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  1. #1
    Phero Dude
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    Default Which would make her feel in love with me???

    hello fellas. I recently broke up with my girlfriend of 8 months...and well Ive been pretty bummed about it. Even though it hurts and all I have not given her one hint of it. I play it off as if eveythings allright and that break ups are just a part of life..especially when Ive talked to her since the break up. Well recently she called my house again and she kept telling me how she misses me and how Im always gonna be special to her but that she feels the reason we broke up was for the best (she said that we would fight and argue too much).Well this last time she called she kept on insisting that I go over to her place and pickup some old tennis shoes that I left there the last time I went over...and I said \"I would see when I was available to do so...\" My question is this: what pheromone should I wear when going over so she can kinda feel in awe and in love of me...MAKE HER FEEL LIKE SHE MADE A MISTAKE AND HAS TO HAVE ME BACK.I have SOE, NPA, and AE. what combinations would be wise for me to wear to this meeting at her house and how long before I get there should I put it on and how much???Oh and one last thing (sorry to bother you guys with so many questions) what attitude should I take to this break up????How should I act in front of her...make her feel??What are some things I should say???What would Doc Love\'s THE SYSTEM recommend I do in a situation like this???thanks alot for your responses in advance fellas.

  2. #2
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    Default Re: Which would make her feel in love with me???

    Sonny..maybe in your case where you have already had a relationship with this girl and she knows would be better to just talk to her straight up about getting back together and working out what ever problems led to your break up..when it comes to women they don\'t want tricks or head games..they want honesty. Leave your pride on the table and be yourself..worse case senario you don\'t get back together but you told her how you feel and they\'ll be no regrets.

  3. #3

    Default Re: Which would make her feel in love with me???

    Bravo, what a good post.

    About the arguing too much -- I tried this and it worked so I\'m passing it along. Set yourself this task, assuming you two do get back together. Let her have her way and don\'t argue with her unless it\'s a matter of life and death. If you\'re like me, this will just about kill you. But do it anyway. Set a time limit for yourself, say you\'ll do it for two weeks or one month, or something, and make a firm commitment you\'re not going to argue with her.

    You\'d be really surprised I think at how much sweeter your relationship will be. Also how little most things mean, given even 1 day\'s perspective. Most of the things we argue about are not really worth arguing about, especially if it means the loss of your relationship. I\'m not saying be a doormat or a \"yes man.\" I\'m just suggesting hard discretion in the things you\'ll give negative energy to in your relationship. Go along to get along and see what happens. Notice this takes a shift in your priorities -- you have to commit to letting the relationship and her happiness be more important to you than your need to be right.

    Two things happen for me, actually. First is the relationship is sweeter and deeper. Second is that when I *do* voice a complaint or make a contradictory statement, it carries weight, because I\'m not constantly bitching, so I\'m more likely to get my way when it really matters to me.

    Good luck.

  4. #4
    Phero Dude
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    Default Re: Which would make her feel in love with me???

    right, talk it over with her. Sounds like she would be open to talking - only other thing I\'d add is from all I\'ve read about SOE (never tried it) it\'s good at making folks relax around you, so maybe wear some of that when you go visit and talk honestly about everything and find out from her what she thinks would have to done to make it work. Pheros should not be used in lieu of communication IMO

  5. #5
    Bodhi Satva CptKipling's Avatar
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    Default Re: Which would make her feel in love with me???

    Ok yeah talking is good, but there is stuff you can do before that to make HER be the one to suggest it and take the leed. Firstly, stop tearing yourself up about it, and start believing that it is not the most important thing.

    An important attitude is to be kind of blase about it, your just going around to do whatever. Your not even thinking about getting back with her (erm...honest! Dont actually say this). Wear all your products @ AE:NPASOE 3:2:6, AE/SOE on your arms (4 drops AE rubbed between forearms, covered with 6\" SOE), covering 1 or 2 dabs of NPA. Put 3 or 4 dabs of the above mix on your chin(spread across jawline), behind ears, eyebrows.

    Hopefully this will excite her and make her more aware of you. But it really is more to do with you talking to her. Depends on her and you, do you know how much (if at all) she wants to get back with you?

  6. #6
    Phero Dude
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    Default Re: Which would make her feel in love with me???

    well i dont know exactly if she wants to get back with me. But she was the one that called me 1st. She said she missed me intensely and that its hard to think about me because it hurts so much. She said thogh (and this is where im confused) that breaking up was the best thing possible because we were fighting too much and eventually we would start disrespecting each other. It hurts her intensely because I was her first boyfriend, 1st kiss, and she gave me her virginity even though that is very important to her. I want to get back with her but I wouldnt know how to go about it because (I dont mean to sound sexist) women are very confusing. I know that if I tell her I want to get back shell just say no more even if she wants to too...but I dont wanna ignore her forever because Im afraid she might find some one Im very confused on what to do or say. Any tips on things I can say...or how I should go about this...also will the Soe give me an edge or will it just make me seem like a door mat to her....ADVICE PLEASE

  7. #7
    Bodhi Satva CptKipling's Avatar
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    Default Re: Which would make her feel in love with me???

    Ok dont take this as gospel or get your hopes up too much, but i think she will get back with you. Your obviously a very important person in her life. How old are the two of you? You need to be supportive, but make it seem as though you are moving on, or trying to. Dont call her, but do maybe once a week. It\'s going to take longer than just that one visit to collect your shoes. Go out with your mates, have a good time, make sure you look like you are, but DONT get with another girl in anyway. Yeah talk to them. This lets her know you are still thinking about her, without actually wanting to get back with her. When you talk to her, be happy, friendly, and funny. HOPEFULLY, she will get the idea that maybe you do want to get back with her (even if you haven\'t realised it, or at least she will think you would be receptive to the idea), but the most important thing is she will be thinking about all the good times you two had (try to \"sew the seeds\" of these ideas in her mind, so you\'re not actually suggesting them, its ok if you do, but you\'ve hit gold if she does out of the blue). Then its up to you to get the passion going again. Make it seems as though you\'ve changed, that (to her) you won\'t argue like you used to. See FTR\'s post for a good idea on this.

    I already told you what mix to wear.

  8. #8
    Phero Dude
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    Default Re: Which would make her feel in love with me???

    thanks Captain...any other suggestions from any forum members on what to say and how to act...or other mixes to wear...(i just want as much info as possible on this)

  9. #9
    Bodhi Satva CptKipling's Avatar
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    Default Re: Which would make her feel in love with me???

    No problem, I went through pretty much the same thing, just passing on some stuff I learnt.

  10. #10
    Phero Dude xxxPantero's Avatar
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    Default Re: Which would make her feel in love with me???

    well, here\'s my opinions:

    1.) tell her to stop reading so many damn relationship books and go with what\'s in her heart before she makes the biggest mistake of her life

    2.) it is also possible maybe since you were her first she wants to explore and play the field, and THEN maybe get back with you (that way she can\'t say she cheated, but that she at least played the field) doesn\'t that suck? that you want to be their firsts (congrats by the way [img]/ubbthreads/images/icons/smile.gif[/img]) but then because of that, she still has some wild oats that need sewing [img]/ubbthreads/images/icons/frown.gif[/img]

    3.) maybe she doesn\'t want you as a boyfriend anymore but is finding it hard to let go since you were her first everything, and she doesn\'t want you to hate her, no matter if she goes with someone else.

    4) talk to her instead of acting the way the system says. yeah, the system is great, i bet, but never follow any rule off a cliff. like FTR said, don\'t be a doormat, but be a little more cooperative. do NOT say that you\'re going out with some girl, because if she was still undecided, that would make the decision for her. don\'t try to forget about her just yet. be around her, and talk to her about the relationship, but only when SHE BRINGS IT UP! don\'t bring it up, or you\'ll push her away. if she brings it up, she\'s already pulling you closer.

    my advice to you is take up a hobby that takes your mind off of her, like getting drunk [img]/ubbthreads/images/icons/smile.gif[/img]

    it\'s not an alcohol addicition, it\'s a commitment to a drinking hobby!

    [img]/ubbthreads/images/icons/smile.gif[/img] hope i helped man

    sorry to hear about your situation. it sucks, we all know.

  11. #11

    Default Re: Which would make her feel in love with me???

    She called you and said she couldn\'t forget you. ... and then she added that it was for the best.

    That is her trying to tell you that she wants you back, but things need to improve re the bickering.

    Here\'s another way you could go. What would happen if you didn\'t discuss it at all? What would happen if you just called her up and said Hey, want to go to a movie with me? and if she says what do you mean by it, play it off, say, I just wondered if you want to go to a movie with me (or hang out, doing whatever). I haven\'t seen you in awhile. See if you can resume seeing her without making an announcement \"we\'re together again\" and having to have a long talk about it. And just sort of ease your way back into things.

  12. #12
    Phero Dude xxxPantero's Avatar
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    Default Re: Which would make her feel in love with me???

    good idea, FTR

  13. #13

    Default Re: Which would make her feel in love with me???

  14. #14
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    Default Re: Which would make her feel in love with me???

    You know what you should have done when you would argue..Grab her, kiss her, and say, \"Dont\' worry about it...It\'ll be alright...\"


  15. #15
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    Default Re: Which would make her feel in love with me???

    Sonny, just read your bio, and this is my opinion, and only mine. I\'ve cut and pased your questions to answer them. So here I go....First, your bio says you want to attract as many girls as possible. Could this be the reason for your break up? People that are truely in love, and you\'ll know when you are, don\'t care to attract anyone else. Now to your post...\"hello fellas HI SONNY. I recently broke up with my girlfriend of 8 months...and well Ive been pretty bummed about it IT\'S PAINFUL, BUT DON\'T TAKE IT PERSONAL. Even though it hurts YOU\'RE A MAN TO ADMIT THAT and all I have not given her one hint of it GOOD JOB. I play it off as if eveythings allright and that break ups are just a part of life THEY ARE...especially when Ive talked to her since the break up COOL! WHAT A MAN!!! Well recently she called my house again and she kept telling me how she misses me and how Im always gonna be special to her TELL HER YOU MISS HER AS WELL IF THAT\'S HOW YOU FEEL but that she feels the reason we broke up was for the best (she said that we would fight and argue too much) TELL HER SHE\'S PROBABLY RIGHT. Well this last time she called she kept on insisting that I go over to her place and pickup some old tennis shoes that I left there the last time I went over...and I said \"I would see when I was available to do so...\" DO YOU WANT THE SNEAKERS? IF NOT, DON\'T EVEN GO OVER THERE, TELL HER SHE CAN THROW THEM OUT, BECAUSE YOU DON\'T NEED THEM. YOU NEED TO FIND OUT TWO THINGS FOR SURE...(1) DOES SHE REALLY MISS YOU (2) DOES SHE STILL LOVE YOU. GIVE HER THE SPACE TO DECIDE, AND IF THE ANSWER TO BOTH OF THOSE QUESTIONS ARE YES...YOU\'LL FIND OUT, BECAUSE SHE\'LL LET YOU KNOW My question is this: what pheromone should I wear when going over so she can kinda feel in awe and in love of me...MAKE HER FEEL LIKE SHE MADE A MISTAKE AND HAS TO HAVE ME BACK. DON\'T GO!! BUT IF YOU CAN\'T HANDLE NOT GOING, JUST WEAR SOE, OR AE. NONE OF THIS STUFF MAKES ONE FALL IN LOVE...I TRIED THAT WITH AN OLD EX THAT RAN THE STREETS, AND MAYBE SHE DIDN\'T RESPOND TO MONES BECAUSE SHE KEPT RUNNING THE STREETS. I have SOE, NPA, and AE. what combinations would be wise for me to wear to this meeting at her house and how long before I get there should I put it on and how much??? 15 TO 30 MINUTES Oh and one last thing (sorry to bother you guys with so many questions) what attitude should I take to this break up???? WHAT\'S THE REASON YOU BROKE UP IN THE FIRST PLACE? THAT WILL GIVE ALL A GOOD LOOK AT THE BIG PICTURE, BECAUSE IF SHE LEFT YOU BECAUSE YOU WERE OUT FLIRTING, YOU ARE IN THE DOG HOUSE, AND IT\'S GOING TO BE DIFFICULT. IF SHE JUST BROKE UP WITH YOU BECAUSE YOU TWO ARGUE TOO MUCH, WHAT ARE YOU ARGUING ABOUT? JEALOUSY, DISRESPECT, WHAT? How should I act in front of her...make her feel?? KEEP A SMILE ON YOUR FACE AS THOUGH YOU WEREN\'T BROKE UP, AND SHOW HERE NOTHING BUT RESPECT What are some things I should say??? NOTHING...SHE ASK YOU TO COME GET YOUR SNEAKERS. What would Doc Love\'s THE SYSTEM recommend I do in a situation like this??? DOC LOVE PROBABLY HAS NEVER BEEN IN YOUR SHOES. thanks alot for your responses in advance fellas. GOOD LUCK....AND REMEMBER, PEOPLE MAY FORGET WHAT YOU\'VE DONE, PEOPLE MAY FORGET WHAT YOU\'VE SAID, BUT NO ONE WILL EVER FORGET HOW YOU MADE THEM FEEL.

  16. #16
    Phero Dude
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    Default Re: Which would make her feel in love with me???

    thanks alot for all the replies everyone...she called today before I got back from school ...I wasnt home but her number came out on the Caller ID...what should I do???Call her back???Wait for her to call again???

  17. #17
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    Default Re: Which would make her feel in love with me???

    Lol at least ring back and if nothing happens use pheros to find someone else, if they are going to work opportunities will become available in other areas.

  18. #18
    Phero Pharaoh BassMan's Avatar
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    Default Re: Which would make her feel in love with me???

    Call her back. Be friendly. Detached. Pretend she\'s an old friend calling after a while apart.

  19. #19
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    Default Re: Which would make her feel in love with me???

    Sonny, call her back....just not today. If she calls before you call tomorrow, tell you were busy, and it got too late. Buuuut, if her phone message, if there was one, was \"come get your damn shoes,\" you might want to call back today, and go get your damn shoes. But unless your shoes are blocking someone else...that can\'t be too much of a problem, oooooor, she\'s really missing you. Either or, keep smiling when you see and talk to her, and be nice no matter how it turns out. Sometimes people have to go over the fence to make grass angels to find out that the grass they left behind, was just as good, and that leaves you with the scared thought...she left me for another, or she walked out on OUR love. Hang in there, and keep the sunshine on your face...if you can\'t wait for tomorrow to come, it comes, and if you want tomorrow to come, it comes.

  20. #20
    Phero Dude xxxPantero's Avatar
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    Default Re: Which would make her feel in love with me???

    mobley, you are the man

  21. #21

    Default Re: Which would make her feel in love with me???

    Better yet, just act like you don\'t give a sh!t about like a charm.

  22. #22
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    Default Re: Which would make her feel in love with me???

    Interesting post......

    \"When all men think alike, no one thinks very much.\"
    -Walter Lippmann

  23. #23
    King of the coupons!
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    Default Re: Which would make her feel in love with me???

    Thanks xxxPantero!!!


  24. #24
    Doctor of Scentology DrSmellThis's Avatar
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    Default Re: Which would make her feel in love with me???

    I like A1 and -nol for such applications.

  25. #25

    Default Re: Which would make her feel in love with me???

    If she does have the hots for someone else and you play cool like you don\'t care, I\'d bet it\'d make her think about getting back together with you. Telling her how much you love and need her could make things worse for you. But yes, you still have to be kind and nice. I\'m not saying you should be a d!ck, just act like you have other things going on in your life even if you don\'t. Chicks pursue what they think they can\'t have. I\'m saying this from personal experience. It sometimes worked so well it was scary (ex-gf gone stalker). Pheros may help too [img]/ubbthreads/images/icons/smile.gif[/img]

    [edit: Mistake, I thought you made the original post ]

  26. #26
    Enlightened One
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    Default Re: Which would make her feel in love with me???

    To understand females consider the opposite of what men want.

    Men want to chase - woman want what they cant have.
    Men like comfort and stablility - women want constant excitement.

  27. #27
    Bodhi Satva CptKipling's Avatar
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    Default Re: Which would make her feel in love with me???

    Very true Watcher.

  28. #28
    Phero Pro
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    Default Re: Which would make her feel in love with me???

    Just kiss and make up. No talking required!

    No, seriously, if you do plan to use mones when meeting her, I\'d go very light on them or use no pheros at all. I would\'t use -none , either. I think SOE really is the best one is this kind of situation. Perhaps some A1, too? (haven\'t tried it myself).

    Above all, be yourself. You both obviously mean a lot to each other, so she will see it when you\'re not acting like you really are (at least that\'s what my experience has been telling me...)

  29. #29
    Bodhi Satva CptKipling's Avatar
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    Default Re: Which would make her feel in love with me???

    Actually, yeah go easy on the pheros.

    You DO want her to be thinking properly when you talk about this, or else you will find that not much gets said as conversation yields to...other stuff. While this may seem good at the time, it leaves no foundation.

    Mobley gave some really good advice, listen to him.

  30. #30
    Phero Dude
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    Default Re: Which would make her feel in love with me???

    NEW DEVELOPMENT. She called me again last night and we got to talking. I was acting quite carefree and happy and laughing at her little comments. She seemed a bit pissed that I was in a good mood...I guess she wanted me to be miserable like her. I told her to cheer up and that this new cynical attitude(she kept on saying YEA RIGHT..and a sarcastic tone when I would mention things) wasnt good for her. In the middle of the phone conversation I received another phone call and I told her to wait a little bit and went and answered it. When I came back she kept asking me who it was...and I said it was nobody.For like 20 min she kept insisting that I tell her who called and that it was probably some girl. I said it was my business and that I felt she was prying..i said this to her very respectfully without arguing. Anyways towards the end of the conversation she broke down and admitted that she still was very much in love with me and that the other day she even caught herself daydreaming about me before going to bed. She mentioned she didnt know why she couldnt get me off her mind and I said the answer was easy ( I was a bit cocky in my response but what the hell) I told her the reason she couldnt do that is because she still loved me...I told her no matter how much she tries to tell herself that she doesnt she still does and that I know all this without her even telling me...she broke down and admitted I was right.When we hung up she muttered the words I LOVE YOU...and got mad when i didnt respond back right away..but I eventually said ME TOO..and she also mentioned that what causes some of our arguments is that she feels low..and thinks low of herself. She admitted to having very low self esteem ( this admittance surprised me alot) and she thinks that she cant compete with my prior girlfriend and she gets to thinking that I loved my ex more. Anyways we ended the conversation by her telling me she was tired and needed to go to bed and she said she loved me and I said \"me too\" and she said shed call me sometime during the week. WHAT DO YOU GUYS THINK SHOULD BE MY NEXT STEP??WHAT DO YOU GUYS THINK ABOUT WHAT WAS SAID IN THIS CONVERSATION???WHAT DO YOU RECOMMEND I D AFTER THIS...OR HOW DO I FOLLOW THIS THROUGH...I WOULD REALLY APPRECIATE YOUR ADVICE SINCE YOU GUYS SEEM TO KNOW ALOT MORE ABOUT RELATIONSHIPS THAN I DO.

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