I just went outside for a minute and a co-worker was standing outside who said to me, \"You\'re here because I willed you here, did you know that?\" I said no, I thought I was just coming down to get some air, why did you will me to you? She asked if I would give her a neck/shoulder rub (I am known to on request) so I did, and asked her what was bugging her, and she said one of the paralegals had been standing at her desk and was wearing a very penetrating scent that made my co-worker nauseated and headachy and grouchy, and that she was standing outside to try to get the smell out of her nose because her desk was \"polluted\" now with the chemical smell of the paralegal\'s perfume, and the longer she had to sit there and smell it, the more tense she got. She had pain just above and below vertebra T7, between 6-7 and 7-8, and was holding tension in her shoulders and neck. She got really agitated about it, it provoked her extremely that this girl\'s smell was all over her space.

That\'s exactly how I reacted to PCC the first time I put it on. Isn\'t that strange?