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  1. #1
    Full Member
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    Default Product Poll results


    Based on the poll by xxxPantero I made a success list of the different products. The poll asked the users to rate their favourite pheroes, and had the following alternatives:

    1.Consistent sexual hits, this product rocks!
    2.Consistent innocent flirty hits, would definitely recommend this product
    3.Sometimes sexual, sometimes just flirty hits, but always a hit, would recommend this product
    4.Occasional hits, would recommend only for the nice fragrance or to be used in a mix
    5.No hits, would not recommend this product

    I have calculated a success rating for each product based on the following formula:
    (number of votes in category 1,2 and 3)/total number of votes.

    I only included product and mixes that had at least 10 votes. The success list is as follows.

    Product Success Rating
    Alter Ego 75%
    NPA 74%
    SOE 63%
    PI/m 63%
    The Edge 56%
    PI/w 55%
    JB#1 52%
    RM 50%
    Pheromol Phactor 46%
    APC 31%
    Super P Musk Oil 7%

  2. #2

    Default Re: Product Poll results

    Bro, do you recommend Alter Ego for a guy (me) that has not received any kind of positive/negative response with the below products?

    -Contact 18
    -Primal Instinct
    -Athena\'s 10x

    I need serious help thx.

  3. #3
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    Default Re: Product Poll results


    The problem is that I too have only very limited success with pheroes. Since I started using them I have only experienced 2-4 situations that I would classify as hits.. and I have used them for maybe 4 months now.

    I am starting to suspect that in order for pheros to be useful, other characteristics may have to be in place as well.

    I think the formula is something like this:
    looks + confidence + outgoing + clothes +pheromones = success with women.

    so the other factors need to be ok as well, in order for pheromones to have an effect.

    Being confident and outgoing is probably at least 80% of anyone’s attractiveness (this is different for women).

    So, to sum it up: If you have tried several products and they don’t work, don’t buy more products. Instead, work on your confidence and develop an outgoing attitude, then pheromones will give you an edge.

  4. #4

    Default Re: Product Poll results

    Pretty shocking that AE is at the top with any interpretation of the results. It sure isn\'t one of the favorites among the more outspoken members of the forum.

  5. #5

    Default Alternative interpretation of results

    Thanks ironration, pretty interesting results. Still, i briefly calculated some other figures from the poll, which i feel are just as interesting.

    I looked at the total failure rate of each of the products ( % of people opting for 5.No hits, would not recommend this product) Then subtracted that from 100. The table i have made therefore reflects the percentage of people who have had any kind of positive reaction from the product.

    For the sake of consitency i\'ve used ironrations 10 people or more criteria for any product included.

    1. SOE : 89%
    2. AE : 80%
    3. NPA : 78%
    4. PI/m : 75%
    5. PF : 70%
    6. RM : 67%
    = JB#1 : 67%
    8. APC : 66%
    9. TE : 62%
    10. PI/w : 55%
    11. SPMO : 54%

    This table suggests how reliable a certain product is at producing a reaction. JVK seems to know what he is doing (not that we doubted that anyway). Maybe those not getting results should try SOE first as from these results it looks as if its going to get some reaction. However, the results from SOE/APC/SPMO may be slightly skewed by its nice fragrance which can be used as a base, thus allowing it to avoid many total failure ratings. If all the results in the 4. category (Occasional hits, would recommend only for the nice fragrance or to be used in a mix) were assumed to be just from the fragrance, were classed also to be failures, then categories 4/5 could be combined to produce a new total failure rate.

    Including that assumption the table now reads as follows.

    1. AE : 75%
    = NPA : 75%
    3. SOE : 64%
    4. PI/m : 63%
    5. TE : 57%
    6. PI/w : 55%
    7. JB#1 : 53%
    8. RM : 51%
    9. PF : 47%
    10. APC : 32%
    11. SPMO : 08%

    This table also gives the percentage of people who always get some consistent kind of reaction from their product. AE, NPA and SOE appear to be kings, they have all secured a top 3 place in all 3 tables produced so far!

  6. #6
    Banned User EXIT63's Avatar
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    Default Re: Product Poll results

    Pull the top off of ypur PI/m bottle and schmear the stuff all over you. Seriously, use like 10 to 15 drops. Hey, were experimenting here. Cover with a very liberal dose of SOE and walk through the mall. Spend all afternoon there. Go in every store, talk to as many salesgirls as possible. Linger at the food court. If they have a bar, do I have to go on?

    The point is they don\'t work for everyone or on everyone. So OD your ass off and try to be around (interact) with as many ladies as possible.

    Let us know how you make out.

  7. #7
    Carpal Tunnel Whitehall's Avatar
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    Default Re: Product Poll results

    I agree with Exit\'s tactic here and have long advocated it - assuming you have the same goal of sexual hits.

    Nothing ventured, nothing gained. If you\'re not man enought to risk rejection, then you don\'t deserve success.

    I would also concur with the ranking of products although a single parameter does NOT do justice to pheromone products - the hits from SoE are qualitatively different from the hits from NPA/AE/TE.

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