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  1. #91
    Phero Dude xxxPantero's Avatar
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    Default Re: Reconciling homeopathy and \"left structure\"

    hey i noticed that whenever someone gets a compliment on a post, they are more likely to post again, myself included...

    this observation is another \"tip of an iceberg\" don\'t you all think?

  2. #92
    Carpal Tunnel Whitehall's Avatar
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    Default Re: Reconciling homeopathy and \"left structure\"

    I was not denying that certain products do have an effect.

    What I\'m trying to understand is \"why\" they might work, specifically the theory behind homeopathy. One theory put forward is this \"left structure\" idea that appears to be to be very difficult to integrate with other theories that have a long and illustrious track record of explaining a lot of things. If I have to chose between atomic theory and Brownian motion versus \"left structure\" or \"residual vibrations\", I\'ll stick with the former.

    The explanations have never been cogent in the least to me but I\'m glad to hear one of my esteemed forum colleagues give it a shot.

    I\'m listening.....

  3. #93

    Default Re: Reconciling homeopathy and \"left structure\"

    I\'ll have to listen, too. This conversation\'s over my head. What\'s Brownian whatever, while we\'re waiting for one of your esteemed colleagues to give you an answer that\'s up to par.

    And, Whitehall. What are we doing with Iraq? Do you think we\'re all going to die?

  4. #94
    Phero Pharaoh BassMan's Avatar
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    Default Re: homeopathy

    <blockquote><font class=\"small\">In reply to:</font><hr>

    Unconditional love is our natural state when we have nothing to fear. Of course it’s dangerous. But traditionally that’s what bushido’s all about: learning how to lay your life on the line. Anybody that says they teach self-defense is a fraud. In the final analysis, there is no defense. So we might as well learn to live courageously = lovingly.

    <hr></blockquote>There is a form of massage called Chua Ka. It\'s been probably twenty-five years since I\'ve really studied it. It is a deep-tissue massage done partially with a rounded stick, partially with the fingers. The fingers are used on the face, the stick, which can penetrate much more deeply, elsewhere.

    As you have said, it is only possible to express unconditional love in the absence of fear. As you have also said, it is only possible to fight with complete power in the absence of the experience of fear. It is only possible to end the experience of fear by clearing its storage in the body.

    Legend has it that the ancient Sumarian warriors used Chua Ka to clear the fear from their bodies after each battle. I tend to take legends metaphorically.

    Unconditional love is an act of will, only able to be performed when the soul has been sufficiently cleansed to act from the pure instincts.

    I completely agree. Acting from the pure instincts, without fear, is our birthright.

  5. #95

    Default Re: homeopathy

    Or if you\'re the tarot\'s Fool and you just don\'t have the good sense to care about the consequences of loving unconditionally.

  6. #96
    Phero Dude xxxPantero's Avatar
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    Default love is conditional

    i don\'t think love is unconditional - it goes against our nature

    i tried telling this to my mom, and she didn\'t believe me, so i demonstrated:

    i said \"hold out your arms, open wide\"

    and she did it.

    i came closer to her like i was going to hug her

    and then i hit her in the chest lightly, but enough to hurt

    then i said \"open your arms again\"

    and she wouldn\'t

    so then i said to her \"that\'s love. don\'t tell me it\'s unconditional\"

    then, to prove me wrong she, opened up her arms and said \"no, look, a second chance\"

    i stepped towards her and her arms closed a little bit, but not all the way

    and i said \"you may be trying to love unconditionally now, but your mind/heart has learned that \'this person will hurt you\' and so you don\'t hold your arms open as much\"

    that\'s love.

  7. #97
    Phero Pharaoh BassMan's Avatar
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    Default Re: love is conditional

    to challenge your mother in this way is the highest thing you can conceive of at this time.

  8. #98
    Phero Dude xxxPantero's Avatar
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    Default Re: love is conditional

    no, i don\'t lose

    it\'s a different relationship with my mother than you had with yours

    but hey, judge if you want, you will regardless of what i say

  9. #99
    Enlightened One
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    Default Re: homeopathy

    Loving unconditionaly applies to those that also love unconditionally, for there are the users out there who will use the tarots fools to their advantage and still return nothing to the world. By our very presence and activity on this forum we are contributing to others improvements to self-confidence and sex life.

    Confidence, sense of wellbeing and sexual happiness are very closley linked therefore an improvement in sex means that a large percentage of those people are happy.

    No sex = some very aggressive and frustrated people in society - this is why prostitution is championed in some quarters as it gives some men a realise system. On the other hand mad men are also drawn to hookers meaning that they beat them up and treat them like meat.

    Its a double edged sword.

    Now back to homeopathy well its great all the nutricinal ideas are very benefical - maybe one day pheromones will be incorparated into the sphere of alternative treatments/ideas/products.

    Along with magnetic pillows and slimming machines. I only approach tarot with interest and fun anyone that takes it seriously is fooling themselves and has low life direction and motivation. Linked to low testostrone levels in men usually and women who havent been laid in a long time (FTR i think this was youre idea)

  10. #100
    Phero Pharaoh a.k.a.'s Avatar
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    Default Re: love is conditional

    If letting people hit you is what you call “love” then I have to agree that it goes against our nature at a very instinctive level. What I call “love” is the power to see that most acts of violence are rooted in deep seated feelings of inadequacy. Therefore, breaking your arms would be no solution because you’d find other, perhaps more dangerous, ways to lash out. So maybe that’s why your mom is supporting you. In the hope that you might make something of yourself and not feel so inadequate.

  11. #101
    Enlightened One
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    Default Re: love is conditional

    Peoples inadequicies are related to a lack of percieved power in the world. This is linked deep down to them being ignored by the opposite sex, not getting enough sex, not getting laid enough, being ignored by women who want an alpha male and screw every other guy because he isnt a \"step up the ladder\" remember women never trade down and if you are at the bottom you got no chance - therefore they get aggressive with society and lash out. So is prostitution a such bad thing for such men who need a \"feeling\" of some success - even if it is just paying for sex when otherwise they would be left on the shelf by all women chasing \"prince charming and the white knight syndrome\"

    20% of men get 80% of all sexual encounters.

  12. #102
    Phero Pharaoh BassMan's Avatar
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    Default Re: love is conditional

    you are correct, of course. no judgment.

  13. #103
    Phero Dude xxxPantero's Avatar
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    Default Re: love is conditional


    i didn\'t mean love is letting people hit you, i mean it works the same way - if someone hurts you, you love them less - that\'s why love is unconditional

    love is the emotional though, not the physical part - she wouldn\'t have loved me if i had hurt her enough emotionally, would she? i doubt it

  14. #104
    Phero Dude xxxPantero's Avatar
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    Default Re: love is conditional


    you shouldn\'t have deleted your post

    i respected your opinion, although i didn\'t feel it was correct or didn\'t agree with it

    but oh well

    thanks for the gesture though - i appreciate it

  15. #105
    Carpal Tunnel Whitehall's Avatar
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    Default On to World Politics...

    \"And, Whitehall. What are we doing with Iraq? Do you think we\'re all going to die?\"

    In late 1941, Einstein sent a letter to the President of the United States telling him of a new discovery - the spliting of uranium atoms - that had the potential to make terrible weapons. The evidence for that discovery was little more than some squiggly lines on a chart - the purest science.

    In FOUR years, the US had turned a very raw theory into an industrial machine for making nuclear weapons and had tested one in the New Mexico desert and dropped two in Japan killing maybe 160,000 people and ending the worst war in human history.

    Iraq has been working on acquiring nuclear weapons since before the attack by the Israelis on the Orsik reactor in 1983. It has been FOUR years since the last inspectors visited Iraq. The technology for creating the raw materials and designing the weapons have been known for almost 60 years and is continually improving.

    Frankly, Saddam Hussein has had a limited number of nuclear weapons since before the Gulf War (source: the highly enriched fuel for the reactor). That\'s why Bush 41 pulled back and let him stay in power - had the war gone nuclear, Bush would have been blamed and lost all political support.

    If a small nuke had gone off at the World Trade Center, the deaths would have numbered in the tens or hundreds of thousands, not just thousands.

    Bush 43 is perfectly correct in pressing for a regime change in Iraq.

    May the Heavens protect our military people as they do their duty.

  16. #106
    Phero Pharaoh BassMan's Avatar
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    Default Re: love is conditional

    <blockquote><font class=\"small\">In reply to:</font><hr>

    you shouldn\'t have deleted your post

    <hr></blockquote>Didn\'t delete it, attemped to edit it. Unfortuately, this forum doesn\'t always express process accurately.

    For you to confront your mother in the way that you did simply expresses a lack of maturity at the time. To tell me that my relationship with my mother was different than yours without exploring who I am and was is just silly.

    I am exploring these things with you because I did the exact same things with my own mother...

  17. #107
    Phero Dude xxxPantero's Avatar
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    Default Re: love is conditional

    oh okay

    i didn\'t confront her, was illustrating a point to her - didn\'t mean to hurt her emotionally, and didn\'t hurt very badly physically, so i don\'t see how it is immature, exactly.

    and you\'re right, i didn\'t know how your relationship was with your mother. but no two people\'s families are the same, no matter how similar.

    but hey, explain what you did with your mother and how it was simriar, i\'m intrigued

  18. #108

    Default Re: homeopathy

    Watcher, tarot is a set of symbols, is all. It\'s just another way to talk about an idea. I didn\'t mean to promote card reading.

  19. #109
    Banned User EXIT63's Avatar
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    Default Re: love is conditional

    ...What I call “love” is the power to see that most acts of violence are rooted in deep seated feelings of inadequacy...

    Is that why missiles are shaped like Penises?

  20. #110
    Bodhi Satva CptKipling's Avatar
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    Default Re: love is conditional

    EXIT: Love Rockets.

    This thread is deep. Unconditional love isnt an emotion, its a way of being. It relates to the purist ideals in humanity, priciply, that one must forgive, and forgive unconditionaly. It is true that when someone you love hurts you, it has a profound affect on you, as this is the gravest pain we can endure. Unconditional love is learning to love them again. It is these things that lead to the majority of the suffering in the world, as I said before, DNA is the root of all evil, somewhat tongue in cheek at the time, but still with the message that the need to reproduce and continue your genetic legacy causes huge conflicts. Think of the seven deadly sins, cant remember them all now, but I bet most of those could be traced back to love, and to our genes.

    Unconditional love is inaffect the moral high ground, and the better way of living. All (the common ones anyway) the religions promote it. Of course it has risks, but what is life without risks.

  21. #111
    Phero Pharaoh BassMan's Avatar
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    Default Re: love is conditional

    <blockquote><font class=\"small\">In reply to:</font><hr>

    i respected your opinion, although i didn\'t feel it was correct or didn\'t agree with it

    but oh well

    thanks for the gesture though - i appreciate it

    <hr></blockquote>Obviously, I didn\'t agree with my opinion either, once I thought about it.

    Motherly love is not the same as unconditional love. Your mother may indeed love you regardless of what you do. But it\'s based on a different connection. Your mother physically birthed you. Her love is based on a physical connection that recognizes you as part of her own body. Her love has a strong hormonal component to it - mother nurtures offspring until offspring is able to take care of itself.

    Unconditional love is a different kettle of fish.

  22. #112
    Phero Pharaoh BassMan's Avatar
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    Default Re: homeopathy

    <blockquote><font class=\"small\">In reply to:</font><hr>

    Along with magnetic pillows and slimming machines. I only approach tarot with interest and fun anyone that takes it seriously is fooling themselves and has low life direction and motivation. Linked to low testostrone levels in men usually and women who havent been laid in a long time (FTR i think this was youre idea)

    <hr></blockquote>Trolling again?

  23. #113
    Phero Pharaoh BassMan's Avatar
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    Default Re: love is conditional

    <blockquote><font class=\"small\">In reply to:</font><hr>

    i didn\'t confront her, was illustrating a point to her - didn\'t mean to hurt her emotionally, and didn\'t hurt very badly physically, so i don\'t see how it is immature, exactly.

    <hr></blockquote>I called it immature because you took advantage of your mother\'s trust in you to add pain and fear to her experience. It may not have been much, but it was enough so that she wouldn\'t open her arms. As we grow in experience, we hopefully learn to value trust and openness more than that.

  24. #114

    Default Re: love is conditional

    While I think unconditional love is a most worthy goal, it\'s also important to realize that you can love someone from a distance. If somebody hurts you repeatedly, it\'s dumb to stay around them, and I\'m with Tina Turner, \"What\'s Love Got To Do With It\" in a case like that. Don\'t confuse unconditional love with martyrdom - stay away from an abuser. You can love them from a distance.

  25. #115
    Bodhi Satva CptKipling's Avatar
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    Default Re: love is conditional

    I was mostly refering to minor things which hurt people. Unconditional love can and should be applied to society, but the word \"love\" tends to through people off. Not sure what you meant about becoming a martyr, I never advocated dying or acting recklessly. It is knid of futile talking about this, after all, who can accurately describe what love is? And furthermore, the difference between love and unconditional love.

  26. #116

    Default Re: love is conditional

    never mind

  27. #117

    Default Re: love is conditional

    In reply to:

    i didn\'t confront her, was illustrating a point to her - didn\'t mean to hurt her emotionally, and didn\'t hurt very badly physically, so i don\'t see how it is immature, exactly.

    Someday when you have kids of your own, hopefully they\'ll turn out to act just like you. Maybe then you\'ll understand what people have been trying to say.

  28. #118
    Phero Dude xxxPantero's Avatar
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    Default Re: love is conditional

    ah, now i see

  29. #119
    Phero Dude xxxPantero's Avatar
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    Default Re: love is conditional

    i\'d like to have kids like me

    i do understand what people are saying already - everyone is shocked that i hurt my mother - understandable
    she didn\'t mind though, her and i show each other things however we have to
    that\'s why i say it\'s a slightly different dynamic

  30. #120
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    Default Re: Growth Hormones ?

    MobleyC57:Hi MobleyC57,Don\'t worry,I\'m definitely not juicing.I just wanted to add a couple of inches to my height.Thanks for your concern though.

    xvs:I definitely don\'t want those type of growth hormones.Too costly and not safe like you said.Thanks for the info.

    \"Homeopathic growth hormone works for many, and is totally safe. I tried it, and noticed my voice lowered and I started sleeping like a baby. \"

    Hi DrSmellThis,if you don\'t mind me asking,where did you abtain your Homeopathic growth hormone at?

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