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  1. #1

    Default R Pheros what I need? Forum opinion...

    Has anybody used a phero product to counter a woman’s negative VNO perception of your “scent”? To clarify, there has been research proving that women (usually subconsciously—though not in my case) are attracted to men who’s genetic & immunity make-up are similar, though not identical, to their own. The pattern they look for is determined by their father, hence the coin, “I’m looking for someone who SMELLS LIKE DAD.”

    I am currently in a situation where I am head over heals for my young-lady best friend. I have been bold enough to ask about “expanding the relationship” but she rejected me, limiting us to being “Just Friends”. Her excuses at the time were weak, citing a number of physical characteristics that identified me as “not her type”. She has since dated other men with those very same characteristics. In a recent conversation, she revealed the truth: emotionally and mentally, I AM her type; physically, I’m still not, but what particularly turns her off to me is my “scent”.

    Before responding with any comments about my “odor,” please re-read the first paragraph. She describes the perception as “breathing my aura”, not as a definitive SMELL, and goes so far as to cite, \"I look for a guy who smells like Dad.\" As a forum of phero users, I would hope everyone can appreciate the difference.

    I am confident enough in my romantic and sexual abilities to believe that, if she just gave US a chance, she’d be happy (and make me happy in the process). But to do that, she first has to like my “scent”. I’m not looking to drive her sexually mad (she is, first and foremost, my friend, and I\'d feel as bad about using a phero to that end as I would about using a date-rape pill on her), but rather want her to perceive me through my “scent” as being someone worth giving a chance. Will the “she’ll be attracted to you and not even know why” claim of most phero products work to this end? What products/pheros would you recommend? Is the use of a phero for this purpose feasible? In general, any thoughts or suggestions?

  2. #2
    PheroWizard oscar's Avatar
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    Default Major Histocompatibility Complex


    Sounds to me that MHC - Major Histocompatibility Complex is what you\'re referring to in the beginning of your post, but this girl\'s got it backwards.

    The seeking out of a mate with widely DIFFERING genetic and immune make-up to ones own is the survival of the species strategy, not the opposite.

    This would throw up red flags for me if a girl consciously flew in the face of the biological norm this way. There may be issues involved here that you don\'t want to know about.

    Whether or not the synthetic pheros can alter her MHC perception of you, I cannot say for sure. If you\'re determined, I\'d suggest trying something lightweight, like APC.

    But think hard about why a female would want to be involved with a clone of Daddy, and actually say as much.

    Be afraid. Be at least somewhat afraid.

    Staying in the \"Let\'s Just Be Friends Zone\" might be the safest thing you can do.

    Oscar [img]/ubbthreads/images/icons/wink.gif[/img]

  3. #3
    Bodhi Satva CptKipling's Avatar
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    Default Re: R Pheros what I need? Forum opinion...

    Personally, although I know i can\'t completely understand your situation, I would just move on. Plenty o\' better women out there who will appriciate you for who you are. After all, pheros only open the door.

  4. #4

    Default Re: R Pheros what I need? Forum opinion...

    The smell thing is really powerful. I don\'t think it\'s something that can be overcome. I agree - disengage and move on.But while we\'re on the subject - when\'s the last time you had a physical? this is a long shot, maybe, but ... things like diabetes can make you smell funny - maybe other things can, too. It\'s not the kind of thing most people would tell you. Worth checking with your doctor about?

  5. #5
    PheroWizard oscar's Avatar
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    Default Re: R Pheros what I need? Forum opinion...


    Who knows?
    Maybe DADDY\'s the one with diabetes!

    Whether or not EITHER of the male leads in this story has scent-altering maladies, I would venture the opinion that the girls rationale for not being willing to give our friend J_Hicks a tumble, stinks!

    It\'s a delight to read your posts. I\'ve been remiss in not having welcomed you to the board prior to this. Aren\'t some things better late, than never?
    Dear Lady,
    Welcome! [img]/ubbthreads/images/icons/smile.gif[/img]

    Oscar [img]/ubbthreads/images/icons/wink.gif[/img]

  6. #6

    Default Re: R Pheros what I need? Forum opinion...

    Thank you sir!I think the girl\'s wack, no question. The guy sounds like someone I would like to know. It\'s hard, though, when you\'ve got your mind set on someone, isn\'t it? Even if they tell you you stink because you don\'t smell like Daddy... lolololol ohmygod stop the madness

  7. #7

    Default Re: Major Histocompatibility Complex

    MHC is exactly what I was referring to, however, the findings do seem to vary from one source to the next. MANY define a woman\'s preference as being defined by dear old dad, and focus on a search for IMMUNITIES rather than genetic matches:

    While others define it as a search for GENETIC differences:

    Perhaps the truth lies in the middle. I can\'t imagine that most women would seek a genetic match to their father, however I could see them seeking a match to their father\'s immunities. Looking for someone who \"smells like dad\" would not seem so perverse if this is the case. Regardless, your input is valued. Thanks

  8. #8

    Default Re: R Pheros what I need? Forum opinion...

    Wow. I never actually expected to get support on this subject. To answer some of the questions I\'ve read here:

    It\'s been a while since my last check-up, however I do donate blood every 8 weeks, tests on which would reveal any serious maladies such as diabetes. If I\'m ill, it\'s not likely blood-borne.

    Yes, it\'s hard when you\'re stuck on someone.

    And though I consider it a bit private to share with strangers, my history of interest with this friend is not without its periods of \"giving up and moving on\". The term \"opposites attract\" define the latest failed relationship. What draws me continually back to my friend is that we are SOOO alike--which is rare to find when you have a personality like mine :-P I\'m not under the dilusion that this will likely never happen, but damnit, if there\'s a possability, I have to try it. Given the varying results of different mones, I\'m merely looking for experienced advice on which one(s) I should try via which products (if any at all). If I try and it doesn\'t work, THEN its time to move on.

  9. #9

    Default Re: R Pheros what I need? Forum opinion...

    You know, pheros arent the only solution, you might want to try NLP (neurolinguistic programming - nothing to do with PC\'s) to get her to fall in love with you.

    try -both free sites

    if you go to the layguide, then there are some \"patterns\" that you can run that are supposed to help you turn a friend into a lover, but I advise you to read the whole layguide. It wont be hard for you to do any of these things because you are already in a position where you can talk to her comfortably.

    If it works for you, then please come back to the forum and tell us about it.

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