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  1. #1
    Phero Enthusiast
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    Default Some Nice Hits and a question about Bartending

    I\'ve never been a big fan of the bar scene, especially considering how lame it is locally, but a friend of mine I hadn\'t seen in a while invited me out for karoake night at a local establishment, so I went out.

    Overall a pretty productive night. I had on two splashes of PPA and four drops of AE (one behind each ear, under my neck and one on my chest.) I wasn\'t expecting much action, I had been to this bar before and it was fairly dead.

    Anyway, by the end of the night I ended up getting lap dances from a couple girls (one time all three at once) and a song \"I Touch Myself\" dedicated to me by a very willing young lady (she just put \"natural redhead\" next to her number, so I don\'t know her name). My friend said, \"holy [censored], this place is crawling with horny girls out of nowhere, it\'s never been like this.\" I had two girls dancing up on each other in front of me for most of the songs and occassionally they would give me a little lap dance. Two girls gave me their numbers without me even asking, and the one girl who was giving me a lap dance unbuckled her jeans and allowed me to place a one dollar bill in the front of her thong. I\'m sure these girls are bastions of civility and paragons of virtue but you know what, it felt good to feel like a piece of meat for a while :-) I had huge eye contact from six or seven girls, women just completing DIHLing on me, but most of them were not even in my phero-range.

    Maybe I should get out more. My friends have been on me about limiting myself by hanging out in the coffee shop all the time, and swooning over \"little 20-year olds\" etc. They say I could pick up a lot of great girls at bars, or at least have some fun. Hmmm, what a novel concept.As I left, my friend said, \"this wasn\'t a normal night in here, but you need to keep coming out and bringing these girls with you\". I just smiled.

    Anyway, my question: What do you have to do to be trained to be bartender? I\'ve seen a couple of ads in the local papers with info on learning how to bartend. Do I just pay someone and get trained or what? I need to pick up some cash while I\'m taking time off from school, and I think bartending could be a great choice.


  2. #2
    Carpal Tunnel Whitehall's Avatar
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    Default OJT

    Ah, Bartending! My dream job too. In what other occupation do women PAY you to cloud their judgment and lower their inhibitions? Too bad that California outlawed smoking in bars because I just LOVE lighting a lady\'s cigarette. All those lonely, drunk women!!!! (FTR is gonna slash me for saying that!)

    You can pay to go to a school but better, you can just get OTJ training. The way in is to ask to start as a barback; that\'s the guy who lugs the ice and takes out the trash and cuts the limes, etc. It\'s a backbreaking job and low pay so there is lot\'s of turnover. Just make it part of the deal with the boss that you get some training.

  3. #3
    Phero Pro jose's Avatar
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    Default Re: Some Nice Hits and a question about Bartending

    This should prove that AE is one of the best products out.

  4. #4
    Phero Dude
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    Default Re: Some Nice Hits and a question about Bartending

    Or possibly the PPA - I\'m getting more and more certain that this is the product I need to try next as I\'m impressed with the stories coming out from folks using it. JDM have you used either the AE or PPA alone and was there any difference in reactions from folks around you between the two?

  5. #5

    Default Re: Some Nice Hits and a question about Bartending

    What exactly did you mean by \"a few splashes\" of PPA? To me a splash is like a cupped handful of product. Was it a lot, or did you mean some small minute traces....perhaps ismaller than drops or dabs? Just tryng to figure out your total -none content here.


  6. #6
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    Default Re: Some Nice Hits and a question about Bartending

    proteus - this was my first experience with the new PPA. I\'m really not sure how much of an effect the pheros really had however, because most of my hits and DIHL looks came from girls I perceived to be too far away. Then again, once the girls got close to me, they did start dancing really close, so maybe the pheros were the icing on the cake.

    I\'ve used AE before. I like it, I think it works really well, it\'s just expensive for not a lot of it. I poured the remains of my AE into my old NPA holder, there is still some traces of NPA in there I think, so maybe it would add to the reaction, i don\'t know. When I apply the AE, I can pick up a small NPA smell.

  7. #7
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    Default Re: Some Nice Hits and a question about Bartending

    I wasn\'t sure how to phrase the PPA I put on. I just put my finger over the top, turned the bottle over and then put that amount on. Splash may be a bad term, but it was more than a drop.


  8. #8
    Carpal Tunnel Whitehall's Avatar
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    Default Re: Some Nice Hits and a question about Bartending

    That\'s a dab, dude.

  9. #9
    Phero Dude
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    Default Re: Some Nice Hits and a question about Bartending

    thanks for the info JDM. Those were really quality hits you got and it\'s very interesting that you say you were using the \"new\" PPA - I think I\'m about ready to add this to my arsenal !!

  10. #10
    Enlightened One
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    Default Re: Some Nice Hits and a question about Bartending

    I still say that unscented attraction still rivals PPA for its effectiveness as far as being almost the same and working very well. Its all interesting the current developments, the womens AE might be my next order i think. You really have to add soemthing like PPA or attraction to youre arsenal i think.

  11. #11

    Default slash!

    That\'s ok, Whitehall. I know you like \'em drunk and desperate. I just ... I thought you were better than that. But I\'ve adjusted.

  12. #12
    Doctor of Scentology DrSmellThis's Avatar
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    Default Re: slash!

    ...and stupid. You forgot that one.

    Crowley advocated going for the dumbest possible women. I usually end up with smart ones. Oh well...

  13. #13
    Phero Pharaoh BassMan's Avatar
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    Default Re: slash!

    <blockquote><font class=\"small\">In reply to:</font><hr>

    Crowley advocated going for the dumbest possible women. I usually end up with smart ones. Oh well...

    <hr></blockquote>How the devil did you get Crowley into this? [img]/ubbthreads/images/icons/smile.gif[/img]

  14. #14
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    Default Re: slash!

    I always shoot for the smart ones, but the dumb ones are the only ones who like me back, and I end up getting \"bored\" with them real quick.


  15. #15

    Default Re: slash!

    hi jdm

    there\'s a theory out there that the less educated you are, the more you have sex

    don\'t know why that is, but it\'s interesting.

    so i guess that means that all guys are dumb, and so are older women? damn!

  16. #16
    Carpal Tunnel Whitehall's Avatar
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    Default ... and burn

    I really, really prefer smart women but that small fraction of the female population that appears relatively intelligent relative to my own gifts often is pretty wacky. Every gift comes with a cost - and it seems that the gift of female intelligence often is associated with neurosis and instablity. Add in feminism which has taught smart women the false premise that women are the SAME as men and, well, a good smart woman is hard to find. It must be difficult to be a truly intelligent woman in today\'s world. Being smart is not particularly fashionable and when you add the erroneous expectations of feminism, tremendous conflicts result.

    It also seems that intelligence in females is diseugenic - dumber women have more children.

    The problems all started when we gave them the vote......

    I\'m sure that Red will agree 100%.

  17. #17
    Phero Pro jose's Avatar
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    Default Re: ... and burn

    lol I sometimes catch Howard Stern on TV and he\'s quizzes some beautiful playboy models and regular hot girls. Some of them are as dumb as a pole. Guys if she\'s \"HOT\" would you really care if she knew the 50 states when you could be pounding what\'s between her legs every night?

  18. #18
    Carpal Tunnel Whitehall's Avatar
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    Default Re: ... and burn

    The dumb and/or drunk ones can be fine for pounding, no argument there, but if you appreciate a woman giving back and making your life better in return, then brains ARE important. Just about any legal female can be your sperm bucket for a night.

    Of course, feminine intelligence differs in nature from the male version. It\'s in how she makes a home, or organizes beauty in your lives, or supports your ego in your battles in the world. A man\'s intelligence is meant to conquer; a woman\'s intelligence is meant to follow.

  19. #19
    Phero Pro jose's Avatar
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    Default Re: ... and burn

    Whitehall so are you saying that dumb women can\'t give you the support, courage and organize your life well just because her IQ is not so high? I find that (some not all) intelligent women are too demanding, materialistic and just want a \"yes man\". Still you do make a good point but if she\'s a Playboy model type with college degrees and masters I\'ll take that too.

  20. #20

    Default Re: slash!

    AresX - that was good.

    Whitehall, the problem with being an intelligent woman, if I\'m not flattering myself too much to consider myself in that category, is that if you are also feminine and have the strong instinct to follow, it\'s very hard to find a man worth following and/or who is leading anyplace you might be interested in.

    Also the exhaustion from constantly having to dumb down for men, so they won\'t feel threatened by you. That will wear a girl out. :-)

    Re the pretty girls for pounding: pretty boys are nice for that too, doesn\'t really matter if they\'re dumb, they\'re not there to talk anyway... :-)

  21. #21
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    Default Re: ... and burn

    Hi everyone! Now this I just have to comment on (especially since I can\'t really join in on your talks about pheros because I\'m not using any yet).
    Feminism is crap in my humble opinion. I think it started out as a good idea but got totally off track by now. Men and women AREN\'T the same, that\'s the whole point! If we were, I\'d stop bothering with men and start sleeping with women! With heterosexuals it is obvious that men want what they don\'t have and women want what we don\'t have (and I don\'t mean just sexual organs, the most feminine women are usually attracted to the more masculine men because they (the men) are all hairy and big and strong and tough, while they are soft and gentle and sensitive...). I can\'t see why women would even want to be treated the same as men. I think women can do anything they want but they should still remain women, feminine, beautiful, sensitive. It\'s ridiculous when they compete with men! I LOVE being a woman and I LOVE being treated as one, I\'d feel like s**t if a man treated me like he treats his buddies!
    I don\'t think any of the women here are very much into feminism (the distorted movement it\'s become) because I\'m guessing all those \"liberated\" women would never use pheromones to attract a man, it would be humiliating to them. But that\'s so stupid isn\'t it? Being a true feminist doesn\'t mean you have to hate men, it means loving them but also loving yourself for being a woman. At least that\'s how I see it, how I think it should be.
    Guess that explains why I don\'t have too many female friends huh? [img]/ubbthreads/images/icons/wink.gif[/img]
    As for the stupid women being easier, probably true. A smart woman usually thinks enough of herself not to do it with every pretty face she meets. But all in all, we\'re still better than men as far as that goes; men, smart or stupid, WILL do it with every pretty face they meet!! [img]/ubbthreads/images/icons/smile.gif[/img]
    Ok, so much from me. Guess this isn\'t a phero discussion anymore but it\'s about men and women and sex so maybe I can still get away with it...? [img]/ubbthreads/images/icons/smile.gif[/img]
    Kisses to you all!

  22. #22

    Default Re: ... and burn

    Pet, the feminist. Ok, I\'m through, that\'s all I can take...

    Did you know that women were castrated routinely (clitoridectomy - which we now call \"female genital mutilation\" and decry as barbaric in other countries - was regularly practiced in England and here in the Victorian era, which was not ALL that long ago) for \"hysteria,\" back in the days when we had to wear corsets at all times and the only options available to us for occupaton were housework and child care? That we were not allowed to own property? That it was thought bad for our health to exercise, or to be educated? That it was legal for our husbands to rape and beat us? That it was an arguable point whether or not women had souls?

    Feminism goes back a very long way, not just to the sixties, and it still has a very long way to go. Medical care is still substandard; ob/gyns are patronizing and ill-informed, and most studies are performed only on men, with results that do not necessarily apply to women. There are still wage inequities. There are still stereotypes. ... ad infinitum ad nauseum.

    No woman wants to be treated like a man. But no woman wants to be treated like a non-entity, either. I don\'t understand how a man with any intelligence, compassion, and instinct to protect and defend (in other words, an Alpha) can fail to empathize with the struggle of women for social equality and equal treatment under the law. Men without an axe to grind, at least of my aquaintance, overlook and forgive the rage and grief and are supportive of the cause.

    Women are as varied in their interests and abilities as are men; we are more similar than alike. We\'re rocket scientists and attorneys and doctors and authors every bit as much as you are. While it\'s interesting in the bedroom to polarize sex roles, when half the population is forced into role from birth to death, it\'s called oppression. Real men lead rather than oppress.

    Study the history of feminism rather than disparage the entire movement on the basis of what\'s happened in the most recent decades. Which, by the way, are bygones. Relations between the sexes have changed since the sixties and seventies -- I don\'t know any radical feminists any more than I know any Black Panthers.

  23. #23
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    Default Re: ... and burn

    \"It also seems that intelligence in females is diseugenic - dumber women have more children\"

    You could be right there, Whitehall!
    I mean, I\'m the third of four sons, so I would have to agree on my mother\'s intelligence.

  24. #24

    Default Re: ... and burn

    Dumber women have more children because they\'re less aware of/able to correctly use birth control; they\'re often married to dumb men who fail to take responsibility and/or pride themselves on the number of children they father, regardless of how well they are able to provide for and care for them.

  25. #25
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    Default Re: Some Nice Hits and a question about Bartending

    Hey JDM, you mentioned that your PPA is the new stuff. How about your AE? Was it the new or the old?



  26. #26
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    Default Re: ... and burn

    Dunno... My mother isn\'t very intelligent at all, but my dad is extremely intelligent. My mother is basically not that intelligent because she only went to school \'till her 14th birthday because of certain circumstances.

  27. #27

    Default Re: ... and burn

    Because she\'s not educated does not mean she\'s not smart. I mean, maybe she *isn\'t* smart - but lack of education has nothing to do with inherent intelligence. It sounds like she is more unfortunate than anything else.

  28. #28
    Carpal Tunnel Whitehall's Avatar
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    Default Re: ... and burn


    I have to agree with a lot of what you wrote. Many outrageous fashions of the past have been damaging to females. We\'re relatively free from the worst of those in the West these days but we have in the last few decades swung too far - maybe we\'re settling in to a better social balance. However, rage is an emotional response that we should try to put behind us - it disrupts the social life of men and women together and the trust and security we need to put up with each other. Besides, rage is so unattractive.

    The basic problem is that sex is so anti-social. The competition for mates is often at the expense of a smoothly running social structure. All social organizations HAVE to tame and moderate the sexual impulses of its individuals. Somebody has to pay the bills for the kids that show up after the nights of lust. There are many ways to do that with differing apportionment of costs and advantages to each technique.

    As to a smart female finding a suitably intelligent male to be her leader, I see that as a serious problem, almost everyday. I do what I can but there is only so much of me to spread around and so many ladies in need.

  29. #29

    Default Re: ... and burn

    Let\'s put you in a corset, cut off your genitals, deny you an education, knock you up once a year throughout your fertile years and make you stay in the house with the screaming brats, insist on top of it that you are only allowed a certain range/degree of behaviors, and I\'ll come back in the next lifetime to scold you for your rage, how\'s that? I\'ll pat you on your ass and tell you there, there, dear, now get me some dinner ... what\'s wrong, sweetums? are we pms-ing? oh, these cranky women ... I just don\'t understand why they\'re so moody...

  30. #30
    Carpal Tunnel Whitehall's Avatar
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    Default Burn, burn, burning brightly

    And another thing....

    Smart women don\'t often seem to appreciate getting a little pat on the butt. I don\'t know why that would be - it\'s just a gentle form of loving endearment. I especially love to give my woman a nice pat on the butt when she\'s in the kitchen fixing my dinner - women are so sexy in the kitchen!

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