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  1. #1
    Phero Pro
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    Emerald City, Evergreen State
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    Default An interesting birthday . . . .

    Hi everyone,

    I just got back from having dinner with my friend and I have a very interesting story to tell you all: <font color=blue>

    It\'s 2:15 &amp; He\'s Late <font color=black>

    I waiting at the lobby of the major cinepelexs in downtown Seattle. We were supposed to meet at 2 pm. What\'s taking . . . .

    \"Hey man! Sorry I\'m late, but I gotta ride. Can you hop right in? I\'m parked in a 3 min zone.\"

    We head for a white jeep parked outside the theatere. We get in and we decide to have dinner at TGIFs heading for the University so I can pick something up.

    \"Hey Nate. You wouldn\'t mind headed towards the University first would you. I need to pick up my check. It\'s not too far off course.\"

    \"Sure thing dude. I\'ll . . . just . . . . \" My friend starts to ogle a woman with wavy dark blonde hair. He stands up and . . . . \"Hey! Can I have your number?!\" The woman keeps on walking. Nate turns to me and asks, \"Dude. Do you have your mojo juice on? You know the stuff that you wore last time?\"

    Oops. I forgot to tell ya\'ll about last time. About a month ago Nate and I went to the Spaghetti Factory for dinner. That night I introduced him to the concept of pheromones and told him about the SOE that I was wearing. He was skeptical about it, but the interesting service that we got from the waitress there was very interesting. Oh and I wasn\'t wearing pheromones on right now.

    \"That\'s to bad. I was hoping that you would send good vibes her way. Dude. I still can\'t believe that you got five cherries in your strawberry lemondade. That and she plunked down a refill before you even started to drink it (5 min later). She also talked up a storm.\"

    Nate starts the jeep and pulls into a spot one block ahead of the gal. (Sigh) I know he\'s gonna get shot down again.

    \"Hey. Can I get your number? My name\'s Nate?\"

    The gal is slightly taken aback then replies, \"I\'m sorry, but I have a boyfriend and I\'m happy with him.\" (Man, I knew he\'d get shot down.)

    After picking up my check at the University, Nate and I head along Eastlake Ave. toward TGIFs. About 1/2 way there . . . .

    \"Dude. Have you ever had Hooter\'s buffalo wings before?\"

    \"No I\'ve never been there before? Is there . . . oh . . . I get it. You want me to try out my stuff there, right?\"

    We pull into a spot next to Hooters on Lake Union.

    \"Dude. Can you wait a sec?\" I pull out my SOE and put my standard 12\" on my arms, neck, behind the ears and rub it in. \"Alright I\'m ready to go.\"

    After about a few minutes our waitress comes up to us. I look at her name tag and it says \"Damon\". Obviously a fake.

    \"Hi guys. Welcome to Hooter\'s. Is this your first time here?\" I shake my head and Nate nods his. \"Alright. What do you guys want to order?\"

    \"We\'ll start with the 20 buffalo wings . . . .\"

    After we finish the order our waitress starts to turn, hesitates slightly then asks, \"So where do you guys know each other from?\"

    \"Nate and I actually me a couple years ago at the UW. We were physics lab partners.\"

    \"Oh do you two still go to the University?\"

    Nate answers, \"Actually my friend here saves lives as a job, he\'s a lifeguard.\"

    \"Acutally my lifeguard job is a fall back job. Was a research tech working for the UW for about a year before my boss had to close her lab due to her health.\"

    \"Oh wow! I also save lives too. I\'m studying to be a paramedic. And you?(Gestures towards my friend)

    \"I\'m actually just started second year in law school.\"

    \"Oh. What kinda of law?\"

    \"Entertainment law. I\'m into the music industry.\"

    \"Wow. Can you sing.\"


    My friend starts to sing a couple of lines from one of his favorite songs. He really has a beautiful singing voice.

    \"Oh wow!\"

    I look at her, \"He\'s good isn\'t he?\"

    She beams. As she starts to walk away she starts fanning her neck and say, \"Wooo!!! It\'s getting hot in here!!\"

    My friend and I exhange glances, \"Nate you been here many times, right? (Nods) Have you gotten a reaction like that from any of the waitresses before?\"

    \"Nope. Dude! With your mojo juice and my singing, I think we\'ve got her.\"

    About the second . . . or was it the third? Well anyhow during one of the many times she came up to chat . . . I mean check up on us my friend bluntly asked for her number.

    She looks a bit sad and say, \"I\'m sorry but I have a boyfriend. (pauses and scrunches up her eyebrowns) But he is quite mean to me.\"

    Nate says, \"If he\'s mean to you then why don\'t you leave him? (She doesn\'t answer) Well, I\'ll give you my number and maybe we can go out sometime.\"

    \"Well he\'s still my boyfriend and it wouldn\'t be right. You know, two wrongs don\'t make a right.\"

    \"Well . . . .\"

    This goes on for a little while despite the \"You\'re pushing this too far look\" that I\'m shooting at my friend. Anyhow after a entertaining barstool dance by your\'s truely (I guess that\'s what they make people on their birthday do. I didn\'t mind. I guess the SOE was working just nicely) and about 1/2 through my desert I notice some writing on our receipt:

    Our waitress had drawn hearts over her real name and the total amount. On the last line the first word \"Hooters\" is crossed out and now it reads, \"Ellen Makes You Happy!!!\" instead. On the bottom she wrote, \"Thank you XOXO\" (I kept it as a souvenir)

    \"Hey Nate look at this!\"

    \"Oh whoa! . . . whoa! . . . whoa! . . . \"

    After we left the resturant I turn and ask Nate, \"So dude what do you think?\"

    \"Wow man. This is the second time that I have been around you when you have had this stuff on. I have never seen anything like this? Tell you what, I\'ll start believing it if she calls my number.\"

    \"Dude I really believe that she does have a boyfriend.\"

    \"So do I man.\"

    \"Sounds like he\'s a jerk.(I pause) You know that it\'s going to be very hard for her to leave her boyfriend.\"

    Well, that\'s the end of my story. I\'ll be sure to update if anything else happens.

  2. #2

    Default Re: An interesting birthday . . . .

    The stuff should come with a warning label! Glad you had a good birthday, Swinger

  3. #3
    Phero Pro
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    May 2002
    Emerald City, Evergreen State
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    Default Re: An interesting birthday . . . .

    LOL. Yes it certainly should. What I forgot to mention that my friend Nate was definately effected by the SOE that I was wearing. Just before we left he was dancing in the corner by himself. Our waitress caught him doing the \"spanking dance\". (Sigh) Boy can sing, but (shaking my head) he sure can\'t dance. She also caught him hitting on one of the other waitresses. He does the later even without the pheros. Last year I watched him flirt with a waitress in front of his date. Hmm . . . maybe it isn\'t such a good idea to convince him that pheros work [img]/ubbthreads/images/icons/crazy.gif[/img].

  4. #4
    Phero Pro
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    May 2002
    Emerald City, Evergreen State
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    Default Update

    Hi Everyone,

    Just got off the phone with my friend Nate:

    \"Dude. Do you remember the name of our waitress last night?\"

    \"Um . . . the receipt said Ellen, but since her name tag said \'Damon\' it could be something else . . . .\"

    \"Get this dude . . . after I got home from my friend\'s get together last night my roommate said that two girls called for me last night. Their names were April and Ellen. I know a April, but I don\'t know a Ellen. It wasn\'t until just before I called you that it dawned on me . . . . \"

    \"Oh wow! Did she leave a call back number?\"

    \"No she didn\'t, but she now knows that the number is legit and I hope she calls back again. Hey man, if she calls back I\'m borrowing some of your Mojo.\"

    \"Alright man. Keep me posted?\"

    \"Sure thing man!\" (Click)

    OMG! (Shaking my head) I think I created a monster. [img]/ubbthreads/images/icons/crazy.gif[/img]

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