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  1. #1

    Default The Edge Results of my Alter Ego

    Dear all

    I wear for two weeks now Alter Ego (AE) and The Edge (TE)
    I tried :

    a. One drop of AE behind each ear, One spray of TE to the chest (half went to my shirt and half to my chest), one drop of AE each wrist
    b. One drop of AE behind each ear, One spray of TE to my hair
    c. One drop of AE behind each ear, One spray of TE to the trousers
    d. One drop of AE behind each ear
    e. One spray of TE behind each ear and One drop of AE each wrist
    f. One spray of TE behind each ear
    All these combinations multiply it by 2 (with cologne and without )
    I see women like Chrom from Azzaro but I can\'t wear it because doesn\'t stay on my skin for long

    The places I used to test them were mainly open summer night clubs
    I believe that these places are ideal because nobody can hear well and she must talk right to man\'s ear so she will get the smell behind ear
    I visited also two beauty shops where you see one man and 30 women

    All these test tries must be 10-14

    I must say for sure than not even half look wasn\'t added more than the usual from cute girls , below average chicks or even sluts by hobby
    Tested also my female friends. Didn\'t notice anything even a bad smell.

    I already know that on my skin most of the usual colognes doesn\'t stay more than 30 minutes (tested more than 30-40 colognes through the years)
    Only Kuros , Fahrenheit and Dolce Cabanna stayed for 3-5 hours

    With all these tests I want to ask :
    1. Does anyone is 200% that pheros worked for him to get a bed relation and with what type of girls (ugly and good body, average, awesome….)
    2. Is there a chance these products doesn\'t do for me ?
    3. Bruce and other people said that I must wait a little to get results. Why ?
    Does skin get used of pheros and act different ?

    Phero Guy 29

  2. #2

    Default Re: The Edge Results of my Alter Ego

    hmmm interesting.

    I cant say much yet cause i\'m new and just ordered TE and APC,but had the same question in mind as why it seems to take a while then start seeing results.
    For Example the Cutler product that ABC News tested themselves said it could take up to 8 weeks for maximum effect,and i\'m like WTF its not gonna stay on u cause you have to shower,or maybe u dont shower as often to get maximum smell. [img]images/icons/laugh.gif[/img]


  3. #3

    Default Re: The Edge Results of my Alter Ego

    So you mean i must take more than 3-4 showers per day i already take to get the max from pheros or simple colognes to stay more? [img]images/icons/tongue.gif[/img]

  4. #4
    Phero Pharaoh a.k.a.'s Avatar
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    Default Re: The Edge Results of my Alter Ego

    With Edge and APC I noticed results right away. With PF it took about a week because the effect was more subtle. With PI it took about a month because it\'s more intense. With AE I noticed results right away, but they\'ve been mixed.
    Combos usually take me a couple of weeks to figure out.
    Anyway, I noticed you haven\'t tried Edge by itself. I\'ve tried one and two sprays on the chest, covered with cologne, and noticed results right away.
    Also, my most successful way to combine AE + ET is one spray of Edge on chest, one dab of AE on wrists.
    Good luck [img]images/icons/cool.gif[/img]

  5. #5

    Default Re: The Edge Results of my Alter Ego

    I tried The Edge by itself (look the f. try at the first post) and many other combinations

    Until now (2.5 - 3 Weeks) NO DIHL, NO glances or stares

    Why you must wait for certain time to get results ?
    Does the skin get used to them ?
    Do you have to wear them at the same spot all over ?
    Do you have to wear them everyday even you know you will not get close to female victims

    I try not to believe that pheros is just a self confidence boost and doesn\'t have real effect on women
    I wish I will eat my words but before eat my words I want to eat other things

    To be honest I get much more self confidence that the pheros work from this forum rather than from the real products (The Edge and the Alter Ego)

    Places I tried except the clubs were beauty shops, cafe, malls and out in the street

    Yesterday I wear it on my wrist and I put my wrist to the nose of my buddy\'s girlfriend
    She said \"it\'s ok but there are some other colognes better than that\" and continued to drink her coffee without any strange reaction
    I covered the pheros with Blue Jeans of Versace and other times with Polo or Chrom from Azzaro or Jazz or Dolce Cabbana

    Anyway I\'m open to suggestions

  6. #6

    Default Re: The Edge Results of my Alter Ego

    With the Edge, try spraying it in the palm of your hand and then rubbing it in the back of your hair. Seems to work great for me. If you\'re doing two sprays of the Edge, put the other spray in the palm of your hand and then rub it on your wrists. I cover each spray of TE with one spray of cologne (i.e. one spray on back of hair, one spray rubbed on both wrists). If you\'re going to add AE to the mix, I suggest only using one spray of TE, and then using anywhere from 2 to 4 drops of AE. I\'ve heard good things about a drop on each wrist. Keep experimenting.

  7. #7

    Default Re: The Edge Results of my Alter Ego

    I tried what you suggested and in fact this was my last try (with no results as usual)

    I wanted to know :
    Why you must wait for certain time to get results ? [img]images/icons/crazy.gif[/img]
    Does the skin get used to them ? [img]images/icons/crazy.gif[/img]
    Do you have to wear them at the same spot all over ? [img]images/icons/crazy.gif[/img]
    Do you have to wear them everyday even you know you will not get close to female victims [img]images/icons/crazy.gif[/img]

    Thanks for the feedback VH1984 [img]images/icons/wink.gif[/img]

  8. #8

    Default Re: The Edge Results of my Alter Ego

    I closed 3 weeks without ANY results from the Edge and Alter Ego combined or not
    Last night at the summer night club we (wingman - wing)had many nice reject pies that i didn\'t eat anything until the next evening

    I do not overdose and i check always for any positive results but ...
    I want to be a pherobeliever but the results don\'t give me even a 1% success

    Is there another product that bring more than 50% results or can i combine The Edge and Alter Ego with something to raise 0% to 20% or more ?

  9. #9
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    Default Re: The Edge Results of my Alter Ego

    PG, I was the same way. I tried almost everything on this site. Other people swore by PI, didn\'t seem to do sa thing for me, although I am still experimenting with combos using it. PF, nothing although I do get good reults with the Excite Wipes even though they are virtually the same as PF. PPA, not a thing happened. Have Realm, but haven\'t tried this yet. Andro 4.2 I tried had a couple good results but nothing to speak of. But one thing you have to remember, what works for one person doesn\'t always work for another. The combo TE & AE do work for me. I have gotten DIHL and one girl at work jumped up out of her chair,annouced she had put her lotion on, grabbed her lotion, fell back in her chair and preceded to slowly lotion her legs up and down in one of the most amazing mini skirts I have seen. She then became glassy eyed and started twisting her hair while staring at me. Now I know you propbably didn\'t wnat to read this, but there is a combo that works for you, the frustrating part is finding it. Right now I am experimenting with Attraction becuse I happen to like the scent, and I am trying to combine it with Andro 4.2. Did I get good results so far? No. But another board member(Thanks Paul) made me realize I was probably overdosing. Just keep trying, you cant go wrong trying different combos with the great return policy Bruce has. [img]images/icons/smile.gif[/img]

  10. #10
    Administrator Bruce's Avatar
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    Default Re: The Edge Results of my Alter Ego


    Sorry you aren\'t having much luck. I don\'t think there is any point in trying other products until you get somewhere with the ones you have, as they are quite good.

    Some thoughts:
    After all the tests you have done, the only problem I can imagine you having is what I call the \"Clint Eastwood Effect\" (CEE). When Clint was in his Prime and making the famous Spaghetti Westerns, he needed more pheromones about as much as he needed a hole in his head. He was virtually dripping with male pheromones it seems. But I wouldn\'t expect that women were going to give him a big smile in the MiniMart, and why is that? Because he doesn\'t look safe. He is a lone wolf type and very dangerous looking. A woman is going to have a very difficult time invisioning Clint playing catch with children in the back yard, and he doesn\'t even look like the kind of guy you want to have a fling with.

    So, what I am getting at is that if you look like a lone wolf, \"too serious\", hard to get close to, or whatever you want to call it; no amount of pheromones are going to help, probably even make things worse as they will intensify the macho vibes. To make the pheros work you don\'t have to be especially handsome, you just need things like:
    A nice smile
    sense of humor

    Everyone wants to have a good time in life, and if it looks like you are happy and enjoying yourself, others will want to get to know you and be part of your life. I have found that to be the case time and time again. As soon as my personal life is up and running strong and I am wearing a confident smile, bingo, friends of all kinds come out of the woodwork.

    All the Best,

  11. #11

    Default Re: The Edge Results of my Alter Ego


    In regards to the previous post. i guess what your saying is to get a Phero product that makes us feel good, in order to attract the females?? i dig that and makes sense.

  12. #12
    Administrator Bruce's Avatar
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    Default Re: The Edge Results of my Alter Ego

    Maybe you are kidding me, but what I was thinking is that we have to do the \"be kind and friendly\" thing on our own, and that works together with the pheros (both natural and synthetic) to get us where we want to go.

  13. #13

    Default Re: The Edge Results of my Alter Ego

    I\'ve got to have abducted by Aliens mutated and returned back with another skin and human form

    This is the only logical reason I see so pheros can\'t work for me at all

    I always follow the smile and hit rule, I\'m approachable and friendly

    I had hits in the past (without using pheros) but after my 6 years relationship things going very stable

    The chick I had for these 6 years seems she disconnected me from nearly all my girl friends

    Anyway regarding pheros .. zip until now 3.5 or 4 weeks after I used them. Not a half stare or related reaction caused by pheros

    Tried almost every combination together with fabric fresher, different (expensive) colognes, wear them on skin and clothes

    Suggestions as always are welcome

  14. #14

    Default Re: The Edge Results of my Alter Ego


  15. #15

    Default Re: The Edge Results of my Alter Ego

    Even i would lie if i say that i don\'t like well build girls under 18 [img]images/icons/crazy.gif[/img] (up to 17....District attorney here he is arrest him !!)i don\'t hit girls under 21
    Usually my victims are (i wonder if girls are the victims and not the boys that try all these) girls from 21-28 [img]images/icons/crazy.gif[/img]

  16. #16

    Default Re: The Edge Results of my Alter Ego

    Yesterday i put one spray of Edge on the shirt and one drop of AE at the back of each ear and went out with two male friends and one girl
    The girl didn\'t smell anything but the two male friends smell BO on me
    (opened both windows in the car because they couldn\'t stand it)
    I covered Edge with a spray of a cologne and AE withount any cologne because it gives me a nice smell, certainly not BO [img]images/icons/tongue.gif[/img]

  17. #17

    Default Re: The Edge Results of my Alter Ego

    Im thinking of adding attraction to the AE and TE combo to cover up the smel l and to give it some kick as well

  18. #18
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    Default Re: The Edge Results of my Alter Ego

    Although I use TE and AE I have tried Attraction with it and it works great. The Attraction covers the TE smell and have girls
    asking what\'s that great cologne.

  19. #19

    Default Re: The Edge Results of my Alter Ego

    Does Alter Ego need to be covered with perfume also ?

    Two sprays of perfume over the one spray of The Edge cut the effect of the Edge or not ?

    Anyway still now (one month after) no results from The Edge / Alter Ego or both combined

  20. #20

    Default Re: The Edge Results of my Alter Ego

    Today I\'m trying to relax my nerves from the news that my wing hit and finally got the chick I wanted
    If he wasn\'t scheduled for a business trip (he\'s a sailor) he would need 5-9 days to lay down with her in bed
    I\'m not angry with my wing friend but I try to understand how a non experienced, non phero user, non talkative, non awesome look, non millionaire hit what I hit before (without luck). The worst is that she was the second native girl he hits in his life (all the others were foreign girls inside the ship)
    It\'s nothing bad just male competition. The weird part is that chick got my attention now and I barely see interesting other victims
    Anyway a good sleep will help

    Now cause of the previous lucky incident I want to ask you about Ross Jeffries site I found at
    He sells the Basic Home Study for $225 bucks
    That\'s a little expensive as I see for a subject of chicks

    Did anyone used the above reading / course and did he have any results ?

    I need a real boost. I have to change the bad image for me from this chick and get laid with her
    Move to another is the other solution but I would feel like conquering a country leaving the capital free

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