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  1. #31

    Default Re: Burn, burn, burning brightly

    At least we\'re cute when we\'re mad.

  2. #32
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    Default Re: ... and burn

    Like I said, feminism started off by being a good idea but in my opinion it no longer is. Propagating women\'s rights is one thing, de-womanising women quite another. I consider myself to be a true feminist because I believe women can and should do all they want but I am against women competing with men and exercising their power by acting like men. It\'s men who started it in the first place by being such bastards and I really don\'t think women need to become like that in order to express ourselves, our talens, power, intelligence,... whatever it is. We should stay women, not become men simply because the rules we\'re supposed to live by were written by men. We should be treated as equals because we are but we are not the same and never will be.
    I think feminism as it is today is discriminating against women itself! For example, you have women\'s poetry festivals where all the performers are women. What the hell is that? That\'s practically shoving women into a women\'s gheto! Not to mention how it is discriminating against men! If men were to come up with a poetry festival for men only, we\'d all call them chauvinists!
    All I\'m saying that it\'s gone out of control and it\'s not serving it\'s purpose anymore. It started off as a movement that celebrated women for what we are, now, it celebrates women who make it in a men\'s world. Big difference.

    P.S. This probably doesn\'t belong here anymore so I\'m not gonna discuss it here anymore. You can send me a private message if you want.

  3. #33

    Default Re: ... and burn

    Pet, just curious - have you ever done any reading on the subject?

  4. #34
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    Default Re: ... and burn

    Plenty, it was the subject of my thesis. I graduated with honors.

  5. #35

    Default Re: ... and burn

    Really? How great, I admire you. Then maybe you could recommend some reading to me. I\'d love to have a list of the books you found most relevant.

  6. #36
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    Default Re: ... and burn

    I\'ll have to check for the English titles but I\'ll send you a list when I get them. Some of them probably haven\'t been translated into English yet but I\'ll do my best to find at least a few of those who have been. And by the way, most of the books advocate feminism as you see it, I formed my own opinion based on that.

  7. #37

    Default Re: ... and burn

    I majored in English/Secondary Education, and never really thought too much about feminism other than it\'s certainly more comfortable to go without a bra than to wear one :-) - I took Victorian literature (poetry and expository writing) and that led to much delving into the subject of feminism. I\'m really grateful to the women who went before us.

  8. #38
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    Default Re: ... and burn

    I am EXTREMELY grateful to women who went before us. I\'m just not all that proud of the women who are going now!!

  9. #39

    Default Re: ... and burn

    I\'m curious what it is that you so object to. Not trying to argue, just curious. ...

  10. #40
    Phero Dude
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    Default Re: ... and burn

    Interesting thread and interesting opinions. While there may be excesses in the feminist movement (as there are in most movements), my perspective is that this whole idea of what \" womens proper roles are/women should stop trying to be like men\" is really jurassic and ridiculous.

    It reminds me of the bashing Martha Stewart (some of it brought on by herself I admit) is getting which I believe has for the most part nothing to do with her alleged \"crimes\" or \"persona\" but more to do with the fact that a lot of people get very irritated when a woman is as tough/ruthless/intelligent/independent as most male ceo\'s are expected to be. But I guess her trying to be like a \"man\" is very threatening to a lot of folk and this to me is a sign of real insecurity and weakness and belongs in the dinosaur age. From my pov each individual chooses their role for themselves and no-one has the right to box someone else into a stereotypical role.

    And as for \"giving\" women the vote - it was never any man\'s to \"give\". The right to vote was/is any human beings right in a \"free\" society . This right to vote had been \"taken/stolen\" from women, up until women finally had enough power to take back what was rightfully theirs.

  11. #41
    Carpal Tunnel Whitehall's Avatar
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    Default Number of kids

    It turns out that if you graph number of live births vs family income, you get a U-shape. At the poor end of the curve, families have lot\'s of kids since they help later on and the expenses of a full education are too daunting. Maybe there are economies of scale too - \"Cheaper by the Dozen\"? At the other end, wealthy families also tend to have lot\'s of kids since they have the wherewithall to raise and educate them to the highest standards.

    Small families happen in the middle. That\'s where the ambitions are the greatest but the money is limited. It becomes a better strategy to have just a few kids and pour what money there is onto them in hopes that they become wealthy too.

    As to not-smart women loving and supporting their families - they do and often they do a better job of it than the overeducated smart-ass feminists. Better to have a loving mother than a cold one of any intelligence. For example, Martha Steward is one smart cookie but supposedly an indifferent mother.

  12. #42
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    Default Re: ... and burn

    Whew! Quite a discussion going on in this thread. All I know is that it\'s no longer politically correct to use the phrase,

    \"pregnant, barefoot, and inside the fence.\" hehe [img]/ubbthreads/images/icons/smile.gif[/img]

  13. #43

    Default Re: Number of kids

    Whitehall, on the subject of \"having it all,\" you and I are in perfect agreement, I believe. I\'m definitely for the right to choose your own path in life, but if the choice is career, to me, that precludes children. One or the other, but not both -- the kids are inevitably neglected. My senior attorney, the most enlightened living man in the universe, disagrees and says it can be done, but I have yet to see it.

    Which doesn\'t mean, however, that a smart-ass feminist couldn\'t be a good mother.

  14. #44
    Enlightened One
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    Default Re: Number of kids

    Smart ass feminist are great mothers they teach that the world should be female focused and men are lower levels. This has the effect of balancing out those alpha male pigs who have the view that man are king and women belong in the kitchen. Of course belief system wars manifest themselves within the human social environment. (Read mindwars folks its a great read) unfornatley it lead to 9/11 because different religious belief systems didnt agree. On the other hand one can take advantage of different finacial belief systems within stock markets to make oneself more money (esp in volatile times) as those that are after a quick profit, or small loses those seeking undervalued stocks and the bulls and the bears.

  15. #45
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    Default Re: Number of kids

    Watcher, how in the world did you segue from Feminism to Religion to Economics in one paragraph? I\'ve never been that good~ [img]/ubbthreads/images/icons/smile.gif[/img]

  16. #46
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    Default Re: Number of kids

    Well i segue all over the place always, i didnt cover politics in that paragraph however im good (thanking NLP for that). Hey my idea on the number of kids i want is 1 or 2 at most. Down the track so i guess the middle class idea fits in well. :P
    So yes the belief systems is extendable to science and any area of human thought. Its all theroretical but very interesting.

  17. #47
    Carpal Tunnel Whitehall's Avatar
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    Default What men can\'t do

    A basic problem is that if feminism insists that females be able to take on any role that men have, who is going to be the mothers? I\'ve been a single father and can tell you from personal experience that only a woman can be a real mother. I was more than a father but less than a mother and the kids suffered. While individuals will chart their own course in life, as a member of society I have a duty to point out the costs some of those roles impose on the rest of society. Some people have an attitude of \"screw the world its all about ME.\" Oddly, one of the bitter fruits of feminism has been in more men skating on their obligations to their offspring.

    As for voting, freedom may be a \"human right\", but you have to win it and protect it - rights come at a price. That said, every democracy/republic has the obligation to regulate the franchise. In the US we currently deny the right to vote to non-citizens, minors, the mentally incompetent and felons.

    Whom we exclude from the franchise is subject to reasonable debate in every day and age. The argument against women voting in the early days was that voters should be literate and have a stake in property and the affairs of government. If a married woman was not educated and could not own property, her sense of responsibility to good government was suspect. Women could also split the family vote, undermining the man in his duties as head of household. Women can still be accused with some validity of being too emotional and more subject to non-rational appeals - that\'s why pheromones are so effective on them. People also say that women will tend to vote for the pretty face - witness J. F. Kennedy.

  18. #48

    Default Re: What men can\'t do

    But you\'re not bitter, I\'m sure.

  19. #49
    Carpal Tunnel Whitehall's Avatar
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    Default Re: What men can\'t do

    Actually, I was very glad to be rid of the short, fat, and ugly bitch - smart too.

    Still, I resent having to pay taxes to support the fruit of other guys\' loins. The rising number of kids being raised or supported by their grandparents is a case in point. That\'s an extremely dangerous signal that something is wrong in our social arrangements.

    How did \"Bitter Fruits\" get mixed in with a discussion on feminism? That\'s another gender topic altogether.

    Let\'s get back to bartending and drunk women!

  20. #50
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    Default Re: What men can\'t do

    Whitehall, Your posts on this day of of sadness have been utterly brillant. Keep up the good work. It\'s people like you that make this board worthwhile

  21. #51
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    Default Re: Some Nice Hits and a question about Bartending

    Old AE from Bruce as part of the EW special.


  22. #52
    Phero Enthusiast
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    Default Re: Some Nice Hits and a question about Bartending

    I\'m staying out of the whole feminism subject.

    As far as intelligent women, sure a hot woman would be nice to have sex with, but about the other 23 hours and 5 minutes in the day :-) We really need a quote machine to randomly display some of our best lines from the forum :-)

    Seriously, I need to be both intellectually stimulated and physically stimulated. If it isn\'t happening, I\'m not interested. These hits were nice, but the girls aren\'t doing much for me. I went out to lunch with one of them today and we had zero chemistry (sure we had chemistry when we were drunk, but now, stone cold sober, things were different). Anyway, I tend to find women much more attractive over time.

    From a psychological standpoint, our opinion of someone\'s physical attractiveness tends to rise the more we get to see them. The more we are exposed to a stimulus, the more likely we are to find it pleasing (my psych profs used to use this in order to get all of us to come to class all the time, the more we show up, the more likely someone in class will think we are hot). This is similar to saying a food (such as beer) eventually grows on you (I\'m forgetting the actual saying here, but you get the point.) This is something to be aware of.

    Also, the more you \"put into\" a relationship, ie time, money etc. the higher you value it. That girl I was chasing forever was not as hot as a lot of girls I could have gone after, but living above her coffee shop, spending so much time with her, I had a created a psychological committment to her. I had to justify all the things I was doing by thinking how perfect this girl was and how she was \"the one\", when in all honesty, I would have moved on much sooner if I wasn\'t so entangled.
    This may also be why I find my ex-girlfriend who I dated for 3 1/2 years to be the most beautiful girl in the world. I put so much into it, my mind had to somehow compensate for it all by balancing the differences and telling me that she is so beautiful she is worth it all.

    Not sure where I\'m going with this, be back later. There\'s a point somewhere, maybe I\'m just waxing about my old Social Psychology course (I sure as hell paid attention to the relationship section).

    Beer is an acquired taste, that\'s the saying I was looking for above. I think in many cases, the opposite sex can be an acquired taste.


  23. #53

    Default Re: Some Nice Hits and a question about Bartending

    hi jdm

    i saw a book on amazon that confirmed what you said about stimulus

    that\'s also a reason why commercials sometimes only mention the name, without telling you what the product is, or what it does, or even why it\'s so great

    eventually, you hear the name enough, and then you feel comfortable with it, and you\'ll trust it more...


    do you love me yet? [img]/ubbthreads/images/icons/smile.gif[/img]

    that\'s why i think the posters on this board with the higher titles such as Full Member, Journeyman, Phero Pro, Phero Pharaoh get more respect than a Newbie or Stranger, you see their name all over the place!



  24. #54
    Enlightened One
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    Default Re: Some Nice Hits and a question about Bartending

    Yes NLP type of language and human behavioural studies. We should go back to the old stars rating system. You see a user you can rate them once on a scale of 1-5 stars or even a comments page about what you think of a particular member. Those of us with experience however deserve the higher titles. There are the ones around here for ages that have really laid the groundwork for the success of this forum the various mixes and even new research and publicity for pheromones in general plus bringing a degree of actual fact behind pheromones.

    But you are right that is why certain marketing techniques fail whist the rest work. Human nature NLP can be applied in many areas, my advice study it well implement it and model human excellence.

  25. #55
    Phero Dude xxxPantero's Avatar
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    Default Re: Some Nice Hits and a question about Bartending

    \"Those of us with experience however deserve the higher titles.\"

    No doubt about it. Yet weren\'t some of you completely thrown off when jkohl was a \"Newbie\" or \"Stanger\"?

  26. #56
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    Default Re: Some Nice Hits and a question about Bartending

    No not really we knew who he was, but yeah it was a little strange but i knew from day one that that was how the system worked. You come in as a newbie the more you post and participate the more you go up. That is reward for the expertise and posting of stories to develop pheromone as a whole. But we could have a dual rating system also.

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