I ordered APC before I found this forum. So far I have gone out with my APC twice. Both times had hits. The first time I really didn\'t want to count, because it was in Home Depot. Most women do very well in a hardware store. I still don\'t know if that was because of my APC. Today I am certain that it was. I was standing at the counter at the dollar store purchasing a pocket atomizer. All of a sudden the cashier looks me in the eyes and say\'s \"You have beautiful eyes.\" I smiled and said thank you. He then said \"wow, you have a beautiful smile.\" We finished the purchase and as I walked away he said \"have a great day beautiful and come back and see me.\" He was probably about 10 years younger than me.

Because I now know APC has such a low concentration, I really didn\'t expect to see any results. Both times, I completely forgot I was wearing it (until the flirting started.) As for the amount I used...I used tons of the stuff. I made a line from my wrist to my inner arm. I did that on both arms. I had some on my neck, behind my ears and even some in my hair.

I can\'t wait to get the strong stuff.