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  1. #31

    Default Re: Ideal male waist to hip ratio

    Yes, I adore you. I think you\'re just too precious for words.

  2. #32
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    Default Lubrication

    I gotta agree wetter is better. And as you guessed, I like it when a woman\'s body responds that way partly because it makes me feel like a hot lover~ After some 70 women (lifetime -- keep in mind I\'m 44 and was married only two years), I think I have a pretty informed opinion as to degrees of wetness, and I still really enjoy a super-wet woman.

  3. #33
    Doctor of Scentology DrSmellThis's Avatar
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    Default Re: Ideal male waist to hip ratio


  4. #34

    Default Re: Ideal male waist to hip ratio

    \"tis true. I\'ve never seen my lover in more tortured lust than when he puts his finger in me on first kiss and groans, \"Oh GOD you\'re so wet.\" A reaction I\'m sure our Pet has seen more than once, and apparently quite enjoys herself.

  5. #35

    Default Re: Ideal male waist to hip ratio

    Truth - it wouldn\'t work for a male, if JVK\'s hypothesis about this reaction in women is correct. He thinks it is a response to scent of a rival, to instantly be wetter than, so more ready to be penetrated, so more likely to be selected. (You can see that the game of who\'s wetter than whom is a game played by women something like what goes on between two men about whose dick is bigger). So copulins would not have that effect on a male. I hope you all are at least jerking off to this; otherwise, it really IS a waste of time...What, you\'re gonna write back and say, no actually, what I really like is a dry pussy, that\'s how I know I\'m loved and desired. ?! Yes, Pet, we love your wet pussy, baby, show it to us. Maybe we could have Petcam, is that what you want? What color are those pubes you\'re constantly alluding to, huh? Clever how you managed to work the tits in, too, with the t-shirt. Nice visuals. Maybe somebody will be so turned on they\'ll pay your plane tickets over. Who knows what could happen. So, can we see the all fours and dripping pose again? \'cause that was a nice shot, I must admit. You\'re so desperate to spread for us, let\'s see the goods.

  6. #36
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    Default Re: Ideal male waist to hip ratio

    lol good post Full Tilt.

    Pet was teasing us a little too much.

  7. #37

    Default Re: Ideal male waist to hip ratio

    Dude! I\'m sayin\'!Plus I don\'t know if you hear the little digs, but from a female point of view, I be done dragged her little ass off to the ladies\' and we would have had a talk that, if she didn\'t learn some respect real quick, might have ended up with her sportin\' some bald patches, and we\'d see how much of that sh*t she\'d be talkin\' afterwards. I \'bout had my dizzy limit.

  8. #38
    Phero Dude
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    Default Re: Ideal male waist to hip ratio

    c\'mon, y\'all are giving Pet too hard a time don\'t ya think :-) - I can\'t see what the fuss is about

  9. #39

    Default Re: Ideal male waist to hip ratio

    Good, well then, why don\'t you at least come over to the women\'s forum and ask quite sincerely while batting your eyes if we really do like it when your dick gets Oh! Daddy! so big, because, see, it gets really really big...wooo...

    either that or gag me with a spoon

  10. #40
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    Default Re: Ideal male waist to hip ratio

    FTR, I am so glad you\'re not jealous love, it wouldn\'t suit you.

  11. #41

    Default Re: Ideal male waist to hip ratio

    Yes, I realize the wetness response to PCC is in women. However, I thought PCC was suppose to turn men on too.

    Anyway, if PCC is making women wet, I would think this indicates that it could be used as an attractant.

  12. #42

    Default Re: Ideal male waist to hip ratio

    Bite my ass, Pet. Maybe you should see a doctor about that runny snatch. Could be an std.

  13. #43

    Default Re: Ideal male waist to hip ratio

    FTR, give the girl the benefit of the doubt. When i first started going out with my girlfiend, she was really insecure about her degree of wetness. It took a lot of persuading to convince her that I actually liked it like that! But even now, she seems a bit embarrased about it.

  14. #44

    Default Re: Ideal male waist to hip ratio

    I gave her the benefit of the doubt posts and posts ago. My benefit of the doubt has run out. She\'s not contributing to any phero research, and her every post is designed to attract attention to herself in a sexual way, from day one. There are ways to ask the question without all the winks and nudges and inviting everyone over to check out her goods. She\'s an exhibitionist and a narcissist, coy and manipulative, and I\'m thoroughly sick of her. She\'s sophisticated enough to hang out with transsexual flashers and well-educated enough to have written papers and graduated with honors on matters dealing with feminism, but she isn\'t quite sure whether wetter is better, and her questions would be, does this t-shirt make my tits look too big, and would you rather shave me or whatever. COME ON. It really is as transparent as one of you guys going over to the women\'s forum to ask if we like it when your dick gets hard. I don\'t have much patience with bullshit and this girl\'s full of it..

  15. #45
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    Default Re: Ideal male waist to hip ratio

    I can\'t see why you keep insulting me but I\'d say you\'re the one with a problem, not me. What I write and how I write it is my business and if you don\'t like it, ignore it. It\'s not my fault you feel so insecure about yourself you need to attack everyone who you find threatening.

    I\'m resigning from this discussion, I\'m sure you\'ll insult me some more but quite frankly, I couldn\'t care less...

    Thanks for all the PMs guys, you\'re all very precious. [img]/ubbthreads/images/icons/smile.gif[/img]


  16. #46
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    Default Re: Ideal male waist to hip ratio

    You\'re out of line FTR. Of course she\'s teasing us but you seem to be the only one who has a problem with it, not the men. I don\'t want you scaring off a valuable forum member because you feel threatened by her.

  17. #47
    Bodhi Satva CptKipling's Avatar
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    Default Re: Ideal male waist to hip ratio

    Really, get over it, all of you.

  18. #48
    Phero Dude
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    Default Re: Ideal male waist to hip ratio

    Wow, I had read that copulins might stimulate women but I\'m glad to hear that they are that effective. I\'m lacing myself with them everyday, including when I go to dance lessons and get close to a lot of women. I\'m going have to start looking at their legs and see if there is anything running down them. I thought it must have been the EW that caused two women to be all over me at my lesson two days ago. They were even good friends of each other. I hope I don\'t harm there friendship!

  19. #49

    Default Re: Ideal male waist to hip ratio

    I\'m glad you enjoy her striptease and her descriptions of her \"little well.\" I\'ve said my piece. I wish she would take it somewhere else.

  20. #50
    Bodhi Satva CptKipling's Avatar
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    Default Re: Ideal male waist to hip ratio

    Dispite what I said, I have to say I\'m siding with FTR, if I wanted sex talk I\'d look elsewhere, lets keep it on topic and relevant, if you want sex chat, find a chat room.

  21. #51
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    Default Re: Ideal male waist to hip ratio

    El_Chupanibre, please go key in at least your age and gender in your profile~

  22. #52
    Bodhi Satva CptKipling's Avatar
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    Default Re: Ideal male waist to hip ratio

    You\'re doing a good job Gerund, shame that you have to keep telling everyone though.

  23. #53
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    Default Re: Ideal male waist to hip ratio

    Ok, done.

  24. #54
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    Default Re: Ideal male waist to hip ratio

    Yeah, I know -- can\'t they all take a hint? [img]/ubbthreads/images/icons/wink.gif[/img]

  25. #55

    Default Re: Ideal male waist to hip ratio

    Well as for this disscusion on wetness. FTR you were pretty dicriptive also. I don\'t have a problem with it. Just lay off Pet it comes off as jealous theres plenty of guys here for you to get attenion from as well. lol i mean COME ON we can all get along here. I normally just stick to pheromone disscussion but this is has become stupid and you intstigated this, so just try to control yourself.

  26. #56
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    Default Re: Ideal male waist to hip ratio

    Nate, it\'d be swell if you\'d go key in at least your age and gender in your profile~

  27. #57
    Bodhi Satva CptKipling's Avatar
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    Default Re: Ideal male waist to hip ratio


  28. #58

    Default Re: Ideal male waist to hip ratio

    I said what I needed to say and I stand by it. Sorry if you didn\'t like it. If she can get on here and say whatever she wants to say and dare me to like it or not, I can certainly say that I don\'t like it. If she can strip, I can object. It\'s not a matter of jealousy -- what on earth is there for me to be jealous of? It\'s a matter of taste. I was descriptive speaking of the effect of a pheromone. She was descriptive for no good reason at all other than to be an exhibitionist, or to ask ingenuous questions in order to bring attention to herself. I\'m tired of it. If you get off on it, that\'s fine. I would strongly prefer you take it to PM\'s, though. I most certainly did not instigate it. She\'s been making little digs at me for awhile now and I\'ve been coming back with my claws sheathed, but she wouldn\'t take a hint and instead continued to escalate, so I went for her. She\'s annoying and she\'s not here to talk about products or anything connected to the products - she\'s an attention whore.

    And y\'know what? I\'ve seen you studying this post for most of the afternoon, trying to figure out a way to stir it up again. Best to stay out of cat fights. :-)

  29. #59
    Phero Pharaoh a.k.a.'s Avatar
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    Default Re: Ideal male waist to hip ratio


    But what about the waist to shoulder ratio? Isn\'t that also related to male hormone production, and don\'t women notice that more than waist to hip?

  30. #60

    Default Re: Ideal male waist to hip ratio

    That\'s a really good question.

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