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Thread: user effects

  1. #1
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    Default user effects

    Hi all.

    I\'m rather new to pheros. I\'m 32, asian male, living in the US. I\'ve been wearing pheros 3 or 4 times a week for a couple months now. I\'ve worn SOE and NPA/m on their own, and as DD#1 and DD#1 + 3 drops of A1. I\'ve even tried lowering the NPA/m amount in DD#1 like some have suggested.

    I get no reactions at all. I even tried to OD on purpose with 3 drops of NPA/m around my neck....and nothing. Not even an OD response. Tried that on 3 different occasions. BTW, 3 drops of NPA/m should be an OD, right ? I didn\'t want to go overboard and apply 6 drops or something.

    The thing is, I also don\'t seem to be affected by the pheros at all. As I understand it, the pheros should also affect the user ? I know most people feel happy when wearing SOE, and most guys feel confident and some aggressive when wearing NPA/m, and some guys feel depressed when wearing A1.

    I get none of those effects. Even tried putting a dab of A1 right under my nose.....nothing.

    I remembered reading a post saying that if the pheros have no effect on the user, then chances are the pheros won\'t help the user any. But I can\'t find the post. Is this true ?

    Thx. in advance.

  2. #2

    Default Re: user effects

    I can\'t believe that last statement about pheros being useless on others if they don\'t effect you. I too have never personally felt any effects on myself....nothing. I can put on tons of A1 and it doesn\'t cause me to feel depressed or anything. However, I do get results on women around me.

    So, I wouldn\'t worry about that. I also find that you don\'t get OD reactions every time, even if you OD. In fact, I\'ve come to the conclusion personally that you don\'t get visible positive reactions every time you effect women, and you don\'t get visible negative reactions every time you OD. I think that most women, while being effected either positively or negatively, just keep their behavior in check. I think it\'s a small minority who let go and give us hits or violent negative reactions.

    So, just keep going out and trying them. Hopefull you\'ll eventually get some reactions....but you just have to come across the right women at the right time.

    Good luck.

  3. #3
    Enlightened One
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    Default Re: user effects

    I wanna see if this person ever posts in response, if they post back then they are for real if not then its just someone taking puttshots out of the forum members.

  4. #4
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    Default Re: user effects

    I\'ve been using a variation of DD Lite lately (1:6:1 TE:SOE:PCC) (with good success BTW) but I think the PCC gets me really tired. Is it posible that it\'s the PCC (copulins)?

  5. #5
    King of the coupons!
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    Default Re: user effects

    Max! Are you sharing on the 1:6:1 mix fella? Been waiting to see what happened with your experiment. Where and how did you apply it? Making you sleepy eh? Probably too relaxing. How much are you putting near your face...neck, ears, face?

  6. #6

    Default Re: user effects

    in the beginning i got headaches from pi/m
    i get the best results from using less than a drop with the ladies
    when using two of more drops and get really drunk, i turn into supersleaze guy, extremely aggresive in pursuit of them. I\'ve noticed the difference from when i\'m just really drunk.
    i think you think and talk about sex more than usual as well if thats possible

  7. #7
    Administrator Bruce's Avatar
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    Default Re: user effects

    That is very unusual; especially not noticing any effect at all on yourself. Are you able to detect any smell from them? EG: If you put a dab of NPA on your wrist and let it dry completely, can you smell anything at that spot?

  8. #8
    Phero Pharaoh BassMan's Avatar
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    Default Re: user effects

    <blockquote><font class=\"small\">In reply to:</font><hr>

    That is very unusual; especially not noticing any effect at all on yourself. Are you able to detect any smell from them? EG: If you put a dab of NPA on your wrist and let it dry completely, can you smell anything at that spot?

    <hr></blockquote>In fact, that\'s usually how I figure out how much of something to apply - put it on until _I_ start getting hot...

  9. #9
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    Default Re: user effects

    I mixed them in a AE like bottle (probably a little bigger opening though), and use about three to four dabs in total to the wrists, behind the ears and neck. I\'m getting really good results! I do think it has got to do with with the scent, too: the combination of musk, cucumber and melon isn\'t all that bad (I think girls really like this. Haven\'t asked any to take a whiff and tell me what they think about it though. I\'m not all that comfortable with just asking them to smell my neck.)

    As I said, I think it really makes me sleepy. Overrelaxed? Do you mean somewhat tired? If I don\'t smell it, I don\'t feel as tired. This morning I put on a little less, and a bit more out of my way (behind the ears, and the back of my neck instead of spreading some to the front, too) and I experienced less tiredness. Later on, I applied one more dab on place where it was easier for me to smell it, and once again, the tiredness kicked in.

  10. #10
    King of the coupons!
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    Default Re: user effects

    Thanks Maxi!!!

  11. #11
    Phero Pro
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    Default Re: user effects

    Give it a try Mobley, and tell me what you think about it! [img]/ubbthreads/images/icons/laugh.gif[/img] I would like to know if it was just imagination (probably not), various other reasons (like not enough sleep as I like / hard work at college), or the PCC all along.

  12. #12
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    Default Re: user effects

    Thanks Maxi, and I plan on it, but it will be a while. I\'m recuperating from a total hip replacement, and just got permission on Monday to start walking without my walker. I\'ll be dancing in no time, and that\'s when I\'ll give it a shot. If anything happens...I\'ll post. Later!

  13. #13
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    Default Re: user effects

    Hi. Thanks for the advice, everyone. Maybe I just havn\'t found the right product/combination yet.

    WATCHER, I could\'ve sworn I saw a post saying that some users see no effect on themselves, and that chances are, pheros won\'t work for those people. But maybe I\'m mistaken. Don\'t know.

    BRUCE, I did try putting a dab of NPA under my nose once. Couldn\'t smell anything except the alcohol. Maybe my nose is broken ! hee hee Or maybe I didn\'t wait long enough for it to dry out. The alcohol was making me dizzy. But the wrist thing is a good idea. Don\'t know why I didn\'t think of that before. DUH I\'ve been putting NPA/m on my neck.

    Well, like the saying goes, if at first you don\'t succeed, try and try again.

    I might look into some of the other products. Once I get a new job ! Got laid off again.


    Thanks again for the advice !

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