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  1. #1

    Default Which Would You Use on a Resume?

    I know a lot of people have used pheromones on resumes. Well, now it\'s my turn.

    My employer has pretty much gone belly up, and I find myself out shopping my skills to the world. I\'ve got to submit my first resume and a narrative letter to them next week.

    I plan on using an alcohol based product so it won\'t stain the paper. I\'ve thought about trying either RM with it\'s straight -none, or possibly AFA since it has a 50-50 mix of -none and -nol. I tried both and sealed them up in an envelope, and neither has any scent the next day. It may be that I didn\'t put enough on it....but not sure yet. Still experimenting with the dosage.

    So, does anybody have any solid feel for what the best product is to use on a resume? Straight none or a combo of both?

  2. #2
    Moderator Mtnjim's Avatar
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    Default Re: Which Would You Use on a Resume?

    I would tend to think that some of the decision rests on the field you are in. A steelworker would need a different profile from a choreographer if you see what I mean. Also, I think where you are would make some difference. If you are in the US or UK, you are more likely to run into a female HR person than in Iran for example.
    Just my .02 (insert currancy here)

  3. #3

    Default Re: Which Would You Use on a Resume?

    First, it\'s in the US. Also, it\'s going to be for a fairly high position in a Universtiy setting.

    It\'s supposed to be a panel of 3 men who will look over the applicants.

  4. #4
    Moderator Mtnjim's Avatar
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    Default Re: Which Would You Use on a Resume?

    Since you are going to be at a University, I might use maybe a 5:1 Nol to None. The reasoning is the \"intellectual\" setting of the job. The board might be looking for someone who is friendly, but you want to also give some \"presence\" to your image. Quite a different atmosphere from a construction job or the cut throat Wall Street world.
    Oh!, yes, I also work at a university, I tend to read the posts while waiting for some proscess to complete.
    (on a final note--watch out for the politics of the academic world)

  5. #5

    Default Re: Which Would You Use on a Resume?

    Thanks for the input Mtnjim

    The problem is that I don\'t have an alcohol based product with a majority of nol to apply to the application....although in the interview I could always go with something like SoE. But, I\'ve got to get to the interview point first.

    I may just go with the AFA...since it\'s got a 50-50 mix of none to nol. Too bad I don\'t have the chem set to add a little nol to the mix.

  6. #6
    Phero Dude
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    Default Re: Which Would You Use on a Resume?

    Given the sometimes cut-throat atmosphere of academia, I don\'t know that you want to use much -none on your resume... people might be intimidated and recommend not to hire!

  7. #7
    Moderator Mtnjim's Avatar
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    Default Re: Which Would You Use on a Resume?

    So, what happened?

  8. #8

    Default Re: Which Would You Use on a Resume?

    Well, I don\'t know yet how it worked out.. I just submited one resume yesterday, and another one today. So, I don\'t know the results...probably won\'t until after the first of September.

    I ultimately ended up putting light sprays of AFA on them. First, because it\'s an alcohol based product that would dry invisible on the paper, it\'s basically scentless once it dries....and also because it was an even balance of -none and -nol.

    I actually have applied for two jobs at the University. I understand the concern about -none and competition in a University. However, I sort of felt like a little -none would be good considering the positions I was applying for. One was a fairly high job in the athletic department.....lots of alpha males running around there. So, I figured some -none might make me seem a bit alpha when they\'re looking at the resume (I need the resume to make enough of an impression to get me an interview.) I handed that one in today, and hope the pheros on the paper last long enough for it to make its way through all the channels to get to the person making the decission.

    The other job is actually running a major operation on campus. I won\'t give specifics because I get paranoid of somebody in town getting details and putting the pieces together and figuring out who I am. I know the odds are very slight....but still...

    Anyway, I felt like this other job requires a strong leader....and I don\'t perceive it as the kind of job that is in a position to threaten other people. Also, a major factor is that a committee is deciding this job, and none of the committee is directly related to the department and I would be no threat to any of the committe members. So, knowing all the good applicants they\'ve received on this job (I have a mole inside the orgainzation passing on info about who\'s applying...this guy wants me to get the job), I figured with all the good applicants and the nature of the job, a little -none to help me seem strong might be a good option. I\'m basically just rolling the dice....but again, figured the AFA would be a good choice with its even balance of -none and -nol.

    Anyway, that\'s what I did, but it\'s too early to tell. I\'ll let you know what happens though. If I go on interviews I\'ll then have to decide what products to wear depending on the circumstances.

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