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Thread: AE testing

  1. #31

    Default Re: AE testing

    Yes but take notes it was just my first time using it so it`s no scientific study ! Also note that the main hit was on my girlfriend, it sometimes occurs to her to be that sexual, it`s just that it didn`t happen in many weeks, if not months. Was it the phero ? I think so but I can`t be 100% sure.

    I will have to test it many more times before being sure.

    I also just adjusted my mix to 80% AE, 18%Azzaro, 2% vanilla oil. It will be more complex that way and less candy like.

    About the numbers of drops, it`s approximated because I don`t use a dropper. I put my mix in tiny perfume sample glass tubes. There`s a stick dipping in the liquid attached to the plastic cap. I assume that dipping this plastic dispencer in the tube and applying it to the skin is equal to a drop.

    If you don`t get positive results after at least 2-3 attempt with 2 drops, try with 3-4 but also try with only 1... sometimes the answer is not more but less.

  2. #32

    Default Re: AE testing

    To the concentration.
    Most people got SexHits with PI or NPA by using about 1-2 Dabs, right??
    So, if we think sexhits come with none, and AE got 3,3 times less of the concentration of none, then we should, for sexhits, apply something about 3 - 6 Dabs !!
    The Problem is, we cant figure out the rule of the other Pheros..

  3. #33

    Default Re: AE testing

    Maybe, but lets not forget the natural level of genuine phero on the user, hence the difficulty to state an official dosage for all.

  4. #34
    Phero Dude
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    Default Re: AE testing

    great test account and it\'s very interesting the observations you made about your gf\'s physical response and the jealousy thing too. The vibes you seem to have gotten from your gf are what I\'ve been picking up when I\'ve worn AE, and I think I want to try AE at 2 drops later this evening when I go out. Would you say this AE response has been the most positive \"sexual\" response to pheros from your gf?? Just curious since you said you normally use an APC mix.

    Also, mixing it with Azzaro is great idea as I think it\'s musky scent would definitely go well with most pheros (used to use this before switching to Drakkar) and I like the manner in which you apply it, using it to give an overall aura. I usually just apply around facial area, but it stands to reason that the effect would be more powerful/intense/generalized applied as you described.

    Anyway, I will continue to post my results and hope you will post the results of your other tests.

  5. #35
    Phero Pharaoh BassMan's Avatar
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    Default Re: AE testing

    <blockquote><font class=\"small\">In reply to:</font><hr>

    Angel, by Theirry Mugler, was revolutionary when it first came out for having a distinct chocolate note - it\'s a very dark oriental and SO sexy I am embarrassed to wear it in public ... I think there\'s an Angel for men.

    <hr></blockquote>Thanks. I\'m gonna go look it up...

    Thierry Mugler offers a unique creation for men in an ergonomic and masculine cologne. The fragrance blend incorporate light notes of bergamot, helional, lavender, and pepperment. Middle notes tonka bean, vanilla, caramel, chocolate and musk. Launched in 1996.

    Sounds yummy. At $59.95 for 3 ounces. Ouch. I will save my pennies.

    With tonka bean, vanilla, caramel, chocolate and musk, I\'m gonna smell like a Snickers bar that wants to get laid [img]/ubbthreads/images/icons/smile.gif[/img]

  6. #36

    Default Re: AE testing

    \'\'most positive \"sexual\" response from gf ?\'\'

    Yes but many factors unrelated to the phero may affect those conclusions. The one thing that give me a big hint about the extra effectiveness of AE over APC is her smell. It did trigger an hormonal reaction in her, no doubt about it. The fact that we where in a car can also have en effect. A car is a closed environment from wich the pheros can`t escape (it was cold outside so the windows where closed). After a 15 min. ride, we got out of the car and that`s when she stopped me on a street corner for a passionate kiss and that`s when I noticed her \'\'[censored] me now\'\' smell.

  7. #37

    Default Re: AE testing

    Test #2 tonight (in about 4 hours). Without the gf around this time but still surrounded by people I know and also some strangers.

    Of course I\'m just observing human behavior and don\'t intend to take adventage of the situation. In other words, if it really work, it will be a sadistic experimentation to those poor to be frustrated females ;-) I\'ll try to stay pretty quiet, smilling but not going straight to strangers to engage in a conversation. In other word, I won\'t make particular effort to get hits, just being friendly and smiling and observing (because chances I\'ll get hits even without phero if I\'m too outgoing...for me it\'s just a question of boosting my 20-25% chances to maybe 50-60 or maybe more).

    I already put a drop 4 hours ago on the front of my pants and rubbed my arms on it. I didn\'t want to put more because I was going to work but just wanted to test my new adjusted fragrance. It is great. After 4 hours, it\'s less chocolaty than the first mix but closer to what I could call a \"super testosterone baby powder\". After fifteen minutes it was georgeous and sexy but really smelled like musky sex, then it slowly began to tone down.

    I\'ll probably add two drops before heading to the club.

  8. #38
    Phero Dude
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    Default Re: AE testing

    Well I tried AE yesterday evening as I ran some errands/went to the mall etc, this time with PPA reduced to 2 dabs. Used the following: 4 dabs AE (3 dabs behind ear, along side of neck, and 2 dabs smeared over cheeks), 2 dabs PPA on side of neck, PCC smeared over each cheek. I was worried this would be too much stuff but that\'s half the fun. Anyway results: Outstanding - I kid you not, the responses were amazing. It\'s hard to describe the difference even though there was nothing subtle about the response but best way I can put it is this way - you know when as a guy you see a drop-dead gorgeous babe dripping sex and you ogle her?? Okay, that is what has been happening to me yesterday literally with this mix. I\'ve used NPA, JB#1 and had excellent, consistent hits - but this is on a whole different level. And the interesting thing was it didn\'t matter whether the ladies were younger or older - it was exactly the same response. I stopped by at a small cafe to get some dinner after completing errands before heading home and almost every lady who walks in comes in sits as close to me as possible/around me, and literally from all sides I have 99%wof the women looking at me constantly, ones who have their back to me constantly turning looking over their shoulder at me. Usually I\'m the one trying to make eye contact - this time they are initiating eye contact, holding it, smiling touching themselves - one blond who is sitting in the table just in front of mine seemed so flustered by my presence - she is sitting their drinking some coffee and having a bun, and then almost rips off her coat, begins shifting around on her seat, is straightening her jeans, pulling at them, ruffling her hair, stretches out her legs, sits up, sits back down, ruffles her hair, and almost seems to be having a fit lol so these other three guys who are in the cafe together are watching her and are laughing big time wondering what\'s up with her, and finally I think because she noticed that they are laughing at the way she is acting, she stands up and gets her stuff and leaves fast. The problem I have right now is I can\'t make a \"move\" on any of these women right now since I\'m kinda getting to know this other lady and want to see where this goes, otherwise my usual self would have done something about this as I\'m 100% positive that I could have slept with any of these women, and could have had that blonde right then and there if I so chose. So AE gets a five star (*****) rating from me as what is happening is like that movie \"Love Potion 9\" where women are literally doing everything as possible to be as \"close to me/talk to me\" and these are HBs too!!! It\'s like after all the experimentation I\'ve found the magic mix for me: and this time the PPA seems to have just been at exactly the right level as prior to this I was just ODing or no response but at 2 dabs with 4 dabs AE this seems to be perfect for me. Anyway, I need to do the ultimate test of this mix (which means closing), before it can unseat JB#1 as my phero mix of choice since JB#1 has passed the ultimate test, that is getting a lady to sleep with me. But based on everything I\'ve experienced, this mix (for me) is on a whole different level, unreal almost and I\'m going to buy all the AE I can over the next few months and stock up!!!!!

  9. #39
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    Default Re: AE testing

    Come on Proteus!1 You\'re speaking with a forked tongue right? Come on...tell the truth, shame the devil!!! Were the hits like that? You weren\'t wearing a T-shirt that reads \"look at me, smile at me, sit next to me, or I\'ll killy you!\" ? When is your next test run? Good job!! Keep it up!!!! AND keep posting! Later!!

  10. #40
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    Default Re: AE testing

    Proteus - what\'s your definition of a dab? Thanks!

  11. #41
    Phero Dude
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    Default Re: AE testing

    Thanks Mobley lol. And I wish I did have a t-shirt like that :-) . But this is exactly what happened and as I said I\'m blown away by the just how well AE is working for me. My next test run will be this weekend and I think it will be testing in a club that I often go to in the city - this should be fun as based on my experience with this AE/PPA/PCC mix I think this is going to be very ridiculously interesting!!!! :-)

  12. #42
    Phero Dude
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    Default Re: AE testing

    A dab for me is for example, taking a bottle of cologne putting my index finger on the top, turning it over, wetting the tip generously and then applying. With AE I take the dropper and just apply some over the tip of finger until I have what I\'d get it if I\'d done it as described with a bottle of cologne.

    you wrote:

    &lt;&lt;&lt;Proteus - what\'s your definition of a dab? Thanks!

  13. #43
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    Default Re: AE testing

    Thanks Master P!!! Can\'t wait to see what happens in a club setting. If you don\'t post your results...I\'m telling Santa!! And I will too you know!! [img]/ubbthreads/images/icons/smile.gif[/img] Good Luck annnnnnnnnnnnnnd Happy Hunting!!

  14. #44

    Default Re: AE testing

    For what it is worth I have been getting very good results with AE and NPA or PI mixed somewhere around 7-8:1. I use 4-5 drops of this mixture and I have been getting consistent attention and looks from women in their 30\'s and up.

  15. #45
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    Default Re: AE testing

    Cool!! You\'re using 7 or 8 drops of AE to one drop of NPA or PI?

  16. #46
    Phero Pharaoh BassMan's Avatar
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    Default Re: AE testing

    <blockquote><font class=\"small\">In reply to:</font><hr>

    For what it is worth I have been getting very good results with AE and NPA or PI mixed somewhere around 7-8:1. I use 4-5 drops of this mixture and I have been getting consistent attention and looks from women in their 30\'s and up.

    <hr></blockquote>And I have good results with AE with a couple of sprays of Andro 4.2 to my pants. Looks like we\'re all doing the same thing - increasing the level of none until it\'s up in the ratios of P10.

  17. #47
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    Default Re: AE testing

    Bass - What\'s your dosage of AE? You like 4.2 huh, how long have you been using it, and is it your top none product?

  18. #48
    Phero Pharaoh BassMan's Avatar
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    Default Re: AE testing

    <blockquote><font class=\"small\">In reply to:</font><hr>

    Bass - What\'s your dosage of AE? You like 4.2 huh, how long have you been using it, and is it your top none product?

    <hr></blockquote>Four dabs of AE. One behind each ear, one to the back of my (shaved) head, one between my wrists, rubbed together.

    I do like 4.2. It was my second product here. Been using it about a year now. A spray or two to the crotch of my pants seems to make the hits more sexual for almost anything else I\'m wearing. There\'s something about the none in 4.2 that gives me the responses others get with NPA.

    PI/m is my top none product, as I have been using it to make up almost all of my mixes. Mostly because I have bought quite a few of the returned ones on the cheap. None is expensive, as you know. Now that I have a bunch of cheap 4.2 (I bought 4 bottles of the return stock) I will probably start mixing with it. The problem is that it\'s really got too much isoprop in it, and that makes it tough to mix with.

  19. #49
    Phero Dude
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    Default Re: AE testing

    this is so strange..all you guys are using up to 5 or 6 drops of AE without any problems at all. Well I barely got my AE in last Friday but I have been experimenting with it alot and I seem to find that anytime I go over 2 drops I seem to OD...but the strange thing is that its no problem to you guys. Also...Ive found that whenever I put on SOE it doesnt do much for me excpet make me feel like a weakling and take any sexual thoughts out of my head....what do you guys think I should do...should I up dosages or something???Or maybe I should place tyhe drops of AE somewhere thats not so near my face ( i usually place them in my neck and cheek areas) what do you all think???

  20. #50
    Phero Pharaoh BassMan's Avatar
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    Default Re: AE testing

    <blockquote><font class=\"small\">In reply to:</font><hr>

    this is so strange..all you guys are using up to 5 or 6 drops of AE without any problems at all. Well I barely got my AE in last Friday but I have been experimenting with it alot and I seem to find that anytime I go over 2 drops I seem to OD...

    <hr></blockquote>I\'m with ya - I\'m using 4 dabs - probably a drop and a half total.

  21. #51

    Default Re: AE testing

    Protus said : \'\'I think this is going to be very ridiculously interesting!\'\'

    Well, indeed it was for me. I finally added abuot 3 drops of my AE mixture all over me one hour before getting in the club (I already used one drop on my pants about 8 hours before so that makes about 4 drops total, minus some evaporation).

    I was immediately surrounded by my friends around the bar so it was difficult to just go on the dancefloor to test it. Anyway, I got a male friend offering me drinkS for no apparent reason so I think I can say it is male friendly. In fact, even with this high concentration of `none, I got no aggression. It`s a well balanced product. Damn I even got some DIHL from guys, not in a sexual way but more something like \'\'the king as entered the ballroom\'\'.

    I got lots of eye contacts from ladies. When I finally went to the dance floor, after 5 minutes I was surounded by 5 pretty ladies. One of them I already know she have a crush on me so I won`t count it as a hit. another one I had never seen was getting closer and closer and closer, complettely facinated. It was embarassing to say the least to after 10 minutes I just went back to the bar with my friends (and of course she ended up at the bar after 1 min...)

    I had lots of attention from female friends as well, some of them where a bit possessive but still friendly. I got some comments from one of them like \'\'You`r different tonight, maybe it`s because you`r not with your gf I don`t know but you`r radiant, exuberant, your all over the place...\'\' (and as I told you before, I did an effort NOT to be exuberant...)

    SO my rating so far is a five stars (with a caution note against gf jealousy responce). I will limit my dose to 1-2 drops max when going out with the gf or will just use the milder APC.

  22. #52

    Default Re: AE testing

    Sorry, just saw this - I got mine at Nordstrom and yeah, it costs a fortune. It\'s worth the money because a little goes such a long way - if you have the cash for the initial outlay. But I would try it in the store first and wear it for a day, see how you like it on. For me, it\'s one of those \"don\'t wear it if you don\'t mean it\" perfumes that\'s way too vamp for day or even for a date.

  23. #53
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    Default Re: AE testing

    Thanks Bass...No wonder PI was sold out on the returned items list!! [sad] You\'ve bought them out! That\'s o.k., I\'m learning. Tater!!

  24. #54
    Banned User Elana's Avatar
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    Default Re: AE testing

    I went over to to read the user reviews on Angel perfume. Now I am truly intrigued. I am going over to Sephora tomorrow to sample it.

  25. #55

    Default Re: AE testing

    I just read those reviews. I had forgotten about how complex and faceted it is. That was funny, tho - so many posts saying its super sexy. That\'s how I experienced it, for sure.
    Hope you like it.

  26. #56
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    Default Re: AE testing

    <blockquote><font class=\"small\">In reply to:</font><hr>

    I just read those reviews. I had forgotten about how complex and faceted it is. That was funny, tho - so many posts saying its super sexy. That\'s how I experienced it, for sure.
    Hope you like it.

    <hr></blockquote>Did you find the reviews of Angel for Men?

    <blockquote><font class=\"small\">In reply to:</font><hr>

    But the scent! The first thing that comes to mind is a bear that has been hibernating, and not just sleeping, but smoking a lot of cigars, watching a hot, old dusty and smoky television, farting into an ancient, moldering leather chair, drinking dark beer, eating fried food and collecting a good crop of dandruff. The bear is then thoroughly rinsed in a vat, and the accumulated liquid is strained of particles, tinted blue and then decanted into this very jazzy bottle.

    <hr></blockquote>That is _so_ me. [img]/ubbthreads/images/icons/smile.gif[/img] Well, ok, maybe not the dandruff part... Sixty bucks or not, I have to get a bottle...

  27. #57
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    Default Re: AE testing

    Hope you enjoyed it.. If you pick it up, GO EASY on it.. The stuff is amazingly potent.

  28. #58
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    Default Re: AE testing

    Ciao Camusflage - Have you smelled the men\'s version? If you have...any good? I\'ve seen where it cost from $69-100!!
    That Green Tweed is $140!!!! [img]/ubbthreads/images/icons/shocked.gif[/img] Thanks!

  29. #59
    Phero Pharaoh BassMan's Avatar
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    Default Re: AE testing

    Went off to the mall at lunch a-lookin\' for samples Angel for Men (A*Men).

    Pretty good guess with the Snickers bar bit - I now smell like a Mars bar that wants to get laid...

    It\'s very sweet and lickable. I have no idea of where that \"bear farting into a leather chair\" review came from, it\'s nothing at all like that.

    I\'m hoping it will be just the thing to hide a fairly heavy dose of NPA [img]/ubbthreads/images/icons/smile.gif[/img]

  30. #60
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    Default Re: AE testing

    Bass - And the price was....$69,$100, ? [img]/ubbthreads/images/icons/shocked.gif[/img]

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