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  1. #1
    Phero Enthusiast
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    Default Subconscious Effects of Pheromones

    I was thinking today about an underrated aspect of the pheromones. I think they make an imprint on the individual on the subconscious level as well as the visible responses. When I first used APC, I used it on a school function where I went to DC with a group of 8 other college students. I wore copious amounts of APC, and the next morning, every single girl in the group talked about how they had \"sex dreams\" about guys in the group but didn\'t want to say whom. One of the girls who was very innocent walked up to one of my roommate and said, \"I had a dream you said you loved me.\" LOL. I forgot about that until recently.

    Last Thursday I met the older sister of one of my friends. She\'s attractive and a potential target, so I had some TE and SOE on. The next day, my friend told me her sister \"dreamed about me all night\".

    Now I don\'t know if this is a subconscious effect, or the fact that the \'mones make the girls think about you more, which in turn makes the girls more succeptible to dreaming about you. Also dreams are seen as a way of working out real world situations without inhibitions. Maybe that is what these girls really want but their societal constructs are holding them back.

    Just bored thinking aloud again today,

  2. #2
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    Default Re: Subconscious Effects of Pheromones

    During July 4th weekend, I OD\'ed a little on The Egde (TE). When i got home that night I was depressed as hell, but fell asleep quickly. I had wild sex dreams all night.

    I have OD\'ed on TE twice that i know of, both times i was depressed as hell and both times had wild sex dreams.

    Makes me wonder what the secret ingredients are in TE/NPA.

  3. #3

    Default Re: Subconscious Effects of Pheromones

    Yeah, I would definitely count a girl dreaming about you as a hit! Unfortunately, she has to be very comfortable with you to mention that she dreampt about you.

    So, did these girls show any unusual behavior during school function? It\'d be interesting if they showed no reaction in the DC, but they all had weird dreams later.

  4. #4
    Carpal Tunnel Whitehall's Avatar
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    Default Re: Subconscious Effects of Pheromones

    I was just thinking about how a DIHL connects to the dream state. During a dream, the consciousness tries to resolve conflicts; during a DIHL or lesser hit, the limbic system ( a foundation of the human nervous system, related to emotions) gets stimulated. A sexual dream by a target following pheromone exposure is the result of that stimulus.

    We often wondered, what is a DIHL perceived as by someone experiencing it? I think that it might be somewhat dream-like, as when a female describes an attractive man as \"dreamy.\"

    Of course, when I first started using pheromones, I noticed heavy-duty sexual dreams too. I put some PCC on the sheet and pillow case last night and had wonderful dreams about sexy, juicy women.

  5. #5

    Default Re: Subconscious Effects of Pheromones

    Really?! That\'s reason enough for me to get the copulins. =). New marketing strategy, Bruce...

    So, which pheromones caused you to have dreams about women, Whitehall? You would think it\'d be the copulins and not the androgenic pheromones.

    So, has anyone tried putting any of the concentrated EW on their pillows?!

  6. #6
    Enlightened One
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    Default Re: Subconscious Effects of Pheromones

    PCC definelty lol new marketing ploy yes reminds me of the use for pheros attraction and the edge of spraying on pillows of youre partner and then when you go to sleep it has very interesting respones.

  7. #7

    Default Re: Subconscious Effects of Pheromones

    I guess that\'s one way to validate that pheros work -- if the cops affect me, than the andros probably affect the girls.

  8. #8
    Phero Enthusiast
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    Default Re: Subconscious Effects of Pheromones

    there is also an 70% percent chance that if a girl dreams of you in a romantic and sexual manner, she would do it for real.

  9. #9

    Default Re: Subconscious Effects of Pheromones

    Where did you get the 70% figure?

  10. #10

    Default Re: Subconscious Effects of Pheromones

    That would be out of the treastise on the limbic conciousness o f altered states as per Dr. Cutler and her postscript on pheromonal influences and behaviors, pge 2...that 70% is an alterable number depending on the random control group and actual 24 cycle of hormones...fascinating stuff!!

  11. #11
    Carpal Tunnel Whitehall's Avatar
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    Default Sweet Dreams

    My first experience with heavy duty pheromones was TE, then NPA - the memorable sexy dreams lasted for maybe a month until I got acclimated. I tried PCC on the pillows Sunday night, for a little party for two, then slept. Even though I had had a good workout, still had sexy dreams that night .

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