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  1. #61

    Default Re: Hit Squad Master\'s Unit 3.0 (Newbies Welcome)

    Ah ConfusedMan, it\'s great to hear someone doing the pheros at work thing. I\'d love to hear about what happens but this is what I\'ve been telling people recently, a little JB #1 on the chin (someone was using JB #2 like this also) it works wonders with the ladies. The chin is perfectly positioned for it.
    -The Bat

  2. #62

    Default Re: Hit Squad Master\'s Unit 3.0 (Newbies Welcome)

    Jambat, have you discovered anything new recently regarding JB-X?

  3. #63
    Phero Dude
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    Default Re: Hit Squad Master\'s Unit 3.0 (Newbies Welcome)

    Has Jambat ever tried JB-X?

    I remember that some of his mixes were \'theoretical\' [img]/ubbthreads/images/icons/smile.gif[/img]

  4. #64

    Default Re: Hit Squad Master\'s Unit 3.0 (Newbies Welcome)

    Cpt Kipling, regarding that girl with the hair - any way you could find out and tell me what she used on it? inquiring minds want to know...

  5. #65
    Enlightened One
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    Default Re: Hit Squad Master\'s Unit 3.0 (Newbies Welcome)

    Inquiring minds would really like to know. Common spit it out.

  6. #66
    Bodhi Satva CptKipling's Avatar
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    Default Re: Hit Squad Master\'s Unit 3.0 (Newbies Welcome)

    hmmm....yeah? Oh me!

    Yeah I\'ll look into it.

    <blockquote><font class=\"small\">In reply to:</font><hr>

    regarding that girl with the hair


    Never met a girl without hair, but i know what you\'re on about!

  7. #67

    Default Re: Hit Squad Master\'s Unit 3.0 (Newbies Welcome)

    Sinead, anyone?

    seriously, wish i knew what shampoo or conditioner or whatever it was that you liked so much

  8. #68

    Default Re: Hit Squad Master\'s Unit 3.0 (Newbies Welcome)

    Well, I truely haven\'t tried JB-X. I haven\'t had any money to get NPA because all my cash goes toward bills right now. But as soon as I get some work I\'ll try it personally. People have had nothing but good things to say about it. I take that back I remember someone saying their hits were sparatic but most people say that it\'s a great mix. I don\'t know if people are saying it\'s better than JB #1 or not but people do like it. I heard the scent was great too (RM does have a great scent). But the only thing I said was to add some veggie gycerine so it would stick. You know how JB #1 is somewhat oily and sticks to skin a little better, well with VG in your JB-X mix you\'ll get the same effect. I got the RM and VG mixed I just need the NPA.

    -The Bat

  9. #69
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    Default 1st test for SOE/NPA mix

    Hi all,

    Just tested my 8:2 SOE/NPA mix (More SOE heavy than DD1) at one of my fav swing hangouts that I haven\'t been to for a while. I used about 10\" total. So far nothing in the way of significant hits. Did get one gal that seemed to be eyeing me for a bit. Unfortunately I think I may have to add more NPA to this mix (going with DD1) since it seems for most of the time that I was there everyone pretty much stayed in the foyer and chatted up a storm. I did get some good dances in, but mostly everyone seemed more inclined to talk rather than dance [img]/ubbthreads/images/icons/tongue.gif[/img]. I\'ll keep on trying this mix till it\'s gone then mix up some DD#1.

  10. #70
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    Default Re: NPA + PPC

    Hey DrSmellThis,

    How did your \"Anti-Passover\" experiment turn out? Does she still live across the hall? Or has she moved in with you, now??

    I\'m dying to know...


  11. #71

    Default Re: NPA + PPC

    Yes, yes, inquiring minds want to know...

  12. #72
    Doctor of Scentology DrSmellThis's Avatar
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    Default Re: NPA + PPC

    She\'s friendly and looking at me with sparkling eyes, but I\'m acting very cool toward her. It\'s hard!

    It\'s maybe not good to rush when you live across the hall and she is no doubt used to every dude goin\' ape [censored] over her.

    What do you think guys?

  13. #73
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    Default Re: NPA + PPC

    Yes Dr, I think you are doing the right thing. Play a little hard to get...don\'t want to appear too \"needy\". That will make her want you more. I wonder if using some cops would make her think you are already doing fine with the ladies, and increase her desire. I don\'t know. You are the \"expert\" on these things. I\'m just glad to be learning!!

    I wish you the best of luck with her!


  14. #74
    Doctor of Scentology DrSmellThis's Avatar
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    Default Re: NPA + PPC

    Believe me, there are cops galore on my door.

    Those who know me might be amused to know I\'ve put photos of Greek nudes, complete with Phi ratios, on my door as well.

    I\'m too shy to describe this woman any further. Britney is barking.

  15. #75
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    Default Re: NPA + PPC

    Gee Doc... Has she commented on your photos or Phi ratios? I\'ll bet you\'re making her wet everytime she leaves and comes home. Maybe you\'d better get that trusty ole digital camera out and email me a pic of this chick...

    Hey, have you tried the PPA or PAN on your door yet?


  16. #76

    Default Re: NPA + PPC

    Lemme see hm hmm, scratch my head, oh, carry the one -- somethin\' don\'t add up...nekkid wimmin pitchurs on the FRONT DOOR liberally sprinkled with Eau de Come Hither/shy?

    Uh-huh. I hear Britney barking, too...

  17. #77

    Default Re: Hit Squad Master\'s Unit 3.0 (Newbies Welcome)

    A minor hit from RM only... this happened to me this afternoon, just before heading back home for dinner. I was in my local blockbuster store, basically to browse some DVDs and nothing else. I even forgot I had the RM on [img]/ubbthreads/images/icons/smile.gif[/img]

    I was about to leave but decided to have a look to the VHSs too. There I found a cute blonde and her brunette friend (a 8 and 6 respectively), having a look at Vanilla Sky\'s VHS envelope. \"Oh, that\'s a nice one\" I said. Usual conversation about the movie, their impressions about the envelope summary (they couldn\'t decide themselves about which one to pick up), then I said \"I watched it last week, but I\'d be glad to watch it again, I like it\". Then the brunette says \"I\'d like to watch it too... My friend wants to pick another one! Maybe we could watch it together, when she\'s not around, what do you think?\" The blonde then seemed a little upset (actually she was a little nervous all the time... her period maybe?), and told her some crap about that today it was her turn to choose the movie, etc...

    Ultimately I said \"well, I think you\'ll get your choice done, so I\'m leaving... (to the brunette) I hope to have a choice to watch that movie with you!\" and exited the store. I stood there and pretended I was trying to make a phone call... When the girls came out the brunette came to me and said \"our house is there (points [img]/ubbthreads/images/icons/smile.gif[/img] ) and the name on the bell is *****, if you want to drop there sometimes we... uhm... I\'ll be glad about it.\" [img]/ubbthreads/images/icons/smile.gif[/img]

    Only a minor hit, but still interesting. I wore 2 dabs of RM on my neck, about 6 hours before the hit.

  18. #78
    Phero Dude
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    Default Re: Hit Squad Master\'s Unit 3.0 (Newbies Welcome)

    she told you to come by and it\'s a \'minor hit\'?

    I think you are underestimating what that means.

    And your taste in movies sucks too... vanilla sky was crap [img]/ubbthreads/images/icons/smile.gif[/img]

  19. #79
    Enlightened One
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    Default Re: Hit Squad Master\'s Unit 3.0 (Newbies Welcome)

    I think by his understanding its a minor hit for him and i would say a minor hit in my book to. Now sex and continued sex with a good looking 10 now thats a major hit. I found vanilla sky completley crap and it was a complete waste of 10 bucks to see it.

  20. #80
    Phero Dude
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    Default Re: Hit Squad Master\'s Unit 3.0 (Newbies Welcome)

    For the promise of hot nookie, I\'ll sit through two hours of schlock. Isn\'t that why movies like Vanilla Sky get made, for women to drag men to go see?

  21. #81
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    Default Re: Hit Squad Master\'s Unit 3.0 (Newbies Welcome)

    I agree with XVS. I\'d say NOT a minor hit, but then I guess everyone has different expectations!

  22. #82

    Default Re: Hit Squad Master\'s Unit 3.0 (Newbies Welcome)

    Hi guys, just to clarify things, I classify it as a \"minor hit\" since I\'ve seen much wilder stuff happen when wearing pheros, NPA based mixes especially. On these days I\'m spending more time trying RM only, to help me compare it against other products/mixes.

    I actually remember that someone on the forum (jamesdeanmartin, JDM if I\'m not wrong) got a sex hit with RM only, getting laid with a gorgeous 10 blonde rockette or something like that... That\'s what I\'d call a major hit!

    In closure, I pretty much liked Vanilla Sky [img]/ubbthreads/images/icons/laugh.gif[/img]

  23. #83
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    Default Re: Hit Squad Master\'s Unit 3.0 (Newbies Welcome)

    So basically this would have been a major hit if you followed up on her offer [img]/ubbthreads/images/icons/laugh.gif[/img] . As for me the major hit that I had from RM was this gal that asked me to dance, started to shower info and questions on me, and then led me into a tight Balboa hold . . . well not quite . . . her back hand was firmly gripping my ass (supposed to be by my shoulder, but I\'m not complaining [img]/ubbthreads/images/icons/wink.gif[/img] ). So for me major hits don\'t have to end up with sex since I\'m not looking for that (yet [img]/ubbthreads/images/icons/wink.gif[/img] ).

    P.S.: I also liked Vanilla Sky

  24. #84

    Default Re: Hit Squad Master\'s Unit 3.0 (Newbies Welcome)

    Swinger, good point! Actually I have to say that I wasn\'t attracted to the brunette very much (to tell the whole thing, I approached them looking for attention from the blonde); however I think it might be an idea to wait a few days before knocking on their door, and see their reactions. Be sure that if it was the blonde to offer, I\'d have promptly followed up [img]/ubbthreads/images/icons/smile.gif[/img] ... We\'ll see what happens in the following days, I think I\'ll want RM by my side again.

  25. #85
    PheroWizard oscar's Avatar
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    Default Re: Hit Squad Master\'s Unit 3.0 (Newbies Welcome)


    If you hooked the wrong fish last time, why not change lures next time.

    Oscar [img]/ubbthreads/images/icons/smile.gif[/img]

  26. #86

    Default Re: Hit Squad Master\'s Unit 3.0 (Newbies Welcome)

    Hi oscar... I think that when I met them, the blonde was on her period (you know, she had that upset look and it seemed to get worse when I approached them), so it would be interesting to see their reactions to RM, when her monthly visitor has gone away.

    The funny part would be when I visit their house, and it\'s brunette\'s turn with the period... [img]/ubbthreads/images/icons/mad.gif[/img] But I guess I\'ll risk. Possible alternatives might be JB#2 (I had a lot of success with this one), or DD#1... In a couple of days I\'ll decide.

  27. #87

    Default Re: Hit Squad Master\'s Unit 3.0 (Newbies Welcome)

    This was a major hit. You got invited to the house in minutes. (Although that\'s how many grade - B psycho babe movies start off). I\'m suprised you got this reaction with RM, but some people are saying that RM is better than we previously thought. But I\'m just so anxious to try JB-X. As for Vanilla Sky, it was phat, confusing for those with short attention spans true (the same people who couldn\'t figure out the basic plot of Mission Impossible 1), but I understand this is the MTV age. I saw the original \"Abre Los Ojos\" (meaning \"Open Your Eyes\"), now that was confusing. Watching a movie that involved and reading sub-titles. The American version cleared a lot up for me. And what about Tech Support. You always need a cool guy who talks in riddles. Maybe I\'ll start doing that.

    -The Bat

  28. #88
    Phero Dude
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    Default Re: Hit Squad Master\'s Unit 3.0 (Newbies Welcome)

    I didn\'t find Vanilla Sky to be confusing.

    Just really annoying.

    But anyway, sorry. I don\'t mean to bring up extraneous topics or start an argument...


  29. #89
    Bodhi Satva CptKipling's Avatar
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    Default Re: Hit Squad Master\'s Unit 3.0 (Newbies Welcome)

    Ok, JBX + APC...

    I decided to start from scratch. Got a spare atomiser and put in 10 drops of APC, 15 drops of RM and 5 drops of NPA. I added an extra 2 drops of RM because i hadnt quite got the scent I had before.

    Its definately thinker, but I would still like to cut it more. Anyway, applied 8 dabs to my head: 2 behind each ear, and the rest spread out over my neck (front and back) and upper chest. Its a heavy dosage but I was going to an outdoor music thing and I wanted to give my school friends a strong -none presance.

    Basically, lots of positive reactions. Loads of eye contact, good body language, conversations. Went with my g/f though, so they were not exactly persuable. Oh yeah, she seemed to like it aswell! Same again at a party. Looks good gentlemen.

  30. #90
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    Default Re: Hit Squad Master\'s Unit 3.0 (Newbies Welcome)

    Ok, I went clubbing saturday night.

    I applied 5 drops of AE (my first test of Alter Ego), two sprays of TE and some stripes of SOE. I admit I must have been close to OD-Territory. As a cologne I used Hugo Boss Elements Aqua.

    Well at the start of the night (11pm) I got a lot of looks and eye-contact from girls as usual. A girl who was on the dancefloor one or two feet from suddenly asked my if I would like to meet her sister. Her sister was standing at the bar, because she was very shy. So I went with the girl who asked me (31) to her sister (19) (both were short and not very cute). There was also this other girl (24) who was a friend of the two sisters and was a lot more interesting. All three were Russian.

    The shy one offered me a drink, but I didn´t take the offer. I talked to the girls, the first question of them was about what kind of job I got and my car. The two sisters were definitely not my type so I decided to move on.

    The interesting thing was that the 24-year-old suddenly popped up after two hours in another room of the club. She danced near me with a nice smile, she was definitely trying to get my attention. The fact that she came to me was definitely a phero effect.

    Unfortunately I made the wrong decision that time. I decided to not pursue the girl, because I thought I could get something better (you can do strange things when you have drunk a little alcohol). I sometimes find it hard to decide what kind of girl I am going after and I realise that this is not a good thing, especially because women like men who know what they want. [img]/ubbthreads/images/icons/wink.gif[/img] Of course it turns out that I can´t get a nicer girls that night. [img]/ubbthreads/images/icons/frown.gif[/img]

    Another thing I noticed is that after about three hours of being in the club there is the need for refreshing myself with cologne. When the night moves on I get less and less positive hits and more and more girls who move away (OD-reaction?). My guess is that this is due to the vanishing cover fragrance. Anyone else notices this?

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