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Thread: A nice hit...

  1. #1
    Join Date
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    Default A nice hit...

    Hey guys,

    I had some fun at a bar Sat. night - there was a live rock & roll band and dance area. I was by myself and all of the tables were full, so I just grabbed a beer and was standing near the bar watching the band. Not long after I got there, 2 blondes showed up and they were standing in back of me to the side. I just waited a while so the pheros could have some effect - was noticing that some of the females walking by were rubbing against me even though there was room enough to walk by. Eventually, one of them left for a minute and I asked the other one to dance - she said she wasn\'t a very good dancer and I tried to convince her to dance anyway, etc. She still didn\'t want to but proceeded to tell me what she had been doing all day. I had a few more beers and watched the band more. I asked her what time it was and then left for a while to check out another bar (the other bar had nice music but not much dancing going on). I came back about 15 minutes later and she said hi again and kind of acted like she missed me. Her sister was there now so there were three blondes. Asked her one more time to dance since she had had a few more drinks - wouldn\'t but said her friend likes to dance. So I asked her, and she did want to. We danced through several songs in a row - lots of hand holding and touching the whole time. Went back to our drinks for a minute, she was telling me part of her life story while looking in my eyes with her blue eyes from about a foot away, and then we were back out dancing to several more songs until the band stopped. The singer even came over to where we were standing later and talked to me a bit. We hung around until closing time and then I was walking with them to their cars. Her friends started being over protective - they pulled up in this awesome red vette and tried to convince her that she had too many drinks to be driving... She said she was ok to drive and I was talking to them about the car and the music they had on. Anyway, they circled around and left us alone long enough to exchange email addresses (it is easy to get the phone # from there) and I said \"Do I get a kiss?\" - and I got a nice wet kiss.

    For pheromones, I had on about 4 drops of NEW PPA on pulse points, and about 4 drops of Attractant 1000+ also on pulse points. For cologne, I used about 3 sprays of Drakkar on chest (Drakkar for some reason gives me really good eye contact with people and a deeper voice). I even went all out and ate 3 stalks of celery before I left (I was reading today on here about how it contains rone... By the way, does anybody know if it is the roots or stalks or seeds that contains the most rone) Also something new that I think might work well - sweet fennel essential oil - 2 drops on each arm rubbed around (I know people say to dilute eos in carrier oils, but I don\'t like excess oil on me and the arm skin felt better after it is was on anyway) - it smells just like licorice - I just got it today and I had the cap off for a second to smell it before I bought it and when I checked out a few minutes later, the lady says \"Something smells good\" and she picked up the eo and smelled and said \"This smells good\"... The key is to (a) get close enough for people to smell you and (b) have a good cologne and/or eos on that people want to smell (which causes them to smell the pheros at the same time).

  2. #2
    Phero Dude
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    Default Re: A nice hit...

    good hit story guy!!! Did you get the PPA from love-scent? I know there was some confusion earlier about which PPA Jamboot was using and where he bought it, and I\'m just curious as to where you obtained yours as I\'m thinking about purchasing PPA shortly.

    It seems from the posts I\'ve read that the version that Jamboot is using (which I think I read somewhere that Love-scent will be selling soon) is the one producing really good \" hits \".

  3. #3
    Phero Pro
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    Default Re: A nice hit...

    Bruce will start selling the new version next friday (or was it past friday? Probably not...). At least that\'s what I read.

  4. #4
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    Default Re: A nice hit...

    Also, isn\'t it remarkable that Jamboot says you get the good results with the new one, but probably not with the old one? The -none content is the same, so the scent of the product itself is a VERY big factor in making it successful (which is why I\'d rather start making my own phero products with the chem set BTW)

  5. #5
    Banned User EXIT63's Avatar
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    Default Re: A nice hit...

    I think everyone should buy their pheros only from Love Scent.
    Provided ofcourse they have what you\'re looking for.

  6. #6
    Phero Dude
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    Default Re: A nice hit...

    Thanks for the info MaxiMog - that\'s the PPA I want to get and if Bruce sells it I\'ll buy it here, otherwise I\'m getting it from the link you gave.

  7. #7
    Phero Pro
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    Default Re: A nice hit...

    You may have noticed that the bottles of PPA/m have a blue label on that site? The one I recently got from this site has a white label and is the coconut-scented one, not the new one. So it\'s the blue one that smells different (what was the smell like? Coolwater? RM?)

    I\'m going to try to get Bruce into renewing some portions of his site. The AE bottle I got was a little brown bottle, certainly NOT the picture displayed at the stone labs section...

  8. #8

    Default Re: A nice hit...

    I bought the blue bottle PPA/m from discountpheros and its smell most reminds me of RM, however, there\'s another aspect of the scent which reminds me of SOE a little.

  9. #9

    Default Re: A nice hit...

    Have you had any hits with the stuff so far? So far the number of people using it has been a bit inadequate to draw good conclusions from. Still if its as good as Jamboot/marv say it is, is going to be part of my next order!

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