With all the talk of EW and whatnot in another thread here, my train of thought was derailed. The discussion triggered some old memory associations, and as a result, I decided to make a foray into the women\'s forum.

As the subject beckons, can women smell a virgin? Over the last, I dunno, 6 years or so, I can recall bits and pieces of discussions - either among coworkers or in extended social circles - about whether one could \"smell\" a virgin.

Mind you, most of this banter was from late teen to early 20-somethings, so it may not have been entirely rational, in comparison to some of the mature people here. Nonetheless, across the board, the women involved in these discussion claimed to be able to \"tell\". I think most males agreed; I, on the other hand, silently pleaded the 5th and remained in the background.

To tell you the truth, the one time at work when this happened, I felt threatened that I\'d be put on the spot. Why, because, as I said, we were late teen / early 20 something, and, of course, I\'m the only \"loser\" that was a virgin. I was afraid that my friend - one rather boisterous, witty type, was going to up and make an example out of me, by pointing out, \"well, how did you miss HIM, then\"?

Heads probably would have rolled, had the insulting gotten underway.

Anyway, thinking about this all over again, I wondered, IF people agreed with the girls who volunteered their opinions in our discussion, what might happen if I dabble with something like EW?

I, for one, could obviously stand to benefit, just like MadMaxx and Woman already have...

The EW discussions almost sound like the catalyst I need. It seems, when I\'m placed in an environment like work and I have to get along with people, one way or another, women get acquainted with me - and they universally agree that I must be some well liked \"cassanova\", practically fighting off young women with a stick. If only that were true...

However, with women I would want to meet as potential mates - strangers/people outside work - the time envelope just isn\'t there to develop the rapport like at work - and it appears that I get immediately placed into the reject category. By this I do mean rejection, I.E. \"no\", expressing disinterest and walking away, etc.

Anyway, here\'s the tie-in to EW and psychology: Should this \"virgin\" smell / vibe thing be a real matter, then perhaps would EW alleviate that response and subsequently open the door to let through what really shines - my personality and accomplishments (ok, now I got Pete Townsend\'s song stuck in my head). But seriously...

I truly believe that my female colleagues probably thought the same of me as any other stranger would, but because they\'ve allowed themselves to know ME, I think I overruled the natural rejection chord and kindled attraction with my personality over time.

(Yes, this is including without phero use - because with them, discussions just get dirtier! hehe)

One would be led to believe that IF those girls didn\'t ferret me out before, then I should\'ve stopped and accepted \"NO\" as the answer to my inquiry. On the contrary, I just think I fooled them because they knew me, which caused them to think of me in a higher light.

Or, maybe EW/cops will just open new doors regardless if the answer is just \"No\".

I\'d really love to hear some comments on my little introspective journey.