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  1. #1

    Default How to hit on a girl without hitting on her.=)

    Me and my other Friend Donnie tried this only once so far and it did work.Everyone around seemed more comfortable at the table and laughing. [img]images/icons/laugh.gif[/img] Read on to find out what Maniac and Smooth did.
    Has anyone here tried this or know of anyone who has?

    Tonight, something very interesting happened, I ran into a guy using a
    new sarging approach, which I must say is different, but was very
    effective. The result, lots of HBs!! Shitloads of kissing (within 2
    minutes of meeting the chicks!)! Phone Numbers, and babes from heaven.
    I am going to describe what this guy (and I with him as I picked it up
    from in during the night) was doing, and then would be very interested
    to get your opinions on how/why this was even working,I was shocked!!
    Okay, here goes.. Sorry, the writing is a mess, I wanted to get it down
    before I forget what he was doing because this was just so
    incredible.. wht this PUA was doing, and what I learned from him

    Tonight, I went with Taro to an area in Tokyo called Roppongi, a big
    nightclub and going out area (ever been to a place, where there are 15
    story buildings, and each floor is a different club? Well that is
    Roppongi, apparently its got the biggest density of night life (1
    square mile by 10 floor buildings all over) any where in the world.

    We arrived at midnight, and went to a dance bar. It was a rather
    uneventful evening until about 2am, trying to make eye contact, talking
    a bit to ladies, not much luck..loud music and very crowded place.

    Then all of the sudden, while I was near the dance floor, I got grabbed
    by a guy, to dance with this girl (he was behind her, I was in front),
    in that sandwich style. The guy I didn’t know, but as I would find out
    later during the evening, he is one of the best and smoothest PUA’s I
    have ever seen operate, and he had a very unusual style, which was
    extremely effective. \"Smooth\" is 26, average looking Japanese guy,
    wearing casual clothes, basically nothing that a girl would like on
    just looks alone. His secret, was what he said (and didn’t say), and
    his very careful use of non verbal communications to slide girls down
    the slippery slope of first repecting us, and then liking us. We were
    able to pick up HB chicks, get them to like us, and kissing us within 5
    minutes flat.

    He came alone to bars, not with a wingman, and rather than go up to a
    girl, and introduce himself, like most guys do, but rather, gain
    rapport through introducing me (and not himself) to the girls. I would
    do likewise (you ever hear the story about the two russian admirals who
    started out as soldiers, and always complimented the other in their
    absense to superiors till they both got to be admirals..well this is
    what he was doing, with anchors, touching, visualization,

    he would go up to a group of girls (and he wouldn’t wait for eye
    contact or anything, he’d just go up), and introduce me (or which ever
    guy he could find around him), to the target chicks, lightly put his
    arms around both chicks (not in a imtimidating way, but a freinly way
    and say how such a great guy I was to the girls. He would basically get
    rapport with the girls saying how great I was (he didn’t even know me
    actually), and not paying attention to any particular girl. He’d say
    how we should all be friends and get to know each other more, because
    (he said), I really like Japanese girls, and I thought they were so
    cute (and we only hit on 9s and 10s, so they were all cute). I was just
    watching this, and didn’t say much myself, but over the evening with
    different chicks, I started to do the same thing with the girls
    regarding him (how he is so great guy, we’ve known each other a lot,
    as a rapport mechanism). He was very casual, cool, and ironically, made
    poor eye contact with everyone, but talked authoritativly as well as
    relaxed. He’d never argue with a girl, but just usually repeat
    something about how nice it was to be friends, or how great I was, or
    how it would be fun to go eat or something, each time we got

    He’d then describe states to the girls, but using me in the context,
    ie. Hed say that I like her because her hair was so smooth and
    gentle..etc..etc, while he would touch her hair. He was also anchoring
    without knowning it, because everytime he’d say something to her about
    how I was a great guy, or how I thought she was cute (I don’t speak
    much Japanese, so he could get away with this), he would tap her gently
    on the shoulder, or put his arm around her waist and bring her closer
    to me. Then he’d say more how I thought she was nice, and I was a great
    guy, and repeat again how we should get to know each other, he’d gently
    take both our heads, and push them together for a kiss, in a joking
    way. The girl would usually refuse, and then he’d say how I really
    liked her, and gesture the cheek, and she;d kiss me there (or I’d kiss
    her there), then he’d get the other to reciprocate the kiss. After
    that, he talked about how that was really nice, and how it was good we
    were getting on so well, and how it would be good to get a real kiss.
    At the same time, he is already gently getting closer to the girl that
    HE wanted, his arm around her waist, while doing the whole kiss routine
    with me and the other girl. He is laughing, and so is the other
    chick(s). Then my chick and we would kiss (he would gently coax both
    our heads together), and at the same time, I
    have already got my arm around my chick now. We are being light and
    funny, being very overt about what we could get the girls to do, and
    doing a high 5 (me and Smooth) each time we made progress with a chick
    (kiss, cheek, arms..etc). Then we’d talk a little more to the chicks
    (nothing heavy topic, no overt NLP, no patterns, just touching lightly,
    but as the 20 minutes goes on, holding longer and longer to hands,
    neck..etc..etc). He now was doing the same thing with his chick. A
    couple minutes later he’d say again how we were getting on so well, and
    how the girl had made such a good choice to choose me because I was
    such a good guy, and that he wanted to see us (me and my chick) kiss
    again, since we were such a nice couple and relating so well. By that
    time, I had been holding her hand (this started when he told the girl I
    was really liking her because she was so nice and he took her hand and
    put it on mine). Then he took the hand of his chick, who was laughing
    and giggling through this. After we all got through our kisses with our
    respective chicks, we’d say how they are so fun and nice and we are so
    happy we met them and got to know them, and we’d say we’d love to get
    a chance to talk more, and get to know each other better. They’d ask
    how we could do that and I’d ask them (all of them), their phone
    numbers. I’d collect them, and kiss my girl again a nice long kiss, and
    then say we have to go, and we moved on to the next chicks in the bar
    (and we didn’t take long, maybe 5-10 seconds), and jump in front of the
    next pair/threesome of chicks and do the entire routine over,

    So what did we get for the night. Well, I kissed more chicks that I can
    remember, got a shitload of numbers (15 or so?) of most of the HBs in
    the place, lots of touching, and they were all crazy about us at the
    end of the routine, which was around 20 minutes or so. Over the
    evening, as I learned his style, I would reciprocate, and we got better
    results even.

    This was working anywhere, we got a bunch of girls in bars, and two
    sets on the street near the clubs that we were able to start making out
    with right on the street within about 2 minutes of meeting them!! His
    opener for the kiss with one pair was really good. We walked right up
    to two HBs and he did his \"my friend is a great guy routine and really
    likes you\", like before, and then got her to agree that I was a nice
    guy too. Then he said that’s great, so lets jan-ken (play rock scissors
    paper), and the loser (of me and the chick) has to kiss (ie. No matter
    who wins..the chick and I end up reality), we played, she
    lost, and I gave her a short kiss on the lips right in the street 60
    seconds after meeting her. Then he continued the above routine, in the
    prev. paragraph, and we ended up kissing more. I said that now we (me
    and my chick) kissed, so now I wanted to see him and his chick
    kiss..they did.. Again, the high fives each time we got a chick to do
    something, right in front of was like a game show our
    attitudes with the chicks, and they got into it too. BTW, the chick I
    kissed in 60 seconds was only 19, I am 31, he’s 26 and his chick was 19
    too. They were crazy about us too after about 10 minutes of this, we
    got their numbers, and then walked up the street 20 feet and did the
    same routine all over again with the next two HBs.

    Guys, I don’t know why, but this works. If you get a good partner, you
    can really hit on a chick without hitting on her, if you are doing it
    for the other guy,because actually you arent really hitting on her!!
    (it helps if the other guy is reciprocating..or even if he’s not,
    because you can do the moves on your chick, while describing how its
    nice for the other chick and the other guy to do the same thing, right
    in front of your own target). Like I said, he was just grabbing guys in
    the bar and introcuding them to chicks when there were groups..the
    other guys though didnt speak much japanese, so didnt get very far, but
    we did great and will go next week and get more chicks, once I finish
    with all the numbers I got.

    We did well, everyone was a 9 or 10, one chick wearing very sexy black
    hot pants and half top, and she was all over me like glue by the end.
    Severl others, I cant remember,I was necking with one for 5 minutes. We
    got all their numbers and they were pleading for us to call them by the
    end each time. Shitloads of women.. I’d never had a night like this
    before..this guy is GOOD!!

    Oh, that was the other thing, often, when we’d first introduce to a
    chick, they’d try to blow us out. But Smooth would never give up on
    chicks as long as there was interaction (even if it was negative) of
    any kind, for a minimum of 5 minutes. He’d repeat how great I was, and
    how much I liked them, and loved Japanese women, it worked because it
    is hard for the chick to blow him (me) out, since I wasn’t doing
    anything,,he was talking about me.. in over 50% of the cases, after a
    bit of that, and how we should be friends, their barriers would go
    down, and we could start the normal routine, and get the french kisses
    and phone numbers and get them crazy about us, and move on. Again, very
    much ‘game show host’ attitude as he was moving me and the chick
    along, while doing the same thing to his chick. As well, he would talk
    with whoever in the bar, and make the chick wait a couple minutes (we
    were already holding their hands, so they had to wait,ie.. were were
    not supplicating..we made them wait, and get used to waiting for us to
    finish). We did this in the street, he saw a street band, he stopped
    and started talking tot he musician, and just made the chicks wait (I
    am suprised they didnt leave..but they didnt) as they were a bit ahead
    of us on the street by then).

    Things he didn’t do, didn’t ask their names (until just before the
    phone close, but after the kiss), didnt talk about hobbies, or any of
    that other shit..just, I am great, their cute, we are wonderful, you
    should kiss, here take his hand, he is my best friend..etc..etc.. very
    surface level.. He was never serious, and never got into questions
    about jobs or whatever either, just he stuck to the point, were all
    here, lets have fun and and see what we can do. When a girl gave
    resistance, he never argued, but grab her hand, put it on mine, and say
    how we are having fun, ask her if she likes me (shed say I am okay),
    then go on to how I like her..blah blah. Aggressive somehow, but not
    really since he is not pushing HIMSELF on her, he is pushing me, and
    then taking his own chick along. He paid very little attention to his
    chick verbally, but would duplicate the physical stuff with the hands, that he was getting me to do with my chick. He would put his
    arms around all the chicks in the group with me, while we danced with
    them,again, game show host attitude all the way, high fives often when
    one of us would get a small ‘win’ with a chick..etc..etc. He’d say to
    come met us again next week (even though we got their numbers), and
    we’ll be out here..blah blah..
    When girls werwe on the street going someplace, or one chick in the
    group wanted to drag the others away, he’d ask where they were going,
    (they’d say, home..another club, drinking..etc), he’d say that’s good
    lets go, and force us upon them. For about a couple minutes they were
    uncomfortable, but as he talked about how great I was, and happy we
    could spend time with them, and it was so much fun, their attitude
    would change..again, like when we’d first meet them kind of
    problem..he’d resolve it the same way..theyd start smiling, and we’d
    end up having lots of fun,the kissing..phon nums..touching..all over
    again. We had about a 75% hit rate (ie. We could french kiss and get
    numbers of about 75% of the chicks we hit on), using this method..

    So what do you think guys? His approach worked because you can be very
    overt when you are \"helping out your friend\" (and of course the friend
    is reciprocating). We were with chicks all the time and both of us got
    much farther than we would have under any traditional approach. We
    decided to go to a chick shopping district and just try it on the
    street, That will be another report,

    One more thing,I have seen this approach in one other place, and I
    think this is where he learned it.. In Japan, there is a kind of erotic
    video, where two or three guys will just go on a street by a train
    station, and hit on girls exactly like he did (same phrases,
    actions..words), and try and get them to sleep with him to make the
    video. It is all real and unstaged.. Ironically, quite a few girls will
    actually go for it. He was doing exaclty this, like the appraoch the
    guys used in the videos to convince the girls (they are pretty, my
    buddy thinks you are sexy,blah blah..kiss game..blah). They are called
    ‘street Nanpa’ videos (nanpa = skirt chasing, or sarging), and are all
    over japan. They are very good instruction because they show all the
    pickups attempts successes and failures, of the chicks till they get
    the one that they sleep with.. probably someplace on the net has got
    them too,..they are all over Japan anyways,

    So what do you guys think? This is so radical, that I am open to any
    opinions on this, and how/why it worked/what could be changed to make
    it better,

  2. #2

    Default Re: How to hit on a girl without hitting on her.=)

    Its a long read,but interesting,and apply pheros with that and no telling what would happen. [img]images/icons/laugh.gif[/img] Me and Donnie is going for a all nighter this friday and try this out more,and i\'m gonna go on my own some and Apply some Ross Jeffries with some Edge mixed in. [img]images/icons/laugh.gif[/img]


  3. #3

    Default Re: How to hit on a girl without hitting on her.=)

    mr pheromone,

    That all sounds very nice. Swapping spitt with everygirl you meet. For me that\'s not my style, who knows where her mouth has been that night. Probly also swapping spitt with other guys too. By the way i have seen girls to that as well.

    sorry i couldn\'t read your entire post. So i skipped to the end and was expecting to see a infomercial pitch line. You know \"have all of this knowledge for just 3 easy payments of $19.95.\"

    If it works and fits for you then by all means.

  4. #4
    Phero Enthusiast PHP 87's Avatar
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    Default Re: How to hit on a girl without hitting on her.=)

    Not sure which country you are in, but different methods work in different countries and even here in the US, what works in Indiana won\'t work in LA and vice-versa.

    If you feel comfortable with it, try it on for a while and see how it goes.

  5. #5

    Default Re: How to hit on a girl without hitting on her.=)

    Hey Mr Peromone did you get the above from Speed Seduction usegroup?
    I\'ve seen that post before and I always wanted to give it a try, just never really had the chance.


  6. #6

    Default Re: How to hit on a girl without hitting on her.=)

    Longer term i let the fact that i am using pheromones get spread around and use hit and run tactics go in big grin on my face all giggly and they know that im using it but they cant resist anyhow then i just go, as soon as i get a hint of negative attitude next time that i meet up with them they are full on and then as soon as they start losing attention i just leave ASAP this approach really gives them the crazies and it really confuses them but over time it is beginning to have an impact really play hard to get and eventually they start to chase its the ultimate mindgame and its real fun to play

  7. #7

    Default Re: How to hit on a girl without hitting on her.=)

    The Mr. Smooth method definitely sounds fun, my friend and I are gonna try it sometime, should be a blast if it works with the pheros. [img]images/icons/laugh.gif[/img]

  8. #8

    Default Re: How to hit on a girl without hitting on her.=)

    That post is for ideas to get,and dont mean going around Kissing every girl u come in contact with,and playing spin the bottle,unless that what u want to do. [img]images/icons/laugh.gif[/img]
    The Idea and doing this approach is a lot less stressful on the girls,cause your not actually hitting on them,and its fun to do, and the barriers a lot of girls put up when being approached is gone soon as u let them know your there for your friend,and not yourself which you actually are also,but dont seem to be. [img]images/icons/laugh.gif[/img]
    With pheros on things will go a lot smoother doing this also.
    I had much rather do this than sit there expecting girls to come to me all the time,even though some will,i just been finding this way u get lot more done.
    Tomorrow night i\'m on my own going out since my friends are busy,so i\'ll be doing some Ross Jeffries stuff see how it plays out with a waitress i seen this past weekend,and Yes i\'m gonna have my Pheros on to. [img]images/icons/laugh.gif[/img]
    Its good for me to look deep into a girls eyes since mine are a light blue aqua type color,so i get comments on my eyes sometimes,but have always been to shy when some say anything,UNTIL NOW.
    Never done what i been doing past 2 to 3 days being able to approach women like this,Must be the Mones. [img]images/icons/laugh.gif[/img]


    [ August 14, 2001: Message edited by: Mr Pheromone ]

  9. #9

    Default Re: How to hit on a girl without hitting on her.=)

    I\'ve listened to a lot of ross\'s material. it works well if you recite the patterns verbatim, but when you start to get sweet ass results is when you tailor the NLP to yourself and can improvise patterns as you go along.

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