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  1. #1
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    Default Pheromones & pregnancy

    Hi everyone!

    I found out today that this woman I know has been using pheromones for nearly 3 years now. No big deal but the thing is that she is now 3 months pregnant, worried about the pheromones messing up her hormone levels but at the same time, reluctant to stop using them because she\'s been wearing them around her boyfriend, the future father, from day one! And by the way, she\'s using some unknown (to me) brand and doesn\'t know exactly what\'s in it but I suppose it\'s one of the typical women\'s products.
    So does anyone here have any idea if pheromones are safe during pregnancy?

    And also, what about young mothers or fathers who use them? Can the children develop any kind of \"unnatural attachment\" to them...? Anything that might screw them up later in life?

    Don\'t know if these questions are valid but I\'m kinda curious so if anyone knows anything about this I\'d appreciate your replies. Thanks!


  2. #2
    Administrator Bruce's Avatar
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    Default Re: Pheromones & pregnancy

    I would say stop using pheromone cologne. Pregnant women have their own pheromones, and they are powerful indeed. I have been under the influence of them twice, and it is amazing what it puts you thru as a nearby male partner.


  3. #3
    Doctor of Scentology DrSmellThis's Avatar
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    Default Re: Pheromones & pregnancy

    I\'d say avoid them during pregnancy as well as the initial bonding stage for both parents.

    Possibly for the first year. I don\'t know.

  4. #4

    Default Re: Pheromones & pregnancy


    And by the way, as I previously stated in another thread, I don\'t think phero should be use on a daily basis. It does have an effect on the psyche and I would be affraid of long term regular use.

    It\'s nice to get some extra attention sometimes but what would be the long term psychological effect ? who knows!

    Maybe she should use it only for very special occasions. Maybe she will also find out that her boyfriend really like here true natural sent !

  5. #5
    Banned User jvkohl's Avatar
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    Default Re: Pheromones & pregnancy

    Unless she knows what she\'s using, it\'s time to stop. Pheromones alter hormones in the opposite sex, but there are same sex effects, and very likely effects on the wearer. Besides, either she\'s been with him long enough to have a strong bond, or it\'s unlikely they ever will bond. Without the pheromones, she\'s most likely dropping his testosterone level down (reaches its minimum as she comes to term). With pheromones, no telling what\'s going on, but I agree that in any case these products are not for everyday use when you\'re in a relationship.

    Women taking oral contraceptives chose men who were genetically similar in one study--the opposite of what should occur in nature. In theory, they tricked their body into thinking it\'s pregnant, and therefore prefer the
    similarity associated in other animals with \"nesting\" odors. In the final analysis, the author commented that
    women who enter a relationship while on the pill, might find when they go off the pill to get pregnant, that
    they chose a real \"stinker.\" This woman could be creating a reverse scenario. At some point her lover might
    find her natural scent aversive--and then, suddenly he\'s gone.

  6. #6
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    Default Re: Pheromones & pregnancy

    Thank you all for your replies. I\'ll forward these messages to her and advise her to join this forum!

  7. #7
    Bodhi Satva CptKipling's Avatar
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    Default Re: Pheromones & pregnancy

    Interesting stuff JVK, has anyone seen this in action?

  8. #8
    Banned User jvkohl's Avatar
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    Default Re: Pheromones & pregnancy

    Don\'t know that anyone would recognize it if it did happen to them. Most likely the divorce would be attributed to something else; no one thinks about pheromones affecting their relationships like that. Makes me wonder about my second wife, nonetheless. She was religious LDS, very family oriented, and believed in marriage for life. Our marriage lasted two years. She divorced me after finding a friend of mine to be more sexually stimulating. Simply put, she screwed and then pursued him--after leaving me because she said that since she had sex with him (though she claimed it was a mistake) she realized that she must not love me. At the time of the divorce, I had just purchased a large new home; was very financially secure; she was completing a teaching degree; and everything was going great--we were preparing to have children, which YES means she also had just quit taking the pill. The friend that she screwed was the epitomy of a high testosterone male, and attracted lots of women. He was an attentive, barrel-chested, hairy, muscular man who raced motorcycles; hang-glided (also had a home-made gyro-copter), scuba dived, etc. This guy had taken up nearly every possible risk-taking activity, and broken bones from doing so--long before most people even knew it was possible to attempt things like he was doing. He also built the best looking chopper in all of Southern California (even if it was a Honda). So, was it his pheromones that stirred her fancy? I studied the pop-psychology at the time; found it to be ridiculous and uninformative. Then, I used my medical background to look at animals models and guess what... began taking mammalian pheromone theory into new territory. One other anecdote. This guy and I remained friends throughout the years (more than 30 now). We were riding in Colorado last June with several others from an outlaw club we rode with in the 70\'s, when I went off the road and crashed. Ed loaded my bike onto a truck, and generally took care of just about all the problematic after effects. Others helped get me to the point where I could patch myself up--enough to wait treatment till I got back to my home base and the hospital I work in. Ed even detailed to me the reason why I crashed (though he didn\'t see the crash), and explained it to the police officer who had already given me a ticket for losing control of my vehicle. The officer tore up the ticket after Ed\'s explanation how a tail-gaiter who caused it; the same tail-gaiter who was on the rest of the bunch for quite some time--until they raced ahead. I wasn\'t keeping up with them because I ride a cruiser, and they all were riding 4-6 cylinder touring machines. Sounds like an excuse, doesn\'t it? Won\'t know for sure unless I get myself a Kawasacki Concourse, which ain\'t likely to happen in this lifetime. Cruisin\' on.... what was I talking about, anyway?

  9. #9

    Default Re: Pheromones & pregnancy


    Your ex was an idiot.



  10. #10
    Banned User jvkohl's Avatar
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    Default Re: Pheromones & pregnancy

    Thanks for thinking so FTR. Actually, her IQ scores might well have been higher than mine, since she did better on the ACT than I did. I took other tests to join Mensa, and found out I qualified about a month before the divorce activity began. Triall, I wasn\'t studying anything at the time. Thought I knew enough about human behavior to predict success in my second marriage. Actually though, Ed did me a favor; at least we hadn\'t had any kids at the time--otherwise I\'d have been paying child support. Also, my second wife Terri, just like my first was nearly every man\'s concept of the perfect woman. 5\' 2\" 36DD 105 lbs size one with a 17 inch waist--and blonde besides. Only difference was that my first wife was a redhead. Both were extremely high maintenance women and both attracted much attention from nearly every man out there. So, there is some truth to the words of the song: \"If you want to be happy for the rest of your life, never make a pretty woman your wife...\" Unless, that is, you intend to compete for her attention for the rest of your life, while also paying all her bills. All she\'s going to do for you is look pretty to other men. That might be great for a while, but then reality sets in.

  11. #11
    Bodhi Satva CptKipling's Avatar
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    Default Re: Pheromones & pregnancy

    Have to say I don\'t completely agree with IQ scores, but then what other way is there?

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