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  1. #1

    Default WARNING!!!!!!!!!!!!!


    Mix used:

    3 dabs of NPA/m on my neck (one on each side of my neck pulse points, and 1 on my \'Adam\'s apple\'.) With SOE gel on my neck over the spots where the NPA/m was applied, and on each wrist.


    Numerous DIHL\'s. Females coming up to me from all sides, and every guy in the place asking what my \"Skills were.\" lol I danced with approximately 8 girls though out the night and I asked each of them the same question \"Out of all the other guys here, what made you come to me?\" one girl said \"Your cologne, just does something to me, it\'s really turning me on.\" another said \"I can\'t explain..........I just have to be by you.\" the another one said \"When I walked past you before, something in my mind just clicked, it felt like I lost all of my self control, actually it felt like your body was a magnet that was dragging me towards you.\" Later on, after we were done dancing, she came up to me again, and said \"Let\'s get out of here, I need to be with you.\" Well, what happened then is for me to know, and for you to figure out >=~)

    Female Body language displayed:

    When I was standing around not dancing, girls in my vacinity would face me, and start touching their bodies in sexual ways. Also, have their palms near their pelvic area, with their fingers pointing to \"The promised land\" lol Girls licking their middle fingers and rubbing it against their crotch.

    I\'m pretty convinced that this stuff works, never had a doubt in my mind about its effectiveness, but this one just took the cake. Bruce, would it be possible for me to \"Direct Deposit\" my paychecks to Love-Scent? LOL Also, When I was leaving the club, 2 girls looked like the had their hearts ripped out of their chests when I left, and all the other guys in the club were being ignored. LOL

  2. #2
    Phero Pro
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    Default Re: WARNING!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    No wonder your favorite products are NPA/m and SOE gel! [img]/ubbthreads/images/icons/laugh.gif[/img]

  3. #3

    Default Re: WARNING!!!!!!!!!!!!!


    During 1999 going into 2000, people were stocking their homes, and \"bunkers\" with food, and other supplies. If I knew about this stuff back then, I would have stocked my basement full of NPA/m and SOE gel! LOL =~)

  4. #4
    Phero Pro
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    Default Re: WARNING!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    This certainly gives me an idea about how much you like the stuff. [img]/ubbthreads/images/icons/laugh.gif[/img] I cannot help wondering though how they\'d help getting through long months of suffering in your home or bunker, having almost no interesting social relationships (i.e. females) around you!

  5. #5

    Default Re: WARNING!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    OK!............thats it!....Bruce I neeeeed some NPA/m now!

    My money is ready! [img]/ubbthreads/images/icons/smile.gif[/img]

  6. #6
    Phero Pro jose's Avatar
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    Default Re: WARNING!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    I never had much luck with NPA/SOE, but like I say all the time some products don\'t work for everyone.

  7. #7
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    Default Re: WARNING!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    COOL [img]/ubbthreads/images/icons/cool.gif[/img] story there ....I like your details with the dialogue...THANKS dude [img]/ubbthreads/images/icons/smile.gif[/img].....Gonna get\'s gonna be the NPA that\'s doing the wonders.....

    & did u add anything cologne or something....I\'d like to know....or it just as you\'ve described...???

    \"When all men think alike, no one thinks very much.\"
    -Walter Lippmann

  8. #8

    Default Re: WARNING!!!!!!!!!!!!!


    No extra cologne added. The only smell coming from me was the SOE gel. The club was somewhat warm, so I guess the smell from the SOE gel and NPA/m marinated the room. lol

  9. #9

    Default Re: WARNING!!!!!!!!!!!!!


    Well, I would just have to stock the home or bunker with females as well! LOL

  10. #10

    Default Re: WARNING!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Damn, Sam, that\'s amazing. You\'re a babe magnet! uh-oh, look out! [img]/ubbthreads/images/icons/smile.gif[/img]

    Where\'s this club you went to?

  11. #11
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    Default Re: WARNING!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    I have to agree with the NPA/SoE gel combo because I\'m getting a lot of good results with TES/SoE gel. Since NPA is 4 times stronger than TE, the results must be better.

  12. #12
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    Default Re: WARNING!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    I think that, maybe, certain products work for certain people. I think it might have something to do with the amount of pheromones/ratios...Similar to your own body chemistry. I think, you should get what you are close to producing. Now, the reason why the PPA thing was going on, is, because, it\'s about the same as most people produce...None of this, HIGH CONCENTRATED stuff, like most people are using....

    Hey, it\'s great that you found what works for you though...

    You lucky mother f*

    Oh, and, by the way...You didn\'t do anything with the girls but dance/flirt with them?

    (Well, that\'s my style too, even if a girl REALLY likes me, I won\'t do ANYTHING with her...But flirt, etc...I could push it...Not push it, but, you know..If you don\'t really want to do anything with the girl, why do anything?...)

    Oh, and the REALLY good part, is when it YOU PROOOOVVVEEE it\'s the pheromones...By asking them why they came over to you....

    I think, the reason why pheromones don\'t work for some of the poeple, is becuase, according to their body composition, they don\'t produce many pheromones to begin with, and, in the wrong ratios...So, when they put on pheromones, it\'s like, it\'s not even them (referring to the post where the guy put on the mones, and his FRIENDS were getting all the hits, but, not him....It was suggested that he use less, however, than, the women would STILL overrule the pheromones as something else...That, he\'s NOT attractive EVEN though he\'s got on the pheromones...)

    It\'s like makeup on a girl, if you\'re a hot girl, and you put on makeup, you\'re a REALLY HOT GIRL, but, if you\'re an ugly girl, and, you have makeup on...Well, you\'re just an ugly girl with some makeup on....

    And, I believe this is how pheromones work...If you\'ve got the right chemistry to begin with, it will help you out, but, if you don\'t it\'s \"you have the wrong chemistry, but, you have some pheromones on\", just like the make-up example.

    Maybe, if some people started taking DHEA, and THAN using pheromones...I don\'t know, it\'s worth a try.

    These days, I\'ve been using the dhea, pheromones, cologne, all that, the clothes, and, flirt with WAY more girls, but, never do anything with them...What a shame.....But, when I try to, I almost feel as if, I\'m just doing it out of, I want to be one of the people to do something, and, not really because I WANT to...


  13. #13
    King of the coupons!
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    Default Re: WARNING!!!!!!!!!!!!!


    \"It\'s like makeup on a girl, if you\'re a hot girl, and you put on makeup, you\'re a REALLY HOT GIRL, but, if you\'re an ugly girl, and, you have makeup on...Well, you\'re just an ugly girl with some makeup on....\"

    You\'re terrible!!!! \"if you\'re an ugly girl, and, you have makeup on...Well, you\'re just an ugly girl with some makeup on....\" Hahaaaaaaaaaa!! Somebody spank him please!!!

  14. #14
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    Default Re: WARNING!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    What is DHEA?

  15. #15
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    Default Re: WARNING!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Dehydroepiandrosterone. It is the first, and most abundant, androgenic hormone in the body. It is produced by the adrenal gland.


  16. #16

  17. #17

    Default Re: WARNING!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Awesome story. What do you tell people when they ask....\"ohhh, what\'s that cologne you\'re wearing?\"

    Let me guess, with the girl you left the club with, took her home to show her your stamp collection,lol? [img]/ubbthreads/images/icons/wink.gif[/img] Man, way to go.

  18. #18
    Phero Pharaoh
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    Default Re: WARNING!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    How much TE are you using?

    - Krish

  19. #19

    Default Re: WARNING!!!!!!!!!!!!!


    What would happen on a normal night at a club, without any pheros? A couple girls dancing with you? Girls showing indifference to your dancing? Inquiring minds would like to know......

  20. #20

    Default Re: WARNING!!!!!!!!!!!!!


    Before I started to get the hits, I was just standing by the lounge area facing the dance floor. I was very cautious about keeping my body language \"open\", for instance, I had my thumbs in the waist of my pants with the fingers of both of my hands pointing to my crotch.......believe me, this one draws ATTENTION. And I was \"grooming\" myself every few minutes (ex: pushing up the sleeves of my sweater, making sure my sweater was straight and wasn\'t bunched up.)

    But that just got their attention, the pheros worked the magic, and my words closed the deal.

  21. #21

    Default Re: WARNING!!!!!!!!!!!!!


    When people ask \"What\'s that cologne you\'re wearing?\" I just say, \"My friend got it for me when he was on vacation in the Carribean.\" LOL

  22. #22

    Default Re: WARNING!!!!!!!!!!!!!


    On a normal \"Non-Phero\" night, I get girls coming up to me and asking me to dance, or girls just pulling me onto the dance floor. But NEVER has anything like this EVER happened except for last night. It was definately the pheros at work, no doubt about it.

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