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  1. #1
    Administrator Bruce's Avatar
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    Default Female forum members

    I just received a well thought-out complaint from a female forum member that has finally inspired me to do something for the plight of women on the forum.

    Actually, the situation might not be as dire as it seems on the surface. There have been times when women ruled the forum. What happens is that one sex or the other takes over to the point that when the other sex posts something it manages to disappear from the radar before getting responded to, and very soon you have a situation where it looks like there are only men (or women) on the board and the opposite sex just gives up posting altogether.

    The obvious solution seems to be starting a separate forum which is dedicated to women getting their needs met. Not that men would be barred from posting in the proposed \"women\'s forum\"; they would just have to post material relevent to the cause at hand (ie: women attracting whomever they want to attract).

    The beauty of this system is obvious. Even if the new forum only got a couple of posts a day, those posts would remain front and center, waiting for the next woman (or man wanting to contribute to the effort) to come along. This was suggested to me in reference to the proposed Pheromone Conference, whose posts were quickly slipping into oblivion until we gave them their own forum.

    So, as you can see, the more I write about this idea, the more excited I am getting about it, and though I am 99% sold on the idea, it would be great to see some feedback from all, male and feamale (come on you lurkers too).

    A forum whose time has come?


  2. #2

    Default Re: Female forum members

    Bruce, I think making a women\'s forum would be a great idea. I agree that the posts we make sometimes just seem to disappear within the depths of all the other posts. Maybe with a women\'s forum more women will want to express thier thoughts.

  3. #3

    Default Re: Female forum members

    I agree, the women should have a place to post things without having to sift through all our posts, 95% of which have little or no use to them

  4. #4
    Join Date
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    Default Re: Female forum members

    I think it\'s a great idea! Thanks Bruce.

    \"Woman\" a/k/a \"Lurker\"

    (No, I guess I\'m a former \"lurker\" now, after this, my first post.)

  5. #5
    Phero Enthusiast
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    Default Re: Female forum members

    Good idea, Bruce, it would realy help ! I do wish a lot of women will come here( lesbians too, please !)
    But don\'t worry, you guys, your opinions will be welcome.


  6. #6
    Phero Dude Xehupatl's Avatar
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    Default Re: Female forum members

    ahhaha me thinks if you put up a women\'s forum it\'ll be flooded with men jumping on every opportunity to answer the female\'s questions ... but good idea!

  7. #7
    Phero Enthusiast
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    Default please give us the answers, man !

    maybe you\'re right, xehupatl - but you don\'t always have the answers, do you ? seems you have so many questions to ask, otherwise there wouldn\'t be thousands posts here !
    I just hope everyone will be fair and cool on this new forum.

    Frenchie :-)

  8. #8

    Default Re: Female forum members

    Great idea, Bruce - please do this.

    I read every post on this board. I hate to say it, but the underlying tone of SOME of the posts, and the blatant anti-women tone of others feels unwelcoming to me. I bought pheros here, and posts like these make me hesitant to ask questions pertaining to their use.

    And I grew up with 2 younger brothers...!

    I\'d love to have a place where I could feel free to ask my questions. I want to use my pheros (PI/w, PCC, Inner Realm) to my highest benefit.


  9. #9
    Administrator Bruce's Avatar
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    Default Re: Female forum members

    Heidi and all,
    I know what you mean. I don\'t think any harm was meant, which is pretty amazing when you have this many \"guys\" together in one spot, but there have been times when I worried about how a thread must look to women readers. Sometimes you see the phrase \"war between the sexes\" in books and magazines. Well that kind of atmosphere surfaces a lot in the forum, and male posters often don\'t think about the fact that \"there are ladies present\" when they post. Even words like \"seduction\" imply treachery and/or getting someone to do something that is not in his/her best interest. There are a lot of ethical issues in the use of pheromones or any other \"technique\" used to attract others. At least now women will have an equal footing to exchange pointers.
    \"With great power, comes great responsibility\"

  10. #10
    Full Member
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    Default Re: Female forum members

    I think a Female forum is a great idea. It won\'t stop the \"men are from mars, women from venus\" debates, but the new forum will be a great place for women to post Phero questions and field reports without them getting lost in the maze of all the mens posts.

  11. #11

    Default Re: Female forum members

    Well...since it was my idea, of course I think it\'s a great one! And proposing it online seems to have brought out a couple of fellow females, so that\'s good! It\'s absolutely true that the tone of many of the guys\' emails is predatory and threatening sometimes - but after all, we\'re talking about methods of seduction here... :-) and we women set as many traps as you men do - am I right? All\'s fair in love and war, as they say.
    As far as the guys jumping in to answer women\'s questions - PLEASE. DO. You\'re as much a mystery to us as we are to you, and any clarification/guidance you can offer as to why you act like you do (!) is more than welcome in my book.

    MEANWHILE: are there any heterosexual women out there (no dis to my Sapphic sisters intended) who have tried any of these products and are willing to recommend any certain one?

  12. #12
    Enlightened One
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    Default Re: Female forum members

    Yes im male and hetrosexual im jumping in no pun intended. Common guys lets leave the threatening emails alone i love offering my guidnece and insight for women always good to clairfy my points of view. There are plenty of \"inactive\" women as forum members they just dont post. The new female forum should fix that CJ01 is female also and chuymm i think. I would recommend PCC as a female product and also AE for men seems to have an effect on me. Ive got female friends using the stuff they tell me whats effective i introduced them to the stuff so i get the feedback im sure they have found the forum and have been reading along also.
    Lesbians are also welcome to post we need a few also.

  13. #13
    Phero Pro jose's Avatar
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    Default Re: Female forum members

    I also think this is a good idea, female forum members can compare notes on usage of Pheromones. Guys can post and give their two cents. I see no problem with it. [img]/ubbthreads/images/icons/smile.gif[/img]

  14. #14

    Default Re: Female forum members

    Chummym is guy.

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