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Thread: Hit With PI/W

  1. #1

    Default Hit With PI/W

    Hey Ladies,

    Many suggest using 1 to 2 drops of P!/W. This didn\'t work for me. So I tried 3-4 drops for a dinner date with my boyfriend. Man, did it ever work! There were two other men in the restaurant (it was small) and they would not stop staring at me. I mean, they litorally wouldn\'t take their eyes off me. I truely believe that if my boyfriend hadn\'t been there, the younger one would have approached me. I\'d love to hear the other girls experiences with PI/W.

    Take Care.

  2. #2
    Banned User EXIT63's Avatar
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    Default Re: Hit With PI/W

    All right Hunny Bunny,
    Are you sure it was the Pheros or could it have been your natural irresistability? I don\'t know you but with a name like Hunny Bunny, you have to be the cutest girl in town.
    I\'m sorry I just love that name.

    EXIT 63

  3. #3
    Phero Pro jose's Avatar
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    Default Re: Hit With PI/W

    I\'m curious to know what was your boyfriend\'s reaction to PI/W? How far away were you and the two guys?

  4. #4
    Enlightened One
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    Default Re: Hit With PI/W

    Based on my reactions from women wearing Attraction and PCC it sounds like it would be the pheros at work, have you been able to replecate the results in other settings. What was the range of the other two guys (how far away were they)
    Sorry for all the questions just trying to get the thread going here.

    Please sign the petition on this website
    So all you anaymous lurkers that view this page go sign up for me they only need 10000 signatures. I want 2 Unlimited to reform.

  5. #5

    Default Re: Hit With PI/W

    Hey everyone!

    Ok, I was sitting about 20 feet away from the guys. It was the first time I used it at that strength.

    Today I went to my orientation at university (I\'m a first year student) and applied about 3 drops. This one guy (standing about 4 ft from me) was talking and laughing with his friends but when I stood in the line up his entire attention went on me. No kidding! He didn\'t talk to me, but he just wouldn\'t stop staring. Not a \"your weird looking\" stare, but sort of in awe.

    Nextly, my friend and I went to Taco bell after the orientation, and the counter girl wouldn\'t take her eyes off me. I\'m not homosexual, but I was still kinda flattered.

    I\'m naturally a shy person, but I truely believe that if I had approached any of these people, the outcome would have been positive. So good luck to the rest of the ladies out there.

    P.S. EXIT..... are you flirting with me??????? <wink>

  6. #6
    Banned User EXIT63's Avatar
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    Default Re: Hit With PI/W

    ...P.S. EXIT..... are you flirting with me??????? <wink>

    Guilty as charged.

    I think its your Pheros. They\'re coming right through my computer.

  7. #7
    Bodhi Satva CptKipling's Avatar
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    Default Re: Hit With PI/W

    <blockquote><font class=\"small\">In reply to:</font><hr>

    This one guy (standing about 4 ft from me) was talking and laughing with his friends but when I stood in the line up his entire attention went on me. No kidding! He didn\'t talk to me, but he just wouldn\'t stop staring. Not a \"your weird looking\" stare, but sort of in awe.


    My dear Hunny_Bunny, I think thats a DIHL! Congratulations! Is that the first DIHL reported by a female? First one I\'ve seen. Very well done!

    Keep it up, and be sure to drop by my way while you\'re at it! [img]/ubbthreads/images/icons/wink.gif[/img]

  8. #8

    Default Re: Hit With PI/W


    Cptkippling (don\'t know if I spelled that right), What is a DIHL????

    EXIT63, you\'re a funny little nut!

    I forgot to answer one question, No it didn\'t have any affect on my boyfriend. That\'s OK though. See we don\'t have what you might call a \"healthy\" relationship. I\'m naturally a shy person when meeting new people which is why I bought the pheros. I\'m hoping to get the confidence to end things with my b/f.



  9. #9

    Default Re: Hit With PI/W

    DIHL = Deer In the Headlights Look -- That startled look deer get when confronted by a car\'s headlights. Used here to indicate a \"you got me\" or \"what hit me\" look.

  10. #10

    Default Re: Hit With PI/W

    I´m kinda partial to the \"stunned Mullet\" term myself....


  11. #11

    Default Re: Hit With PI/W

    Hey, Hunniest Bunny,

    I\'ve been wearing PI/w to work for the past three days. I see no effect on women (whereas PCC makes my women friends more affectionate). Straight men who know me definitely want to hang around more, like, spend more time at my desk chatting. Men who don\'t know me are not talking to me at all.. And -- this is weird! -- gay men who know me are also not talking to me. Have you seen any reactions from gay male friends? There are a couple of gay males at work who I really enjoy joking around with, and since I\'ve worn PI/w, they avoid me, and they look at me funny. I\'ll keep an eye on this, because maybe they were just having a bad day (both of them on the same day?) ... but wondered if you\'d noticed anything similar.

  12. #12
    Banned User EXIT63's Avatar
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    Default Re: Hit With PI/W

    ...There are a couple of gay males at work who I really enjoy joking around with, and since I\'ve worn PI/w, they avoid me, and they look at me funny...

    That\'s because their threatened by you and they think that your\'re going to KICK THEIR ASSES. Either that or they\'re afraid your OVERWHELMING FEMININITY is going to turn them straight. Either way you are just to much WOMAN for them to handle.

    Have I told you lately that I worship you?

  13. #13

    Default Re: Hit With PI/W

    Oh, darling Exit...

  14. #14

    Default Gay Males

    Well, I\'ve only had one gay male friend before, but unfortuneately he\'s moved away. Maybe they\'re experiencing feelings for you that they\'ve never experienced towards women before and don\'t know how to deal with it. Maybe they\'re I wouldn\'t worry though..... if they\'re your buds they\'ll still be, regardless of a little pheros.

    Oh yes, congrats with the straight men...... you go girl!

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