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Thread: Sex Strap

  1. #31
    Administrator Bruce's Avatar
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    Default Re: A word to the wise...

    I\'m checking it out now. I may have to eat my words on the scam accusation; just couldn\'t buy the \"we are too busy to answer email\"

  2. #32
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    Default Re: A word to the wise...

    Read this and judge for yourself ...

    .. I think it\'s another crappy and useless invention to make more €€s or $$s.

  3. #33
    Phero Enthusiast
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    Default Re: A word to the wise...

    I second, third or whatever it, I\'d buy it if Bruce sold it.


  4. #34

    Default Re: A word to the wise...

    ??? I found a \"contacts\" option just fine on the left side of the site. For your use follow this URL:

  5. #35
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    Default Re: A word to the wise...

    To answer your question regarding where these things are shipped from....... I received mine today (4 days from order to arrival) and I was SHOCKED to see \"Stone Independent Research, Inc\" on the return address label. I was just TOO intrigued not to order one. The price was right even to buy it for a hoot. I\'m gonna try wearing it this weekend and will report back as I\'m sure the others who are trying it will also.

  6. #36
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    Default Re: A word to the wise...

    Well could just order the strap to use with your own pheros i suppose..or buy their bottle of pheros and treat each strap..but actually its just a cheap peice of nylon strap with a little sponge sewn it worth $20..hell could make it yourself for about $1.50..what they want you to do is buy their phero bottle to treat it with..and if you just buy the strap theyre still up about $18...just my opinion.

  7. #37

    Default Re: A word to the wise...

    bruce, i dont understand, i guess phil stone didnt tell you he was providing the mones for this product..the big tip off was when their customer srvce recommended alter ego and p10, both stone products ....

  8. #38
    PheroWizard oscar's Avatar
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    Default Re: A word to the wise...


    Good to see you back!
    I\'m very curious. What does the strap smell like? They go on about the infusion of oils etc. that the strap itself exudes and I was wondering how pleasant and how strong that scent is.

    While the product itself is obviously attributable to Stone Labs, I can\'t believe that the marketing is. The claim that it\'s 12x stronger than anything else would have to ignore many products that Stone themselves produce.
    A .06% concentration IS 12x stronger than the reputed .005% concentration of APC, but only 4x stronger than PPA\'s .015%, and less than twice as strong as AE (.045%) or AFA (.040%).

    I do see that SIR (Stone Independent Research) holds the copyright on the website, but an outfit called White Sands LLC is mentioned in the terms of use presumably as the ostensible distributor.

    The text of the site just doesn\'t look like Stone stuff to me, the outrageous claims and all.

    One thing I got a particular kick out of was this:
    \"For long days and endless nights Egyptian men used to wear a groin cloth loaded with a mixture of Date Palm Pollen, Kola Nut Extract, Guarana Extract, Passion flower, Ginseng, and Damiana allowing it to rub on their testicles to prepare for orgies.\"
    Now, I\'m no botanist, nor do I play one on TV, but unless I\'m mistaken, at least Damiana is a new world plant that Egyptians in \"groin cloths\" (presumably ANCIENT Egyptians) would have had some difficulty acquiring.

    I also have a hard time believing that you can swim and shower with this thing on and not dilute the potency of the pheros in the sponge.

    That being said, I do think that it\'s an interesting product and wouldn\'t mind trying it out if Bruce were able to make it available. I\'m way too spoiled by the incredible level of customer service that Love-Scent provides, and don\'t want to buy phero products elsewhere.
    Did that once. Never again!

    Oscar [img]/ubbthreads/images/icons/smile.gif[/img]

  9. #39
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    Default Re: A word to the wise...

    Hi guys,
    All the observations above are duly noted and should be adheard to. I agree with Oscar that the hype seems a bit over the top and totally produced for marketing purposes. I would have preferred the straight forward Love-scent approach of it \"works but you will need to work with it to find out what works for you\". With that said it is a very tempting product to try, first for the price, second that it has a guarantee money back option and third because it seems that it is being produced by a reputable producer whoses products appear here already. The theory that drives this product is also intriguing, most of us don\'t want to apply any pheromone products to our nice clothes especially not knowing how they might be stained. As in most things sprayed the smell seems to last longer on clothes than they do on skin, of course this could be a good thing (unless you OD) and either way washing will solve the problem. This theory of controlled release and even more intriguing pinpoint targeting (of ethnic desire) is a very interesting concept that if ever proven to be true could be revolutionary. Has science advanced that far this rapidly? I am a skeptic whenever over the top marketing seems to be involved and most of the time my skeptitism is valid. However with the rapid advancement of technological breakthroughs in this information Tech highway world breakthroughs seem to happen rapidly everyday in all fields of science so maybe there is some validity to their claims. If that is so I would love to have been on the ground floor of investors who have invested in this product and also say to Love-Scent that if this product passes the \"Bruce test\" then they should definitely become a distributor of this product. One thing Love- Scent has on everyone else is their customer service and integrity which Phil Stone uses to his advantage already and would be a great asset to his new product, if it is proven to be legit.

  10. #40
    PheroWizard oscar's Avatar
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    Default Re: Ethnicity Specific Formula?


    I agree.
    But what\'s with the ethnicity thing? Has Stone done studies on different races to see what mones or blends work best?
    If they have, and could make this data available, I KNOW that there\'s a lot of folks right here on the forum who would be EXTREMELY interested.

    While I might expect that some company that made the strap (and ONLY the strap) would guard this data closely as proprietary information, Stone would stand to benefit greatly from the sale of the Chem-Set stuff that guys here would want to use to mix up their own \"ethnicity specific\" attraction formula.

    Well, I guess it won\'t hurt to ask.

    Oscar [img]/ubbthreads/images/icons/smile.gif[/img]

  11. #41
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    Default Re: Ethnicity Specific Formula?

    A question I have also is about the \"super strap concentrate\" is this a general pheromone mix (since it has a unisex smell) or is it a part of a special Ethnic formula that they use to create your signature strap? I can assume that if you order the concentrate or the Special Combo pack that the company will send you the specific formula that is specified by your ethnicity choices which means they must have dozens of pre-manufactured formulas, considering the many ethnic and age choices available.

  12. #42

    Default Caveat Emptor! RANT

    Dudes! I think you\'re being manipulated. This is about the hokiest website I\'ve ever seen.

    For example:
    \"When it comes to the saying \"size matters\" I have been on the short end of the stick! My penis size has never been much to shout about, and I know it has made it hard for me to please my sexual partners (and it has been embarrassing too). With The Sex Strap™ I am now pleasing my current partner like never before! She is amazed and I am finally confident about my abilities in the bedroom.\"
    Wayne Chevers, Sante Fe, NM\"

    Guess what? I just called Directory Assistance and there is NO LISTING for a Wayne Chevers in Santa Fe, New Mexico.

    Even assuming poor Wayne was chased out of the state by hoards of horny women and took up residence elsewhere under an alias, now -- think about what you read -- you men out there are smart --

    ???!! He had trouble pleasing his partners because he wasn\'t big enough, but now that he has the Sex Strap, he\'s pleasing his partners.

    Implication: The Sex Strap makes your dick bigger.

    OH PLEASE! Boosts your IQ by 20 points too. Pull my other leg.

    Then we have the pictures of the young women, one after another, almost all wearing red lipstick (!) with these goofy-assed come-on expresions on their faces. They\'re co-eds. If you wear the Sex Strap, you could have all these girls. Right. Uh-huh. Yeah, so could I.

    And they put 10 men in a room and one had a Sex Strap
    on and the other 9 didn\'t and the women all picked the guy with the Sex Strap as the sexiest. Ahem. They maybe don\'t mention Mr. Sex Strap looked like Brad Pitt and the other 9 guys were 99 years old, beat half to death with the Ugly stick, got b.o., bad breath and only one tooth.


    I\'m insulted on ya\'ll\'s behalf. That site is trying to lead you around by your pecker - shameless, SHAMELESS manipulation.

    A \"leading European college\" (yes, because we all know those Europeans are rilly rilly sexy woo-hoo! - aside from Frenchie, that\'s probably all hype too) has studies that prove the effectiveness of the Sex Strap. Yeah? So where\'s the text? Oh, there isn\'t any - but you can just take their word for it. And meanwhile, here - read these studies proving the efficacy of pheromones. Well, yeah - they\'re not about that specific formulation, though...

    If this thing works I\'ll eat my shoes.

    Oh, P.S.

    Specific to your ethnicity my fat white ass. I don\'t believe it.

    Theseus, isn\'t this an example of NLP or something like it? Ethnicity -- oooh, yeah, baby -- submissive Asian females walking naked on your back with their teeny little feet, etc.? or whatever it is y\'all fantasize about the poor Asian girls (talk about hype to live up to, it\'s worse than the redhead thing) but that\'s a whole other subject...

    It\'s too ridiculous for words.

    I\'m gonna start up my own website. Renee\'s Magic Panties. Wear them on your head at night! You\'ll have superpowers! You\'ll mesmerize every woman around! Redhead pheromones attract blah blah blah. Twenty dollars. Plus 19.99 for shipping and handling. Money back guarantee -- call Wayne Chevers for a refund.

    Damn, Sam, c\'mon.

  13. #43
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    Default Re: A word to the wise...

    Hi Oscar & All,

    I ordered the unisex strap mainly because I wanted to try it out at work where I\'ve always received very noticeable reactions to various pheros from both sexes. I don\'t for one minute believe all of the marketing hype but I definitely wanted to explore a different way of wearing pheros.

    The scent of this thing is very pleasant and I\'m sure that whatever pheros are in it are products that are already known here to love-scent regulars.I have a feeling Bruce will have many answers for us shortly. In the meantime I\'m gonna wear it for a few days and observe. The pleasant scent is of pheros I\'ve not tried before so what the hell.....I love trying new stuff (although I\'m waaaaay too chicken to try EW!!!!)

    Later folks [img]/ubbthreads/images/icons/smile.gif[/img]

  14. #44
    PheroWizard oscar's Avatar
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    Default Re: Caveat Emptor!


    Can\'t argue the criticism of the site. The one thing that makes this product interesting though, is the fact that it\'s manufactured by Stone Independent Research.

    They are the creators of Perfect Ten, Alter Ego, AFA, PPA, PCC, etc., all of which I have, and all of which are excellent phero products.

    Although the site lists SIR as the copyright holder, I\'ve never before seen anything this full of typical internet phero bullsh*t attributable to Stone Labs. Maybe they\'ve had so many contract players (Rogue Male, One Night Stand) go belly-up on them that they now retain the rights to advertising copy to stuff that isn\'t actually being sold by them so that they can recoup their losses when the player folds. I don\'t know.

    What I do know is that if Stone has put their name on it, it\'s not total bullsh*t even if the marketing looks that way.

    Still like to hear some reviews though.
    If the thing DOES make your dick bigger, I\'d better steer clear of it. [img]/ubbthreads/images/icons/wink.gif[/img]

    Oscar [img]/ubbthreads/images/icons/wink.gif[/img]

  15. #45
    Phero Pharaoh BassMan's Avatar
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    Default Re: Caveat Emptor! RANT

    Renee\'s Magic Panties - Business Plan:

    1500 Cotton Panties from Kmart ... $4500
    1500 baggies ............................ $ 150
    1 bottle of EW .......................... free
    advertising on ...........(Bruce??)
    shipping and handling ................. $3000
    the look on their face when
    they open the baggie ............... priceless

  16. #46
    Doctor of Scentology DrSmellThis's Avatar
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    Default Re: A word to the wise...

    I\'m not saying it won\'t attract people just fine, but I don\'t see how it could be a useful product. Pheromones highly diluted in Etoh and water don\'t stain clothes. Now Bassman\'s jeans -- I\'d pay for those! [img]/ubbthreads/images/icons/smile.gif[/img] Why put a goofy strap on yourself? You can control the release of pheromones by experimenting with the application. Why spend money on the strap part when you could be spending it on more pheromones?

    Somebody should be spanked hard for putting out a website like that. Weekly World News is more believable. The good point is that it may repulse more of the public and make them more skeptical, thus leaving the art to US. [img]/ubbthreads/images/icons/smile.gif[/img]

  17. #47
    Phero Pharaoh BassMan's Avatar
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    Default Re: A word to the wise...

    <blockquote><font class=\"small\">In reply to:</font><hr>

    Somebody should be spanked hard for putting out a website like that.


    Well, ok then. There for a minute I thought you _didn\'t_ like the website.

  18. #48

    Default Re: A word to the wise...

    Looking over Bassman\'s plan, it appears I\'m sitting on a goldmine.

    Wait a minute - spanked hard?

    Why do they get reinforced for being bad? I\'m confused...

  19. #49
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    Default Re: Caveat Emptor! RANT

    I\'m insulted on ya\'ll\'s behalf. That site is trying to lead you around by your pecker - shameless, SHAMELESS manipulation.


    Hahahahahahaha......I don\'t even have a pecker and here I am the proud new owner of a brandy-new sex strap [img]/ubbthreads/images/icons/smile.gif[/img]

    I DO think your \"rant\" about the website itself is justified but I\'m still eager to give it a try. IF it works I\'ll be happy to send ya some home-grown herbs to sprinkle on your shoes [img]/ubbthreads/images/icons/wink.gif[/img]


  20. #50

    Default Re: Caveat Emptor! RANT

    Somehow I don\'t feel in any danger lol.

    But I sure appreciate the offer.

    As for not having a pecker - well, that Sex Strap will probably grow you one if you squeeze your eyes real tight and wish with all your might while you wear it.

    And swing a chicken \'round your head while standing on one left foot by the light of a blue moon.

    And then you can put on some red lipstick and have your picture taken for your testimonial.

  21. #51
    Banned User EXIT63's Avatar
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    Default Re: A word to the wise...

    I\'m ready to order the panties.
    Where do I send my check?

  22. #52

    Default Re: A word to the wise...

    Well, it depends, I mean - did you want to order them wholesale by the gross (ha)

  23. #53
    PheroWizard oscar's Avatar
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    Default Re: Caveat Emptor! RANT


    Baby if you can find a BETTER way to lead a man around than by his pecker, Madison Avenue wants YOU!


    Give it your best shot!
    2mL of .06% A-Nol should definitely be good for something.
    The thought of watching FTR gnawing on her shoes while I chow down on a freshly opened bag of RMP\'s sounds very stimulating to me. [img]/ubbthreads/images/icons/wink.gif[/img]

    Oscar [img]/ubbthreads/images/icons/smile.gif[/img]

  24. #54
    Phero Pharaoh BassMan's Avatar
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    Default Re: A word to the wise...

    Can you imagine... I mean... Can you EVEN imagine... 144 baggies each containing one cotton panty well-sprayed with EW?

    Brings a new meaning to gross, eh?

  25. #55
    Phero Enthusiast
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    Default From Stone labs ? Re: A word to the wise...

    I hope Bruce got info from Stone labs it is true or not.
    and better if Bruce can sell it if it is true.

  26. #56
    Phero Pharaoh BassMan's Avatar
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    Default Re: Caveat Emptor! RANT

    <blockquote><font class=\"small\">In reply to:</font><hr>

    The thought of watching FTR gnawing on her shoes while I chow down on a freshly opened bag of RHP\'s sounds very stimulating to me.



    I mean that as a compliment, of course.

  27. #57

    Default Re: A word to the wise...

    Does the stuff really reek that bad?

    ...I haven\'t laughed this hard in a while.

  28. #58
    Banned User EXIT63's Avatar
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    Default Re: A word to the wise...

    I want the deluxe package. You know, the ones straight out of the hamper.

  29. #59

    Default Re: A word to the wise...

    Yeah, ok. Aged how long?

    We\'re running a special - for an extra 50.00, I\'ll throw in a genuine redhead pube.

    It will make you psychic and able to read women\'s thoughts.

  30. #60
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    Default Re: A word to the wise...

    Again :

    For god\'s sake just read this and judge for yourself ...

    .. it\'s E-Bay sales-style !!!!!

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