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  1. #1
    Phero Dude xxxPantero's Avatar
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    Default Anyone know where I can find...

    Custom made subliminal-hypnosis tapes? Where I can select what I want the tapes to say? I have some people I need to hypnotise.

  2. #2
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    Default Re: Anyone know where I can find...

    Hypnosis and subliminal messaging are two VERY different things. You cannot use subliminal messages to hypnotise people. As a clinical hypnotherapist I can assure you that hypnosis is very different from subliminal messaging. What are you trying to do??

  3. #3

    Default Re: Anyone know where I can find...

    Pantero de mi alma, guapo mio,

    I feel like you shouldn\'t try to influence someone that way without their informed consent....

  4. #4
    Enlightened One
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    Default Re: Anyone know where I can find...

    Fulltilt thats what pheros do they arent informed. We are influencing those around us to perceive as sexy and attractive. Oh well back to the drawing board.

  5. #5

    Default Re: Anyone know where I can find...

    Yes, but to me that\'s a little different from specifically influencing someone to do certain things or think certain things. Does that seem too picky to you? Like, there\'s a difference between making yourself attractive to the opposite sex and then letting nature take its course, and forcing someone to act in a way that might be against their will or their best interests or their own vision of themselves.

  6. #6
    Phero Enthusiast
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    Default Re: Anyone know where I can find...

    I believe there was a vaguely related thread on something similar a little while ago and a website posted, which I did check out. I have to admit it was one of the sleaziest and base marketing ploys I\'ve seen (also pop-up hell, which I\'m still being plagued with to this day).

    Having attended courses in hypnosis, hypnotherapy and human behavioural psychology I\'ll put into simple words one basic truth: You cannot hypnotise or force someone to do under hypnosis things that they would not normally do or do not want to do.

    Hypnosis is simply a very strong power of suggestion, where peoples reactions are triggered by key words or visuals.

    A person cannot be \"made\" to like someone else or perform actions, that are averse to them.

    Subliminals were used in advertising a few decades ago to encourage people to purchase certain branded products. They were also used in movies to suggest to movie-goers that they were thirsty, hungry, and hence encourage them to go for the hot-dogs, soft drinks etc in the foyer during the intermissions.

    I have, allowed myself to be hypnotised professionally. One is aware of what is happening. One does react in a desired manner, except to when your behaviour would go against that which you strongly object to.

    Hypnosis/autosuggestion is a useful tool for people who wish to stop smoking, wish to change their behaviour/attitudes in a certain way (ie increase self confidence etc), but this is through personal choice.

    IMHO you would be far better off using autosuggestion on yourself to encourage positive behaviour and attitudes, than wasting money on things that claim to make others act in a way you want them to...they won\'t.

    Just my £0.02 worth [img]/ubbthreads/images/icons/smile.gif[/img]

  7. #7

    Default Re: Anyone know where I can find...

    Actualy you can make people do something that they prior to the hypnosis session would never ever do, it just take´s more information(and a longer session) and involves manipulating tendencies already existant in the subject...........


    Ps: don´t ask how exactly because I won´t tell...........

  8. #8
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    Default Re: Anyone know where I can find...

    I have to agree with Aaron, Hypnosis of any kind is always self-hypnosis. Mind manipulation is not as cut and dry as it seems. No matter the process a person will never do something against there already designed code of ethics while under hypnosis. As a practicing hypnotherapist I can assure you that is someone does not like you then they willnot like under hypnosis either.

    Also having some experience in stage hypnosis you can give someone the illusion they will like you or love you but your suggestion must be made that it is only an illusionor that they \"think\" they are in love with you. People voluntarily come out of hypnosis and therefore any \"thought\" about loving someone or whatever it may be would now be gone. Post hypnotic suggestion even more so than suggestion during trance state must coincide with a person already chosen moral make up.

    Another issue untouched on here is the practicing of hypnosis without proper training. I suggest if you are ever considering hypnotising someone you get proper training first. Being able to bring someone into trance is one thing but being able to control the situation should it get out of hand is another. Reading a couple books does not qualify you to do this. Reading a flight manual does not leave you qualified to operate a jumbo jet...the same is true with hypnosis.

  9. #9

    Default Re: Anyone know where I can find...

    When I was in school, I participated in several psych experiments, which you could do for extra credit. One was a group hypnosis session in which, on a certain signal, you were to bend down as if to pick something up off the floor while simultaneously raising one arm above your head. Throughout the hypnosis of course I was aware of what was going on, even thinking to myself that the action asked for would look kind of ridiculous. Nevertheless, I did it on signal. I think it\'s unethical to hypnotize or attempt to hypnotize another person without that person\'s knowledge and consent, whether it is to make them bend down and raise an arm above their head or hop into bed with you and make mad monkey love.

  10. #10
    Banned User EXIT63's Avatar
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    Default Re: Anyone know where I can find...

    Look into my eyes Red,
    You are getting sleepy
    Sleepy Sleeeppy Sleeeeppy
    Now you are asleep.
    When you awaken you will be madly in love with EXIT 63
    You will be unable to resist his charms
    When I count to 3 you will awaken
    One Two Three

  11. #11
    Phero Dude
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    Default Re: Anyone know where I can find...

    Interesting... but it\'s been said that people won\'t do anything under hypnosis that they wouldn\'t be willing to do otherwise.

    So why would it be immoral to hypnotise someone to have sex with you?

    Or if it is, why would it then not be immoral to use pheromones to achieve the same effect?

    I don\'t necessarily think it is moral to hypnotise or immoral to use pheromones, just asking the question...

  12. #12
    Phero Dude xxxPantero's Avatar
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    Default Re: Anyone know where I can find...

    Ok, there is a misunderstanding here.

    I need subliminal tapes, not hypnosis.

    And it\'s not to convince them to have sex. It\'s to convince them to do something like, change their mind about birth control, or change their mind about jealousy.

  13. #13
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    Default Re: Anyone know where I can find...

    \"And it\'s not to convince them to have sex. \"

    Why not? [img]/ubbthreads/images/icons/wink.gif[/img]

  14. #14

    Default Re: Anyone know where I can find...

    Ok, maybe I\'m just hopelessly old fashioned, but have you ever considered sitting down and having a conversation with them on the subject? ...

  15. #15
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    Default Re: Anyone know where I can find...

    Uh, listen.......

    If they WANT to, but deep down, they will do it, but, if not, they WON\'T....

    So, either way, hypnosis..Pheromones, if they WANT to, but deep down, it just BRINGS it out...But, if they DON\'T want to, than, it\'s NOT going to happen.

    And, I believe this is why pheromones work so well for some people, and yet, don\'t do anything for other people...I think some people, the problem is maybe social programming, etc...

    Either, way, it\'s not really cheating at all, or, would it be, unethical immorral....

    Example...If you were hypnotized to shoot someone you DIDN\'T like...You would probably shoot them, becuase deep down, you WANT to, but, if you LIKE someone, and you were hypnotized to do it, it WOULND\'T happen..Same thing as to having sex with someone....Maybe you would NEVER do it because you are too young, not ready, they are too old, financial, etc...


  16. #16
    Phero Dude xxxPantero's Avatar
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    Default Re: Anyone know where I can find...

    FTR, i just used those as examples, although I have thought about it. Those things I would have talked about, but\'s in the general effect I\'m looking for.

  17. #17

    Default Re: Anyone know where I can find...

    Any chance of your telling what it is exactly that you want to accomplish and with whom?

  18. #18
    Phero Dude xxxPantero's Avatar
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    Default Re: Anyone know where I can find...


  19. #19

    Default Re: Anyone know where I can find...

    Okey dokey then. Good luck to you!

  20. #20

    Default Re: Anyone know where I can find...

    xvs, I believe it\'s immoral to manipulate people in such a way that their ability to make conscious choices is overruled, which would be the purpose of covertly playing tapes with subliminal messages to someone. In my world, that would be a very very wrong thing to do on a spiritual level, it would do me damage spiritually to attempt to manipulate someone\'s actions without their knowledge and consent. Pheromones and all the other things we do to make ourselves attractive are attempts at manipulation, it\'s true, and maybe it\'s a matter of degree, but to me the degree matters. The actual effect of the attempt, in other words, whether or not it would work to try to hypnotise someone or subliminally influence them, is not the important factor. To me, the important factor is whether or not it is right behavior to another human being to coerce their behavior in any way. I think maybe pheromones, perfume, being nicely dressed, etc. are attempts to seduce, and subliminally influencing another person is an attempt to coerce, and the former is fine and the latter is not. My opinion. What do you think?

  21. #21
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    Default Re: Anyone know where I can find...

    I think this is something like what you are looking for. I haven\'t tried it.

  22. #22
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    Default Re: Anyone know where I can find...

    Well said, FTR. I\'ve been watching this thread with interest, curious as to whether anyone else was offended by the proposed circumventing of free will.

    I don\'t know that xvs\'s desire for subliminal tapes is actually diabolical, nefarious, or mean-spirited. The post by satan actually bothers me more.

    While we may attempt to influence someone\'s opinion of our attractiveness through pheromones, perfume, nice clothes, straighter teeth, whiter teeth, cosmetic surgery, or what have you -- those \"inducements\" do not interfere with the target\'s free will or power to choose. The ability to *perceive* is left intact.

    Power -- true power -- does not hinge on bypassing someone\'s thought process.

    And where\'s the satisfaction in getting your way if you turn someone into a robot concerning a specific behavior? Remember \"The Stepford Wives?\" I can\'t imagine any aspect of a relationship with a \"Stepford Wife\" being truly fulfilling...

  23. #23

    Default Re: Anyone know where I can find...

    Gerund, I love you very much! :-)

  24. #24
    Phero Pro
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    Default Re: Anyone know where I can find...

    I actually need to express myself more forcefully on the subject of \"getting someone to do what they would not otherwise do.\"

    What is the difference between what some in this thread are suggesting/advocating ------ and rape? The means are different, but the results are the same. You would get a benefit, the target would suffer a detriment. The only way that what you propose differs from rape, is that the usurping of free will is not done via physical violence. And don\'t kid yourselves -- that IS the only difference.

    Are FTR and I the only ones who see clearly what the real issue is?

  25. #25

    Default Re: Anyone know where I can find...

    I totally agree.

    \"Date Rape on Tape\" Enough said.

  26. #26
    Phero Dude xxxPantero's Avatar
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    Default Re: Anyone know where I can find...

    FTR, I agree with you. It isn\'t a good thing.

    And strangely enough, I don\'t seem to care.

    Not a personal attack on you, just my honset (too honest) opinion.

  27. #27
    Phero Dude xxxPantero's Avatar
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    Default Re: Anyone know where I can find...

    THANKS NoLimits, that\'s exactly what I was looking for, although the website is a bit gimmicky, I do need a gimmick.

  28. #28
    Phero Dude xxxPantero's Avatar
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    Default Re: Anyone know where I can find...

    It\'s not rape if someone can\'t be hynotised to do what they weren\'t going to do in the first place.

    And to clear up something, I\'m already sleeping with the person (not as much as I\'d like to) so it\'s not rape, if I were to use it to turn her on.

  29. #29
    Phero Dude
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    Default Re: Anyone know where I can find...

    Uh Gerund... try to read more carefully. I\'m not looking for any tapes.

  30. #30

    Default Re: Anyone know where I can find...

    Gerund , it is kinda a difficult to deffend (and explain ) what I ment without giving out the very infor mation on the subject that I am unwilling(for obvious reasons) to share........

    Hypnosis is not a club( the stuff you see on hypno shows on tv) such use of hypnosis is short lived and the one thing that they rarely mention is the number of subjects they disscard during the hypnosis selection/testing prosess because the subject is unwilling to let go to the point of it beeing usable for entertainment.

    When a teenager tries to convince his sweathart to go all the way with him(and succeding) the girl stil has chosen of her own free will, the same applies to a subject under the influence of hypnosis.


    Ps: have you got anny idea how frustrating it is to try and defend a statement without divulging the one thing that would defend it beyond any shadow of a doubt

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