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  1. #1
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    Default my moods from phero use

    Using Edge and putting some under my nose, I\'ve noticed that it makes me very alert and very confident. I\'ve noticed that I drive my car faster than normal and my reaction time in general are faster. So I think it\'s good to use this stuff when doing athletic or physical types of work. The downside is that I find myself getting very annoyed by anything and am not in the best of moods, like I\'m irritated and I want to beat up anyone who gets in my way. Competitive and impatient. I also do notice it causes sex dreams.

    Doing the same thing with SoE under my nose, I\'m VERY relaxed if not almost drunk. I\'m slow and lazy with everything I do and it causes me to procrastinate. The odd thing is I have super concentration but feel too relaxed to do anything about it. It puts me in a very good mood and everything seems more interesting than normal and nothing seems to worry me. The downside to this is you become very clumsy and not very aware of your surroundings because you simply don\'t care. I recommend this for anyone giving public speeches, acting in plays, and going to interviews because any fear or nervousness is gone.

    So you can see that they have almost completely different effects on the user. I think it\'s important to notice your own mood as much as it is to notice \"hits\".

    Just reporting this for anyone who considers whther to get something -none heavy(Edge) or -nol heavy(SoE).

  2. #2
    Phero Pro
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    Default Re: my moods from phero use

    Interesting... I think I can explain the contradictory behaviour SOE causes actually: the slower, more clumsy behaviour probably is caused by the -mones (-nol and -rone), whereas the alertness is caused by the musky smell: musk really is a very good smell for concentration and alertness. Believe me, I know: as I am a student whose attention is very easily distracted and as I really care more about making fun than learning (I\'m following a very difficult course actually, so that might eventually cause problems) I\'m very interested in things to make me work better & faster, and musk is a scent that meets my demands.

  3. #3
    Phero Dude
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    Default Re: my moods from phero use

    Lee, I\'m glad someone has the same experiences as me. If I use PI or Andro 4.2, it\'s pretty much the same as when you use Edge. I have had to quit using the stuff. I will literally throw people out of my way if they don\'t give me proper respect. I started to worry that I might kill someone or at least maim them. I\'ve decided to use very small amounts of -none, and greater amounts of other pheros, as well as soft relaxing scents. At the moment, I\'m really getting off on vanilla.

  4. #4

    Default Re: my moods from phero use

    I\'ve noticed the same thing. JB#1 made me feel irritated. It made me feel confident and aggreesive, maybe too agreesive. NPA(mixed with cologne) would also do the same, but I\'ve been getting a lot of dreams off of it. Some were related to sex and some just flat out weird. They were the kind which take a couple seconds after waking up to realize it was a dream. As for SOE, it would make me feel sleepy and like you said -- lazy. But, it would also lift my mood. I\'d have a perma-grin with this stuff on.

  5. #5
    Phero Pharaoh a.k.a.'s Avatar
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    Default Re: my moods from phero use

    I’ve noticed similar effects.
    Have you ever tried PF or Xcite? IMO that’s the best phero buzz available at love-scent.

  6. #6
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    Default Re: my moods from phero use

    PF and Xcite were actually my first pheros. I couldn\'t say that I got any reactions from others but I\'d have to say that the \"buzz\" is VERY strong even compared to SoE but the smell annoys me enough to say SoE is better overall but the buzz from PF is the best.

  7. #7
    Phero Dude
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    Default Re: my moods from phero use

    I think a lot of the -nol heavy products have the potential to give you a buzz and cause you to do a lot of smiling. I used to get seriously buzzed used PI/w and/or SPMO. I don\'t use either anymore, just because I am experimenting with other things, but when I used to use 6 drops of SPMO, 4 of them in my hair, some women would get really giggly and weird.

  8. #8

    Default Re: my moods from phero use

    Heh, I hear you on that one. Just got my first order, and I was like \"wow\" at the SPMO buzz (I slipped a little with the dropper)

  9. #9
    Enlightened One
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    Default Re: my moods from phero use

    Try using PCC or EW if you are male it increases Testostrone levels 100%. That should wake you up lol.

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