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  1. #1

    Default Any woman tried concentrated EW?

    Has any female tried the new, concentrated Essence of Woman? With all the effect of PCC, I\'m curious about the effect of EW.

  2. #2
    Phero Dude
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    Default Re: Any woman tried concentrated EW?

    Yeah, that would be really interesting to know about.
    It seems that there is a lack of people with the balls to try EW(pardon the pun). I\'m a guy and I\'ve been testing it for weeks. I think it is having an effect on women, but I would sure like to know what women testers have to say, since I haven\'t gotten to the stage where I can know what\'s going on in the women\'s minds and crotches when they get a whiff of this stuff all over me.

  3. #3

    Default Re: Any woman tried concentrated EW?

    MM, I wore it to work today with SOE. One weird thing happened. Apropos of nothing, my senior attorney comes over to my ledge, I look up, and he just stands there staring into my eyes with his pupils dilated until I finally blinked and said something silly to break the tension. What was THAT about?

    It stinks, even diluted and mixed with something else. I had had it on for about 4 hours and wore Casmir to cover.

  4. #4
    Banned User EXIT63's Avatar
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    Default Re: Any woman tried concentrated EW?


  5. #5
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    Default Re: Any woman tried concentrated EW?

    Could someone please tell me what \"Essence of Woman\" is?
    I didn\'t see it listed on the love-scent web site. Thanks.

  6. #6
    Banned User EXIT63's Avatar
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    Default Re: Any woman tried concentrated EW?

    Hi Biker, and welcome
    EW is a top secret super experimental phero. You can\'t buy it but Bruce will give it to you if you buy a certain product. I forget which one.

  7. #7
    PheroWizard oscar's Avatar
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    Default Re: Any woman tried concentrated EW?


    Essence of Woman is a WAY TOO CONCENTRATED beta-test copulin blend available free when you buy AE or other Stone labs products totaling @ $50. if I recall correctly.

    Check here:

    Oscar [img]/ubbthreads/images/icons/wink.gif[/img]

  8. #8
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    Default Re: Any woman tried concentrated EW?

    Thanks Exit and Oscar, you guys ROCK.

  9. #9
    Banned User EXIT63's Avatar
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    Default Re: Any woman tried concentrated EW?

    Hi Biker,
    It\'s really Oscar that Rocks.
    I just Roll.

  10. #10

    Default Re: Any woman tried concentrated EW?


  11. #11
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    Default Re: Any woman tried concentrated EW?

    In that this group has a wealth of knowledge, I am posing yet another and another question ....
    Is Copulin Essence EW? Is this basically the same as PCC?
    Not that I don\'t have other things to spend my money on but I have to say I am intrigue by the concept of Pheromones. I am thinking of getting PPA for women,
    Alter Ego for WOMEN (which comes with the sample Copulin Essence) and the APC for Women. Overkill?

  12. #12
    Phero Dude
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    Default Oscar and FTR

    Oscar and FTR. I used to share both of your opinions on EW reeking and being way too concentrated, but now I strongly disagree with both of you. I love this sh#t! Sure, you can die from the stench if you don\'t dilute it enough. I did that the first day and almost made myself sick, but I like having the option of doing what I want with it, like chem set stuff. PCC never did anything for me, but this stuff sure does.
    Anyway, after the first day I put a couple of drops in an ounce of water and things began to rock from there. I put about a dozen drops on my arms and chest and cover with 2 perfumes. My arms smell so f#cking good that sometimes I can\'t decide whether I want to eat them or shag them. It started getting less effective and not smelling as much so I added another drop to the bottle. The first day I did that I had a couple of chicks that couldn\'t keep their hands off me all evening. Basically, my arms smell like beautifully perfumed pussy. When I walk onto a train or into a coffee shop some women stop what they are doing and look up.
    Anyway, maybe this stuff has [censored]#d up my olfactory senses, but I honestly don\'t think so. If it reeked on me I wouldn\'t have these women all over me. Also, I have gotten a few friends to bury their noses in my arms and give me an opinion and reactions are positive only. So, I don\'t think my nose is shot. Dilute till it doesn\'t reek, but don\'t dilute until it smells beautiful. That\'s my advice. But then I like to live on the edge, and my goal is to make women wet when I come into their presence. I guess you can dilute more if you want. EW is my favorite product hands down!

  13. #13
    Phero Dude
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    Default Re: Any woman tried concentrated EW?

    FTR, please tell me your dilution rate. I\'ve become a pro with this EW stuff I figure.

  14. #14
    Bodhi Satva CptKipling's Avatar
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    Default Re: Any woman tried concentrated EW?

    Be VERY careful with EW (copulin concentrate). It IS NOT a regular product, and not really intended for normal use. VERY VERY concentrated, WAY more than PCC, we are talking PURE copulins, very nasty stuff. Only buy it if you want to experiment.

  15. #15

    Default Re: Oscar and FTR

    I was given a sample from a friend and told it\'s at 1 / 5200th EW. I\'ll see what other particulars I can find out about it. I am not smelling gorgeous pussy. What I smell is old gym socks, and it puts a bad taste in my mouth. I have noticed, though, in the two days of wearing it, more attention. This morning the parking guy actually put hands on, and engaged me in extended conversation, did I watch the \'skins last night, they lost, they\'re our team but they\'re awful, blah de da about football, but with sparkling eyes and smiling, said twice how nice it was to see me (I\'m there every morning...). Something\'s definitely going on.

  16. #16
    Administrator Bruce's Avatar
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    Default Re: Oscar and FTR

    Wow! What a review. I\'ve read literally thousands of what I consider sincere glowing testimonials, but that one REALLY makes you want to drop everything and run for your bottle of the stuff. I always thought we had something with potential there, but figured there was lots of tweaking beyond just dilution. I gotta get my bottle out now and start messing.

  17. #17
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    Default Re: Any woman tried concentrated EW?

    Oh Exit...If laughter is the best medicine, we should have a lot of healthy people on the board with you around here!!


  18. #18
    Doctor of Scentology DrSmellThis's Avatar
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    Default Re: Any woman tried concentrated EW?

    Tell us more Maxx!

    Have you beenlaid with it?
    What are hits like?
    What age were the women?
    Were they bi?
    Were they sexual or buddy hits?

  19. #19
    Phero Dude
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    Default Re: Oscar and FTR


    Wow, I can\'t believe the stuff still stinks at 1:5200!
    My dilution rate is far lower than that. Anyway, I get some serious sparkling eye contact and smiles from service women; and I\'m not talking about the usual required smiles and friendliless. It\'s definitely different. Their eyes couldn\'t sparkle anymore and they couldn\'t smile in a more friendly way. They do it and just look right into my face for as long as they are serving me or talking to me.

  20. #20
    Phero Dude
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    Default Re: Any woman tried concentrated EW?

    To be honest I don\'t know whether they are sexual or buddy.
    It is basically women that I have had no physical contact with, but they suddenly become very willing to snuggle right up to me and put their hands on my leg, and take a hold of my hand, and if I put my arm around them they snuggle right into it. I doubt if they are bi. They are all late twenties. Also, I teach hordes of chick who are 17-24 or so. Nothing physical happens but I swear they are extra happy, chatty, etc. lately, and just love hanging with me and talking to me. I always did get on well with them, but somehow it feels different. Unfortunately, I haven\'t been laid with it, but I\'ll let you know whether that works out.That could take time. The problem is, there are practical and cultural considerations which make that much more difficult than it would be for the average guy living in America for example.

  21. #21
    Phero Dude
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    Default Re: Any woman tried concentrated EW?

    I\'m still waiting for some women to tell me whether EW makes them wet. I know FTR says PCC makes her wet, but what about EW? I am really curious to know what sort of effect I might be having on the women that I get close to, since I lace myself with this stuff daily. Isn\'t any woman besides FTR trying EW? Actually, I don\'t recall any woman other than FTR mentioning what PCC or EW does for them.

    Actually there is something I am seriously starting to wonder about. I have been going to dance lessons for a couple of months,and I swear than in some cases the women seem to be getting more hopeless rather than improving. I mean, some of them are falling all over place like they are physically disabled(oops! physically challlenged). I often have to hold onto them so they don\'t fall over! lol! This wasn\'t happening a few weeks ago. I am seriously starting to think that maybe I am making them totally weak-kneed or something. What do you ladies think? Do you think my EW and other handy-dandy pheros could be screwing them up that much?

  22. #22
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    Default Re: Any woman tried concentrated EW?

    I\'ve tried it and posted before about EW (read French Chef). Have mixed it with water, cologne, AstroGlide and more in all sorts of combinations. Have gotten hits, have made myself sick, and now finally have some mixes that I use that are quite to my liking. It does make me feel bad with overexposure and hope to NEVER feel THAT again.

    About two drops (from the bottle) per ounce of cologne is my preference. I have some mixes with about 6 drops per ounce of cologne that I use in bath water (just a couple of drops of mix) to lightly scent my skin. It is too strong to apply to skin but perfect in the bath. Whitehall gave me that idea.

    It was the initial mixing it with a gallon of distilled water that gave me the \"familiar\" scent I was seeking. If I get overexposed to this stuff I get very tired and spacey with flu like symptoms. And I admit that for a while, I was probably too careless with experimenting. . .

    With just the right dose, however, I feel all wet, pliable and extremely feminine. . . and my partner can\'t get enough of me. . .it has an intense effect on him. . .and he wants sex ALL the time. . .

    I am blessed. . .

    I did my last mixing a few weeks ago and then put it away for a week and cleared my senses of it, then reintroduced. Now I\'m careful and use it sparingly.

    I now like its effectiveness better than PCC. But it sure took a lot of experimenting to get it right for me!!!!!!!

  23. #23
    Banned User EXIT63's Avatar
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    Default Re: Any woman tried concentrated EW?

    On behalf of all of us here. I would just like to say THANK YOU. Your tireless efforts in mixing and experimentation have stretched the boundaries of pheromone science. You have succeeded in taking a vile, putrid, biohazard of a product and transforming it something that actually smells decent and gets you laid 3 times as much as you did previously. You are a shining star among us and again I say

    Thank You

  24. #24
    Phero Dude
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    Default Re: Any woman tried concentrated EW?

    Woman, thanks for the info I have been waiting for. Coincidentally, it seems that I zeroed in on a mix similar to you. I have been using a mix of 2-3 drops in 1 ounce of water. Unlike you however, I never made myself terribly sick when I was experimenting with stronger dilutions, but then again I am not a woman.
    I\'m glad to hear that it makes you wet at the right dose, but what is that right dose by the way??? That I need to know. How many drops of your mix? Also, this EW is on your body I assume. Do you think it would effect you the same way if it were on the body of a man who is close to you. That is my situation of course. I wear it as a man, but get close to a lot of women, and I want to know how it may be effecting them.

  25. #25
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    Default Re: Any woman tried concentrated EW?

    EXIT63 . . .being a sex object for the advancement of pheromone science has been a tough job but somebody\'s got to do it. . .and it is my pleasure!

  26. #26

    Default Re: Any woman tried concentrated EW?

    The philanthropy ... the altruism ... it\'s so beautiful. *sob* *hiccup*


  27. #27
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    Default Re: Any woman tried concentrated EW?

    MadMaxx, I have found that I don\'t like to wear it alone. For some reason, and since I don\'t know what the ingredients are, I like the combination of TE/w with EW mix. Maybe TE/w balances it all out. . .I don\'t know but it really makes my lover wild and it gets me feeling incredibly sexy and wet. The amount I use is only about three sprays of the cologne/EW mix and one spray of TE/w and another spray of straight cologne over that. Sometimes I take the EW mix and blend it with water or unscented lotion and cover a large area of my body. I\'m still experimenting. Too much and I feel tired and this is where TE/w seems to balance something out.

    I think that the amount you are using is having an effect, it sounds like it. If the effect is too \"pliable\" maybe it should be balanced with NPA/m or TE/m. She may want to cuddle up with you and watch \"Steel Magnolias\" or something which I doubt is the effect you want.

  28. #28
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    Default Re: Any woman tried concentrated EW?

    Ummm... is any further research coming up? [img]/ubbthreads/images/icons/wink.gif[/img]

  29. #29

    Default Re: Any woman tried concentrated EW?

    Hey, Woman - what special did it come with? It was an add on if you bought another product, right?

    Now you\'ve got me thinking I should try some in plain water. How many drops per gallon?

  30. #30
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    Default Re: Any woman tried concentrated EW?

    Red, I got it with the AE/w offer that Bruce originally made regarding EW. Think it was the beginning of August. Be very careful with this stuff, you will hate it at first and breathing it is just so gross. I only used a few drops, in the gallon, then added a few more every couple of days since it seemed to fade. I swear though, the scent leaked through the plastic jug. After the different series of experiments the first time, I threw it all out when I felt sick. The second time, I anticipated feeling sick from it and was very careful. I still felt bad from overexposure while mixing but not like the first time. Then I just put it away and didn\'t come near it for a week. As far as how many drops, you\'ll just have to play with it. I\'m not sure. You\'ll know. That\'s all I can tell you. Red, your reactions to PCC will probably be amplified with this stuff. Be careful.

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