hi newbie here, jus wanna post the results i have been having from the new ppa in the last week,

the past week i have been getting a lot of dihls from women and smiles from women walking down the street. A shop attendant in a bookstore asks me if i needed any help, i was talking to my mate so i didnt really hear her propely so i just kept on talking to my mate. Then she came from behind the counter and came up to me and asked me again with a big smile with those dihl eyes, i feel like a celebrity.

saturday night in a club, getting asked to dance a few times in 1 club and a lot of dihls and smiles. went to another club started dancing and this fit girl comes up to me and starts feeling my member, i was a bit embarresed as there were louds of people about staring so i just left. also this 40\'is women comes up to me in the club and starts reading my palm, she said i had a negative aura around me or something like that, I find that older women are freaked out by me. works better on the young ones, yipeeeee.

Today went to town, a few dihls but the most scary thing was i was walking behind this 40 yr old women into a local supermarket and she kept on looking back at me, she looked really worried and i could see the fear in her eyes, i think she thought i was going to kill her something, strange or what. I am a shy person and i find it makes me a bit more confident also, dunno how, i just seem to be walking with more of an attitude rather than the usuall slump.

I have been using ppa for 4 weeks and didnt notice anything till about the fourth week, think i was using to much before, so all the newbies who are not getting results, give it time and be patient, i find sometimes it takes time to get used to them. I find also with me anyway if i go out looking for signals nothing happens, but if i just forget about i am wearing mones i get a lot more attention, dunno if anyone else has experienced this. Waiting for my npa, cant wait to try the pan mix, should do wonders. anyone else getting results from the new ppa please post them and i would especialy like to hear if anyone is getting results from pan. one last thing anyone feeling really tired using ppa, i find my energy levels have dropped and i find it hard to train in the gym, ne suggestions?

my statistics are



athletic build

british asian (parents originated from pakistan)

apllication method dab on each ear then smudge it to my chin on both sides

