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  1. #1
    Enlightened One
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    Default Hit squad - anyone can post

    Ok to avoid any bias or precieved imbalances in the forum between the \"pros\" and \"newbies\" i renamed it without the master. So anyone who wishes to describe hits and responses is welcome - that means anyone and everyone.
    ROLLTIDE this thread may be better suited to you.
    Any thoughts at all can be posted and will make interesting reading for the \'ANOYMOUS\" browsers and lurkers out there.

  2. #2

    Default Re: Hit squad - anyone can post

    Well, I guess I\'ll drop down the very confusing hit(s) (Phero produced or not, who knows?) Ive gotten over the past week or so with this girl at work.

    I\'ve already commented on a few of the earliest hits in a prior thread so Ill just skip to the new stuff:

    *I finally got a DIHL look. I have no clue why it took so long, I remember badgering Dirk to no end way back on phero help, but I finally got a DIHL from this girl. I was standing back by the break table and she walks up to ask me to carry something for her, says about three whole words to me and then just gets all funky-eyed and stares at me all weird like. It actually took me a few seconds to figure out what exactly happened, I thought maybe I should wipe my nose or something at first [img]/ubbthreads/images/icons/smile.gif[/img]

    *In the back of the store we are standing by the dishwasher (I was helping her unload trays) and when she gets done she just smacks me on the arse out of the blue, gives me this weird smile and walks out into the store.

    *She was getting some trays and I said pardon me, madomoselle (hell, its 4 am, Im sure I just butchered the word. I can say it, not type it \'k?) and she spins on me real quick and blurts out \'what?\' I repeated what I said and she was like \'Oh, I thought you said something about sex\' Im not sure exactly whats up with this one, but I figgered \'mones/sexdrive/whatever.

    And there is more, oh is there more. But Mykra you scream, are you a puddy?! This girl is most likely hitting on you like no other and you have done nothing? Oh, I have heard the cries. My coworker and partner in crime has rode me endlessley about it, but earlier on when I met her, her boyfriend...that she lives with and is her only form of transportation to and from anywhere...came into the store and although he was a bit of a stupid prick, it has proven to be a thorn I havent quite figured out how to circumvent.

    Whatever. Women give me headaches when I think about them for more than 3 seconds.


  3. #3
    Doctor of Scentology DrSmellThis's Avatar
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    Default Re: Hit squad - anyone can post

    OK Mykra, good one, and I\'ll ignore the double entendres in your statements about your coworkers \"riding you\" and about your head aching after you think about women for three minutes. [img]/ubbthreads/images/icons/smile.gif[/img] But you must tell us what you were wearing (a statement completely without attached double entendres).

    Honestly, my biggest hits so far, as in three \"take me to bed\" hits, have come from wearing AFA (along with other smelly things I\'ve worn beside\'s Bruce\'s products). I\'m not sure if it was the pheromones, but during one of them the girl, a hot 26 year old of middle-eastern descent, was saying she had to go home, so I went to the bathroom and came back with more pheromones on, and the girl then said \"yes\"... I do hope my newer formulas can improve on that, however.

  4. #4

    Default Re: Hit squad - anyone can post

    I know there has been a lot of discussion about the use of copulins. I just received an order of PCC last Thursday, and have tried them out 3 times so far and thought I\'d mention some interesting results from using them yesterday.

    I don\'t know if what I went through would be considered a \"hit\", and under normal circumstances I wouldn\'t even mention whast happened. But considering that everybody seems interested in the potential use of copulins in their mix, I felt that my results yesterday were at least interesting enough for me to pass along for what they are worth to assist people in determining the benefits of copulins for men.

    I have been going to a restaurant to eat for the last 6 weeks or so since getting my pheromones. Since wearing the pheromones in there, it seems that a lot of the waitresses have learned who I am, and many know my name. Granted, I eat there maybe 2 times per they may all know me as just a regular customer. I\'m trying to keep this in mind along with deciding if the pheromnes play a part. But, the hostess who seats me in particular seems to have taken a strong liking to me fromt he first time I went in. She is always smiling at me from across the room, and coming over to talk to me. I also get lots of dilated pupils from some of the other waitresses. So, it has seemed that the pheromones have been working on many of the women there (all mainly in the late teens to early 20\'s..I\'m in my early 40\'s)

    Anyway, yesterday was the first time I experimented with copulins. I wore the DD#1 mix (SOE;NPA at 7:3) I then put some swipes of copulins on my upper lip below my nose, some along the front of my neck, on my adams apple, and a swipe on each wrist. This may sound like a lot, but actualy the bottle of PCC is so small, that the roller bottle doesn\'t put out much product on each swipe, so it was a farily small amoount overall. I\'d say the bulk of the product was on my neck.

    I had heard some people report that copulins MAY cause women to be more intimate and open more quickly...and cause women to become more competitive. Well, I may have experienced some of each. First, the hostess, who is really hot I might add, was friendly to me when seating me again. Also, I noticed from the start that she would always look at me every time she rounded the corner into the restaurant area to seat people. Every time I would make eye contact, she would smile at me. But, I had a waitress who I had never had wait on me before, and quite frankly I really didn\'t remember seeing her there before. But, she knew me, because when she first approached me, she said \"I get to wait on our best customer.\" She continued to make small talk the entire time I was there, asking me what I did, why I eat there etc. This woman really seemed to want to spend as much time with me as she could just asking about myself and getting to know me. Now, I don\'t know if this fits people talking about women warming up to you and getting closer to you quicker or not. There was certainly nothing intimate about our was pretty tame stuff. But still, I\'ve never had a first time waitress take such an interest in asking about me like this one did. So, who knows. I\'ll say the effects of the copulins is uncertain on this.

    However, what happened later does make me wonder about the copulin effect. This one goes to the theory that it causes competition among women. When I was almost finished with my meal, the attractive hostess stopped to chat, and noticed that my drink was empty. She asked if I wanted a refill, and I said \"sure, one more would be good before I go.\" So, the hostess, who had been maybe 10 feet away when she noticed my drink...walked over to my table to pick up my glass. As she did this, my waitress saw this and came up behind the hostess. When the hostess turned around with my glass, the waitress reached out to take my glass to get my refill. The hostess hesitated for a second, and then without saying anything she just ignored the waitress and walked past her with my glass. It appared that she initially thought about handing my waitress my glass, but then decided to ignore my waitress and continue getting it herself. When my waitress saw this she said \"She thinks she\'s a waitress now.\" The hostess, when she heard her say this, stopped, turned around and said \"I was waiting tables when you were still in elementary school\" and then went on to get my refill. So the waitress stayed and talked to me instead, and was still talking to me when the hostess returned with my drink refill.

    Anyway, it was hard to determine if this exchange between the waitress and hostess was good natured ribbing or slightly tense. But, I sensed that there was slight bit of tension there. But, even if there was no tension and this was just friendly ribbing, it did seem fairly certain that the hostess was definitely competing with the waitress for some of my attention...or to be helpful to me in some way..

    So, this little exchange can be taken for what it is in the overall puzzle of determining whether copulins have any effect or not. It could be that this competitive exchange between the hostess and waitress might have just been a matter of the circunstances, and might have happened anyway even if I had not been wearing the copulins, or even pheromones at all. But then again, this has never happened before...and it did happen on the one time that I wore the copulins in the restaurant. So, I\'ll let all of you take my experience for whatever value you give it.

    One last note about my trip to the restaurant with the copulins on: but at the end, the manger came out with my ticket and said that he had \"comped\" it. I looke at the bill and he had given it to me for free. I said thank you, I appreciated it, and he said \"no problem. I see you in here every day.\" Well, I eat there maybe 2 times per week, not every day, but I\'lll talke the free meal. Then, a few minutes after this, the manger just walked back over to my table and gave me his business card and walked off. No explanation of why he gave me his card, just dropped it on my table in front of me and walked off.

    Now, did the copulins play a part on this guy as well? Who knoews. It may have just been a coincindence once again....and he might have done this because I\'ve become a regular customer. But then again, it did come on the day wihen I added the copulins for the first time. May have been a coincidence, but who knows. I also noticed that yesterday that I also had a few of the waiters actually say a quick hello or nod to acknowledge seeing me there when they passed near my table. I\"ve never had this happen to me before either until yesterday.

    So, those are my experiences with copulins. I\'d say the interaction between my waitress and the hostess was the most interesting part of the time with the copulins, and was interesting enough for me to want to continue experimenting with them. It would be nice to think that the copulins really do increase female competitive behavior. I could go for a little more of that in my life right now. I\'m just glad it was the women competing for my attention yesterday rather than the male waiters. :-)

    Sorry for the long post. This seems to happen to me a lot when I have things to say.

  5. #5

    Default Re: Hit squad - anyone can post

    Maybe there is something to this whole copulins things. I haven\'t tried it yet.
    -The Bat

  6. #6
    Enlightened One
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    Default Re: Hit squad - anyone can post

    By the way women usually react to me if the couplins are any effective then this could be useful - the way to see if it is the pheromones/couplins is to see if it happens regulary on a consistant basis and then also when things get weird often. That is when it can said that something is at work - now if i can get the effect going where women will just hang around a little bit longer instead of running off after flirting and ego stroking etc etc then i will be onto something but it will take time and of course i will post expereiences to help out all the newbies and others in general.

  7. #7
    Phero Enthusiast
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    Default Re: Hit squad - anyone can post

    Well -Nol,-Rone works for me twice. When i talked to a girl they would usually don\'t want me to leave that is why our conversation is longer than usual even though it is just a casual converstation.

  8. #8
    Moderator Mtnjim's Avatar
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    And... Perhaps answer some questions

    that keep coming up!!
    Freedom begins when you tell Mrs. Grundy to go fly a kite.
    --Lazarus Long

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