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  1. #1
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    Default Your results with dehydropiandrosterone (DHEA)??

    I\'ve been taking dhea 25mg, what are you all\'s results with that? And, I do notice a lot more pheromone production, as, my sister and sometimes my brother say I smell like a dog when I sweat (using it v.s. when I\'m not.)


  2. #2
    Carpal Tunnel Whitehall's Avatar
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    Default Re: Your results with dehydropiandrosterone (DHEA)??

    If I remember correctly, you\'re a young dude, way under 35. Supplementing with DHEA is not a trivial act and is not generally recommended for anyone under maybe 40.

    Sure, your \"natural\" pheromone production might increase but what else is happening? Do your tits tingle? Is the hair getting a little thinner on the top? How long does it take for those effects to show up? Are they reversable?

    My advice is re-think the DHEA and be conservative and safe.

  3. #3
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    Default Re: Your results with dehydropiandrosterone (DHEA)??

    No, not yet, lol.

    Actually, the hari loss is due to dhd, and this is not going to happen with dehydropiandrosterone. I have read SO No, but for real though, I\'m not worried about nothing, because, I know what dehydropiandrosterone is ALL about, and that, no matter HOW much you take it can\'t make you bold for several reasons, I would not like to take the time to discuss it right now, and also, estrogen, that is not a problem with dhea. Yes, more tesosterone does make estrogen go up, but, dhea doesn\'t make it go up DIRECTILY and SECOND of all, it does not AROMATIZE into estrogen when taken like anadrol and dianabol and some of the others including the famous Winstrol by Maurice Green. That is why they are injectable.

    Also, I have taken 1,000mg of dhea for extended periods of time without side effects, but I think, after about 25mg, the body just pisses out the rest.


  4. #4

    Default Re: Your results with dehydropiandrosterone (DHEA)??

    do you make any strength gains on dhea?......

  5. #5
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    Default Re: Your results with dehydropiandrosterone (DHEA)??

    The only strength gains come from having extra muscle, the only steroid I know that DIRECTLY increases strength is dianabol, the rest do it from leverage of water usually, and also more muscle mass.

    Here\'s the thing about...More strength, etc... If you GOAL is to be SOOO strong, think of the guy who benches 600#, is he respected EVERYWHERE? Does he have the perfect life, does he get the girls? Does anyone CARE? And, does A N Y of that strength WHATSOVER transfer into a REAL life situation, fight, etc? So, I wouldn\'t really worry about, it, same thing as being REALLY big, does the pro bodybuilders get much? I mean, do they have all the girls, all the respect, EVERYTHING? No. In fact, I have learned that, it\'s the fact that, the people who don\'t CARE about that stuff, or what other people think, are the ones the gilrs like. Which is why the jerks get the girl, becuase they don\'t try to please the girl at all, they do what THEY want, dominant male. Anyway....

    Another thing, dehydroepiandrosteRONE, does that mean it translates into androsterone when you sweat? I know it does SOMETHING, becuase I can SMELL it, and so can my brother and sister, and all that, and, it\'s WAY better than the pheromones you can buy, because, when I sweat and I\'m on the stuff, and my shirt is soacked, I get hit on by a bunch of them cashiers (got to go to the store and buys me some POWERAID (they put glycerol in there UNLIKE gatoraid...).

    And, I did read someothing on tests of rone being used at .1mg/ml concentration in scientific tests and the subjects were shown to be better looking, but, where are the tests of the androsteNONE and androsteNOL, except I did read of a test where none comes out NEGATIVE, but, the only thing is, when the girl is rating that, she\'s probably thinking, how FRIENDLY is he, how NICE would he be to me, not, how good would he make me c*m...

    Bart....I gots to get this post moving, it\'s falling BEHIND!

  6. #6
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    Default Re: Your results with dehydropiandrosterone (DHEA)??



  7. #7
    Enlightened One
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    Default Re: Your results with dehydropiandrosterone (DHEA)??

    Not quite sure i think so with DHEA converting to Arone.
    Send a PM to jkohl. If anyone is concerned with taking DHEA switch to the following supplements

    Zinc/magnesium supplement and a Horny goatweed with Tribulus. This will boost LHA and LH levels whilst providing the body with a method of pumping out extra testostrone/androgens (pheromones) without the DHEA worries (main one being the conversion of Testestrone to ostreogen)

  8. #8

    Default Re: Your results with dehydropiandrosterone (DHEA)??

    I\'ve been taking 3mg Homeopathic Sublingiual DHEA for a few days now. Strange thing is that it doesnt say anything about pheromones or hormones on the bottle, it just says improves your well-being etc..

    Anyway it does seem to work as i\'ve noticed a definate change in behaviour to people around me (girls friendlier, tho havn\'t noticed much difference with guys), and my sweat has been smelling much stronger. Another bonus it gives me lots of energy, usually i\'d be half asleep by 2pm but with dhea i\'m wide awake for much longer. Haven\'t noticed any ill side-effects either, but just to be safe i\'m only going to be taking it on days where i\'ll be going out.

  9. #9
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    Default Re: Your results with dehydropiandrosterone (DHEA)??

    Sublingial homeopathic, etc...That is just a fancy name for the same product. 3mg is quite small. I went to the store, but a big bottle of 25mg caps...Like 10$...None of that other crap. I would suggest 25mg...I used more, but, I think that more doens\'t do anything. And if you pay attention to the name, it has androsterone, so, I think it may convert to androsterone. And, me, and you, and I believe a LONG time ago, there was SOMEONE else, who, commented on smeling different when taking the shirt off...And, my sister and brother do say that I smell like a dog. If it\'s adronsterone that\'s good, because, it will convert to the full spectrum of pheromnes, raising the natural level of pheromones in the body, you can\'t get better than that. And, as for working out, you have more testosterone.


  10. #10

    Default Re: Your results with dehydropiandrosterone (DHEA)??

    Sublingual means taken under the tongue, pills are more effective that way as it absorbs into the bloodstream better. Are the ones your taken in pill form, or do you dissolve them under your tongue?

  11. #11
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    Default Re: Your results with dehydropiandrosterone (DHEA)??

    Just like LIQUID CREATINE...It\'s NOT possible, I take it in the pill...Hardly any is lost in digestion, and, you CANNOT absorb it under the tounge first, SECOND, it\'s not STABLE in a liquid or other form...


  12. #12
    Doctor of Scentology DrSmellThis's Avatar
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    Default Re: Your results with dehydropiandrosterone (DHEA)??

    I disagree.

    Sublingual DHEA works great. I take it this way all the time.

    I take 5mg per day, and notice benefits to my pheromones. (see ear wax therad).

  13. #13
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    Default Re: Your results with dehydropiandrosterone (DHEA)??

    5mg versus 25 miligrams?


  14. #14
    Doctor of Scentology DrSmellThis's Avatar
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    Default Re: Your results with dehydropiandrosterone (DHEA)??

    yes. smallest available dose.

  15. #15

    Default Re: Your results with dehydropiandrosterone (DHEA)??


    I have to agree that DHEA is benificial. I\'ve been on 75mg a day for a while now, and notice a definate increase in general \"well being\". Also, it does seem to make females more interested, probably by \"upping\" the amount of \"phero\'s\" secreted. If I didn\'t think this stuff was ok, I wouldn\'t go to the trouble of getting it shipped in from the US. Also, I certainly wouldn\'t be taking that risk (It\'s a No No in the UK). What I will state is that the DHEA with Tribulus has made me 45 going on 18 and thats worth a bit of risk in my book, quality not quantity gents.

    PS Damania makes my misses randy, introduce your prospective ones to the delights of damania tea!!

    Have a happy day...


  16. #16
    Carpal Tunnel Whitehall's Avatar
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    Default Re: Your results with dehydropiandrosterone (DHEA)??

    I\'ve switched to sublingual DHEA (10 mg) and find it is much better than the 25 mg oral. I skip a day or two a week too. My nipples itched at 25 mg so I guess too much estrogen conversation was happening via the liver.

    It is good for the general sense of well being.

  17. #17

    Default Re: Your results with dehydropiandrosterone (DHEA)??


    Also, I always take \"Saw Palmetto\" with the DHEA, it seems to negate some of the reputed \"bad effects\". I would also be interested as to an opinion on \"Tribulus\" preparations, as Sopharma would have us believe that only their \"Tribestan\" product is any good, it\'s also damn expensive. What\'s the concensus...


  18. #18
    Carpal Tunnel Whitehall's Avatar
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    Default Tribulus

    I\'ve faced this dilemma too - which is the most active brand? The Sopharma stuff seems pretty good but I\'d suspect that Biotest is also active. One just knows that there is lot\'s of junk out there.

    Personally, if I try it again, I\'m going to a serious specialty herb house like Om-Chi. They stock the whole Chinese pharmacy plus a number of Western innovations (like Blue Nile Lily). There prices are also more reasonable compared to the meat-head crowd. For a sex enhancer, their Episandra mix is very impressive - it sure makes lovemaking a more heart-touching event.

  19. #19

    Default Re: Your results with dehydropiandrosterone (DHEA)??


    It took me a while to even get my brain around the fact that you guys are using DHEA to boost phero production. This stuff is very risky. I have been lifting weights for over 20 years. I\'ve seen just about every quick fix wonder drug out there. Please believe me when I tell you that you CAN suffer severe side effects from long term use. I know several people who have taken DHEA for extended periods in both high and low dosages. Their problems range from electrolyte imbalance to total kidney failure. Sure, it doesn\'t effect everyone, but it\'s like playing Russian roulette at best. Is it really worth taking the chance just for a phero boost? Don\'t get me wrong. I\'m not just an alarmist or anything. I fully appreciate the benefits of a nice fat Marley every now and then, but science doesn\'t have handle on this stuff yet. They\'re not even completely sure what the role of DHEA in our bodies is. Don\'t take my word for it. The web has a lot of useful information on this topic. Just make sure you don\'t get your information from someone who is selling the stuff. There are also body building forums and mailing lists where guys that have suffered the side effects are trying to get the word out. I\'m certainly not an expert, but from what I\'ve read and seen, the younger you are, the higher the risk.

    Please... If you still insist on taking the stuff, don\'t try to talk others into it.

  20. #20
    Bodhi Satva CptKipling's Avatar
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    Default Re: Your results with dehydropiandrosterone (DHEA)??

    ratspeaker, where do you get all your stuff from?

  21. #21
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    Default Re: Your results with dehydropiandrosterone (DHEA)??

    Guess what? Get out of the cave you came from. Things won\'t KILLLLL you, ok...You\'re not going to have NOOO problems from dhea, creatine...Get a life ok...

    Oh my god, such and such is going to kill me!

    That is just why, they have found that, people in the sun LONGER have LESS sun cancer, than those that are in LESS, AND ALSO USE SUNSCREEN?? Huh, I wonder why? The body\'s not RETARDED if you are in the sun, you build a protectant, if you aren\'t, well, you don\'t.

    And, as far as the dhea goes...Don\'t even THINK, you\'re going to get no liver cancer, crap, there\'s dudes out there taking steroids, no problem, in fact, they are legal just about EVERYWHERE but the United States (people who abused them ruined it for the REST of us...). Listen, stop using the (I\'m going to die if I do this..) excuse...


  22. #22

    Default Re: Your results with dehydropiandrosterone (DHEA)??

    I expected precisely this type of response from you. You make a lot of noise and back it up with nothing.

    1. If you replace something that the body produces naturally, the body will stop producing it (\"The body\'s not RETARDED\"). Get it?
    2. If you shutdown natural production for too long, the body may not be able to resume natural production.
    3. This is exactly why creatine cycling includes a clearing phase. This is to allow the body to restart creatine production.
    4. I HAVE seen this with my own eyes. I HAVE visited friends in the hospital.
    5. Actually, the part that really sucks is that you DON\'T die. You just SUFFER.
    6. If you want to take the chance, go for it. You have been WARNED. Far be it from me to interfere the process of natural selection.
    7. You sound like a child. I will not argue any further with a child. GAME OVER!


  23. #23
    PheroWizard oscar's Avatar
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    Default Re: Your results with dehydropiandrosterone (DHEA)??


    Regrettably, Bart, many of the rest of us are no longer 16 or 17 years of age like you, and the delusion of immortality no longer works for us.

    For those of you who are willing to accept this seasoned experts advice, I wish you well. If the DHEA has no negative effect on you after two or three years you may want to look Bart up and thank him. By then he should be easy to find. He\'ll be the twenty year old speckled guy with the nicest tits in the dialysis unit.

    Bart, I realize that it\'s very hard for someone your age to concede that he doesn\'t know absolutely everything. I recall back in January when you were convinced that applying pure chem-set A-None was the only way to go! You\'ve sinced learned that .015% is a much more effective concentration. Good for you. Take a look back at those old posts and, knowing what you now know, see how childish you appeared, insisting that you had a much more sound theory than the conventional wisdom.

    You\'re doing it again.

    Oscar [img]/ubbthreads/images/icons/smile.gif[/img]

  24. #24

    Default Re: Your results with dehydropiandrosterone (DHEA)??

    Depends which \"Stuff\" you are refering to ? The tribulus - any number of sources - Starmax nutrition are about the cheapest.

    If you want the Sopharma tribestan you have to order from the U.S. supplier.

    DHEA - well its supposed to be banned in the UK, but any number of sites on the net will post it from the U.S. to UK, even some UK sites will sell it to you. For obvious reasons (ie I would like to be able to continue to get it, etc), I would not like to be more specific. Do a search on the NET of UK only sites to see which ones are happy to send to UK customers.

    As for all the \"conjecture\" about harm from this stuff, well I havn\'t read a lot of BAD press. I don\'t believe that reasonable supplementation is harmfull. Of course if you take grams of it to try to look like \"Arnie\" then you may get tits and go bald. I do not use it for \"sports\" enhancement. I use it cos at my age it has positive life enhancing effects. If it was that bad, you would expect a large proportion of the countless people in the states who use it to be in hospital, and the FDA would ban it. Its idiots using large doses as a substitute for banned steroids who get problems, not aging people who keep to a sensible dose. I find it quite reasonable to supplement a bodily substance that is proven to reduce with age, in order to improve ones quality of life. Hey, anyone moan about women taking HRT? HRT for males makes sense, and DHEA fits the role, unless you want to use testosterone patches....

    I\'d rather take the DHEA and enjoy life. I\'ve read the research, and am satisfied that the benefits outweigh the risks. The saw palmetto reduces the negative effects, and is recommended with DHEA supplementation.

    If your scared then sit at home in a cardboard box full of cotton wool - otherwise, roll the dice and enjoy life. I would be more concerned about food additives, flouride in the water and nutters who want to start global thermonuclear war than the consumption of DHEA.


  25. #25
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    Default Re: Your results with dehydropiandrosterone (DHEA)??

    DHEA was recommended by my doctor to both of my parents and also from two professors in the Wellness and Sport Sciences Dept. at my local University. My parents have had dramatically good effects, my mother was having problems with losing hair, and her hair now is stronger than ever and she hasn\'t lost a hair in months. My father has experienced similar positive results.

    My parents swear by the stuff, but they are 53 and 51 respectively. I\'ve dabbled with taking 25 mg for two weeks now. It certainly increases something, because my sweat is ungodly potent, like dumping a bottle of PI all over yourself. It is very strong and the experienced nose can pick up the pheromones in the scent. I don\'t know if it is safe, especially long term. Reading some of these stories I probably won\'t be taking for a long period of time. I\'m only 24 and most agree that younger people shouldn\'t be taking this stuff.


  26. #26
    Bodhi Satva CptKipling's Avatar
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    Default Re: Your results with dehydropiandrosterone (DHEA)??

    Thanks ratspeaker.

    I was mainly talking about tribulus, wont be dabbling in DHEA in dont think, not unless I can get my hands on this palmetto stuff your talking about. Horny Goat Weed aswell. Someone mentioned some Zinc/magnesium/something else suppliment pills, which I am also interested in.

  27. #27
    Phero Pharaoh BassMan's Avatar
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    Default Re: Your results with dehydropiandrosterone (DHEA)??

    <blockquote><font class=\"small\">In reply to:</font><hr>

    My parents swear by the stuff, but they are 53 and 51 respectively.

    <hr></blockquote>I checked in with my doc on DHEA some time ago. He was in favor of me taking it in cycles. FWIW, I\'m also 51. It appears to raise my hormone levels considerably, as I get horny as blazes after a day or two on it. I\'m being _very_ conservative and taking 25mg for a couple of days with a week or so in between.

  28. #28
    Bodhi Satva CptKipling's Avatar
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    Default Re: Your results with dehydropiandrosterone (DHEA)??

    Something else interesting, HGH or, Human Growth Hormone.

    Any cedability? Good sites etc?

    Found these two:

    and also this site for ZMA.

    What do you think?

  29. #29
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    Default Re: Your results with dehydropiandrosterone (DHEA)??

    Yep, HGH is very interesting stuff, although pretty expensive from what I recall, and I think you need a prescription. I\'m not up-to-date on this, would welcome more knowledgeable input.

    I seem to remember one particular danger of using HGH. If your body has stopped growing (late teens for most), and you take too much HGH, or take it for too long -- it will mess up your joints: knees, elbows, wrists, jaw, etc.

  30. #30
    Doctor of Scentology DrSmellThis's Avatar
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    Default Re: Your results with dehydropiandrosterone (DHEA)??

    24 might be too young. They say not \'till 40.

    I take only 5mg per day, after much reading and experimentation. It\'s enough. Even 25mg has been associated with prostate problems. If I\'m \"desparate\" I\'ll take 10. I take time off, too.

    I\'m not worried.

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