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  1. #1
    Phero Pro
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    Default IDEAS ON REAL HITS......

    APC is becoming my favorite product. The other day I wore it at work and I got more side glances and smiles and hellos than with any other product/mix. I also like DD#1, and I am testing JBX at 1:1, and I can\'t wait to try PAN and PPA (need to get some $ to get the PPA).

    I have been thinking about hits themselves. Especially the side glances/smiles/hellos. I think these are the REAL HITS. Why? Because there is (other than physical good looks -- which I do not have in abudance) nothing that the hit could be attributed to. Think of it this way. Lets say you approah a female (or male -- whichever the case is) and you act right, you are charming, funny, smooth, and you have on the latest killer mix or whatever. How does one KNOW if it was the mix, or the way one was acting? maybe this person didn\'t pick up on the mones -- maybe it was the stuff one learned out at or the cocky and funny stuff. In other words what is your frame of reference? the ideal experiment would be if we could somehow replay that situation exactly the same way but once with the mones and once without the mones, but that is not possible. back to the idea of the REAL HITS. I know how women reacted to me without me intiaiting something before mones -- or should I say lack of a reaction. In my whole life I have had only ONE women show geniue interest in me without me intiaiting something. and because of my now changing former AFC ways I had little success because I was simply intimated to intiate (GOD please can I go back say 7-10 years in time and give myself one good shift kick in the A$$!!) Now that I wear mones there is a change. I have more women giving me some \"REAL HITS\". which is what I believe is the best way to test a new mix/product. because in my opinion the best use of mones is to help break the ice and weed out ones that are not interested. don\'t get me wrong you can and should still intiate but having the target show some interest is FCKING great. that is when you KNOW the mones are working. I mean I am 22 and I want sexual hits in the worst way -- as fas as I am concered sex is like money, can\'t have enough -- so please when you post hit stories please include any info about the REAL HITS. the reason I bring all this up is that I found mones and then shortly thereafter (THANKS TO THIS WONDERFULL VERY ENLIGHTING AND THERAPUTIC FORUM) I discoverd and and it was like winning a multi million dollar lottery -- it solves a lot problems(or what I thought was problem). any thoughts??

  2. #2
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    Default Re: IDEAS ON REAL HITS......

    You raise an interesting point Druid. I\'m also 22, average looking, not especially charming, and intimidated by good-looking women. Tonight this wicked hot girl I barely know gave me a big smile and said \"hi\" to me as I was waiting for the elevator. I\'d call this a \"REAL HIT\" because I can\'t think of an explaination for this except for the mones (1 gel-pack SOE applied 8 hours prior and a ton of PPA applied 1 hour prior BTW)

    El Chupanibre

  3. #3

    Default Re: IDEAS ON REAL HITS......

    Let me tell you will never get more simple smiles, looks and attention...than from simple straightforward APC...if you must add a few drops of npa, go ahead, but dont make the jambat special..its too high on npa and you will od as sure as im whistling dixie..i know that ive been pushing PAN like an avon salesman pushes stinky perfume, but if you try the plain APC, you may step into another realm unlike anything you may ever experience, i know that my gf recently beat me senseless with some mammory sacks, and i wasnt wearing anything but plain ol apc...go figger

  4. #4

    Default Re: IDEAS ON REAL HITS......

    I\'ve been trying to determine what constitutes a \"real hit\" from the RM and SOE I\'ve been trying out recently. With the SOE, I\'ve seen a pattern over the last couple of monday night classes that I wear it to.

    Because students switch seats every week, I\'ve tried it on 2-3 different people sitting next to me. In each case, they are friendly with me (guy or girl). They will ask questions in class and generally seem more \"into it\". Then when they aren\'t sitting next to me, I notice that they don\'t speak up in class as much or act as friendly to the people around them. Hmmmmm.

    This is just one example I\'ve noticed. I want to get APC and NPA next and start mixing if necessary. I haven\'t gotten anything too out of the ordinary yet with RM and SOE, but it\'s enough to get me intrigued about other products.

  5. #5
    Phero Pro
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    Default Re: IDEAS ON REAL HITS......


  6. #6
    Banned User Elana's Avatar
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    Default Re: IDEAS ON REAL HITS......

    I have also had nice results from APC. You can read my post in the woman\'s forum

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