Ive been trying SOE for a few days now, and although i love the scent, it seems like nobody can smell it!!!

It\'s only when i ask people to have a whiff, do they realise the nice scent!!

Ive been using half the SOE packet a day, and although people seem to be very slightly friendlier, it doesnt have much of an effect on them!! Am i using enough SOE??

My main question is, how do these pheromones work?? Is it the scent of the product that gets the attention, if so, i cant be doing very well, as nobody can smell it [img]/ubbthreads/images/icons/frown.gif[/img]
Is the SOE roll on more effective than the wipe??

Ive had one funny response though, when i was standing in the bus stop, i checked my pocket for money, and dropped a 5p coin ( basically the same value as a cent in america ) i knew i dropped the coin, but as it was such a small valued coin i though id leave it.
On dropping the coin, this very old lady with a walking stick ( she must have been around 75 ) basically jumped from the bench she was sat on, and walked very fast to pick up the coin to give to me!!
I was gob-smacked, and so was the other people waiting for the bus, as it was something you would never expect [img]/ubbthreads/images/icons/smile.gif[/img]