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  1. #1
    Phero Enthusiast
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    Default influence on your mood ?

    hi everyone, i\'m back again - desperatly in love with a lovely girl who met another one for the moment (I have time to wait...).
    I was wondering : when you use pheros, you\'re ok. But what happens when you don\'t use them ? I\'ve noticed that their effect depends on your mood, if you don\'t feel well, the effect is not positive at last - seems that people won\'t understand how you can give these positive signals and be moody/sad/worried at the same time...
    Men seem to use them very often -I personally don\'t, as they are quite expensive and I don\'t need to seduce everyone everywhere.

    Do you think
    - they could help restore a \"stock\" of pheros in us, or help re-boost our natural \"power\",
    - we can feel a kind of frustration when we\'re not using them,
    - or that the best use is just when you need them (say, 1 or 2 times a week for example) ?

    Have a good day

  2. #2

    Default Re: influence on your mood ?

    That\'s a good question. The guys seem to never be without them and want to use them not just for sexual advantage but for advantages of all kinds over other people. I\'ve found myself wanting to wear mine all the time and hesitating because of the cost, too, and because I don\'t need yet one more thing to feel that I can\'t live without. Even if you only use them for dates, then what happens if one time you forget - since I had such a good result last time I used mine, now I\'m afraid to be without them.

    The addiction factor seems to be high. And I wonder what they\'re really doing to our bodies.

  3. #3

    Default Re: influence on your mood ?

    By the way, Frenchie, what\'s your new crush like? would love to hear about her

  4. #4
    Phero Pro jose's Avatar
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    Default Re: influence on your mood ?

    I\'m male so it hasn\'t changed my mood if I stop using it. I don\'t use it in the workplace because people there already know my Pheromone signature. I haven\'t use them for about two weeks now(sometimes going without it for a month), only for parties or social events. My supply goes a long way, now if I was on vacation or something I\'ll use it every day. I feel they work best when you need them, like on the weekends.

  5. #5
    Phero Enthusiast
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    Default FTR, about my new crush...

    hi FTR, you\'re asking me about my new crush(that\'s a new word for me, thanks !).
    Well she\'s... and ... and... I\'m crazy about her and i\'d love to tell her stories (and more) on a pillow ! it will never happen : i\'m just a friend for her and she doesn\'t want to fall in love. In fact, i\'m really broken hearted, she\'s got a girlfriend for the pleasure, and me as a kind of sister.
    If you hear of any magic potion that brings love, please tell me !!! pheros don\'t help...

    Have a nice day

  6. #6
    Bodhi Satva CptKipling's Avatar
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    Default Re: FTR, about my new crush...

    A1, anyone?


  7. #7

    Default Re: FTR, about my new crush...

    Why don\'t you just kiss her?

  8. #8

    Default Re: FTR, about my new crush...

    have you tried the hints of jealousy by talking about other women yet? I used that once to see what a woman was thinking as she gave no clues that led in a good way. Mentioning a few people I thought were sexy got a reaction pretty quickly.
    I was suprised how strong the \"you don\'t know what you\'ve got until it\'s gone.... or leaving\" can be on women or men (me included).
    Bonne Chance avec la chasse. Soyez forte pour des jours et te faire difficile pour elle te voire ou parler, faites comme t\'es occupe pour environs 3-4 jours(j\'en pense que c\'est que je voudrait dire... <= du Francais rouille)

  9. #9
    Enlightened One
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    Default Re: influence on your mood ?

    The additction factor is interesting, but the thing is you can stop using them and not notice any *withdrawl* symptoms the only thing is people react differently around you. However it is a natural high and helps to wear often (me anyway) if im down i will reach for the pheros (SOE) and stick some under my nose and well i get happy again.

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