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  1. #1
    Phero Dude xxxPantero's Avatar
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    Default TOTAL self-improvement

    Okay, so here\'s what we all know so far... (at least I know)

    Improve this: By doing/using this

    Smell: Pheromones, Celery (take celery seeds)
    Skin: Vitamin B (helps with skin, and to clean out your kidneys) your skin is your other kidney. Drink water before you sleep and when you wake up. So clean your inside, and it will show on the outside. Wash, tone, moisturize. Wash to get the dirt off, tone to clean out the pores. After you tone, your pores will be open, so it\'s very important that you fill those pores with moisturizers and beneficial creams, or else your pores will pick up dirt and lead to pimples. And don\'t pop the pimples you already have, they will go away (only pop it if it will do you serious mental damage not to [img]/ubbthreads/images/icons/wink.gif[/img] )
    Hair: ???
    Muscles: Workout, take ZMA (zinc magnesium aspartate, helps out all of testosterone\'s functions, without giving you a hormone imbalance)
    Speech: Ross Jeffries NLP
    Money: Online business of mine [img]/ubbthreads/images/icons/wink.gif[/img],

    Alright, so I have no problems with the body. I\'m seriously lacking in the mind department. I\'m more dionysian than apollo, and although i\'d like to be more in control of my emotions, i don\'t want to be dry.

    So far, the books that have been pretty good are:

    The inner game of tennis (not about tennis at all, about discovering oneself)
    The Celestine prophecy.

    Remember, some people are on a budget, so if anyone knows any low-price things, let us know!

    And I\'m not sure if Tony Robbins is as good as the hype (and price).
    Anyone know any other tips for TOTAL self-improvement?

  2. #2
    Phero Pro
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    Default Re: TOTAL self-improvement

    hey fasttrain is a certification thing in south florida? I live in south florida. xxxPantero -- do you think it is better to get your degree in computer science (with the econmy the way it is now) because I get a BS in comp science this december from FIU.

  3. #3
    Phero Dude xxxPantero's Avatar
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    Default Re: TOTAL self-improvement

    Well, i\'m not doing fasttrain myself, i go to MDCC Kendall and study Business Administration.

    As far as the job market, you should check out:


    you can check out the projected Job Market, schooling requiremnet, etc for any occupation.

    but fast train says it helps with job placement, so that might overcome that obstacle.
    but yeah, keep looking for a job!
    if you are really in need of a high-paying job
    Nuclear Med-Tech pays $45 dollars an hour to start, and you need about 15 months of school and training, and it\'s always in high demand, since it\'s a medical job. i was going to do that, but i can finish getting my MBA in the next 18 months, so it\'s not that big of a difference

    so check the website, see if it helps.

  4. #4
    Enlightened One
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    Default Re: TOTAL self-improvement

    He he self improvement lol.

  5. #5
    Phero Dude xxxPantero's Avatar
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    Default Re: TOTAL self-improvement

    Anything for Height increases?

    I\'d like to grow a healthy 3-4 inches.

  6. #6
    Phero Dude
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    Default Re: TOTAL self-improvement

    Sure. You could try this method: ontent&sourceNode=103331&contentPK=2504190

    Or if you\'re young enough to still be growing, get growth hormone injections...

  7. #7
    Phero Dude xxxPantero's Avatar
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    Default Re: TOTAL self-improvement

    c\'mon guys, anyone know any other places for even more self-improvement, or self-betterment, or giving yourself an edge, (or whatever you want to call it)?

    anything that will help someone get laid.
    anything that will help someone get stonger

    c\'mon. share your secrets! it\'s just us! as long as we don\'t leak it to people outside of the board, then we won\'t have a whole lot of competition!

  8. #8
    Enlightened One
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    Default Re: TOTAL self-improvement

    Really google is my best friend all sorts of things.

    Accelerated learning. Speed reading, mega memory and mind mapping thats it.

  9. #9
    Carpal Tunnel Whitehall's Avatar
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    Default Real improvements in a person

    How about reading
    \"The Great Books of Western Civilization\"
    \"The Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire\"
    or even \"Starship Troopers\" (the book)?

    Have you tried the US Army/Navy/Marine/Air Force boot camp? What about volunteering some of your time and energy to helping the poor and less fortunate of the world, even just your neighbor?

    The absolutely BEST thing a man or a woman can do to improve themselves is build their character and wisdom. You can be pretty, you can be smooth, you can be muscular, you can smell good, but if your soul still deserves to be on one of the lower levels of Hell, then you are not much in my view. Living up to a sense of duty to make some payback to the world for whatever advantages and opportunities you\'ve been given is the path to self-improvement. Do you have a plan to leave the world a better place? Are you working that plan?

    I say all this knowing that I\'m still a work in progress although experience in life has taught me that what\'s inside is what really counts. Serenity is knowing deep down that it is just not all about \"Me.\"

  10. #10

    Default Re: Real improvements in a person

    Bravo, bravo! Very well said, Whitehall...I could not agree more. Now if only more people thought that way (instead of just thinking about themselves), the world would be a _much_ better place...

    \"All alone or in twos, the ones who really love you walk up and down outside the wall.\"

  11. #11
    Phero Dude
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    Default Re: Real improvements in a person

    since some books are being recommended I\'d add:

    Tao Te Ching (taoist thought/philosophy)
    Book of Five Rings (eastern classic on strategy)
    Atlas Shrugged (objectivism)

    I measure a book\'s value not by whether I agree with everything in it, but whether I learnt something new that facilitated new growth/expansion of the mind.

  12. #12
    Bodhi Satva CptKipling's Avatar
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    Default Re: TOTAL self-improvement


    Would not recomend that surgury.

    There was a program on the telly about it a while ago, a bad experience all around.

    xxxPantero: What is the best ZMA.

  13. #13
    Phero Dude xxxPantero's Avatar
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    Default Re: TOTAL self-improvement

    i don\'t know the best one...

    i usually trust GNC

    as they have a mid-range of the dosage (90mg) instead of a high dosage (150mg)

    i\'m not a huge guy, so i just take the low dosage ones.
    you should read up some more on it to determine which one is better for your body.

    as far as getting taller through surgery... no
    i did find one \"grow taller\" guide and supposedly if i take the right amount of vitamins (zinc and calcium, largely) and i do enough of the specified stretching exercises (about 30 min each day) that stimulate growth to my spine, i will gain a maximum of 4 inches.
    the theory sounds rational, and i\'ve seen in yoga ads that say the stretching exercises elongates the spine, and since that is not what the yoga is selling, it is probably a fact that stretching and bending enough elongates the spine (if you stretch to stimulate the back muscles).

    i\'ve just started, will take 4-6 months for results (gain of 3 inches), plus working out and swimming might help a bit, too. Wish me luck!

    i am 5\'8\'\' or 5\'9\" currently
    i hope to be 5\'11\"-6\'0\" by April, we\'ll see how that goes.

    and as far as doing stuff for other people and joining the army...

    i\'m too much of a clusterf.u.c.k sometimes to be in the army
    i do give to the homeless charity every single day
    i saw a homeless person sleeping near a hotel, so i put some money under a rock, and started a chain reaction with the people who saw me do it (hpoefully he ended up with a lot)
    i usually stop to help people with car trouble or at least let them make a call on my cell, especially when it\'s raining
    i lend all my friends books (for free) on self-improvement that i had to PAY for, ie girl getting, sex tips, strategy, self-help
    i try to not treat the disabled or handicapped like they are lower than me, or are in constant need of my help - most of them can fend for themselves perfectly fine

    i\'m not a nice person all around, but maybe giving just a little bit will save my soul

    p.s. speaking about the army, what does AWOL stand for? i\'m constantly hearing it used, and i don\'t know what it means! i know FUBAR means \"f-ed up beyond all recognition\", but what are some other interesting abbreviations?

    i\'d like to write a book filled with depressing stories of human life, named \"Jalapeno Pepper Soup for the Soul\"

  14. #14
    Phero Pro
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    Default Re: TOTAL self-improvement


  15. #15
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    Default Re: TOTAL self-improvement

    Hi xxxPantero,I was wondering where you bought your \"grow taller\" guide from? Also,you mentioned that celery seeds help improve your pheromone smell ? Where did you abtain yours from? And last,but not least,are there any eye improvement courses out there? Sorry about all the questions.

  16. #16
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    Default Re: TOTAL self-improvement

    While I\'m still here....Any improvement sites for inexpensive,trendy clothes and/or dancing sites(hip-hop,swing,etc.)?

    To Watcher:Where did you find your Accelerated learning,Speed reading, mega memory and mind mapping programs from?

    I know,so many questions,so little time.

  17. #17
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    Default Re: TOTAL self-improvement

    I think it has to do MORE with your attitude towards it...\"I\'m only good if I gain more muscle, if I get better clothes...\" Look, that\'s JUST why the sorry guy is getting laid...Because, he does have the synIACAL attitude, listen, just go over there, and ask the girl you know, get your attitude up, everything else will follow, you\'ll WANT to look good, instaed of \"I\'m just doing this so people will like more, or so so and so girl will want me...\" Listen, people can see RIGHT through you.


  18. #18

    Default Re: TOTAL self-improvement

    For real improvement and positive changes, I\'d highly recommend the Tony Robbins course , Personal Power II.

  19. #19

    Default Re: TOTAL self-improvement

    Doesn\'t drinking water before you go to bed make you have to pee in the middle of the night?

  20. #20
    Enlightened One
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    Default Re: TOTAL self-improvement

    Well yeah of course it makes you pee in the middle of the night.

  21. #21
    Bodhi Satva CptKipling's Avatar
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    Default Re: TOTAL self-improvement

    Good basic principal for improving your attitude:

    If you reallise you owe nothing to the world, the world will have far greater respect for you. Whatever you do should be for yourself, people you care about, and for the greater good.

  22. #22
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    Default Re: TOTAL self-improvement

    I aggree.


  23. #23

    Default Re: TOTAL self-improvement *DELETED* *DELETED* *DELETED*

    Post deleted by patchy

  24. #24

    Default Re: TOTAL self-improvement

    Well yeah of course it makes you pee in the middle of the night.

    I wouldn\'t recommend it then. Or if you do make sure you make it to the bathroom.

  25. #25
    Carpal Tunnel Whitehall's Avatar
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    Default Re: TOTAL self-improvement

    Cpt. Kipling,

    I\'d say just the other way around,

    \"Realize that the world OWES you nothing.\"

    And that your very existence is due to the sacrifice and efforts of those who came before. Now, its your turn.

  26. #26
    Phero Dude xxxPantero's Avatar
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    Default Re: TOTAL self-improvement

    Okay, I have a couple of replies:

    marv14yag: Most of what you said makes perfect sense, and some of it does apply to me. But, not all. I\'m already getting laid. My attitude IS up, these are the things that follow. I want to learn how to do everything! [img]/ubbthreads/images/icons/smile.gif[/img] P.S. stop capitaLIZING the enD of almOST eveRY word YOU WRitE!

    Jim: Does it really work, and where can I find that (legal or ripped, doesn\'t matter)?

    others: if you drink only one glass of water before you go to sleep, you won\'t have to pee in the night. you\'ll just have very stiff morning wood (the purpose of morning wood is to hold back pee) your body takes care of itself.

    I have a tendency to overcompensate for my shortcomings. Someone once told me I sucked at playing the drums, and I practiced like a maniac until I became the best drummer in my old high school, and everyone in the band agreed. If it sounds like bragging, oh well, it\'s just the truth.
    I do the same thing with sports. My opponent will never beat me twice, if they give me enough time between the first time and the second time.

    I am an extremist!

    Favorite song for today: Trina feat. Ludacris - Be Alright/ICU

  27. #27
    Doctor of Scentology DrSmellThis's Avatar
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    Default Re: TOTAL self-improvement

    Though I respect it very much, I personally never related to the \"I owe the world\" thing, \'cause I\'m in enough debt as it is! [img]/ubbthreads/images/icons/smile.gif[/img]

    Has a negative, religious feel to me. I just like to think it\'s fun to give and share, especially when you are able to use your gifts and passions in the world. Having a place is very fulfilling. \"Duties\" just weigh me down.

  28. #28
    Doctor of Scentology DrSmellThis's Avatar
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    Default Re: TOTAL self-improvement

    Has anybody tried celery seed?!

  29. #29
    Phero Dude xxxPantero's Avatar
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    Default Re: TOTAL self-improvement

    yes i have

  30. #30
    Bodhi Satva CptKipling's Avatar
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    Default Re: TOTAL self-improvement


    Yes, you\'re right, that should be in there aswell. I still stand by my original post. The first post was assuming that your point had already been accepted.

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