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  1. #1
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    Default To Paul Down Under/Combos

    Hey Paul,

    After reading several of your posts and being both amused and slightly jealous [img]images/icons/laugh.gif[/img] I decided to try your combo of Attraction and Andro. 2 sprays of Andro to hair + 2 sprays of Attraction also. 2 sprays of Attraction to front of chest(each side)and 2 sprays on back of shirt. 8 in all. Tried this for 2 days, but only a few smiles from the golden aged waitress at a restaurant. However much later in the day, I sprayed 2 more sprays of Attraction on shirt and while standing at a counter with a fine 19 year old blonde with a major tude, she started to wiggle around like she had to pee, then kept turning towards me real fast then back again.Geez.

    My question is this, I know combos work for some and not for others, but have you tried just using Attraction and did you use your customary 8 sprays and what kind of reaction did you get?

    And for the others on this board, what other combos have you used with Attraction? I\'m mostly asking because I happen to like the smell of it. So far the only combo that has worked for me is TE ans AE.

    Thanks Paul

  2. #2

    Default Re: To Paul Down Under/Combos

    Ive found that even 4 of attraction by itself is just as effective, add one of andro and you will do fine, the overdose leads to lots of giggles and DIHL but it seems to make them to shy to do anything and the pee thing seems to happen all the time, ive taken to using just attraction mostly and my next move is into a TE and AE combo so maybe you can help me on that one, but more seems to be just the same as less, most of the others seem to have the idea regarding less is better depends on surroundings etc like pub equals more and intimate equals less otherwise you will drive em away but attraction is very concentrated so just get the right combo through experimetnattion and see what works best for you, might even try a workout with weights to build yourself up a bit, seems to get more women add to htat friendly smiley piece of meat attitude and look and off you go into the real fun parts

  3. #3
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    Default Re: To Paul Down Under/Combos

    Thanks for tips Paul. Here is my own experiences with TE and AE. First day I tried it I sprayed 1 spray of TE on chest(shirt) and 1 dab of AE behind each ear. Covered TE with cologne. Reactions were good, girls at work getting chatty, one I am interested in, got slighly glassy eyed and just stared at me. Next day, I put on 2 sprays of TE and same amount of AE. Nothing. All day nothing. As a matter of fact it appeared people were staying away from me. Alpha male thing I guess. Third day went back to original combo and again had better results. One combo I did see on board that I am going to try this week is 1 spray TE covered with cologne and 1 spray Attraction. We will see. [img]images/icons/crazy.gif[/img]

  4. #4

    Default Re: To Paul Down Under/Combos

    Yo i\'ve had similar experiences with TE and AE, I was getting reactions with only 1 spray of TE and 4 drops of attraction on my face area, after using 2 sprays girls seemed to try to get away from, i even messed up with 2 european girls who where hanging out with the bunch and everyday they seemed to like me the least. I realized my mistake when they were gone.
    by the way what quantities are good for AE because my 4 drops seem to work fine and even 6 drops seem to work very good and no everdose.

  5. #5
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    Default Re: To Paul Down Under/Combos

    Paul, just want to clarify, when you use straight Attraction, do you use 4 sprays? Just gives me somewhere to start.


  6. #6

    Default Re: To Paul Down Under/Combos

    Yeah 4 sprays of attraction usually lasts up to about the entire day actually one on the hair and 2 on the front area and i chuck in one on back usually works just fine, you may try reapplying 1 spray after about 6 or 7 hours just to freshin it up, i also do some weights as well which i think helps with the attraction thing and taking a geniune interest in the girls helps and a real smile is always good to help out as well the pheros only help so far. Hope this has helped you a little bit and you might even want to add a spary of andro

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