &gt;Old enough, darlin\'.

    Not your darlin, what are you gay?

    &gt;I tried my best. Ignorance, arrogance, and stupidity are what the Buddha warned against. In a previous reply, you claimed to &gt;be an awakened, aware being. Fair enough. You show us where refusing to look at genocide marks you as aware and we\'ll all &gt;have us a lil\' talk...

    Go look in the mirror to see what the Buddha warned against.

    &gt;Not at all lame. Not at all. Nope, nope, nope.

    The lamest.

    &gt;If indeed what I said was bullshitting you, 9x9x9 means I will have to learn to clarify myself many times over. I embrace that completely.

    Sounds good.

    &gt;My \"lame\" curse on you: that you bear the fruits of your ignorance is more than enough.

    Curse denied because of lack of ignorance and redirected to you where there is ignorance 9x9x9.

    &gt;I have no problem, either in my consciousness, nor in my power, in repeating publicly what I was attempting to say to you &gt;privately - If you indeed know better, and if you are indeed cruel enough to perpetrate this crap for the sake of your
    &gt;_dick_, then IF only ONE person is harmed by believing your ignorant, self-serving chant, MAY YOU FIND REASON to learn from &gt;the results of your actions. Again. And again. And AGAIN.

    I\'m not cruel and do not have a reason to perpetuate anything. Just was giving my opinion on it - It is a free country you know. People can make up their own mind on using condoms - I\'ve used them before for b.c. or if the babe I\'m with wants to use them. And no, I don\'t have any viral or any other diseases to spread. People like you would be content to think that the world is flat and you will do whatever you are told without really thinking for yourself. You\'re the type that is happy to mask symptoms of disease rather than deal with the causes. And no doubt you accept your fate of arteries that are getting more clogged by the minute when there are proven ways to have clear arteries. And I\'m sure that your ph level is jacked up so that viruses, parasites, fungus, etc. can thrive in a low oxygen environment. And I could go on, but why bother.

  26. #26
    King of the coupons!
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    Default Re: 1st date with blue eyed blonde was an all nigh

    Geeeeez!!!! It\'s a fight!!!! And Mobley\'s not getting beat!!! Where\'s all the love?

  27. #27

    Default Re: 1st date with blue eyed blonde was an all nigh

    Justification for misanthropy........anyone???


  28. #28
    King of the coupons!
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    Default Re: 1st date with blue eyed blonde was an all nigh

    Say huh!!? [img]/ubbthreads/images/icons/smile.gif[/img]

  29. #29

    Default Re: 1st date with blue eyed blonde was an all nigh

    No, Satan, I love mankind.

    It\'s PEOPLE that I hate...

  30. #30
    Phero Pharaoh BassMan's Avatar
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    Default Re: 1st date with blue eyed blonde was an all nigh

    <blockquote><font class=\"small\">In reply to:</font><hr>

    No, Satan, I love mankind.

    It\'s PEOPLE that I hate...

    <hr></blockquote>Yup. Somebody comes on a public forum, where we can expect impressionable readers, some in their teens, sings the praises of unsafe sex, expects everyone to agree. Goes rancid when they don\'t. Ah. Hoo.

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