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  1. #61
    Phero Dude
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    Default Re: Chem set research

    After an hour, you will find that almost any odor becomes much less detectable.

    The olfactory system adjusts that way, so that it isn\'t overpowered by any background odor.

  2. #62

    Default Re: Chem set research

    Dr. Smell This, I like your idea, but if you really want to control the experiment, you should mix up the concoction yourself in and distribute little vials to your test subjects. Maybe, you can even charge a nominal $4 for two weeks of the test mix.

    Better yet, you can do a blinded trial with several mixes and a placebo group! Just distribute out the mixes, which all contain the same cover scent, but with different pheros.

  3. #63
    Doctor of Scentology DrSmellThis's Avatar
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    Default Re: Chem set research

    MadMax, It\'s definitely detectible on me for all day. I do use essential oils such as vetiver as fixatives in the mix, so maybe that makes it last longer. When I first tried it I diluted it to where I thought it was comparable to other scents I\'ve used.

    You might do OK with A1. Somebody here uses A1 and -nol because they don\'t like -none, and likes it. I don\'t know.

    Have you been laid with it? Met a hottie who was interested? Tell us more.

    Maybe you can ask friends if they can smell it on you with different concentrations, starting small.
    I\'m counting on you to give us all more information, as you\'ve been the most enthusiastic, however. Keep up the good work!

  4. #64
    Doctor of Scentology DrSmellThis's Avatar
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    Default Re: Chem set research

    All good points! Thanks for the replies! What does everyone else think?

    Truth, that might be a bit spendy for me. I\'ll be happy to do it right if Bruce, Phil or somebody else wants to fund research or hire me! For now, I\'m counting on folks that are interested in advancing their phero capabilities to the max, and willing/able to get the raw products. I have figured that eventually more people will want to get into it, and wondered if the timing is right. I know it\'s expensive. It took me a few months to get basic supplies together. But I do think it\'s worth it. A chem set is more economical. EW is free for now with a chem set, and multi-pheros seem to be the way to go unless you\'re mostly interested in convenience. We can advance our knowledge much, much faster by working together from time to time. I\'m not looking for rigorous science at this point, just for a \"quick and easy dip into a pool of info\". Then we\'ll know if further study is worth it.

    I e-mailed Bruce about smaller portions of A1, and he replied, \"One of these days...\" He\'s been really busy. However, if enough of us are interested and e-mail him about it I bet he\'d be open to working with us! I know it would be more profitable for him that way. Maybe he can use the new atomizers Stone has purchased.

  5. #65
    Phero Pro
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    Default Re: Chem set research


    I have A1 and haven\'t used it much since it affects me quite a bit plus haven\'t seen noticable results yet. It is bareable for me to have 2 drops (one on each wrist). If I apply it any closer it really starts to give me a headache. I\'m thinking of usinging it later in mixes when I am able to get the chem set. At the moment I\'m playing around with the new PPA and just whipped up my first batch of JB#1.

  6. #66

    Default Re: Chem set research

    I\'d certainly be interested in a smaller portion of A1. The only thing putting me off at the moment is the price. I\'m sure if enough of us express interest, Bruce could do something, when he has the time.

  7. #67
    Phero Dude
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    Default Re: Chem set research

    DrSmell, I have only asked a couple of people to smell me, or tell me what they think of my smell. I only like to ask close friends. For example, I don\'t want to ask all the women at my dance lessons. Somehow, I don\'t think it would be appropriate. Anyway, those I have asked just say that the scent smells nice. They make no comment on what they think they are smelling, and they think they are just smelling my perfume. So, I don\'t think anyone consciously detects anything other than the perfume I use for cover. This is despite the fact that as I said, I am using 20 drops of EW now, at the dilution rate I mentioned.
    As for getting laid, no, not yet. I think I\'ve posted about reactions on an EW thread or somewhere. I\'ve had what I consider quite good hits at some of my dance lessons, and these particular women are definitely interested. However, several practical and cultural factors make progress slow with these women. Besides these good solid hits, what I notice most on a daily basis is that the women that serve me in a restaurant or coffee shop, smile big time with sparkly eyes and often look me right in the eyes that whole time the are serving me. I know these people are supposed to be friendly etc., but something is definitely different. If you want more details of the nature of my good hits, please search for my other posts.

  8. #68
    Phero Dude
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    Default Re: Chem set research

    XVS, thanks for that thought. That would make sense. I guess that is why some days people will tell me my perfume smells great, and I am surprised because it is afternoon already and I am almost unaware of it.

  9. #69
    Bodhi Satva CptKipling's Avatar
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    Default Re: Chem set research

    Maybe Bruce could sell smaller chem set samples of each, on a no refund basis. Really good idea though, this is how real progress is made.

  10. #70

    Default Re: Chem set research

    Dr. Smell This, you wouldn\'t be losing money if you charge people a nominal fee for the mix samples. So many of us buy tons of pheros to only test out a small sample of each one before moving on. It\'d make sense to have one person mix up small batches for a 1-2 week test. Plus, this insures that people are using the same mix, if you\'re serious about a study.

    I just checked my unopened bottle of EW. I had sealed the bottle into two zip lock bags when I received it, but the scent appears to have gone through! Now, it\'s in four zip lock bags, but I don\'t know if it\'s enough. Any advice?

  11. #71
    Phero Pharaoh BassMan's Avatar
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    Default Re: Chem set research

    <blockquote><font class=\"small\">In reply to:</font><hr>

    I just checked my unopened bottle of EW. I had sealed the bottle into two zip lock bags when I received it, but the scent appears to have gone through! Now, it\'s in four zip lock bags, but I don\'t know if it\'s enough. Any advice?

    <hr></blockquote>Get one of those canning jars with the snap down lid and the rubber ring around the top. It will seal in just about anything.

  12. #72
    Doctor of Scentology DrSmellThis's Avatar
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    Default Re: Chem set research

    Let\'s buy those chem sets, oh brave adventurers!

  13. #73
    Carpal Tunnel Whitehall's Avatar
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    Default Fibonacci Numbers

    I think our discussion as to Fibonacci numbers really rolls up to a big question that I\'ve always asked:

    Is mathematics really \"absolute truth\" or rather a particularly pragmatic branch of psychology?

    I\'ve always suspected that math is just the sharpening of our mental tool chest, fundamentally a study of neurons and how they are organized to understand the world. We see Fibonacci numbers in so many places because our mind is hardwired to recognize that series. Now you\'ve brought religon into it too! As I\'ve said before, if it works to produce that lady-killer mix, I\'ll laud it (and you) to High Heaven.

    I\'d love to take part in your experiment but I too have been reluctant to spend the $180 for a chem set plus A-1. A trial size offer could make me a participant although I will allow that my social life in terms of meeting lot\'s of new people regularly is not a good test.

  14. #74
    Carpal Tunnel Whitehall's Avatar
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    Default Re: Chem set research

    I second the recommendation for using canning type jars. I\'ve got a small one with the metal clamping rig and a rubber seal and it holds the aromas of EW in quite well.

  15. #75

    Default Re: Fibonacci Numbers

    Whitehall, that\'s an absolutely delightful question. [img]/ubbthreads/images/icons/smile.gif[/img]

  16. #76
    Doctor of Scentology DrSmellThis's Avatar
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    Default Re: Fibonacci Numbers

    I think you were onto something, Whitehall.

    Mathematics has to do with mind as a part of nature, and in relation to it -- with the fact that we experience ourselves as \"one individual\" and things as \"one thing and not another\", such that the possibility of aggregating and counting them is implied as a potential. In nature things seem to have beginnings and ends, both temporally and conceptually.

    All this is nature\'s \"singularism.\"

    Mind, being so dependent on neurons, is firmly based in nature. But it can also imagine phenomena that appear nowhere in nature except the mind. Mind has a foggy idea of absolute truth, but an idea nonetheless, and math is a part of that idea. Absolute truth is an idea itself. As such it is rooted in psychology and neurons.

    Math, then, also deals with imaginary numbers, and with numbers like pi that express the possibility of things that are not single things at all -- in that they would be things the boundaries of which cannot be defined and articulated but only looked toward. The golden mean, which deals with infinity, is another example. In geometry, the circle touches on infinity.

    Fibonacci and phi, as approximations of the golden mean, are a sort of pragmatism then. They\'re tips of the hat to nature\'s singularism. They take the golden mean, which is abstract, idea-like, and comes from the geometry of the circle; and translate it roughly into finite numbers in a series -- to the counting of things that are single things, such as drops of something.

    The world of single things is the world of nature, which approximates ideals and reaches toward them but never reaches them, as when humans try to articulate pi.

    Nature is, itself, a sort of pragmatism. It seems to have a mind containing ideals it points toward but never reaches (like peace in the MIddle East?). Yet in this \"natural project\" is a beauty, dignity and perfection of it\'s own. The mind sees this. It all comes back full \"circle.\"

    So it is not suprising that the Fibronacci series is present everywhere in nature\'s structure, from plants to human bodies, to DrSmellThis\'s perfumes.

    But is mind bounded, contained, and potentially accounted for, by neurons? Can psychology be reduced to neurology?

    That is the subject matter for another post. [img]/ubbthreads/images/icons/smile.gif[/img]

  17. #77

    Default Re: Fibonacci Numbers

    Dr. SmellThis, this kind of conversation is much more arousing than that NLP stuff.

    Mmmm, what pretty talk, very beautiful.

  18. #78
    Enlightened One
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    Default Re: Fibonacci Numbers

    Pretty talk, very beatiful lol. Point is however that the NLP is very logical rational very male therefore uninteresting to women. That is just our nature but heck i was board so thought id take a different angle, the conversation covers everything around here. Boring and exciting and arousing.

  19. #79

    Default Re: Fibonacci Numbers

    The conversations about ideas are logical and rational, too, and better still, they\'re not designed to manipulate and engage emotions for profit. It\'s very stimulating to listen to people talk about ideas, especially about higher things - Whitehall and Dr. SmellThis in particular make good foils for each other in their approaches.

    Reminds me of lines from a Joni Mitchell song: \"You know the times you impress me most/are the times when you don\'t try/when you don\'t even try...\" i.e., people are most attractive when just freely expressing themselves without agenda.

  20. #80
    Doctor of Scentology DrSmellThis's Avatar
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    Default Re: Fibonacci Numbers

    Now I\'ve gotta hear it from the guys. See what you did, FTR?
    (Thanks, anyway.)

  21. #81
    Sadhu bjf's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by DrSmellThis
    Bump, for cryin\'

    out loud. Aren\'t people aware that the strongest potential for pheros lies in mixing all of them? Why not go for

    the best? Isn\'t your sex life important enough? Chem sets last. Chem set + A1 + NPA + EW = maximum weaponry. Why

    not save your money up? Who cares about scents? Great scents can come from freakin\' anywhere. No offense to

    anyone, but do people really think the scents are that outstanding? SOE is good, but there are many great musk

    colognes. Why not concentrate on the pheros? That is the unique offering of this site. The more we support raw

    pheros, the more they will introduce! Does anyone think our chances to get laid will improve that much by putting

    the same old -none in a strap, versus an old sock, powder, a hat, a diffuser, or a new pineapple/banana joy jelly?

    -- by mixing two -none colognes together and naming it after myself? SOE+Rogue+PPA+SPMO = BiteThis1. By worrying

    about which -none flavor to buy? Whatever. Dudes, PPA is -none in suntan lotion! Rogue Male is -none in a whatever

    cologne. I understand convenience for newbies, but we need to concentrate on taking it to a new level! -- not on

    combining the same 2-3 ideas over and over. Primal Instinct with ylang-ylang? Give me a break. It\'s -dirty

    -none with a girly scent added. It\'s for premature ejaculators. I\'m sure it works, but not for any reason

    other than it contains a -- suprise -- pheromone! It\'s the same chemical as in any other -none formula. Hello?

    Should I put it on my arm, my finger, or my eyelashes? Should I spray it over my nuts or under my nuts? Maybe I

    should masturbate with it, right here in front of the other premature ejaculators in the forum. If I combine 6

    products with the exact same pheros, is it better than 5? Let\'s debate for a week or two. Where\'s my

    freakin\' Pabstie? Buuurp.
    When is Dr. Smellthis' Evil Drunken Twin going to make a return


  22. #82
    King of the coupons!
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    Quote Originally Posted by bjf
    When is Dr.

    Smellthis' Evil Drunken Twin going to make a return visit?
    <Peeping from under the bed> He's coming

    Never argue with ignorant people! They pull you down to THEIR level, and then they BEAT YOU with experience. Who said that!? I don't know, but tis gold I tell'ya!!

  23. #83
    Doctor of Scentology DrSmellThis's Avatar
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    God I was immature back then!

    Those were the old days before etiquette was invented.
    DrSmellThis (creator of P H E R O S)

  24. #84
    Bad Motha Holmes's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by DrSmellThis
    Those were

    the old days before etiquette was invented.
    If a guy's a cocksucker in his life, when he dies, he don't become a saint. - Morris Levy, Hitmen

    Holmes' Theme Song

  25. #85
    Phero Enthusiast
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    Default All we may know is how little we may know

    What can one say about all of this. When I studied NLP in its early day it was, then, in that time, a

    new, interesting thing. Slowly it mutated into a weird, constipated, dismal "three easy keys to success" cheezeball

    freakshow. There may be better than average teachers here and there but overall it's forgettable stuff. I studied

    with all the original figures, often in small seminar settings,Linden, Bandler, Grinder, Dilts, Andreas, Dobson,

    James, even the extraterrestrial Carmine Baffa. I promise you, if their system was anywhere close to being as

    effective as they promoted it as being, I'd have all the goodies life has to offer, and then some. That there is

    some value in it doesn't obviate the fact that it is a weak technology promoted by a bunch of


    Pheromones are more fun and work better. My preference is to roll my own according to the

    circumstance, and combine with a top quality fragrance when called for. The basic choice is will it be a high -NONE

    mix (strong reactions, faster, and more risky) or a high -NOL mix (moderated reactions, slower response time,

    varying degrees of sociability), or a high -RONE mix (not often seen here, much more laid back, contemplative)...

    let's see... there are 6 -mones that I regularly combine and there may be a seventh on the way...
    I'm curious

    about how much overlap there is with La Croy and the other mystery sauces...

    On the subject of non verbal

    cuing, I think the most central thing to learn is the concept of "congurity"... the only living teacher I know about

    who specifically teaches congruity skills is David Dobson in Friday Harbor, an island outside of Seattle, and he's

    ancient, still working though. The brain is hard wired to pick up on congruent and incongruent signals, it takes a

    real pro to sift through the fine incongruities, there's some guy, a professor I think, who is the world's leading

    authority on facial signals. Salesmen, politicans, and con men work hard at ironing out incongruities, often with

    masking behavious like excessive gesticualition or consciously overworking their facial muscles to obscure their

    fine motor "tells". Women seem to be more finely tuned to congruity and incongruity that men are as congrity has

    less to do with chucking a speak through a hyena than it does with mate selection. If you are moderately

    incongruent, women will ready you as "creepy" of "off putting" without exactly being able to say why, some bad asses

    succeed because they are congruent as bad asses, it's the undigested, poorly integrated parts of the psyche that

    generate confusion or discomfort in others, that translates into not getting laid.

    Having said all of that,

    NLP paid lip service to the congruity problem, with the lone exception of Dobson they didn't know what to do with

    it. It was one of those gassy generalizations that forever hung in the air and nobody could shape into procedure.

  26. #86
    Sadhu bjf's Avatar
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    "it's the undigested, poorly

    integrated parts of the psyche that generate confusion or discomfort in others, that translates into not getting


    Great point.

  27. #87
    Doctor of Scentology DrSmellThis's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by surfs_up
    What can one

    say about all of this. When I studied NLP in its early day it was, then, in that time, a new, interesting thing.

    Slowly it mutated into a weird, constipated, dismal "three easy keys to success" cheezeball freakshow. There may be

    better than average teachers here and there but overall it's forgettable stuff. I studied with all the original

    figures, often in small seminar settings,Linden, Bandler, Grinder, Dilts, Andreas, Dobson, James, even the

    extraterrestrial Carmine Baffa. I promise you, if their system was anywhere close to being as effective as they

    promoted it as being, I'd have all the goodies life has to offer, and then some. That there is some value in it

    doesn't obviate the fact that it is a weak technology promoted by a bunch of mediocrities.

    Pheromones are more

    fun and work better. My preference is to roll my own according to the circumstance, and combine with a top quality

    fragrance when called for. The basic choice is will it be a high -NONE mix (strong reactions, faster, and more

    risky) or a high -NOL mix (moderated reactions, slower response time, varying degrees of sociability), or a high

    -RONE mix (not often seen here, much more laid back, contemplative)... let's see... there are 6 -mones that I

    regularly combine and there may be a seventh on the way...
    I'm curious about how much overlap there is with La

    Croy and the other mystery sauces...

    On the subject of non verbal cuing, I think the most central thing to learn

    is the concept of "congurity"... the only living teacher I know about who specifically teaches congruity skills is

    David Dobson in Friday Harbor, an island outside of Seattle, and he's ancient, still working though. The brain is

    hard wired to pick up on congruent and incongruent signals, it takes a real pro to sift through the fine

    incongruities, there's some guy, a professor I think, who is the world's leading authority on facial signals.

    Salesmen, politicans, and con men work hard at ironing out incongruities, often with masking behavious like

    excessive gesticualition or consciously overworking their facial muscles to obscure their fine motor "tells". Women

    seem to be more finely tuned to congruity and incongruity that men are as congrity has less to do with chucking a

    speak through a hyena than it does with mate selection. If you are moderately incongruent, women will ready you as

    "creepy" of "off putting" without exactly being able to say why, some bad asses succeed because they are congruent

    as bad asses, it's the undigested, poorly integrated parts of the psyche that generate confusion or discomfort in

    others, that translates into not getting laid.

    Having said all of that, NLP paid lip service to the congruity

    problem, with the lone exception of Dobson they didn't know what to do with it. It was one of those gassy

    generalizations that forever hung in the air and nobody could shape into procedure.
    I'd be interested in

    learning more about this. It's hard to be congruent when you have an evil twin.
    DrSmellThis (creator of P H E R O S)

  28. #88
    Sadhu bjf's Avatar
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    No shame Doc, I love your evil


    He drinks pabst and speaks him mind!

  29. #89
    Doctor of Scentology DrSmellThis's Avatar
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    Everybody who wants the gifts of

    pheromone science to get better for themselves should get as many raw pheromones as they can -- all of them if

    possible -- and experiment with them. That is the only way for all of us to learn. The responsibility can't lie

    with product manufacturers, who are going to not tell people results, to protect sales, or for whatever other

    reasons. Every morning I lay out like a two foot long row of bottles of things to maybe put on myself. I try

    different things, depending on the day. Of course, that's extreme. It seems to me that few people passionately

    experiment with these things.

    One recent experiment is to forego -none entirely while wearing things I know will

    convert to -none.
    DrSmellThis (creator of P H E R O S)

  30. #90
    Sadhu bjf's Avatar
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    Doc, I really did agree with everything

    your drunken evil twin said, which is why I bumped it up - so everyone could see it. You can only go so far messing

    around with the same old sh!t before it gets boring. What about partipating in the collect-your-own sweat

    experiment? Einstein collected his pee for science, for god sakes!

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