Has wearing pheromones changed anybody’s view of human nature?

When I first started using them I took a cynical view that people are a bunch of self-deluded hypocrites that don’t give a damn about character, intellect, talent or wit. (It didn’t help that I was recently divorced.) Now I’ve taken the slightly more positive view that people are basically sensual beings with a tendency to get caught up in (moralistic/egotistic/materialistic) head trips.
Imagine. All it takes is one little whiff of pheromones to take a woman’s mind from “Mr. Right” to “Mr. Right Now”. It makes me think that, however much we think we’re in control, Nature still Rules.

So you see... I’m not really seducing anybody, I’m simply liberating their nature.

Does that sound like a convenient rationalization, or am I really on to something?

Either way, I’m off to “test” a new chem kit mix. Good luck to whoever else is out there testing stuff, and I hope to read some interesting responses when I get back.